
Content for  TS 31.102  Word version:  19.0.0

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5.3 Subscription related procedures5.3.1 Phone book procedures5.3.2 Dialling numbers5.3.3 Short messages5.3.4 Advice of charge5.3.5 Capability configuration parameters5.3.6 User controlled PLMN selector with Access Technology5.3.7 Cell broadcast message identifier5.3.8 Group identifier level 15.3.9 Group identifier level 25.3.10 Service provider name5.3.11 Enhanced multi level precedence and pre-emption service5.3.12 Cell broadcast message identifier ranges5.3.13 Short message status report5.3.14 APN Control List5.3.15 Depersonalisation Control Keys5.3.16 Co-operative Network List5.3.17 CPBCCH information5.3.18 Investigation Scan5.3.19 Enabled Services Table Request5.3.20 Operator controlled PLMN selector with Access Technology5.3.21 HPLMN selector with Access Technology5.3.22 Automatic Answer on eMLPP service5.3.23 Network Parameter information5.3.24 PLMN network name5.3.25 Operator PLMN List5.3.26 Message Waiting Indication5.3.27 Call Forwarding Indication Status5.3.28 Service Provider Display Information5.3.29 MMS Notifications5.3.30 MMS Issuer Connectivity Parameters5.3.31 MMS User Preferences5.3.32 MMS User Connectivity Parameters5.3.33 Network's indication of alerting5.3.34 Multimedia Messages Storage5.3.35 Equivalent HPLMN Presentation Indication request5.3.36 NAF Key Centre Address request5.3.37 Service provider name Icon5.3.38 PLMN network name Icon5.3.39 ICE Information request5.3.40 eCall Related Procedures5.3.41 SM-over-IP5.3.42 UICC access to IMS5.3.43 TV Configuration5.3.44 3GPP PS Data Off related procedures5.3.45 3GPP PS Data Off service list related procedures5.3.46 EARFCN list for MTC/NB-IOT UEs5.3.47 SUCI Calculation information procedure5.3.48 SUCI Calculation by the USIM procedure5.3.49 Control plane-based Steering of Roaming related procedures5.3.50 5GS Operator PLMN List5.3.51 Routing Indicator procedure for ME5.3.52 5GS eDRX procedure for ME5.3.53 5G NSWO procedure5.3.54 5MBS UE pre-configuration


5.3  Subscription related proceduresp. 298

5.3.1  Phone book proceduresp. 298  Initialisationp. 298

The ME first reads the content of EFPBR to determine the configuration phonebook. If the EFIAP file is indicated in EFPBR following tag 'A8' the ME reads the content of EFIAP in order to establish the relation ship between the content in the files indicated using tag 'A9' and files indicated by tag 'A8'. The ME may read the contents of the phone book related files in any order.
Up  Creation/Deletion of informationp. 298

In order to avoid unlinked data to introduce fragmentation of the files containing phone book data the following procedures shall be followed when creating a new entry in the phone book. The data related to EFADN is first stored in the relevant record. As the record number is used as a pointer the reference pointer is now defined for the entry. The rule for storing additional information for an entry is that the reference pointer shall be created before the actual data is written to the location.
In case of deletion of a complete or part of an entry the data shall be deleted first followed by the reference pointer for that data element. In case of deletion of a complete entry the contents of EFADN is the last to be deleted.
Up  Hidden phone book entriesp. 298

If a phone book entry is marked as hidden by means of EFPBC the ME first prompts the user to enter the 'Hidden Key'. The key presented by the user is compared against the value that is stored in the corresponding EFHiddenkey. Only if the presented and stored hidden key are identical the ME displays the data stored in this phone book entry. Otherwise the content of this phone book entry is not displayed by the ME.
Even if the terminal does not support the Hidden Key Procedures, a hidden phone book entry shall not be displayed by the terminal.
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFHiddenkey.
The ME performs the updating procedure with EFHiddenkey.

