
Content for  TS 23.255  Word version:  19.4.0

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A  Support for edge deploymentsp. 102

The application architecture for supporting edge applications are specified in TS 23.558. The UAS application layer as specified in clause 5 can be deployed in edge computing environment.
Figure A-1 illustrates a UAS application layer deployment in edge computing environments.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.255, Fig. A-1: UAS application layer deployment in edge computing environment
Figure A-1 illustrates how the UAS application architecture can be deployed with the application architecture for supporting edge applications. In a UE, the UAS application specific client(s), UAE client and SEAL clients interact with the Edge Enabler Client (EEC) via EDGE-5 reference point in order to consume edge services. In an Edge Data Network (EDN), the UAS application specific server(s), UAE server and SEAL servers acting as Edge Application Server (EAS), interacts with the Edge Enabler Server (EES) via EDGE-3 reference point. The service provisioning and EAS discovery enable the UAS application layer entities in the UE to communicate with the application layer entities in the EDN. The interactions between the entities and 5GS are not shown for the sake of simplicity.

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