API Name | API Operations | Known Consumer(s) | Communication Type |
UAE_ | Manage_ | UAS application specific server | Request/ Response |
Notify_ | UAS application specific server | Subscribe/ | |
Notify_ | UAS application specific server | Subscribe/ | |
Notify_ | UAS application specific server | Subscribe/notify | |
UAE_ | Subscribe_ | UAS application specific server | Subscribe/ |
Unsubscribe_ | UAS application specific server | Subscribe/ | |
Notify_ | UAS application specific server | Subscribe/ | |
UAE_ChangeUSSManagement API | Manage_USSManagement | UAS application specific server | Request/ Response |
Notify_USSManagementComplete | UAS application specific server | Subscribe/notify | |
Manage_USSChange | UAS application specific server | Request/ Response | |
Notify_USSChange | UAS application specific server | Subscribe/notify | |
Notify_USSChangeTrigger | UAS application specific server | Subscribe/notify | |
UAE_DAASupport API | Manage_DAAManagement | UAS application specific server | Request/ Response |
Notify_DAAManagementComplete | UAS application specific server | Subscribe/notify | |
Notify_DAAClientSupportEvent | UAS application specific server | Subscribe/notify | |
Manage_DAAServerSupportEvent | UAS application specific server | Request/ Response | |
UAE_UAVDynamicInfo API | Subscribe_UAVDynamicInfo | UAS application specific server | Subscribe/ notify |
Unsubscribe_UAVDynamicInfo | UAS application specific server | Subscribe/ notify | |
Notify_UAVDynamicInfo | UAS application specific server | Subscribe/ notify | |
UAE_FlightPathMonitoring API | Manage_FlightPath | UAS application specific server | Request/ Response |
Notify_FlightPath | UAS application specific server | Subscribe/notify | |
Notify_FlightPath | UAS application specific server | Subscribe/notify | |
UAE_FlightRouteSupport API | Manage_ | UAS application specific server, UAE client | Request/ Response |
Manage_NTZ | UAS application specific server | Request/response | |
Notify_NTZManagementComplete (NOTE 2) | UAS application specific server | Subscribe/notify | |
Configure_NTZ | UAE server | Request/response | |
Notify_NTZ (NOTE 3) | UAE server, UAS application specific server | Subscribe/notify | |
SSUAE_NTZenforce API | Enforce_NTZ | UAE server | Request/response |
UAE_newNTZpolicy API | NewPolicy_NTZ | UAE client | Request/response |
The subscribe operation for Notify_C2OperationModeManagementComplete, Notify_SelectedC2Mode and Notify_C2ModeSwitching is part of Manage_C2OperationMode.
The subscribe operation for Notify_NTZManagementComplete is part of Manage_NTZ.
The subscribe operation for Notify_NTZ is part of Configure_NTZ.