
Content for  TS 31.102  Word version:  19.0.0

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4.2.85  EFEHPLMNPI (Equivalent HPLMN Presentation Indication) |R7|p. 97

If service No. 71 and service No. 73 are "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains an indication to the ME for the presentation of the available EHPLMN(s). The usage of the EHPLMN presentation indication is defined in TS 23.122.
Identifier: '6FDB'Structure: transparentOptional
File size: 1 byteUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1EHPLMN Presentation IndicationM1 byte
EHPLMN Presentation Indication
EHPLMN display mode
  • '00' - No preference for the display mode
  • '01' - Display the highest-priority available EHPLMN only
  • '02' - Display all the available EHPLMNs
  • All other values are RFU

4.2.86  EFLRPLMNSI (Last RPLMN Selection Indication) |R7|p. 98

If service No. 74 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains an indication to the ME for the selection of the RPLMN or the home network at switch on, or following recovery from lack of coverage. The usage of the Last RPLMN Selection Indication is defined in TS 23.122.
Identifier: '6FDC'Structure: transparentOptional
File size: 1 byteUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1Last RPLMN Selection IndicationM1 byte
Last RPLMN Selection Indication
Last RPLMN Selection Indication
  • '00' - The UE shall attempt registration on the last RPLMN at switch-on or recovery from out-of-coverage as described in TS 23.122
  • '01' - The UE shall attempt registration either on the HPLMN or the last RPLMN at switch-on or recovery from out-of-coverage as described in TS 23.122
  • All other values are RFU

4.2.87  EFNAFKCA (NAF Key Centre Address) |R7|p. 98

If service No. 68 and service No. 76 are "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains one or more NAF Key Centre addresses. The first record in the EF shall be considered to be of the highest priority. The last record in the EF shall be considered to be the lowest priority.
Identifier: '6FDD'Structure: Linear fixedOptional
Record length: Z bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to ZNAF Key Centre TLV objectMZ bytes
Unused bytes shall be set to 'FF'.
NAF Key Centre tags
Description Tag Value
NAF Key Centre address Tag'80'
NAF Key Centre information
Description Value M/O Length (bytes)
NAF Key Centre address Tag'80'M1
NAF Key Centre address value--MX
The length is coded according to ISO/IEC 8825-1 [35].
NAF Key Centre Address value (Tag '80')
Fully qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the NAF Key Centre used in the Local Key Establishment procedures (see TS 33.110).
Encoded to an octet string according to UTF-8 encoding rules as described in RFC 3629.

4.2.88  EFSPNI (Service Provider Name Icon) |R8|p. 99

If service No. 78 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF may contain one or several links to the service provider name icon. When more than one link is available, it is up to the ME to choose the link type to be used (e.g. the link type that is supported by the ME). The requirements for the display by the ME are defined in clause 4.2.12.
Identifier: '6FDE'Structure: transparentOptional
File Size: X bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to XIcon TLV object(s)MX bytes
This file may contain one or several service provider name Icon TLV object(s). The coding of the service provider name Icon TLV objects is described hereafter:
Length Description Value Status
1 byteIcon Tag (See Note 1)--M
1 byteLength (see Note 2)Y+1M
1 byteIcon Qualifier--M
Y bytesIcon Link--M
The tag value indicates the type and format of the Icon Link that is provided in the TLV value field (e.g. Tag '80' indicates that the Icon link is a URI, while Tag '81' indicates that the Icon Link is the record number of the corresponding image in EFIMG).
coded according to ISO/IEC 8825-1 [35].
Icon Tag
Tag value.
  • When the Icon Link is an URI, the Tag value shall be set to '80'.
  • When the Icon Link is a pointer to the record number of the corresponding image in EFIMG, the Tag value shall be set to '81'.
  • All other values are RFU.
Icon Qualifier
The icon qualifier indicates to the ME how the icon shall be used.
  • '01' = icon is self-explanatory, i.e. if displayed, it replaces the corresponding name in text format.
  • '02' = icon is not self-explanatory, i.e. if displayed, it shall be displayed together with the corresponding name in text format.
  • All other values are RFU.
Icon Link
Link to the icon. This link shall point to a UICC resource.
  • When the Tag value indicates an URI (i.e. Tag = '80') , the Icon Link shall be encoded to an octet string according to UTF-8 encoding rules as described in RFC 3629 (e.g.
  • When the Tag value indicates that the Icon Link contains the record number of the corresponding image in EFIMG (i.e. Tag = '81'), the Icon Link shall be encoded in binary.

4.2.89  EFPNNI (PLMN Network Name Icon) |R8|p. 100

If service No. 79 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains one or several links to the PLMN network name icon. When more than one link is available in a record, it is up to the ME to choose the link type to be used (e.g. the link type that is supported by the ME).
Identifier: '6FDF'Structure: linear fixedOptional
Record length: X bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to XIcon TLV object(s)MX bytes
Each record may contain one or several PLMN network name Icon TLV object(s). The coding of the Icon TLV object(s) is described in EFSPNI.