5.3.2  Dialling numbersp. 298

  • Service No. 1 "available" for ADN located under the local phonebook;
  • Presence of EFADN in EFPBR for ADN located under the global phonebook;
  • Presence of EFANR in EFPBR for ANR;
  • Service No. 2 "available" for FDN;
  • Service No. 21 "available" for MSISDN;
  • Service No. 4 "available" for SDN;
  • Service No. 6 "available" for BDN;
  • Service No. 8 "available" for EFOCI;
  • Service No. 9 "available" for EFICI.
The following procedures may not only be applied to EFADN and its associated extension files EFCCP1 and EFEXT1 as described in the procedures below, but also to EFANR, EFFDN, EFMSISDN, EFBDN, EFSDN, EFOCI, EFICI, and EFMBDN and their associated extension files. If these files are not "available", as denoted in the USIM service table, the current procedure shall be aborted and the appropriate EFs shall remain unchanged.
As an example, the following procedures are described as applied to ADN.
The ME analyses and assembles the information to be stored as follows (the byte identifiers used below correspond to those in the definition of the relevant EFs in the present document):
  1. The ME identifies the Alpha-tagging, Capability/Configuration1 Record Identifier and Extension1 Record Identifier.
  2. The dialling number/SSC string shall be analysed and allocated to the bytes of the EF as follows:
    • if a "+" is found, the TON identifier is set to "International";
    • if 20 or less "digits" remain, they shall form the dialling number/SSC string;
    • if more than 20 "digits" remain, the procedure shall be as follows:
      • The ME seeks for a free record in EFEXT1. If an Extension1 record is not marked as "free", the ME runs the Purge procedure. If an Extension1 record is still unavailable, the procedure is aborted.
      • The first 20 "digits" are stored in the dialling number/SSC string. The value of the length of BCD number/SSC contents is set to the maximum value, which is 11. The Extension1 record identifier is coded with the associated record number in the EFEXT1. The remaining digits are stored in the selected Extension1 record where the type of the record is set to "additional data". The first byte of the Extension1 record is set with the number of bytes of the remaining additional data. The number of bytes containing digit information is the sum of the length of BCD number/SSC contents of EFADN and byte 2 of all associated chained Extension1 records containing additional data.
  3. If a called party subaddress is associated to the ADN/SSC the procedure shall proceed as follows:
    • If the length of the called party subaddress is less than or equal to 11 bytes (see TS 24.008 for coding):
      • The ME seeks for a free record in EFEXT1. If an Extension1 record is not marked as "free", the ME runs the Purge procedure. If an Extension1 record is still unavailable, the procedure is aborted.
      • The ME stores the called party subaddress in the Extension1 record, and sets the Extension1 record type to "called party subaddress".
    • If the length of the called party subaddress is greater than 11 bytes (see TS 24.008 for coding):
      • The ME seeks for two free records in EFEXT1. If no such two records are found, the ME runs the Purge procedure. If two Extension1 records are still unavailable, the procedure is aborted.
      • The ME stores the called party subaddress in the two Extension1 records. The identifier field in the Extension1 record containing the first part of the subaddress data is coded with the associated EFEXT1 record number containing the second part of the subaddress data. Both Extension1 record types are set to "called party subaddress".
Once i), ii), and iii) have been considered the ME performs the updating procedure with EFADN. If the USIM has no available empty space to store the received ADN/SSC, or if the procedure has been aborted, the ME advises the user.
For reasons of memory efficiency, the ME may analyse all Extension1 records to recognise if the additional or subaddress data to be stored is already existing in EFEXT1. In this case, the ME may use the existing chain or the last part of the existing chain from more than one ADN. The ME is only allowed to store extension data in unused records. If existing records are used for multiple access, the ME shall not change any data in those records to prevent corruption of existing chains.
The ME sends the identification of the information to be erased. The content of the identified record in EFADN is marked as "free".
The ME sends the identification of the information to be read. The ME shall analyse the data of EFADN to ascertain, whether additional data is associated in EFEXT1 or EFCCP1. If necessary, then the ME performs the reading procedure on these EFs to assemble the complete ADN/SSC.
The ME shall access each EF which references EFEXT1 (EFEXT2, EFEXT6) for storage and shall identify records in these files using extension data (additional data or called party subaddress). Note that existing chains have to be followed to the end. All referred Extension1 (Extension2, Extension6) records are noted by the ME. All Extension1 (Extension2, Extension6) records not noted are then marked by the ME as "free" by setting the whole record to 'FF'.
The following three procedures are only applicable to service No. 2 (FDN).
  • FDN capability request. The ME shall check the state of service No. 2, i.e. if FDN is "enabled" or "disabled". If FDN is enabled, the ME shall only allow outgoing calls as defined in the fixed number dialling description in TS 22.101. To ascertain the state of FDN, the ME shall check in EFUST and EFEST if FDN is enabled (service activated and available). In all other cases service No. 2 is disabled.
  • FDN enabling is done by activating the FDN service in EFEST.
  • FDN disabling is done by deactivating the FDN service in EFEST.
The following three procedures are only applicable to service No. 6 (BDN).
  • BDN capability request. The ME shall check the state of service No. 6, i.e. if BDN is "enabled" or "disabled". To ascertain the state of BDN, the ME shall check in EFUST and EFEST if BDN is "enabled" (service available and activated). In all other cases, the BDN service is "disabled".
  • BDN enabling is done by activating the BDN service in EFEST.
  • BDN disabling is done by deactivating the BDN service in EFEST.

