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7.9  Support of real time UAV flight path monitoring assistance |R19|p. 75

7.9.1  Generalp. 75

This feature introduces the UAS application enablement services for support of real time UAV flight path monitoring assistance. In particular, the UAE layer provides support for the following operations:
  • Support of the registration of the UAE clients real time UAV flight path monitoring assistance capability to the UAE server as described in clause 7.1a.
  • Support the real time flight path monitoring assistance procedure from the UAS application specific server to the UAE server and the UAE client, as described in clause and clause
  • Support of the real time flight path reporting procedure from the UAE client to the UAS application specific server, as described in clause

7.9.2  Proceduresp. 75  Real time UAV flight path monitoring assistance procedurep. 75

This procedure manages the real time UAV flight path monitoring assistance at the UAE server, based on an application request from the UAS application specific server to perform real time UAV flight path monitoring assistance.
Figure illustrates the procedure where the UAE server receives a request from the UAS application specific server (e.g., USS) to perform real time UAV flight path monitoring assistance.
  • The UAE client has indicated support of real time UAV flight path monitoring assistance capability.
  • The UAV has received its UAS ID from the UAS application specific server.
  • The UAV has performed the UAS UE registration procedure.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. Real time flight path monitoring assistance procedure
Step 1.
The UAE server receives a Flight path reporting configuration request from the UAS application specific server including QoS and QoE related triggering events (QoS thresholds, QoE thresholds, periodicity to collect QoS and QoE information), validity scope (flight path waypoints and/or geographical area, time). The QoS and QoE related triggering events can be provided separately for Uu and for PC5.
Step 2.
The UAE server sends to the UAS application specific server a Flight path reporting configuration response with a positive or negative acknowledgement of the request, based on capabilities of the UAE server to undertake the task.
Step 3.
The UAE server executes the flight path reporting configuration of the UAE client by sending a configuration request to the UAE client as indicated in Figure, including the UAV identifier, and the configuration parameters received in step 1.
Step 4.
After successful execution of the flight path reporting configuration, the UAE server notifies the UAS application specific server with a Flight path reporting configuration complete.
Up  Real time flight path monitoring assistance configuration of UAE Clientp. 76

This procedure enables the real time flight path monitoring assistance configuration of the UAE client, based on a request from UAS application specific server.
Figure illustrates the procedure that enables configuration of the real time flight path monitoring assistance of the UAE Client.
  • The UAS UE is connected to 5GS and authenticated and authorized by UAS application specific server as specified in clause 5.2 of TS 23.256.
  • The UAE server has established a UAE session with the UAE client as the UAE client is successfully registered to the UAE server.
  • The UAE server has performed the real time UAV flight path monitoring assistance procedure according to clause
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. Real time flight path monitoring assistance configuration of UAE Client
Step 1.
The UAE server sends to the UAE client a Flight path reporting client configuration request including the UAS identifier, including QoS and QoE related triggering events (QoS thresholds, QoE thresholds, periodicity to collect QoS and QoE information), validity scope (flight path waypoints and/or geographical area, time). In case of complete removal of the flight path event, the request shall only include the UAS identifier.
Step 2.
The UAE client updates the flight path configuration as per the information received in step 1.
Step 3.
The UAE client sends to the UAE Server a Flight path reporting client configuration response.
Up  Real time flight path reporting procedurep. 76