4.2.90  EFNCP-IP (Network Connectivity Parameters for USIM IP connections) |R8|p. 100

If service No. 80 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains the network activation parameters to be used by the ME for establishing a data channel (e.g. PDP context activation) for UICC remote IP connectivity as described in ETSI TS 102 483 [50].
Each record contains a network connectivity parameters set. A network connectivity parameters set may comprise an Access Point Name, a Login and Password of the Access Point Name, a Data Destination Address Range and the Bearer Description. The priority order of the different Network Connectivity Parameters sets is the same as the order of the record numbers.
Each network connectivity parameters set provides a condition and the network connectivity parameters to be used when this condition is met:
  • The network activation parameters present in a record shall be associated with this Data Destination Address Range in the same record (i.e. if a record contains a Data Destination Address Range, all IP packets that are sent by the UICC to any network destination address belonging to this Address Range shall transit through a network connection established using the parameters provided in that record).
In a record, if the Access Point Name has a value part, the associated Login and Password may be provided. If supported by the ME, the Login and Password may be used for Access Point Name authentication. If only the Login is present, the ME shall use its default Password configuration if any. If the Login and Password are not present, the ME shall use its default Login/Password configuration if any. If no authentication is requested, the Login and Password shall be ignored. The Password TLV can only be provided in a record if a Login TLV is provided in the same record.
In any record, if the Access Point Name has no value part, the ME may use its default Access Point Name or the default subscription value together with the other network connectivity parameters of that record.
When present, the Bearer Description TLV provides recommended values for parameters that the ME should use to establish the data link for UICC remote IP connections. However if the ME or network does not support these values, the ME selects the most appropriate values.
Structure of EFNCP-IP
Identifier: '6FE2'Structure: linear fixedOptional
Record length: Z bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to MData Destination Address Range TLVMM bytes
M+1 to M+NAccess Point Name TLVMN bytes
M+N+1 to M+N+OLogin TLVCO bytes
M+N+O+1 to M+N+O+PPassword TLVCP bytes
M+N+O+P+1 to M+N+O+P+QBearer description TLVCQ bytes
Data Destination Address Range TLV
the data destination address or the range of data destination addresses.
the coding of the Data Destination Address Range TLV object is described hereafter.
Length Description Value Status
1 byteData Destination Address Range Tag83M
1 byteLength (see note1)XM
1 byteType of Address--M
1 bytePrefix length (in bits)'00' to '20' for IPv4
'00' to '80' for IPv6
0 to 16 bytesPrefix--
coded according to ISO/IEC 8825-1 [35].
Type of Address
the type of data destination address range.
  • '21' = IPv4 address range;
  • '57' = IPv6 address range;
  • Other values are RFU.
Prefix length
the number N of valid bits of the prefix of the address range. A prefix length of zero denotes the default "all IP addresses" range.
Prefix, i.e. the leftmost bits of the address range. All addresses where the leftmost N bits match the prefix belong to the address range.
the leftmost N bits encode the prefix of the address range. If N is not an integer multiple of 8, the prefix is right padded with zeroes to the next octet boundary.
Access Point Name TLV
Access Point Name provides information to the ME necessary to identify the Gateway entity which provides interworking with an external packet data network.
the coding of the Access Point Name TLV object is described hereafter. The Access Point Name Value is coded as defined in TS 23.003.
Length Description Value Status
1 byteAccess Point Name Tag80M
1 byteLength (see note 1)WM
W bytesAccess Point Name Value--M
coded according to ISO/IEC 8825-1 [35].
Login TLV
the login of the Access Point Name.
the coding of the Login TLV object is described hereafter. The Login Value is coded as for SMS Data coding scheme defined in TS 23.038. Parts of the data coding scheme other than the character set indication shall be ignored.
Length Description Value Status
1 byteLogin Tag81M
1 byteLength (see note 1)XM
X bytesLogin Value--M
coded according to ISO/IEC 8825-1 [35].
Password TLV
the password of the Access Point Name.
the coding of the Password TLV object is described hereafter. The Password Value is coded as for SMS Data coding scheme defined in TS 23.038. Parts of the data coding scheme other than the character set indication shall be ignored.
Length Description Value Status
1 bytePassword Tag82M
1 byteLength (see note 1)YM
Y bytesPassword Value--M
coded according to ISO/IEC 8825-1 [35].
Bearer Description TLV
bearer description.
the coding of the Bearer Description TLV object is described hereafter. The Bearer Description Value is encoded as the value part of the "Bearer description" TLV data object defined in TS 31.111.
Length Description Value Status
1 byteBearer Description Tag84M
1 byteLength (see note 1)ZM
Z bytesBearer Description Value--M
coded according to ISO/IEC 8825-1 [35].
Any unused bytes shall be set to 'FF'.