5.3.3  Short messagesp. 300

Service No. 10 "available".
The USIM seeks for the identified short message. If this message is found, the ME performs the reading procedure with EFSMS.
If service No. 10 is "available" and the status of the SMS is '1D' (status report requested, received and stored in EFSMSR), the ME performs the reading procedure with the corresponding record in EFSMSR. If the ME does not find a corresponding record in EFSMSR, then the ME shall update the status of the SMS with '15' (status report requested, received but not stored in EFSMSR).
If the short message is not found within the USIM memory, the USIM indicates that to the ME.
The ME looks for the next available area to store the short message. If such an area is available, it performs the updating procedure with EFSMS.
If there is no available empty space in the USIM to store the received short message, a specific MMI will have to take place in order not to loose the message.
The ME will select in the USIM the message area to be erased. Depending on the MMI, the message may be read before the area is marked as "free". After performing the updating procedure with EFSMS, the memory allocated to this short message in the USIM is made available for a new incoming message. The memory of the USIM may still contain the old message until a new message is stored in this area.
If service No. 11 is "available" and the status of the SMS is '1D' (status report requested, received and stored in EFSMSR), the ME performs the erasure procedure for EFSMSR with the corresponding record in EFSMSR.

5.3.4  Advice of chargep. 301

Service No. 13 "available".
Accumulated Call Meter.
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFACM. The USIM returns the last updated value of the ACM.
The ME performs the updating procedure with EFACM using the new initial value.
The ME performs the increasing procedure with EFACM sending the value which has to be added.
Accumulated Call Meter Maximum Value.
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFACMmax.
The ME performs the updating procedure with EFACMmax using the new initial maximum value.
Price per Unit and Currency Table (PUCT).
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFPUCT.
The ME performs the updating procedure with EFPUCT.

5.3.5  Capability configuration parametersp. 301

Service No. 14 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFCCP2.
The ME performs the updating procedure with EFCCP2.
The ME sends the identification of the requested information to be erased. The content of the identified record in EFCCP2 is marked as "free".

5.3.6  User controlled PLMN selector with Access Technologyp. 301

Service No. 20 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFPLMNwAcT.
The ME performs the updating procedure with EFPLMNwAcT.

5.3.7  Cell broadcast message identifierp. 301

Service No. 15 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFCBMI.
The ME performs the updating procedure with EFCBMI.

5.3.8  Group identifier level 1p. 301

Service No. 17 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFGID1.

5.3.9  Group identifier level 2p. 301

Service No. 18 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFGID2.

5.3.10  Service provider namep. 302

Service No. 19 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFSPN.

5.3.11  Enhanced multi level precedence and pre-emption servicep. 302

Service No. 24 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFeMLPP.

5.3.12  Cell broadcast message identifier rangesp. 302

Service No. 16 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFCBMIR.
The ME performs the updating procedure with EFCBMIR.

