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7.8  Tracking dynamic UAVs in an application defined area relative to a host UAV |R18|p. 68

7.8.1  Generalp. 68

The UAE server can be responsible for tracking a host UAV's dynamic information (i.e., information of other dynamic UAVs in an application defined area relative to a host UAV). As per a proximity range set by the application layer (e.g. UAS Application Specific Server), the UAE layer supports providing the dynamic information (i.e. other UAVs' location information) to the UAS Application Specific Server (UTM/USS) and/or to the host UAV. This feature can be utilized by UAS applications (e.g. DAA, Dynamic maps).
This feature utilizes the following procedures:
  • UAS Application Specific Server or the host UAV subscription for host UAV's dynamic information with UAE server.
  • UAE server tracking host UAV's UE location with support from SEAL's location management server.
  • UAE server management of dynamic UE location based group.
  • UAE server obtaining dynamic information from the UAVs in application defined proximity range of the host UAV.
  • UAE server notification of host UAV's dynamic information to the UAS Application Specific Server and/or to the host UAV.

7.8.2  Proceduresp. 69  Subscription for host UAV dynamic informationp. 69

Figure describes the procedure for subscription for host UAV's dynamic information.
  • UAS Application Specific Server has registered with UAE server 1 which is responsible for the host UAV.
  • The UAV ID and application defined proximity range information are configured on the host UAV.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. Subscription for host UAV dynamic information
Step 1.
The UAS Application Specific Server or UAE client of host UAV sends a subscribe host UAV dynamic information request to the UAE server 1. The request includes the UAV ID of the host UAV, application defined proximity range information.
Step 2.
The UAE server 1 stores the subscription information.
Step 3.
The UAE server 1 sends subscription response to the UAS Application Specific Server.
Step 4.
The UAE server 1 obtains and initiates tracking the host UAV location from the location management server 1 as specified in TS 23.434.
Up  Management of dynamic UE location based groupp. 69

Figure describes the procedure for management of dynamic UE location based group.
  • UAE server 1 has received an updated location of the host UAV as per procedure specified in TS 23.434.
  • UAE server 1 is configured with UAE server 2..N information of other UAS operator and their supported region of operation.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. Management of dynamic UE location group
Step 1.
Dynamic UE location based group creation or update is triggered (e.g. notified of the UE location of host UAV) via the step 4 in clause for the UAV ID of the host UAV.
Step 2.
UAE server 1 uses its associated LMS 1 to obtain the dynamic UE list and the corresponding location information in the proximity area of the host UAV by providing the application defined proximity range and the UE location of the host UAV as specified in clause 9.3.10 of TS 23.434.
Step 3.
UAE server 1 determines the list of other UAE servers 2..N operating in the same location.
Step 4.
For each UAE server determined in step 3, UAE server 1 requests the dynamic UE list and its corresponding location information for the application defined proximity range by providing the UE location of the host UAV.
Step 5.
The UAE server(s) 2..N obtain UE information corresponding to the UE location and application defined proximity range from its corresponding LMS 2..N as specified in TS 23.434.
Step 6.
The UAE server(s) 2..N sends get response with UE list in the UE location and application defined proximity range to UAE server 1.
Step 7.
If UAE server 1 has no dynamic UE location group for the UAV ID, the UAE server 1 creates a dynamic UE location based group with the UE list received from its LMS and other UAE server(s) 2..N. Further UAE server 1 stores the dynamic UE location based group. Otherwise, the UAE server 1 updates the dynamic UE location group with the latest UE information. The UAVs whose locations are no more within the application defined proximity range are removed from the dynamic UE location group.
Up  Obtaining dynamic information of the UEs in application defined proximity rangep. 71  Subscription procedure within UAS operatorp. 71
Figure describes the subscription procedure within UAS operator to obtain dynamic information from the UEs in application defined proximity range.
  • UAE server 1 is tracking the host UAV and has created the dynamic UE location based group as per procedure in clause
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. Subscription procedure within UAS operator
Step 1.
The UAE server 1 managing the dynamic UE location group sends subscribe dynamic information request to the UAE clients who are part of the dynamic UE location group. These UAE clients (UAVs) belong to the same UAS operator as the host UAV. The request consists of reporting configuration (e.g. frequency of reporting, event based).
Step 2.
The UAE client(s) store the subscription information.
Step 3.
The UAE client(s) send a subscription response to the UAE server 1.  Subscription procedure across UAS operatorsp. 71
Figure describes the subscription procedure across UAS operators to obtain dynamic information from the UEs in application defined proximity range.
  • UAE server 1 has created the dynamic UE location based group as per procedure in clause
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. Subscription procedure across UAS operators
Step 1.
The UAE server 1 managing the dynamic UE location group sends subscribe dynamic information request to the UAE server(s) who's UAVs are part of the dynamic UE location group. The request consists of UAV IDs, reporting configuration (e.g. frequency of reporting, event based).
Step 2.
The UAE server 2 performs subscription procedure as specified in clause with the UAE client(s).
Step 3.
The UAE server 2 sends a subscription response to the UAE server 1.
Up  Notification procedurep. 72
Figure describes the notification procedure of dynamic information from the UEs in application defined proximity range.
  • UAE server 2 has received the notification of dynamic information from its subscribed UAE client(s).
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. Notification procedure
Step 1.
As per subscription procedure in clause and clause, the UAE client(s) and UAE server 2 (of another UAS operator) send notification of dynamic information to the UAE server 1. The notification includes the nearby UE information (e.g. UAVs), distance with nearby UEs, UEs location information.
Step 2.
The UAE server 1 aggregates information from different UAE clients to create the host UAV dynamic information.
Up  Notification of host UAV dynamic informationp. 72

