
Content for  TS 31.102  Word version:  19.0.0

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4.2.34  EFOCI (Outgoing Call Information)p. 58

If service No. 8 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF is located within the USIM application. The outgoing call information can be linked to the phone book stored under DFTELECOM or to the local phone book within the USIM. The EFOCI contains the information related to outgoing calls.
The time of the call and duration of the call are stored in this EF. It may also contain associated alpha identifier. In addition it contains identifiers of associated network/bearer capabilities and identifiers of extension records at the USIM ADF level. The structure of this file is cyclic, so the contents shall be updated only after a call is disconnected.
If the dialled phone number matches a number stored in the phone book the outgoing call information might be linked to the corresponding information in the phone book. The dialled number may match with a hidden entry in the phone book. If the dialled number matches a hidden entry in the phone book the link is established but the information related to the phone book entry is not displayed by the ME, if the hidden code has not been verified. The ME shall not perform hidden code verification at this point.
Optionally, the ME may store the link to phone book entry in the file, so that it does not need to look again for a match in the phone book when it reuses the entry. But the ME will have to check that the outgoing call number still exists in the linked phone book entry, as the link might be broken (entry modified). When not used by the ME or no link to the phone book has been found, this field shall be set to 'FFFFFF'.
Coding scheme is according to EFICI.
Structure of EFOCI
Identifier: '6F81'Structure: CyclicOptional
SFI: '15'
Record length: X+27 bytesUpdate activity: high
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to XAlpha IdentifierOX bytes
X+1Length of BCD number/SSC contentsM1 byte
X+2TON and NPIM1 byte
X+3 to X+12Outgoing Call Number/SSC StringM10 bytes
X+13Capability/Configuration2 Record IdentifierM1 byte
X+14Extension5 Record IdentifierM1 byte
X+15 to X+21Outgoing call date and timeM7 bytes
X+22 to X+24Outgoing call durationM3 bytes
X+25 to X+27Link to Phone Book EntryM3 bytes

4.2.35  EFICT (Incoming Call Timer)p. 59

If service No. 9 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains the accumulated incoming call timer duration value for the current call and previous calls. The EF is USIM specific and resides within the USIM application.
This file should have only one entry.
Structure of EFICT
Identifier: '6F82'Structure: cyclicOptional
Record length: 3 bytesUpdate activity: high
Access Conditions:
UPDATEPIN/PIN2 (fixed during administrative management)
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to 3Accumulated call timer valueM3 bytes
Accumulated call timer value is indicated by second.
Byte 1:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
223 222 221 220 219 218 217 216
Byte 2:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
215 214 213 212 211 210 29 28
Byte 3:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
For example, '00' '00' '30' represents 25+24.

4.2.36  EFOCT (Outgoing Call Timer)p. 59

If service No. 8 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains the accumulated outgoing call timer duration value for the current call and previous calls. The EF is USIM specific and resides within the USIM application. The contents of this EF shall be updated only after a call is disconnected. The coding of this EF is the same as EFICT.
This file should have only one entry.
Structure of EFOCT
Identifier: '6F83'Structure: cyclicOptional
Record length: 3 bytesUpdate activity: high
Access Conditions:
UPDATEPIN/PIN2 (fixed during administrative management)
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to 3Accumulated call timer valueM3 bytes

4.2.37  EFEXT5 (Extension5)p. 60

If service No. 44 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains extension data of EFICI, EFOCI and EFMSISDN of the USIM application.
Identifier: '6F4E'Structure: linear fixedOptional
Record length: 13 bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1Record typeM1 byte
2 to 12Extension dataM11 bytes
13IdentifierM1 byte
For contents and coding see EFEXT1.