5.3.13  Short message status reportp. 302

Service No. 11 "available".
If the status of a stored short message indicates that there is a corresponding status report, the ME performs the reading procedure on the records of EFSMSR and identifies the record containing the appropriate status report.
If a status report is received, the ME first seeks within the SMS record identifiers of EFSMSR for the same record number it used for the short message in EFSMS. If such a record identifier is found in EFSMSR, it is used for storage. If such a record identifier is not found, then the ME seeks for a free entry in EFSMSR for storage. If no free entry is found the ME runs the Purge procedure with EFSMSR. If there is still no free entry, the status report is not stored.
If the ME found an appropriate record in EFSMSR for storage, it updates the record with the status report setting the record identifier in EFSMSR to the appropriate record number of the short message in EFSMS.
The status in EFSMS is updated accordingly by performing the update procedure with EFSMS.
The ME runs the update procedure with EFSMSR by at least storing '00' in the first byte of the record. The ME may optionally update the following bytes with 'FF'.
The ME shall read the SMS record identifier (byte 1) of each record of EFSMSR. With each record the ME checks the corresponding short messages in EFSMS. If the status (byte 1) of the corresponding SMS is not equal '1D' (status report requested, received and stored in EFSMSR), the ME shall perform the erasure procedure with the appropriate record in EFSMSR.

5.3.14  APN Control Listp. 302

Service No. 35 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFACL.
The ME performs the updating procedure with EFACL.
The ME activates service No. 3 in EFEST (bit 3 set to "1").
The ME deactivates service No. 3 in EFEST (bit 3 set to "0").
When the APN Control List service is enabled, the ME shall check that the entire APN of any PDP context is listed in EFACL before requesting this PDP context activation from the network. If the APN is not present in EFACL, the ME shall not request the corresponding PDP context activation from the network.
In the case that the APN Control List is enabled and no APN is indicated in the PDP context request, indicating that a network provided APN is to be used, then the ME shall only request the PDP context activation if "network provided APN" is contained within EFACL.
If the APN Control List service is enabled and the ME is to provide an APN as part of attach for PDN connectivity, then the ME shall verify that the APN value is present in the EFACL and if it is not the ME shall not proceed with the attach procedure. If the APN Control List service is enabled and the ME does not indend to provide an APN as part of the attach for PDN connectivity and use a network provided APN, the ME shall not check if "network provided APN" is contained within EFACL.
If the APN Control List service is enabled and the ME is to provide a DNN as part of PDU session establishment, then the ME shall verify that the DNN value is present in the EFACL and if it is not the ME shall not proceed with the PDU session establishment procedure. If the APN Control List service is enabled and the ME does not intend to provide a DNN as part of the PDU session establishment and use a network provided DNN, the ME shall not check if "network provided DNN" is contained within EFACL.

5.3.15  Depersonalisation Control Keysp. 303

Service No. 36 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFDCK.

5.3.16  Co-operative Network Listp. 303

Service No. 37 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFCNL.

5.3.17  CPBCCH informationp. 303

Service No. 39 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFCPBCCH.
The ME performs the updating procedure with EFCPBCCH.

5.3.18  Investigation Scanp. 303

Service No. 40 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFInvScan.

5.3.19  Enabled Services Table Requestp. 303

Service No. 2, No. 6, No. 34 or No. 35 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFEST.
The ME performs the updating procedure with EFEST.

5.3.20  Operator controlled PLMN selector with Access Technologyp. 303

Service No. 42 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFOPLMNwAcT

5.3.21  HPLMN selector with Access Technologyp. 303

Service No. 43 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFHPLMNwAcT

5.3.22  Automatic Answer on eMLPP service |R6|p. 304

Service No. 25 "available"
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFAAeM.
The ME performs the updating procedure with EFAAeM.

5.3.23  Network Parameter informationp. 304

The ME performs the reading procedure with EFNETPAR.
The ME performs the updating procedure with EFNETPAR.

5.3.24  PLMN network namep. 304

Service No. 45 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFPNN.

5.3.25  Operator PLMN List |R4|p. 304

Service No. 46 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFOPL

5.3.26  Message Waiting Indication |R4|p. 304

Service No. 48 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFMWIS.
The ME performs the updating procedure with EFMWIS.

5.3.27  Call Forwarding Indication Status |R4|p. 304

Service No. 49 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFCFIS.
The ME performs the updating procedure with EFCFIS.

5.3.28  Service Provider Display Information |R4|p. 304

Service No. 19 and No. 51 are "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFSPDI.
The ME performs the updating procedure with EFSPDI.

