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7.10  UAS provided flight routes |R19|p. 82

7.10.1  Generalp. 82

This feature enables the UAE server to provide possible fight path based on specific QoS requested from UTM or UAV. In particular, the UAE layer provides support for the flight route selection.

7.10.2  Proceduresp. 82  Flight route supportp. 82

Figure describes the flight route support procedure.
  • UAV has performed the UAS UE registration procedure.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. Flight route calculation procedure
Step 1.
The UAS application specific server or UAE client (UAV or UAV-C) sends flight route request towards the UAE server. This request contains network parameters needed for the specific needs of the specific use case (start point, destination point, specific times of start point and end point, needed QoS, link reliability, shortest route needed, etc).
Step 2.
The UAE server has the role of a route planning unit and based on the received end points and provisioned information (e.g., restricted areas, existing flight paths, available base stations coverage, shortest distance, shortest time duration) calculates possible waypoints as geographical coordinates and specific times.
Step 3.
The UAE server checks with NWDAF (via NEF) the QoS sustainability analytics (clause 6.9 of TS 23.288) in these areas of interest/waypoints identified in step 2. Location information towards the NWDAF is presented as area of interest or path of interest and can reflect a list of waypoints. Based on the received information from NWDAF the UAE server selects waypoints (geographical coordinates and time) which KPIs map the requested criteria in step1.
Step 4.
The UAE server sends flight route reply with the selected waypoints in step 3 to the entity which has send the request (UTM, UAV or UAV-C).

7.10.3  Information flowsp. 82  Flight route requestp. 82

Table describes the information flow for the UAS application specific server or UAE client to request flight route from the UAE server.
Information element Status Description
UASS IDMIdentity of the UAS application specific server which requests the flight route. This ID can be the USS identifier, when the UAS application specific server is the USS.
UAV IDMThe identifier of the UAV/UAV-C (e.g. 3GPP UE ID or CAA level UAV ID) which requests the flight route.
Start pointMGeographical coordinates of starting point.
Start timeMTime on which the UAV is at the starting point.
Destination pointMGeographical coordinates of destination point.
Destination timeMTime on which the UAV is at the destination point.
Required minimum QoSMThe needed QoS to support the flight mission.
Service availabilityOPercentage of needed service availability.
Shortest route indicatorOIndicator for a need of shortest route.
Up  Flight route replyp. 83

Table describes the information flow for the UAS application specific server to reply with flight route the UAS application specific server or UAE client.
Information element Status Description
ResultMResult from the UAE server in response to flight route request indicating success or failure.
List of waypoints
OList of waypoints containing geographical coordinates and time for each waypoint.
If Result IE indicates success, then List of waypoints IE provided by UAE server is present

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