
Content for  TS 23.255  Word version:  19.4.0

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7.1a  UAE layer registrationp. 30

7.1a.1  Generalp. 30

The UAE capabilities provide support for registering UAV/UAV-C at the UAE server. The UAE server uses the registration information to distribute UAE layer messages or UAS application specific layer messages to the appropriate UAS UEs, and to distinguish what capabilities that can be provided to different UAE clients.

7.1a.2  Proceduresp. 30

7.1a.2.1  UAS UE registrationp. 30

7.1a.2.1.1  Generalp. 30
This clause describes the procedure for UAS UE (UAV/UAV-C) to register with the UAE server.
7.1a.2.1.2  Procedurep. 31
  • The UAE client has discovered the UAE server and is aware of the address of the UAE server (e.g. FDQN).
  • The UAV/UAV-C has already been assigned with the UAV ID.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. 7.1a.2.1.1-1: Procedure for registering the UAE client at the UAE server
Step 1.
The UAE client sends a registration request to the UAE server.
Step 2.
The UAE server performs authentication and authorization check (e.g. based on pre-provisioned security information or by interacting with UAS application specific server (e.g. USS/UTM)).
Step 3.
The UAE server sends a registration response to the UAE client indicating success or failure of the registration.

7.1a.2.2  UAS UE deregistrationp. 31

7.1a.2.2.1  Generalp. 31
This clause describes the procedures for UAS UE (UAV/UAV-C) to deregister at the UAE server.
7.1a.2.2.2  Procedurep. 31
  • The UAE client has already registered with the UAE server as described in clause 7.1a.2.1.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. 7.1a.2.2.2-1: Procedure for deregistering the UAE client at the UAE server
Step 1.
The UAE client sends a deregistration request to the UAE server.
Step 2.
The UAE server sends a deregistration response to the UAE client.

7.1a.2.3  UAS UE registration updatep. 32

7.1a.2.3.1  Generalp. 32
This clause describes the procedures for UAS UE (UAV/UAV-C) to update its registration with the UAE server.
7.1a.2.3.2  Procedurep. 32
  • The UAE client has already registered with the UAE server as described in clause 7.1a.2.1.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. 7.1a.2.3.1-1: Procedure for registration update by the UAE client at the UAE server
Step 1.
The UAE client sends a registration update request to the UAE server.
Step 2.
The UAE server sends an acknowledgement to the UAE client.

7.1a.3  Information flowsp. 32

7.1a.3.1  Registration requestp. 32

Table 7.1a.3.1-1 describes the information flow for a UAE client to register with the UAE server.
Information element Status Description
UAV IDMThe identifier of the UAV/UAV-C/LDGS (e.g., 3GPP UE ID or CAA level UAV ID) which initiates the registration request.
UAS UE informationOUAS UE information like IP address, Multi-USS capability, DAA assist capability, Dual Network-Assisted C2 communication link capability, real time flight path monitoring assistance capability, LDGS capability, NTZ indication capability, etc.
Proposed registration lifetime (NOTE)OProposed registration lifetime.
If Proposed registration lifetime IE is not included, then the registration lifetime is valid until explicit deregistration is performed.

7.1a.3.2  Registration responsep. 32

Table 7.1a.3.2-1 describes the information flow for UAE server to respond for registration request from the UAE client.
Information element Status Description
ResultMResult from the UAE server in response to registration request indicating success or failure
Registration lifetimeOThe registration lifetime provided by UAE server if registration is successful

7.1a.3.3  Deregistration requestp. 33

Table 7.1a.3.3-1 describes the information flow for a UAE client to deregister at the UAE server.
Information element Status Description
UAV IDMThe identifier of the UAV/UAV-C (e.g. 3GPP UE ID or CAA level UAV ID) which initiates the deregistration request

7.1a.3.4  Deregistration responsep. 33

Table 7.1a.3.4-1 describes the information flow for UAE server to respond for deregistration request from the UAE client.
Information element Status Description
ResultMResult from the UAE server in response to the deregistration request

7.1a.3.5  Registration update requestp. 33

Table 7.1a.3.5-1 describes the information flow for a UAE client to update registration with the UAE server.
Information element Status Description
UAV IDMThe identifier of the UAV/UAV-C/LDGS (e.g., 3GPP UE ID or CAA level UAV ID) which initiates the registration request.
UAS UE informationMUAS UE information like IP address, Multi-USS capability, DAA assist capability, Dual Network-Assisted C2 communication link capability, real time flight path monitoring assistance capability, LDGS capability, NTZ indication capability, etc.
Proposed registration lifetimeOProposed registration lifetime.

7.1a.3.6  Registration update responsep. 33

Table 7.1a.3.6-1 describes the information flow for UAE server to respond for registration update request from the UAE client.
Information element Status Description
ResultMResult from the UAE server in response to registration update request indicating success or failure
Registration lifetimeOThe registration lifetime provided by UAE server if registration update is successful

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