
Content for  TS 31.102  Word version:  18.5.0

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M (Normative)  USIM application dedicated for IOPS |R13|p. 385

M.1  Introductionp. 385

IOPS allows to provide network service to Public Safety users even in the case the network has no or only limited backhaul connectivity. One of the main issues in such cases is the missing backhaul to perform authentication. A solution has been defined by using local HSSs which take over the responsibility for authentication in IOPS mode.
A problem identified for IOPS security when making use of local HSS is the higher probability of a compromise of a local HSS. Therefore the security solution described in TS 33.401 uses a local HSS with different authentication credentials than the standard HSS in normal operation. Additionally there might be several local HSSs and to further reduce the impact of possible compromised local HSSs, each local HSS should use different authentication credentials.
The security solution described in TS 33.401 is based on a USIM application dedicated for IOPS and using derived individual keys per local HSS.
3GPP TS 23.401 Annex K specifies a PLMN identity dedicated for IOPS mode of operation. Additionally a USIM dedicated for IOPS uses an Access Control Class of '11' or '15'.

M.2  Features of the USIM dedicated for IOPSp. 385

The USIM dedicated for IOPS may be implemented as a single USIM on a UICC or as a secondary USIM application together with a normal USIM on one UICC. The USIM for IOPS is a regular USIM application and contains all mandatory EFs for a USIM and may also include any of the optional EFs defined for a USIM.
The USIM dedicated for IOPS nevertheless has some specifics:
  • As specified in TS 23.401 Annex K, the Access Control Class in EFACC is set to either '11' or '15'. The specific values for the Access Control Class prevent UEs with different Access Control Classes from trying to attach to the IOPS network.
  • The entry for the USIM dedicated for IOPS in EFDIR has a label starting with 'USIM-IOPS'.
In case multiple local HSSs are to be supported, The USIM should also support:
  • The AMF (Authentication Management Field) mechanism as described in TS 33.401 Annex F.4.1 is supported.
  • An Operator specific mechanism to derive local HSS individual keys is supported (see TS 33.401 Annex F.4).

M.3  Selection mechanismsp. 385

The method for selecting a USIM dedicated for IOPS is left to ME implementation.

N (Normative)  USIM supporting non-IMSI SUPI Type |R16|p. 386

N.1  Introductionp. 386

IMSI based USIM is a USIM Application which is configured with a SUPI of type IMSI (i.e Service No. 130 in the USIM Service Table shall not be "available").
Non-IMSI based USIM is a USIM Application which is configured with a SUPI of type non-IMSI (i.e Service No. 130 in the USIM Service Table shall be "available"). Examples of non-IMSI type are: NSI, GCI and GLI.
Both USIM application types shall use different AID ranges as defined in Annex O of TS 31.101.

N.2  Features of USIM supporting non-IMSI SUPI typep. 386

The non-IMSI based USIM may be implemented as a single USIM application on a UICC or as a secondary USIM application together with an IMSI based USIM on one UICC.
The non-IMSI based USIM is a regular USIM application and shall contain all mandatory EFs defined for a USIM application in the present document and may also include any of the optional EFs defined for a USIM application except EFIMSI.
No additional features are supported by Non-IMSI based USIM.

N.3  Application selection procedurep. 386

Application selection is performed according to the procedures defined in clause The following provisions apply:
The method for selecting a non-IMSI based USIM is based on the presence of the corresponding application with the associated AID in EFDIR, as defined in the Annex O of TS 31.101.

O  Examples of NAS security contexts management in multiple registrations |R16|p. 386

Record 1 Record 2 Record 1 Record 2
1UE is authenticated to PLMN-A with dual connection (3GPP and non-3GPP)
<3GPP and n3GPP AMFs are the same and the same TMSI in both access>
2UE switches from PLMN-A to PLMN-B on non-3GPPUse GUTI-A1 from 5GSN3GPPLOCI and
n3gppNSC-A1 from 5GSN3GPPNSC
3UE successful REGISTRATION to PLMN-B on non-3GPPGUTI-A13gppNSC-A1GUTI-B1n3gppNSC-B1n3gppNSC-A1
4UE successful REGISTRATION to PLMN-B over 3GPP
<Compared to GUTI-B1 in n3GPP access, GUTI-B2 corresponds to a new AMF for 3GPP and a new TMSI>
5UE switches-off (UE init de-registration)
6UE stores to USIM the valid 3GPP Security Context (PLMN-B) and the valid non-3GPP Security Context (PLMN-B)GUTI-B23gppNSC-B1
(Stored in USIM)(1)
(Stored in USIM)(1)
7ME clears all Security Contexts
8UE switches-on back
9UE reads from USIM the 3GPP Security Context (PLMN-B) and the non-3GPP Security Context (PLMN-B)GUTI-B23gppNSC-B1-GUTI-B1n3gppNSC-B1-
10UE tries to reconnect to PLMN-C on non-3GPP Security ContextUse GUTI-B1 from 5GSN3GPPLOCI and
n3gppNSC-B1 from 5GSN3GPPNSC
11UE gets REGISTRATION successful on PLMN-C over non-3GPPGUTI-B23gppNSC-B1GUTI-C1n3gppNSC-C1n3gppNSC-B1
12UE tries to reconnect to PLMN-C on 3GPPUse e.g. GUTI-B2 from 5GS3GPPLOCI
13UE gets REGISTRATION successful on PLMN-C over 3GPP
<GUTI-C1 in n3GPP access remains unchanged (different AMF compared to 3GPP access)>
14UE switches-off (UE init de-registration)
15UE stores to USIM the valid 3GPP Security Context (PLMN-C) and the valid non-3GPP Security Context (PLMN-C)GUTI-C23gppNSC-C1
(Stored in USIM)(1)
(Stored in USIM)(1)
16UE switches ON, reads security contexts from the USIM and registers to PLMN-D over non-3GPP and to PLMN-C over 3GPPGUTI-C23gppNSC-C1-GUTI-D1n3gppNSC-D1n3gppNSC-C1
17UE registers to PLMN-D over 3GPP
<GUTI-D1 in n3GPP access remains unchanged (different AMF compared 3GPP access) >
18UE registers to PLMN-C over non-3GPP, remaining registered in PLMN-D over 3GPP accessGUTI-D23gppNSC-D1GUTI-C3n3gppNSC-C2n3gppNSC-D1
19UE de-registers from PLMN-C over non-3GPP and remains registered in PLMN-D over 3GPP accessGUTI-D23gppNSC-D1GUTI-C3n3gppNSC-C2
(Stored in USIM)(1)
20UE de-registers from PLMN-D over 3GPP accessGUTI-D23gppNSC-D1
(Stored in USIM)(1)
(Stored in USIM)(1)
21UE registers to PLMN-C over non-3GPP accessGUTI-D23gppNSC-D1GUTI-C4n3gppNSC-C3n3gppNSC-D1
22UE registers to PLMN-C also over 3GPP access
<Compared to GUTI-C4 in n3GPP access, GUTI-C5 corresponds to a new AMF for 3GPP and a new TMSI>
General note:
Unless specified as 'Stored in USIM' all the data mentioned under 5GS3GPPNSC or 5GSN3GPPNSC represent data saved in the ME memory that is written to the USIM if the device is switched-off or de-registered from the network at the given step.
5G NAS Security Context and associated NAS DL/UL COUNTs (> 0) are written to the USIM as per clauses (NSC), (NAS COUNTS), and Annex C of 3GPP 24.501 [104].

$  Change historyp. 379

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