5.3.29  MMS Notifications |R4|p. 304

Service No. 52 "available".
The ME sends the identification of the information to be read, then the ME performs the reading procedure with EFMMSN. If Service No. 53 is available the ME shall analyse the data of EFMMSN to ascertain, whether additional data is associated in EFEXT8. If necessary, then the ME performs the reading procedure on EFEXT8 to assemble the complete MMS notification.
The ME analyses and assembles the MMS notification to be stored as follows:
  • if the MMS notification contains not more bytes than the maximum possible number for EFMMSN then the ME looks for the next available area to store the MMS notification. If such an area is available, it performs the updating procedure with EFMMSN.
  • if the MMS notification contains more bytes than the maximum possible number for EFMMSN then the ME seeks for a sufficient number of free records in EFEXT8 to store the complete MMS notification.
  • If there is not a sufficient number of EFEXT8 records marked as "free" to store the complete MMS notification, the procedure is aborted.
  • Otherwise, the ME performs the updating procedure and stores as many bytes as possible in EFMMSN. The Extension file record number of EFMMSN is coded with the associated record number in the EFEXT8. The remaining bytes are stored in the selected EFEXT8 record where the type of the record is then set to "additional data". The second byte of the EFEXT8 record is set with the number of bytes of the remaining additional data. It is possible, if the number of additional digits exceeds the capacity of the additional record, to chain another record inside the EFEXT8 by the identifier in the last byte of the record. In this case byte 2 of each record for additional data within the same chain indicates the number of bytes within the same record.
The ME is only allowed to store extension data in unused records of EFEXT8
If there is no available empty space in the USIM to store the MMS notification, it is up to ME implementation how the notification is handled.
The ME will select in the USIM the MMS notification to be erased. Depending on the MMI, the MMS notification may be read before the area is marked as "free". The memory of the USIM may still contain the old MMS notification until a new message is stored. If Service No. 53 is available all associated records in EFEXT8 are then marked by the ME as "free" by setting them to 'FF'.

5.3.30  MMS Issuer Connectivity Parameters |R4|p. 305

Service No. 52 "available".
the ME performs the reading procedure with EFMMSICP.
The ME performs the updating procedure with EFMMSICP.

5.3.31  MMS User Preferences |R4|p. 305

Service No. 52 "available".
the ME performs the reading procedure with EFMMSUP.
The ME performs the updating procedure with EFMMSUP.

5.3.32  MMS User Connectivity Parameters |R4|p. 305

Service No. 52 and No. 55 "available".
the ME performs the reading procedure with EFMMSUCP.
The ME performs the updating procedure with EFMMSUCP.

5.3.33  Network's indication of alerting |R4|p. 305

Service No. 56 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFNIA.

5.3.34  Multimedia Messages Storage |R6|p. 305

If the terminal supports Multimedia Message Storage on the USIM, then the following procedures apply.
As defined in TS 23.140 a Multimedia Message consists of content, or multimedia objects, and headers to describe various properties of that content. An MM is stored in EFMMDF, a BER-TLV structured file.
A list of multimedia messages is stored in the BER-TLV file EFMML where each data object identifies one Multimedia Message stored in EFMMDF.
Service No. 67 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedures on EFMML to verify the presence and to get the location information of the targeted MM. Then the ME performs the reading procedure of the EFMMDF file to get the MM.
The ME chooses a free identity (i.e. not listed in EFMML) for the multimedia message and check for available space in the EFMMDF file. This procedure could be done for each update or once at the startup of the UE and after a REFRESH command involving one of the DFMULTIMEDIA files. Then the ME performs the following procedures:
If there is no available empty space in the EFMMDF file to store the MM, the procedure is aborted and the user is notified.
Else, the ME stores the MM in EFMMDF, then updates the information in EFMML accordingly.
After a successful deletion of an MM in EFMMDF the terminal updates the information in EFMML accordingly.

5.3.35  Equivalent HPLMN Presentation Indication request |R7|p. 306

Service No. 73 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFEHPLMNPI.

5.3.36  NAF Key Centre Address request |R7|p. 306

Service No. 68 and service No. 76 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFNAFKCA.

5.3.37  Service provider name Icon |R8|p. 306

Service No. 19 and service No. 78 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFSPN and EFSPNI.

5.3.38  PLMN network name Icon |R8|p. 306

Service No. 45 and service No. 79 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFPNN and EFPNNI.

