
Content for  TS 23.255  Word version:  19.4.0

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7.5  Real-Time UAV Connection Status Monitoring and Location reportingp. 49

7.5.1  Generalp. 49

This clause enables the UAE server to provide a real-time view of UAV network status and location reporting based on current network connection status, in particular with the supporting of following use cases:
  • Support of real-time monitor the 3GPP network connection with UAVs.
  • Support of reporting of loss of communication with UAVs.
  • Support of location reporting such as last known location after loss of communication.

7.5.2  Proceduresp. 49  Procedure for real-time UAV network connection status monitoring and location updatep. 49

Figure illustrates the real-time network monitoring and location update support for UAV operations.
  • UAE server has subscribed to the monitoring event API for connection monitoring by the NRM server for both UAV and/or UAV client as specified in clause of TS 23.434.
  • UAE server has subscribed for the location information and location deviation monitoring events of UAV from LM server as per the clause 9.3.7 and clause specified in TS 23.434.
  • Subscription for real-time UAV status information is performed as specified in clause
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. Real-time UAV network connection status monitoring and location update
Step 1.
The UAE server receives location report and location deviation monitoring event notifications from LM server as specified in clause 9.3.8 and clause of TS 23.434. UAE server shall record the current location reporting timestamp as specified in clause of TS 23.434.
Step 2.
The UAE server receives monitoring events notification as specified in clause of TS 23.434. If events are regarding loss of UE reachability such as when received "Loss_of_connectivity_notification", the UAE server shall record such event with current timestamp.
Step 3.
NRM server sends notification when UE re-connected status is detected as specified in clause of TS 23.434.
Step 4.
The UAE server shall record such event with current timestamp, plus with last known location information and timestamp as specified in clause of TS 23.434 and trigger location update as specified in clause 9.3.4 of TS 23.434.
Up  Subscription for real-time UAV status informationp. 50

Figure describes the procedure for subscription for real-time UAV status information.
  • UAS application specific server has been provisioned with UAE server information.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. Subscription for real-time UAV status information
Step 1.
The UAE application specific server sends subscribe real-time UAV status information request to the UAE server. The request includes one or more UAV ID(s).
Step 2.
The UAE server stores the subscription information.
Step 3.
The UAE server sends subscription response to the UAS application specific server.  Notification of real-time UAV status informationp. 50

  • UAS application specific server has performed subscription as per procedure in clause with UAE server and the procedure for processing real-time UAV status as specified in clause has performed.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. Notification for real-time UAV status information
Step 1.
When real-time UAV status information is available at the UAE as per the subscription then, the UAE server sends notification of one or more real-time UAV(s) status information to the UAS application specific server.  Unsubscription for real-time UAV status informationp. 51

Figure describes the procedure for unsubscription for real-time UAV status information.
  • UAS application specific server has performed the subscription procedure as specified in clause
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. Unsubscription for real-time UAV status information
Step 1.
The UAE application specific server sends unsubscribe real-time UAV status information request to the UAE server. The request includes the subscription ID.
Step 2.
The UAE server cancels the subscription information.
Step 3.
The UAE server sends unsubscription response to the UAS application specific server.

7.5.3  Information flowsp. 51  Information flows between UAE server and SEAL serversp. 51

The usage of information flows between UAE server and SEAL's Location Management Server is specified in clause
The usage of information flows between UAE server and SEAL's Network Resource Management Server is specified in clause  Subscribe real-time UAV status information requestp. 51

Table describes the information flow for a UAS application specific server to subscribe to real-time UAV status information at the UAE server.
Information element Status Description
UASS IDMThe identifier of the UAS application specific server which initiated this request.
UAV ID (s)MThe identifier of one or more UAV(s) (e.g. 3GPP UE ID or CAA level UAV ID) for which the real-time UAV status is requested.
Area of InterestMGeographic area location information where the UASS server wishes to monitor the UAS's location adherence.
Notification Target URIMTarget URI where the UAS application specific server wishes to receive the notifications about real-time UAV status information.
Up  Subscribe real-time UAV status information responsep. 52

Table describes the information flow for UAE server to respond for real-time UAV status subscription request from the UAS application specific server.
Information element Status Description
ResultMResult from the UAE server in response to subscription request indicating success or failure
Subscription ID (NOTE)OIdentifier of a successful subscription.
This IE is included when the Result indicates success
Up  Notify real-time UAV status informationp. 52

Table describes the information flow for a UAS application specific server to receive notification about real-time UAV status information from the UAE server.
Information element Status Description
Subscription IDMIdentifier of the subscription for this notification.
Real-time UAV(s) status informationMOne or more real-time UAV(s) status information
>UAV IDMThe identifier of the UAV (e.g. 3GPP UE ID or CAA level UAV ID) for which the real-time UAV status information is notified.
>UAV status informationMThe UAV status information includes the UAV network connection status information, location information and timestamp.
Up  Unsubscribe real-time UAV status information requestp. 52

Table describes the information flow for a UAS application specific server to unsubscribe to real-time UAV status information at the UAE server.
Information element Status Description
Subscription IDMIdentifier of the subscription for this notification.
Up  Unsubscribe real-time UAV status information responsep. 52

Table describes the information flow for UAE server to respond for real-time UAV status unsubscription request from the UAS application specific server.
Information element Status Description
ResultMResult from the UAE server in response to unsubscription request indicating success or failure

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