  • UAS Application Specific Server has performed subscription as per procedure in clause with UAE server 1.
  • UAE server 1 has prepared the host UAV dynamic information as per procedure in clause
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. Notification for host UAV dynamic information
Step 1.
The UAE server 1 sends notification of host UAV dynamic information to the subscribed entity (i.e. UAS Application Specific Server and/or to the subscribed UAE client of the host UAV). The notification includes the aggregated information of all the UEs in the application defined proximity range of the host UAV and the location of the host UAV.
Step 2.
The UAS Application Specific Server or the UAE client of the host UAV updates the host UAV dynamic information with the host UAV dynamic information received in step 1. The UAE client provides the host UAV dynamic information to the UAS Client.
Up  Unsubscription for host UAV dynamic informationp. 73

Figure describes the procedure for unsubscription for host UAV's dynamic information.
  • The UAS Application Specific Server or UAE client of the host UAV have performed the subscription procedure as specified in clause
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. Unsubscription for host UAV dynamic information
Step 1.
The UAS Application Specific Server or UAE client of host UAV sends a unsubscribe host UAV dynamic information request to the UAE server 1. The request includes subscription ID.
Step 2.
The UAE server 1 removes the previously stored subscription information.
Step 3.
The UAE server 1 sends unsubscription response to the UAS Application Specific Server.
Step 4.
The UAE server 1 stops tracking the host UAV location from the location management server 1 as specified in TS 23.434.

7.8.3  Information flowsp. 73  Subscribe host UAV dynamic information requestp. 73

Table describes the information flow for a UAS application specific server to subscribe to host UAV dynamic information at the UAE server.
Information element Status Description
UAV IDMIdentifier of the host UAV.
Application defined proximity range informationMDescription of the range information over which the host UAV's dynamic information is required.
Up  Subscribe host UAV dynamic information responsep. 73

Table describes the information flow for UAE server to respond for host UAV dynamic subscription request from the UAS application specific server.
Information element Status Description
ResultMResult from the UAE server in response to subscription request indicating success or failure
Subscription ID (NOTE)OIdentifier of a successful subscription.
This IE is included when the Result indicates success
Up  Notify Host UAV dynamic informationp. 74

Table describes the information flow for a UAS application specific server to receive notification about Host UAV dynamic information from the UAE server.
Information element Status Description
Subscription IDMIdentifier of the subscription for this notification.
Location of the host UAVMThe location of the host UAV during the Host UAV dynamic information subscription.
List of UAVs informationMThe information of the UAVs which were detected in the application defined proximity range.
>Nearby UAV IDMThe identifier of nearby UAS
>Location informationMLocation information of the nearby UAV within the application defined proximity range
>Distance informationMDistance information of the nearby UAV, relative to the host UAV.
Up  Notification of dynamic informationp. 74

Table describes the information flow for notification of dynamic information from UAE client to the UAE server.
Information element Status Description
Subscription IDMIdentifier of the subscription for this notification.
List of UAVs informationMThe information of the UAVs which were detected in the proximity area of the reporting UAV.
>Nearby UAV IDMThe identifier of nearby UAV
>Local dynamic informationMThe local dynamic information of the nearby UAV (e.g. location)
Up  Unsubscribe host UAV dynamic information requestp. 74

Table describes the information flow for a UAS application specific server to unsubscribe the host UAV dynamic information at the UAE server.
Information element Status Description
Subscription ID (NOTE)MIdentifier of a successful subscription.
Up  Unsubscribe host UAV dynamic information responsep. 74

Table describes the information flow for UAE server to respond for host UAV dynamic unsubscription request from the UAS application specific server.
Information element Status Description
ResultMResult from the UAE server in response to unsubscription request indicating success or failure.

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