5.3.39  ICE Information request |R8|p. 306

The ICE information shall be accessible even when the security features of the UE or UICC have been enabled. The ICE access procedure is described in TS 22.030. The terminal shall discover that the ICE feature is supported by the ability to select one of the ICE files i.e. EFICE_DN, EFICE_FF or EFICE_graphics.
The terminal performs the read procedure with EFICE_DN and/or EFICE_FF and/or EFICE_graphics.
The terminal performs the update procedure with EFICE_DN and/or EFICE_FF and/or EFICE_graphics.
Disable ICE display:
The terminal performs the deactivate procedure consecutively on all the supported files (EFICE_DN, EFICE_FF and EFICE_graphics).
Enable ICE display:
The terminal performs the activate procedure consecutively on all the supported files (EFICE_DN, EFICE_FF and EFICE_graphics ).
The content of the EFICE_DN, EFICE_FF and EFICE_graphics shall be preserved when enabling and disabling the ICE display.

5.3.40  eCall Related Procedures |R8|p. 307

The eCall feature on the USIM provides two numbers or URIs, a test number or URI and a reconfiguration number or URI, to the terminal to be used with the eCall. eCall support on the USIM is indicated in the service table when Service No. 89 or Service No. 112 is "available".
Depending on the type of eCall support and the domain, EFFDN or EFSDN or EFFDNURI or EFSDNURI is used to provide the eCall functionality.
Up  eCall Only supportp. 307

Service No. 89 is "available" and FDN is enabled (Service No. 2 is "available" and FDN service is enabled in EFEST).
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFFDN.
If eCall only calls are supported, then EFFDN shall only contain two entries. The first entry shall contain the eCall test number and the second entry shall contain the eCall reconfiguration number. These numbers are used for eCall over CS domain. If Service No. 112 or Service No. 99 are not available, these numbers are used also for eCall over IMS Emergency Services using the PS domain in E-UTRAN or in NG-RAN, after being converted into tel URIs. A terminal in eCall only mode performs the FDN related procedures.
Service No. 112 and Service No. 99 are "available" and FDN is enabled (Service No. 2 is "available" and FDN service is enabled in EFEST).
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFFDNURI.
If eCall only calls are supported, then EFFDNURI shall only contain two entries. The first entry shall contain the eCall test URI and the second entry shall contain the eCall reconfiguration URI. These URIs are used for eCall over IMS Emergency Services using the PS domain in E-UTRAN or in NG-RAN. A terminal in eCall only mode performs the FDN related procedures.
Up  eCall and Normal call supportp. 307

Service No. 89 and Service No. 4 are "available" and FDN is disabled (either Service No. 2 is not "available" or FDN service is disabled in EFEST).
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFSDN.
If eCall and normal calls are supported, then the last two entries of EFSDN shall contain the eCall test number and the eCall reconfiguration number respectively. These numbers are used for eCalls over CS domain. If Service No. 112 or Service No. 99 are not available, these numbers are used also for eCall over IMS Emergency Services using the PS domain in E-UTRAN or in NG-RAN, after being converted into tel URIs. A terminal in eCall and normal mode performs the SDN related procedures.
Service No. 112 and Service No. 99 and Service No. 4 are "available" and FDN is disabled (either Service No. 2 is not "available" or FDN service is disabled in EFEST).
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFSDNURI.
If eCall and normal calls are supported, then the last two entries of EFSDNURI shall contain the eCall test URI and the eCall reconfiguration URI respectively. These URIs are used for eCall over IMS Emergency Services using the PS domain in E-UTRAN or in NG-RAN. A terminal in eCall and normal mode performs the SDN related procedures.
Up  Change of eCall modep. 308

It is possible to re-configure the USIM from eCall only support to eCall and Normal call support, or vice versa, either by changing the content of the USIM Service Table, and/or by changing the content of the EFEST. The terminal shall be notified of the changes by using the REFRESH proactive command, defined in TS 31.111, using one of the following modes:
  • USIM Initialization and File Change Notification
  • USIM Initialization and Full File Change Notification
  • UICC Reset
  • USIM Application Reset
  • 3G Session Reset

5.3.41  SM-over-IP |R8|p. 308

Service No. 12 and No. 91 "available".
the ME performs the reading procedure with EFPSISMSC.
The ME performs the updating procedure with EFPSISMSC.

