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C  Examples of usage of SEAL by UAS application specific serverp. 108

All procedures of SEAL services (e.g. GMS, LMS) are available directly for usage by UAS application specific server. Some examples of the usage of SEAL by the UAS application specific server is illustrated below:
  • Group creation procedures of Group Management server provides support for the UAS applications (e.g. paired UAV and UAV-C are grouped) to provide a dedicated group for the UAV and UAV-C to communicate with each other.
  • The UAS application specific server (e.g. USS/UTM) monitors the presence of UAVs in a given geographic area by using the Monitoring Location Deviation procedure of the LM server.
  • The UAS application specific server (e.g. USS/UTM) can directly fetch the multiple UAV related events from NRM server (e.g. to detect any events related to the UAV, the UAS application specific server can need multiple events related to the UAV (UE) from the 3GPP core network).
  • The UAS application specific client and UAS application specific server can utilize the resource management procedures of the NRM server to manage unicast resources associated to SIP sessions.

$  Change historyp. 109

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