
Content for  TS 31.102  Word version:  18.5.0

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4.5  Contents of EFs at the TELECOM levelp. 252

The EFs in the Dedicated File DFTELECOM contain service related information.

4.5.1  EFADN (Abbreviated dialling numbers)p. 252

In case of a present GSM application on the UICC the first EFADN (i.e. reflected by the first record in EFPBR) of the DFPHONEBOOK is mapped (with an identifier equal to '6F3A') to DFTELECOM to ensure backwards compatibility.
A 3GPP ME shall not access this file. The information is accessible for a 3GPP ME in EFADN under DFPHONEBOOK.

4.5.2  EFEXT1 (Extension1)p. 252

In case of a present GSM application on the UICC the first EFEXT1 (i.e. reflected by the first record in EFPBR) of the DFPHONEBOOK is mapped (with an identifier equal to '6F4A') to DFTELECOM to ensure backwards compatibility.
A 3GPP ME shall not access this file. The information is accessible for a 3GPP ME in EFEXT1 under DFPHONEBOOK.

4.5.3  EFECCP (Extended Capability Configuration Parameter)p. 252

In case of a present GSM application on the UICC the first EFCCP1 (i.e. reflected by the first record in EFPBR) of the DFPHONEBOOK is mapped (with an identifier equal to '6F4F') to DFTELECOM to ensure backwards compatibility. There shall not be any EFCCP (with a file-id of '6F3D') under DFTELECOM because otherwise a GSM terminal could create inconsistencies within the phonebook.
A 3GPP ME shall not access this file. The information is accessible for a 3GPP ME in EFCCP1 under DFPHONEBOOK.

4.5.4  EFSUME (SetUpMenu Elements)p. 252

This File is defined in ETSI TS 102 222 [39], and has the file identifier '6F54'.

4.5.5  EFARR (Access Rule Reference)p. 252

This EF contains the access rules for files located under the DFTELECOM in the UICC. If the security attribute tag '8B' is indicated in the FCP it contains a reference to a record in this file.
Structure of EFARR at DFTelecom-level
Identifier: '6F06'Structure: Linear fixedMandatory
Record length: X bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to XAccess Rule TLV data objectsMX bytes
This EF contains one or more records containing access rule information according to the reference to expanded format as defined in ISO/IEC 7816-4 [20]. Each record represents an access rule. Unused bytes in the record are set to 'FF'.
If the card cannot access EFARR, any attempt to access a file with access rules indicated in this EFARR shall not be granted.

4.5.6  EFICE_DN (In Case of Emergency - Dialling Number) |R8|p. 253

This EF contains one or more records containing number formatted ICE information, according to TS 22.101.
This file shall be deactivated if the user does not wish the ICE information contained in this file to be available and activated if the user wishes the ICE information in this file to be available.
Structure of EFICE_DN at DFTelecom-level
Identifier: '6FE0'Structure: Linear fixedOptional
SFI: Optional
Record length: X+14 bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
DEACTIVATEPIN or Issuer Specified PIN (see Note)
ACTIVATEPIN or Issuer Specified PIN (see Note)
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to XAlpha IdentifierOX bytes
X+1Length of BCD number/SSC contentsM1 byte
X+2TON and NPIM1 byte
X+3 to X+12Dialling Number/SSC StringM10 bytes
X+13Capability/Configuration1 Record IdentifierM1 byte
X+14Extension1 Record IdentifierM1 byte
As for EFADN

4.5.7  EFICE_FF (In Case of Emergency - Free Format) |R8|p. 253

This EF contains one or more records containing free formatted ICE information, according to TS 22.101.
This file shall be deactivated if the user does not wish the ICE information contained in this file to be available and activated if the user wishes the ICE information in this file to be available.
Structure of EFICE_FF at DFTelecom-level
Identifier: '6FE1'Structure: Linear fixedOptional
SFI: Optional
Record length: ≥X+Y bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
DEACTIVATEPIN or Issuer Specified PIN (see Note)
ACTIVATEPIN or Issuer Specified PIN (see Note)
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to XICE Free Format Label TLVMX bytes
X+1 to X+YICE Free Format Content TLVMY bytes
The Issuer Specified PIN is a PIN with a global key reference (see TS 31.101) specified by the card Issuer.
ICE Free Format Label TLV
This TLV contains a label that summarises the type of content that is contained in the associated ICE Free Format Content TLV (e.g. "medical alert information").
ICE Free Format Label TLV is coded as follows:
Tag value is '80'
Length is coded according to ISO/IEC 8825-1 [35].
Value is as for value part of the text string TLV in TS 31.111. If the length is 0 and there is no value part then the terminal shall interpret this as no label is used.
ICE Free Format Content TLV
This TLV contains a ICE Free Format Content (e.g. "Allergy to work").
ICE Free Format Content TLV is coded as follows:
Tag value is '81'
Length is coded according to ISO/IEC 8825-1 [35].
Value is as for value part of the text string TLV in TS 31.111. If the length is 0 and there is no value part then the terminal shall interpret this as no label is used.
Padding: unused bytes in each record shall be set to 'FF'.

4.5.8  EFRMA (Remote Management Actions) |R8|p. 254

This File is defined in ETSI TS 102 222 [39], and has the file identifier '6F53'.

4.5.9  EFPSISMSC (Public Service Identity of the SM-SC) |R9|p. 255

This file shall be present if and only if service No. 12 and No. 91 are "available".
This EF contains the Public Service Identity of the SM-SC (either a SIP URI or tel URI) that the ME shall use to submit SMS over IP as defined in TS 24.341.
Identifier: '6FE5'Structure: linear fixedOptional
File size: X bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to XURI TLV data objectMX bytes
SIP URI or tel URI of the Public Service Identity of the SM-SC.
For contents and syntax of URI TLV data object values see RFC 3261. The URI shall be encoded to an octet string according to UTF-8 encoding rules as specified in RFC 3629. The tag value of the URI TLV data object shall be '80'.

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