
Content for  TS 23.255  Word version:  19.4.0

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6  Identitiesp. 24

6.1  Generalp. 24

This clause describes the identities associated with the entities in the UAS application layer and used in this specification.

6.2  UAV Identifier (UAV ID)p. 24

The UAV identifier is used to uniquely identify a UAV. The UAV ID is in the form of a 3GPP UE ID (e.g. GPSI, External Identifier) as specified in TS 23.501 or CAA level UAV ID as assigned by civil aviation authorities (e.g. FAA) via USS/UTM.

6.3  UAS Identifier (UAS ID)p. 24

The UAS identifier is used to uniquely identify a pair of UAV and UAV-C collectively known as UAS. The UAS ID is in the form of a Group ID as specified in TS 23.434 or a collection of individual identifiers of the entities in the UAS (e.g. CAA level UAV IDs, 3GPP UE IDs).

6.4  UAS Application Specific Server Identifier (UASS ID)p. 24

The UAS application specific server identifier is used to uniquely identify the UAS application specific server. The UASS ID is in the form of URI.

6.5  UAE Server Identifier (UAE Server ID)p. 24

The UAE server identifier is used to uniquely identify the UAE server. The UAE Server ID is in the form of URI.

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