Service | Service Operations | Operation Semantics | Example Consumer(s) |
ImsSubscriber Data Management (_ImsSDM) | Get | Request/ | S-CSCF, I-CSCF, AS, DCSF |
Subscribe | Subscribe/Notify | S-CSCF, AS | |
Unsubscribe | Subscribe/Notify | S-CSCF, AS | |
Notification | Subscribe/Notify | S-CSCF, AS | |
Update | Request/ | AS, DCSF | |
Ims UE Context Management (_ImsUECM) | Registration | Request/ | S-CSCF, IMS AS |
Deregistration | Subscribe/Notify | S-CSCF | |
Deregistration | Request/ | S-CSCF, IMS AS | |
Authorize | Request/ | I-CSCF | |
Update | Request/ | S-CSCF | |
Restoration | Request/ | S-CSCF | |
Restoration | Request/ | S-CSCF | |
ImsUE Authentication (_ImsUEAU) | AsInfoGet | Request/ | NEF |
Get | Request/Response | S-CSCF | |
ImsEventExposure (_ImsEE) | Subscribe | Subscribe/Notify | NEF, Trusted AF |
Unsubscribe | NEF, Trusted AF |
IMS Subscriber data | Description |
Service Profile Data |
This may include e.g. service parameters, the S-CSCF allocated to a public identity or the list of S-CSCFs and their capabilities, Application Server address, triggers, information on subscribed media, profile parameters (e.g. barring indicator, etc.) as defined in TS 29.228.
Service Profile Data is consumed by CSCF.
Repository Data |
Data that is understood syntactically but not semantically by the HSS (unstructured Data). It is data that an AS or DCSF may store in the HSS to support its service logic. One example is data that an AS or DCSF stores in the HSS, using it as a repository.
Service Indication identifies the set of service related transparent data associated to a Public Identity.
Repository Data is consumed by IMS-AS and DCSF.
Non-Transparent Data |
Data that is understood both syntactically and semantically by the HSS e.g. location information. Non-Transparent Data is structured using data references as defined in TS 29.328.
Non-Transparent Data is consumed by IMS-AS.
IMS Subscriber Data Types | Data Key | Data Sub Key |
Service Profile Data | Public Identity | |
Repository Data | Public Identity | Service Indication |
Non-Transparent Data | See NOTE 1 | |
TS 29.328 defines the data keys/subkeys required by each data reference.
Cx message | Source | Destination | HSS SBI service operation name |
Cx-Query | I-CSCF | HSS |
Nhss_ |
Cx-Select-Pull | I-CSCF | HSS |
Nhss_ |
Cx-Put | S-CSCF | HSS |
Nhss_ Nhss_ Nhss_ Nhss_ |
Cx-Pull | S-CSCF | HSS |
Nhss_ Nhss_ Nhss_ Nhss_ |
Cx-Location-Query | I-CSCF | HSS |
Nhss_ Nhss_ |
Cx-AuthDataReq | S-CSCF | HSS |
Nhss_ Nhss_ |
Cx-Deregister | HSS | S-CSCF |
Nhss_ |
Cx-Update_Subscr_Data | HSS | S-CSCF |
Nhss_ |
Corresponds to Cx-Select-Pull for the requests of S-CSCF capabilities from I-CSCF to the HSS.
Corresponds to Cx-Put for Registration of S-CSCF in HSS during Registration/Re-registration and Unregistered cases.
Corresponds to Cx-Put for de-registration of S-CSCF in HSS.
Corresponds to Cx-Put message for updating the registration state of Public Identity in HSS.
Corresponds to Cx-Put message for storing S-CSCF Restoration data during IMS registration procedures.
Corresponds to Cx-Pull when S-CSCF needs to fetch and subscribe to notification of changes in IMS User's Service Profile Data.
Corresponds to Cx-Pull for retrieval of S-CSCF Restoration data from HSS.
Corresponds to Cx-Location-Query for the requests of S-CSCF capabilities from I-CSCF to the HSS.
Corresponds to Cx-Put for the assignment of a S-CSCF during execution of the authentication of the IMS User.
Sh message | Source | Destination | HSS SBI service operation name |
Sh-Pull | AS | HSS | Nhss_ |
Sh-Update | AS | HSS | Nhss_ |
Sh-Subs-Notif | AS | HSS |
Nhss_ Nhss_ Nhss_ |
Sh-Notif | HSS | AS | Nhss_ |
Service Name | Service Operations | Operation Semantics | Example Consumer(s) |
Nimsas_ | Subscribe | Subscribe/Notify | DCSF |
Notify | Subscribe/Notify | DCSF | |
Nimsas_ | MediaInstruction | Request/Response | DCSF |
Nimsas_ | Create | Request/Response | NEF, Trusted AF |
Update | Request/Response | NEF, Trusted AF | |
Delete | Request/Response | NEF, Trusted AF | |
Notify | Subscribe/Notify | NEF, Trusted AF | |
Nimsas_ | Subscribe | Subscribe/Notify | NEF, HSS, Trusted AF |
Unsubscribe | Subscribe/Notify | NEF, HSS, Trusted AF | |
Notify | Subscribe/Notify | NEF, Trusted AF | |
Nimsas_ | Create | Request/Response | NEF, Trusted AF |
Update | Request/Response | NEF, Trusted AF | |
Delete | Request/Response | NEF, Trusted AF |
EventID | Parameters |
SessionEstablishmentRequestEvent | Calling ID, Called ID, Session case, Event initiator, Media info list |
SessionEstablishmentProgressEvent | Media info list |
SessionEstablishmentAlertingEvent | Media info list |
SessionEstablishmentSuccessEvent | Media info list |
SessionEstablishmentFailureEvent | |
MediaChangeRequestEvent. | Event initiator, Media info list, Calling ID, Called ID, Session case |
MediaChangeSuccessEvent | Media info list |
MediaChangeFailureEvent | Media info list |
SessionTerminationEvent | Session case |
3rdPartySessionUpdate | Media information set |
3rdPartySessionCreation | Media information set |
EventID | Parameters |
SessionEstablishmentSuccessEvent | Calling or Called party ID |
SessionEstablishmentFailureEvent | Calling or Called party ID, reason of the failure |
MediaChangeSuccessEvent | Calling or Called party ID |
MediaChangeFailureEvent | Calling or Called party ID, reason of the failure |
SessionTerminationEvent | Calling or Called party ID |
NF service | Service Operations | Operation Semantics | Example Consumer(s) |
Nmf_ | Create | Request/Response | IMS AS |
Update | Request/Response | IMS AS | |
Delete | Request/Response | IMS AS |