
Content for  TS 31.102  Word version:  19.0.0

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4.2.9  EFACM (Accumulated Call Meter)p. 34

If service No. 13 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains the total number of units for both the current call and the preceding calls.
Identifier: '6F39'Structure: cyclicOptional
SFI: Optional
Record length: 3 bytesUpdate activity: high
Access Conditions:
UPDATEPIN/PIN2 (fixed during administrative management)
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to 3Accumulated count of unitsM3 bytes
If a SFI is assigned, the recommended value is '1C'. However cards may exist that indicate another value. Therefore the terminal shall be able to handle other values.
Accumulated count of units
value of the ACM.
see the coding of EFACMmax.
If a GSM application is present on the UICC and the ACM value is to be shared between the GSM and the USIM application this file shall be shared between the two applications.

4.2.10  EFGID1 (Group Identifier Level 1)p. 35

If service No. 17 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains identifiers for particular USIM-ME associations. It can be used to identify a group of USIMs for a particular application.
Identifier: '6F3E'Structure: transparentOptional
File size: n bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to nUSIM group identifier(s)On bytes

4.2.11  EFGID2 (Group Identifier Level 2)p. 36

If service No. 18 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains identifiers for particular USIM-ME associations. It can be used to identify a group of USIMs for a particular application.
Identifier: '6F3F'Structure: transparentOptional
File size: n bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to nUSIM group identifier(s)On bytes

4.2.12  EFSPN (Service Provider Name)p. 36

If service No. 19 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains the service provider name in text format and appropriate requirements for the display by the ME. The service provider name may also be provided in a graphical format in EFSPNI. The ME shall use the service provider name in the text format or the graphical format or both to display the service provider name according to the rules defined in clause 4.2.88.
Identifier: '6F46'Structure: transparentOptional
File Size: 17 bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1Display ConditionM1 byte
2 to 17Service Provider NameM16 bytes
Display Condition
display condition for the service provider name in respect to the registered PLMN (see TS 22.101).
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
RFU (see TS 31.101) b2=0:
display of the service provider name is required when registered PLMN is neither HPLMN nor a PLMN in the service provider PLMN list(see EFSPDI).
display of the service provider name is not required when registered PLMN is neither HPLMN nor a PLMN in the service provider PLMN list(see EFSPDI).
display of registered PLMN name not required when registered PLMN is either HPLMN or a PLMN in the service provider PLMN list (see EFSPDI).
display of registered PLMN name required when registered PLMN is either HPLMN or a PLMN in the service provider PLMN list(see EFSPDI).
Service Provider Name
service provider string
the string shall use:
  • either the SMS default 7-bit coded alphabet as defined in TS 23.038 with bit 8 set to 0. The string shall be left justified. Unused bytes shall be set to 'FF'.

4.2.13  EFPUCT (Price per Unit and Currency Table)p. 37

If service No. 13 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains the Price per Unit and Currency Table (PUCT). The PUCT is Advice of Charge related information which may be used by the ME in conjunction with EFACM to compute the cost of calls in the currency chosen by the subscriber, as specified in TS 22.024.
Identifier: '6F41'Structure: transparentOptional
File size: 5 bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
UPDATEPIN/PIN2 (fixed during administrative management)
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to 3Currency codeM3 bytes
4 to 5Price per unitM2 bytes
Currency code
the alpha-identifier of the currency code.
bytes 1, 2 and 3 are the respective first, second and third character of the alpha identifier. This alpha-tagging shall use the SMS default 7-bit coded alphabet as defined in TS 23.038 with bit 8 set to 0.
Price per unit
price per unit expressed in the currency coded by bytes 1 to 3.
byte 4 and bits b1 to b4 of byte 5 represent the Elementary Price per Unit (EPPU) in the currency coded by bytes 1 to 3. Bits b5 to b8 of byte 5 are the decimal logarithm of the multiplicative factor represented by the absolute value of its decimal logarithm (EX) and the sign of EX, which is coded 0 for a positive sign and 1 for a negative sign.
Byte 4:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
211 210 29 28 27 26 25 24
Byte 5:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
22 of Abs(EX) 21 of Abs(EX) 20 of Abs(EX) Sign of EX 23 22 21 20
  • The computation of the price per unit value is made by the ME in compliance with TS 22.024 by the following formula: price per unit = EPPU * 10EX.
  • The price has to be understood as expressed in the coded currency.
If a GSM application is present on the UICC and the PUCT information is to be shared between the GSM and the USIM application, then this file shall be shared between the two applications.

