
Content for  TS 31.102  Word version:  19.0.0

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4.2.101  EFIPS (IMEI(SV) Pairing Status) |R12|p. 120

The EFIPS file stores the status of USAT Application Pairing checking.
This file shall be present if USAT Application Pairing is supported as defined in this specification.
The status flag of pairing check (with value "OK" or "KO") stored in the file EFIPS can be read by any terminal hosting the UICC. The information stored in the file EFIPS provides a mechanism to detect changes of association between a USIM and a MTC ME. The information stored in the file EFIPS can be read locally by e.g. the maintenance person.
Structure of EFIPS
Identifier: '6FF1'Structure: CyclicOptional
Record length: 4 bytesUpdate activity: high
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1-2Status of the last pairing procedure (detail 1)O2 bytes
3 Link to a record of EFIPD (detail 2)O1 byte
4Reserved for future use-1 byte
Due to the frequency of the pairing procedure, it is recommended that this file contain at least 100 records.
Detail 1:
These 2 bytes contain the status of the last pairing procedure as defined below:
  • If the pairing is successful then:
    1. Byte 1 is the character "O"
    2. Byte 2 is the character "K"
  • If the pairing is not successful then:
    1. Byte 1 is the character "K"
    2. Byte 2 is the character "O"
The characters are coded using the SMS default 7-bit coded alphabet as defined in TS 23.038 with bit 8 set to 0.
Detail 2:
This byte contains a link to a record of EFIPD file:
  • Unsigned integer coded from '01' to 'FE'

4.2.102  EFIPD (IMEI(SV) of Pairing Device) |R12|p. 121

The EFIPD contains the IMEI(SV) as defined in TS 23.003 that was used in the USAT Application Pairing procedure.
This file shall be present if USAT Application Pairing is supported as defined in this specification.
Identifier: '6FF2'Structure: linear fixedOptional
Record length: X+2 bytes (X≥8)Update activity: high
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to X+2IMEI or IMEISV TLV objectMX+2 bytes
IMEI(SV) TLV object
The content and coding is defined below, where IMEI and IMEISV are defined in TS 23.003:
Coding of the IMEI TLV object
Length Description Status
1 byteTag for an IMEI: '80'M
1 byteLengthM
X bytesIMEI value used in the pairing procedureC
Coding of the IMEISV TLV object
Length Description Status
1 byteTag for an IMEISV: '81'M
1 byteLengthM
X bytesIMEISV value used in the pairing procedureC
  • Coding: IMEI and IMEISV coding is defined in TS 23.003 and TS 24.008
  • Unused nibble (IMEI) is set to 'F'
Unused bytes are set to 'FF'.

4.2.103  EFePDGId (Home ePDG Identifier) |R13|p. 122

If service No. 106 and service No. 107 are "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains zero or more Home Evolved Packet Data Gateway (ePDG) Identifier data objects as defined in the "Selection of the ePDG" UE procedure of TS 24.302.
Identifier: '6FF3'Structure: transparentOptional
File size: >X bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to XHome ePDG identifier TLV data objectOX bytes
X+1 to YHome ePDG identifier TLV data objectOY-X bytes
Home ePDG Identifier TLV data object
Address of Evolved Packet Data Gateway, in the format of a FQDN, an IPv4 address, or an IPv6 address.
The tag value of this Home ePDG Identifier TLV data object shall be '80'. The format of the data object is as follows:
Field Length (bytes)
Address Type1
Home ePDG AddressAddress Length
Address Type:
Type of the ePDG address.
  • This field shall be set to the type of the ePDG address according to the following:
    Value Address Type
    All other values are reserved
ePDG Address:
Address of the Evolved Packet Data Gateway
This field shall be set to the address of the ePDG.
  • When the Address Type is set to '00', the corresponding ePDG FQDN Address shall be encoded to an octet string according to UTF-8 encoding rules as specified in RFC 3629.
  • When the Address Type is set to '01', the corresponding ePDG IPv4 Address is in octet 5 to octet 8 of the Home ePDG Identifier TLV data object. Bit 8 of octet 5 represents the most significant bit of the IP address and bit 1 of octet 8 the least significant bit.
  • When the Address Type is set to '02', the corresponding ePDG IPv6 Address is in octet 5 to octet 20 of the Home ePDG Identifier TLV data object. Bit 8 of octet 5 represents the most significant bit of the IP address and bit 1 of octet 20 the least significant bit.
Unused bytes shall be set to 'FF'.

