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7.3  UAV and UAV-C Pairing and C2 QoS Provisioning using Group IDp. 35

7.3.1  Generalp. 35

This clause describes the procedure for UAV and UAV-C grouping C2 QoS provisioning using subsequent group ID. It also provides the procedure for UAV replacement resulting in group ID update.

7.3.2  Proceduresp. 35  Procedure for group creation for one pair of UAV and UAV-Cp. 35

Figure illustrates a high-level procedure for group creation.
  • Both UAV-C and UAV have successfully registered and connected to the UAE server.
  • A CAA level UAV ID is already assigned to the UAV-C and UAV.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. Procedure for group creation for one pair of UAV and UAV-C
Step 1.
The UAE server recognizes a unique pair of UAV and UAV-C either by 3GPP UE ID or CAA level UAV ID.
Step 2.
The UAE server sends a group creation request to the SEAL GM server, if there is no pre-assigned group ID, by using the GM-S reference link as specified in TS 23.434 using the procedure defined in clause 10.3. The SEAL GM server creates one group ID for one pair of UAV and UAV-C as specified in TS 23.434.
Step 3.
The UAE server uses the returned group ID for UAS for QoS management.
Up  Procedure for group-based approach for C2 QoS provisioningp. 36

Figure illustrates a high-level workflow of group-based C2 QoS provisioning.
  • Both UAV and UAV-C have registered to 3GPP 5G network respectively. C2 communication is established.
  • The procedure specified in clause is performed and the group ID for the UAS group is available at the UAE server.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. Procedure of group-based approach for C2 QoS provisioning.
Step 1.
The UAE server monitors the QoS for the UAS group (which includes a UAV and UAV-C) by SEAL NRM as specified in TS 23.434.
Step 2.
In cases where the network condition for C2 communication does not satisfy the pre-defined QoS requirement, the UAE server may choose to send QoS adaptation request to the SEAL NRM server using the NRM-S reference point as specified in TS 23.434. The QoS adaptation request needs to be sent per group ID for a pair of UAV and UAV-C created in the procedure specified in clause The subsequent network resource adaptation procedure is triggered by the UAE server as specified in clause of TS 23.434.
Step 3.
The UAE client and UAE server established communication based on new QoS requirements as specified in clause of TS 23.434.
Step 4.
UAS application layer adapts the updated QoS assignment.
Up  Procedure for group updatep. 36

Figure illustrates the group membership update when UAV-2 is used to replace UAV-1.
  • The UAV-C, UAV-1, and UAV-2 are all previously successfully subscribed with 3GPP Core Network and UAS application specific server (e.g. USS/UTM) and have received a 3GPP UE ID (e.g. GPSI) and a CAA level UAV ID.
  • The UAV-1 and UAV-C have been grouped by a group ID by SEAL GMS as specified in clause
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. Procedure for group update
Step 1.
The UAE server recognizes a new pair of UAV-2 and UAV-C by the new CAA level UAV ID.
Step 2.
The UAE server sends a group membership update request to the SEAL GM server using the procedure specified in clause of TS 23.434. The SEAL GM server sends a group membership update response as specified in clause of TS 23.434.

7.3.3  Information flowsp. 37

The usage of information flows between UAE server and SEAL's Group management Server is specified in clause
The usage of information flows between UAE server and SEAL's Network Resource Management Server is specified in clause

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