4.2.91  EFEPSLOCI (EPS location information) |R8|p. 103

If service No. 85 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains the following EPS location information:
  • Globally Unique Temporary Identifier (GUTI);
  • Last visited registered Tracking Area Identity (TAI);
  • EPS update status.
Identifier: '6FE3'Structure: transparentOptional
SFI: '1E'
File size: 18 bytesUpdate activity: high
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to 12GUTIM12 bytes
13 to 17Last visited registered TAIM5 bytes
18EPS update statusM1 byte
Globally Unique Temporary Identifier.
as the GUTI part of the EPS mobile identity information element defined in TS 24.301. Byte 1 corresponds to "octet 2" of an EPS mobile identity information element containing a GUTI. Byte 12 corresponds to "octet 13" of an EPS mobile identity information element information element containing a GUTI.
Byte 1: first byte of GUTI
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
Last visited registered TAI
Last visited registered Tracking Area Identity.
as the content of the tracking area identity information element defined in TS 24.301. Byte 13 corresponds to "octet 2" of a tracking area identity information element. Byte 17 corresponds to "octet 6" of a tracking area identity information element.
Byte 13: first byte of last visited registered TAI
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
EPS update status
status of EPS update according to TS 24.301.
byte 18:
Bits: b3 b2 b1
0 1 1reserved
1 0 0reserved
1 0 1reserved
1 1 0reserved
1 1 1reserved
Bits b4 to b8 are RFU (see TS 31.101).
Unused bytes shall be set to 'FF'.

4.2.92  EFEPSNSC (EPS NAS Security Context) |R8|p. 106

If service No. 85 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains the EPS NAS Security context as defined in TS 33.401. This file shall contain only one record.
Identifier: '6FE4'Structure: linear fixedOptional
SFI: '18'
Record size: X bytes (X≥54)Update activity: high
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to XEPS NAS Security Context TLV ObjectMX bytes
EPS NAS Security Context tags
Description Tag Value
EPS NAS Security Context Tag'A0'
EPS NAS Security Context information
Description Value M/O Length (bytes)
EPS NAS Security Context Tag'A0'M1
Length (length of all subsequent data)YMNote 1
Key set identifier KSIASME Tag'80'M1
LengthKMNote 1
Key set identifier KSIASME--MK
ASME key (KASME) Tag'81'M1
LengthLMNote 1
Uplink NAS count Tag'82'M1
LengthMMNote 1
Uplink NAS count--MM
Downlink NAS count Tag'83'M1
LengthNMNote 1
Downlink NAS count--MN
Identifiers of selected NAS integrity and encryption algorithms Tag'84'M1
LengthSMNote 1
Identifiers of selected NAS integrity and encryption algorithms--MS
The length is coded according to ISO/IEC 8825-1 [35].
Key set identifier KSIASME Tag '80'
The ASME key set identifier as defined in TS 33.401. In this release the KSIASME is coded on 1 byte.
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
bits b4 to b8 are coded 0 KSIASME
ASME key (KASME) Tag '81'
The ASME Key as defined in TS 33.401. In this release a valid ASME key is coded on 32 bytes. The ME shall treat any ASME key values stored in this EF as invalid if the ASME key set identifier indicates that no ASME key is available or if the length indicated in the ASME key TLV is set to '00',
The most significant bit of KASME is the most significant bit of the 1st byte of this TLV value field. The least significant bit of KASME is the least significant bit of the last byte of this TLV value field.
Uplink NAS count Tag '82'
The uplink NAS count as defined in TS 33.401. In this release the Uplink NAS count is coded on 4 bytes.
The most significant bit of the uplink NAS count is the most significant bit of the 1st byte of this TLV value field. The least significant bit of the uplink NAS count is the least significant bit of the last byte of this TLV value field.
Downlink NAS count Tag '83'
The downlink NAS count as defined in TS 33.401. In this release the downlink NAS count is coded on 4 bytes.
The most significant bit of the downlink NAS count is the most significant bit of the 1st byte of this TLV value field. The least significant bit of the downlink NAS count is the least significant bit of the last byte of this TLV value field.
Identifiers of selected NAS integrity and encryption algorithms Tag '84'
The identifiers of selected NAS integrity and encryption algorithms as defined in TS 33.401 and TS 24.301. In this release the identifiers of selected NAS integrity and encryption algorithms are coded on 1 byte.
as the content of the NAS security algorithms information element defined in TS 24.301.
Byte 1 of this TLV value field: first byte of the NAS security algorithms information element
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
Unused bytes shall be set to 'FF'.
In order to mark the stored EPS NAS security context as invalid:
  • the record bytes shall be set to 'FF', or
  • the KSIASME is set to '07', or
  • the length indicated in the ASME key TLV is set to '00'.

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