5.3.42  UICC access to IMS |R10|p. 308

Service No. 95 is "available" and the ISIM application defined in TS 31.103 is not present on the UICC.
The terminal performs the reading procedure with EFUICCIARI.
The procedures and command for "UICC access to IMS" are defined in TS 31.111. An ME supporting UICC access to IMS shall perform the reading procedure with EFUICCIARI prior to sending a registration to the IMS.

5.3.43  TV Configuration |R14|p. 308

Service No. 116 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFTVCONFIG.

5.3.44  3GPP PS Data Off related procedures |R14|p. 308

service No. 117 is "available" in the USIM Service Table.
If the ME supports 3GPP PS Data Off the ME shall perform the reading procedure with EF3GPPPSDataOff.

5.3.45  3GPP PS Data Off service list related procedures |R14|p. 308

service No. 118 is "available" in the USIM Service Table.
If the ME supports 3GPP PS Data Off the ME shall perform the reading procedure with EF3GPPPSDataOffservicelist. If the ME performs the reading procedure with EF3GPPPSDataOffservicelist, the UE shall use the 3GPP PS Data Off Service list in the EF3GPPPSDataOffservicelist as described in clause 4.17 of TS 24.229, clause B.3.1.5 of TS 24.229 and clause L.3.1.5 of TS 24.229.

5.3.46  EARFCN list for MTC/NB-IOT UEs |R15|p. 308

Service No. 121 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFEARFCNList.

5.3.47  SUCI Calculation information procedure |R15|p. 309

"SUCI calculation is to be performed by the ME" (i.e. Service No. 124 is "available"and Service No. 125 is not "available").
As part of the SUCI calculation performed by the ME, the ME performs the reading procedure with EFSUCI_Calc_Info.

5.3.48  SUCI Calculation by the USIM procedure |R15|p. 309

"SUCI calculation is performed by the USIM" (i.e. Service No. 124 and Service No. 125 are "available").
The ME uses the GET IDENTITY command in SUCI context to retrieve the SUCI calculated by the USIM.
Following procedures apply for 5G NSWO authentication as per clause 6.3a of TS 24.502.
  • If "5G NSWO support" is activated (i.e. Service No. 142 is "available"), the ME shall use the GET IDENTITY command in the SUCI 5G NSWO context to retrieve the SUCI calculated by the USIM.
  • if USIM service 142 is not available and if the SUPI type is IMSI, the ME shall use the GET IDENTITY command in the SUCI context to retrieve the SUCI calculated by the USIM and contruct the SUCI in the NAI format as below.
    • The ME shall construct the realm part of the SUCI using the Home Network Identifier in the SUCI retrieved from the USIM as specified in TS 23.003.
    • The ME shall construct the username part of the SUCI using the complete SUCI excluding the Home Network Identifier received from the USIM.

5.3.49  Control plane-based Steering of Roaming related procedures |R15|p. 309

If service No. 127 is "available" in the USIM Service Table, the Registration Accept shall contain control plane based Steering of Roaming information during the initial registration procedure in a VPLMN.
The control plane-based Steering of Roaming procedure and the related information from the HPLMN are specified in TS 23.122.

5.3.50  5GS Operator PLMN List |R15|p. 309

Service No. 129 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EFOPL5G.

5.3.51  Routing Indicator procedure for ME |R15|p. 309

Service No. 124 is "available".
As part of the SUCI calculation performed by the ME, the ME performs the reading procedure with EFRouting_Indicator.

5.3.52  5GS eDRX procedure for ME |R17|p. 309

Service No. 141 "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EF5GSEDRX.

5.3.53  5G NSWO procedure |R17|p. 310

Service No. 142 is "available".
If Non-seamless WLAN offload (NSWO) is supported by the ME, it shall perform the reading procedure with EF5GNSWO_CONF and it shall follow the authentication procedure in 5G NSWO as defined in TS 33.501 Annex S.

5.3.54  5MBS UE pre-configuration |R18|p. 310

Service No. 147 is "available".
The ME performs the reading procedure with EF5MBSUECONFIG and any referenced EF5MBSUSD.

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