This procedure illustrates the procedure where the UAE client processes the flight path event reporting received from a UAE server and sends to the UAS application specific server. The UAE server can provide flight path reports including associated UAV location information as the UAE server is informed by the UAE client, or in consolidated flight path report(s).
Figure illustrates the procedure that reports real time flight path information from the UAE Client.
  • The UAE client has indicated support of real time UAV flight path monitoring assistance capability.
  • The UAS application specific server has provided the real time UAV flight path monitoring assistance configuration to the UAE client.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. Real time flight path reporting procedure
Step 1.
The UAE client detects event(s) for Uu or PC5 based on application layer experienced rules and thresholds as indicated from the flight path reporting configuration outlined in Figure, QoS thresholds, QoE thresholds, periodicity to collect QoS and QoE information, validity scope (flight path waypoints and/or geographical area, time).
Step 2.
The UAE client sends to the UAE server a Flight path event report including detected event(s) (e.g., low/high QoS and/or QoE). The UAE server records the event(s) with current timestamp.
Step 3.
The UAE server requests UAE client current location information from the SEAL location services. The UAE server records the received location information with current timestamp.
Step 4.
The UAE server sends to the UAS application specific server a Flight path event report notification. Based on the flight path reporting configuration, the UAE server may send the flight path information with location report information to the UAS application specific server when received, periodically or when the session with the UAE client end (e.g., when flight mission completes).
Step 5.
The UAS application specific server confirms with a Flight path event report notification acknowledgement to the UAE server.

7.9.3  Information flowsp. 77  Flight path reporting configuration requestp. 77

Table describes the flight path reporting configuration request from the UAS application specific server to the UAE server.
Information element Status Description
UASS IDMIdentity of the UAS application specific server which requests the flight path reporting configuration. This ID can be the USS identifier, when the UAS application specific server is the USS.
UAS IDMThe identification of the UAS for which the Flight path reporting configuration request applies. This could be in form of identifier for the UAS, e.g group ID; or collection of individual identifiers for the UAV and UAV-C, e.g. CAA level UAV ID, GPSI.
Parameters for Uu / PC5OParameters for Uu and PC5
> QoS parametersOParameters for flight path reporting configuration related with QoS (e.g., jitter, latency, throughput, error rate, packet loss).
  • QoS thresholds
  • QoS periodicity
> QoE parametersOParameters for flight path reporting configuration related with QoE (e.g., distance and time deviation relative to the planned flight path).
  • QoE thresholds
  • QoE periodicity
> Time validityOTime validity where the flight path client configuration applies.
> List of waypointsOOne or more waypoints along the flight path where the flight path client configuration applies.
> Geographical areaOThe area where the flight path client configuration applies. This can be geographical area, or topological area.
> Reporting frequencyOIndication on how often the UAS application specific server would like to be reported. This can be event based and / or time based.
Parameters for PC5O Parameters for PC5. If this set is provided, the above parameters "Parameters for Uu / PC5" is only for Uu.
> QoS parametersOParameters for flight path reporting configuration related with QoS (e.g., jitter, latency, throughput, error rate, packet loss).
  • QoS thresholds
  • QoS periodicity
> QoE parametersOParameters for flight path reporting configuration related with QoE (e.g., distance and time deviation relative to the planned flight path).
  • QoE thresholds
  • QoE periodicity
> Time validityOTime validity where the flight path client configuration applies.
> List of waypointsOOne or more waypoints along the flight path where the flight path client configuration applies.
> Geographical areaOThe area where the flight path client configuration applies. This can be geographical area, or topological area.
> Reporting frequencyOIndication on how often the UAS application specific server would like to be reported. This can be event based and / or time based.
If no flight path reporting configuration information is included, it indicates removal of a previously provided flight path reporting client configuration.
Up  Flight path reporting configuration responsep. 79

Table describes the flight path reporting configuration response from the UAE server to the UAS application specific server.
Information element Status Description
ResultMThe positive or negative result of the flight path reporting configuration request.
Up  Flight path reporting configuration completep. 79

Table describes the information flow Flight path reporting configuration complete from the UAE server to the UAS application specific server.
Information element Status Description
ResultMThe positive or negative result of the flight path reporting configuration.
Up  Flight path reporting client configuration requestp. 79