4.2.14  EFCBMI (Cell Broadcast Message identifier selection)p. 39

If service No. 15 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains the Message Identifier Parameters which specify the type of content of the cell broadcast messages that the subscriber wishes the UE to accept.
Any number of CB Message Identifier Parameters may be stored in the USIM. No order of priority is applicable.
Identifier: '6F45'Structure: transparentOptional
File size: 2 n bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to 2CB Message Identifier 1O2 bytes
3 to 4CB Message Identifier 2O2 bytes
2n-1 to 2nCB Message Identifier nO2 bytes
Cell Broadcast Message Identifier
  • as in TS 23.041, "Message Format on BTS-MS Interface - Message Identifier";
  • values listed show the types of message which shall be accepted by the UE;
  • unused entries shall be set to 'FF FF'.

4.2.15  EFACC (Access Control Class)p. 39

This EF contains the assigned access control class(es). The access control class is a parameter to control the access attempts. 15 classes are split into 10 classes randomly allocated to normal subscribers and 5 classes allocated to specific high priority users. For more information see TS 22.011.
Identifier: '6F78'Structure: transparentMandatory
SFI: '06'
File size: 2 bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to 2Access control classesM2 bytes
Access control classes
each ACC is coded on one bit. An ACC is "allocated" if the corresponding bit is set to 1 and "not allocated" if this bit is set to 0. Bit b3 of byte 1 is set to 0.
Byte 1:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08
Number of the ACC (except for bit b3)
Byte 2:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Number of the ACC

4.2.16  EFFPLMN (Forbidden PLMNs)p. 40

This EF contains the coding for n Forbidden PLMNs (FPLMN). It is read by the ME as part of the USIM initialization procedure and indicates PLMNs which the UE shall not automatically attempt to access.
A PLMN is written to the EF if a network rejects a Location Update with the cause "PLMN not allowed". The ME shall manage the list as follows.
When n FPLMNs are held in the EF, and rejection of a further PLMN is received by the ME from the network, the ME shall modify the EF using the UPDATE command. This new PLMN shall be stored in the nth position, and the existing list "shifted" causing the previous contents of the first position to be lost.
When less than n FPLMNs exist in the EF, storage of an additional FPLMN shall not cause any existing FPLMN to be lost.
Dependent upon procedures used to manage storage and deletion of FPLMNs in the EF, it is possible, when less than n FPLMNs exist in the EF, for 'FFFFFF' to occur in any position. The ME shall analyse all the EF for FPLMNs in any position, and not regard 'FFFFFF' as a termination of valid data.
Identifier: '6F7B'Structure: transparentMandatory
SFI: '0D'
File size: 3n bytes, (n≥ 4)Update activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to 3PLMN 1M3 bytes
4 to 6PLMN 2M3 bytes
7 to 9PLMN 3M3 bytes
10 to 12PLMN 4M3 bytes
(3n-2) to 3nPLMN nO3 bytes
Mobile Country Code (MCC) followed by the Mobile Network Code (MNC).
according to TS 24.008.
For instance, using 246 for the MCC and 81 for the MNC and if this is stored in PLMN 3 the contents is as follows:
Bytes 7 to 9:
'42' 'F6' '18'.
If storage for fewer than n PLMNs is required, the unused bytes shall be set to 'FF'.

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