4.2.104  EFePDGSelection (ePDG Selection Information) |R13|p. 123

If service No. 106 and service No. 107 are "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains Evolved Packet Data Gateway (ePDG) selection information for one or more PLMNs as defined in the "Selection of the ePDG" UE procedure of TS 24.302.
Identifier: '6FF4'Structure: transparentOptional
File size: Z bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to ZePDG selection information TLV data objectOZ bytes
The file contains one ePDG selection information TLV data object. The ePDG selection information TLV data object contains a list of PLMNs which are preferred for ePDG selection. The list of PLMNs may include the HPLMN. For each PLMN, it is indicated:
  • the preference order (priority) given to ePDG of a PLMN and
  • whether selection of an ePDG in such PLMN should be based on Tracking/Location Area Identity FQDN or on Operator Identifier FQDN,
as specified in the "Selection of the ePDG" UE procedure of TS 24.302.
ePDG selection information TLV data object
Description Value M/O/C Length (bytes)
ePDG Selection Information Tag'80'M1
PLMN 1--C3
ePDG Priority--C2
ePDG FQDN format'00' or '01'C1
PLMN n--C3
ePDG Priority--C2
ePDG FQDN format indicator'00' or '01'C1
The length is coded according to ISO/IEC 8825-1 [35].
Mobile Country Code (MCC) followed by the Mobile Network Code (MNC).
  • According to TS 24.008.
  • A BCD value of 'D' in any of the MCC and/or MNC digits shall be used to indicate a "wild" value for that corresponding MCC/MNC digit.
  • A value of 'DDDDDD' represents "any PLMN" value.
ePDG Priority
The PLMN Priority represents the preference order given to ePDGs of a PLMN.
ePDG Priority value is coded as a 2-Byte integer.
ePDG FQDN format
Indicates whether the selection of an ePDG in this PLMN should be based on Tracking/Location Area Identity FQDN or on Operator Identifier FQDN (see TS 24.302).
  • '00': Indicates that Operator Identifier FQDN format shall be used (see TS 24.302).
  • '01': Indicates that location based FQDN format shall be used (see TS 24.302).
  • Other values are RFU.

4.2.104a  EFePDGIdEm (Emergency ePDG Identifier) |R13|p. 125

If service No. 111 and service No. 110 are "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains zero or more Emergency Evolved Packet Data Gateway (ePDG) Identifier data objects.
Identifier: '6FF5'Structure: transparentOptional
File size: >X bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to XEmergency ePDG identifier TLV data objectOX bytes
X+1 to YEmergency ePDG identifier TLV data objectOY-X bytes
For coding, see EFePDGId

4.2.105  EFePDGSelectionEm (ePDG Selection Information for Emergency Services) |R13|p. 125

If service No. 111 and service No. 110 are "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains Evolved Packet Data Gateway (ePDG) selection information for Emergency Services.
Identifier: '6FF6'Structure: transparentOptional
File size: Z bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to ZePDG selection information for Emergency Services TLV data objectOZ bytes
For coding, see EFePDGSelection

4.2.106  EFFromPreferred (From Preferred) |R14|p. 125

If service No. 114 is "available", this file shall be present.
It shall be possible to define if the UE uses the From header field for the determination of the originating party identity in the OIP service. For more detailed description see clause of TS 24.607.
Identifier: '6FF7'Structure: transparentOptional
File size: n bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1StatusM1 byte
Status byte indication if From header field is used or not.
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
RFU (see TS 31.101) See clause 5.4 of TS 24.417.

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