Table describes the information flow flight path reporting client configuration request from the UAE server to the UAE client.
Information element Status Description
UAS IDMThe identification of the UAS for which the flight path reporting client configuration request applies. This could be in form of identifier for the UAS, e.g. group ID; or collection of individual identifiers for the UAV and UAV-C, e.g. CAA level UAV ID, GPSI.
Parameters for Uu / PC5OParameters for Uu and PC5
> QoS parametersOParameters for flight path reporting configuration related with QoS (e.g., jitter, latency, throughput, error rate, packet loss).
  • QoS thresholds
  • QoS periodicity
> QoE parametersOParameters for flight path reporting configuration related with QoE (e.g., distance and time deviation relative to the planned flight path).
  • QoE thresholds
  • QoE periodicity
> Time validityOTime validity where the flight path client configuration applies.
> List of waypointsOOne or more waypoints along the flight path where the flight path client configuration applies.
> Geographical areaOThe area where the flight path client configuration applies. This can be geographical area, or topological area.
> Reporting frequencyOIndication on how often the UAE server would like to be reported. This can be event based and / or time based.
Parameters for PC5O Parameters for PC5. If this set is provided, the above parameters "Parameters for Uu / PC5" is only for Uu.
> QoS parametersOParameters for flight path reporting configuration related with QoS (e.g., jitter, latency, throughput, error rate, packet loss).
  • QoS thresholds
  • QoS periodicity
> QoE parametersOParameters for flight path reporting configuration related with QoE (e.g., distance and time deviation relative to the planned flight path).
  • QoE thresholds
  • QoE periodicity
> Time validityOTime validity where the flight path client configuration applies.
> List of waypointsOOne or more waypoints along the flight path where the flight path client configuration applies.
> Geographical areaOThe area where the flight path client configuration applies. This can be geographical area, or topological area.
> Reporting frequencyOIndication on how often the UAE server would like to be reported. This can be event based and / or time based.
If no flight path reporting client configuration information is included, it indicates removal of a previously provided flight path reporting client configuration.
Up  Flight path reporting client configuration responsep. 80

Table describes the information flow flight path reporting client configuration response from the UAE client to the UAE server.
Information element Status Description
ResultMThe positive or negative result of the flight path reporting client configuration.
Up  Flight path event reportp. 81

Table describes the information flow flight path event report from the UAE client to the UAE server.
Information element Status Description
ReportMIndication of event-based, periodic or final flight part event report.
> QoS eventOIndication of QoS event(s).
> QoE eventOIndication of QoE event(s).
> Waypoint eventOIndication of waypoint event(s).
> Geographical eventOIndication of geographical event(s).
> QoS event for PC5OIndication of QoS event(s).
> QoE event for PC5OIndication of QoE event(s).
> Waypoint event for PC5OIndication of waypoint event(s).
> Geographical event for PC5OIndication of geographical event(s).
Zero, one or more of each of the events may be provided for Uu and/or PC5. If separate parameters for PC5 are provided, then separate events for PC5 are provided.
Up  Flight path event report notificationp. 81

Table describes the information flow flight path event report notification from the UAE server to the UAS application specific server.
Information element Status Description
ReportMIndication of event-based, periodic or final flight part event report.
> QoS eventOIndication of QoS event(s).
> QoE eventOIndication of QoE event(s).
> Waypoint eventOIndication of waypoint event(s).
> Geographical eventOIndication of geographical event(s).
> TimeOTime of reception of the report(s) from the UAE client.
> LocationOLocation of the UAE client when the report(s) from the UAE client was received by the UAE server.
> QoS event for PC5OIndication of QoS event(s).
> QoE event for PC5OIndication of QoE event(s).
> Waypoint event for PC5OIndication of waypoint event(s).
> Geographical event for PC5OIndication of geographical event(s).
> Time for event for PC5OTime of reception of the report(s) from the UAE client.
> Location of event for PC5OLocation of the UAE client when the report(s) from the UAE client was received by the UAE server.
Zero, one or more of each of the events may be provided for Uu and/or PC5. If separate parameters for PC5 are provided, then separate events for PC5 are provided.

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