4.2.38  EFCCP2 (Capability Configuration Parameters 2)p. 60

If service No. 14 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains parameters of required network and bearer capabilities and terminal configurations associated with a call established using a fixed dialling number, a barred dialling number, an MSISDN, a service dialling number, an incoming call, an outgoing call or an MBDN. It is referred by EFFDN, EFBDN, EFMSISDN, EFSDN, EFICI, EFOCI, EFMBDN and EFCFIS at USIM ADF level.
Identifier: '6F4F'Structure: linear fixedOptional
SFI: '16'
Record length: X bytes, X≥15Update activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to XBearer capability information elementMX bytes
Bearer capability information elements
Contents and Coding:
  • see TS 24.008. The Information Element Identity (IEI) shall be excluded, i.e. the first byte of the EFCCP2 record shall be Length of the bearer capability contents.
  • unused bytes are filled with 'FF'.

4.2.39  EFeMLPP (enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Pre-emption)p. 61

If service No. 24 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains information about priority levels and fast call set-up conditions for the enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Pre-emption service that can be used by the subscriber.
Identifier: '6FB5'Structure: transparentOptional
File size: 2 bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1Priority levelsM1 byte
2Fast call set-up conditionsM1 byte
Priority levels
the eMLPP priority levels subscribed to.
each eMLPP priority level is coded on one bit. Priority levels subscribed to have their corresponding bits set to 1. Priority levels not subscribed to have their corresponding bits set to 0. Bit b8 is reserved and set to 0.
Byte 1:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
0 priority level 4 priority level 3 priority level 2 priority level 1 priority level 0 priority level B priority level A
If priority levels 0, 1 and 2 are subscribed to, EFeMLPP shall be coded '1C'.
Fast call set-up conditions
for each eMLPP priority level, the capability to use a fast call set-up procedure.
each eMLPP priority level is coded on one bit. Priority levels for which fast call set-up is allowed have their corresponding bits set to 1. Priority levels for which fast call set-up is not allowed have their corresponding bits set to 0. Bit b8 is reserved and set to 0.
Byte 2: fast call set-up condition for:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
0 fast call set-up condition for priority level 4 fast call set-up condition for priority level 3 fast call set-up condition for priority level 2 fast call set-up condition for priority level 1 fast call set-up condition for priority level 0 fast call set-up condition for priority level B fast call set-up condition for priority level A
If fast call set-up is allowed for priority levels 0, and 1, then byte 2 of EFeMLPP is coded '0C'.

4.2.40  EFAAeM (Automatic Answer for eMLPP Service)p. 62

If service No. 25 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains those priority levels (of the Multi Level Precedence and Pre-emption service) for which the ME shall answer automatically to incoming calls.
Identifier: '6FB6'Structure: transparentOptional
File size: 1 byteUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1Automatic answer priority levelsM1 byte
Automatic answer priority levels
for each eMLPP priority level, the capability for the mobile station to answer automatically to incoming calls (with the corresponding eMLPP priority level).
each eMLPP priority level is coded on one bit. Priority levels allowing an automatic answer from the mobile station have their corresponding bits set to 1. Priority levels not allowing an automatic answer from the mobile station have their corresponding bits set to 0. Bit b8 is reserved and set to 0.
Byte 1:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
0 Automatic answer priority for priority level 4 Automatic answer priority for priority level 3 Automatic answer priority for priority level 2 Automatic answer priority for priority level 1 Automatic answer priority for priority level 0 Automatic answer priority for priority level B Automatic answer priority for priority level A
If automatic answer is allowed for incoming calls with priority levels A, 0 and 1, then EFAaeM is coded '0D'.


4.2.42  EFHiddenkey (Key for hidden phone book entries)p. 63

This EF contains the hidden key that has to be verified by the ME in order to display the phone book entries that are marked as hidden. The hidden key can consist of 4 to 8 digits.
Identifier: '6FC3'Structure: transparentOptional
File size: 4 bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to 4Hidden KeyM4 bytes
Hidden Key
the hidden key is coded on 4 bytes using BCD coding. The minimum number of digits is 4. Unused digits are padded with 'F'.


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