The UAE capabilities (UAE client and UAE server) utilize the group management service procedures (e.g. creation, join, leave) of SEAL based on the group configuration information (e.g. group join policy, group leader) provided by the UAS application specific layer. The decisions and corresponding triggers (e.g. group creation, join, leave) for group management are responsibility of the UAS application specific layer. The group management service of SEAL provides support for creating group for UAS for supporting UAS applications and C2 communications.
The UAS application specific server(s) may directly utilize the group management service procedures of SEAL.
The following information flows of group management service of SEAL as specified in
TS 23.434 are applicable for the UAS applications:
The usage of the above information flows are clarified as below:
The identity is the UE ID or CAA level UAV ID;
The identity list or identities list is the list of UE IDs or CAA level UAV IDs; and
The VAL server is the UAE server or the UAS application specific server.
The following procedures of group management service of SEAL as specified in
TS 23.434 are applicable for the UAS applications:
The following APIs of group management service of SEAL as specified in
TS 23.434 are applicable for the UAS applications: