
Content for  ETSI TS 102 221   PDF version:  18.2.0

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13  Application independent filesp. 148

13.0  Introductionp. 148

The provisions of clause 13 apply to the logical UICC.

13.1  EFDIRp. 148

EFDIR is a linear fixed file under the MF and is under the responsibility of the issuer.
Identifier: '2F00'Structure: Linear fixedMandatory
SFI: Mandatory
Record size: X bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to XApplication template TLV objectMX bytes
The EF consists of one or more records, with each record able to hold one entry. Each entry in the EFDIR is an application template Data Object (DO) as defined in ISO/IEC 7816-4 [12]. An application template DO is a constructed BER-TLV object with a maximum length of 127 bytes and has a mandatory AID DO. Within the scope of the present document, all other Dos are optional.
In Table 13.2 the coding of the mandatory Dos and the optional Dos that has special meaning to the present document. All other Dos are according to ISO/IEC 7816-4 [12].
Length Description Status
1Application template tag = '61'M
1Length of the application template = '03'-'7F'M
1Application Identifier tag = '4F'M
1AID length = '01'-'10'M
'01' to '10' AID value. See ETSI TS 101 220 [3]M
1Application label tag = '50'O
1Application label lengthO
Note 1Application label valueO
The application label is a DO that contains a string of bytes provided by the application provider to be shown to the user for information, e.g. operator name. The value part of the application label shall be coded according to Annex A. It is recommended that the number of bytes in the application label does not exceed 32.
Other Dos from ISO/IEC 7816-4 [12] may, at the application issuer's discretion, be present as well.

13.2  EFICCID (ICC Identification)p. 149

This EF provides a unique identification number for the UICC.
Identifier: '2FE2'Structure: transparentMandatory
SFI: Optional
File size: 10 bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to 10Identification numberM10 bytes
Identification number:
according to Recommendation ITU-T E.118 [5].
card identification number.
BCD, left justified and padded with 'F'. The order of digits is coded as below:
Byte 1:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
MSB of Digit 2 LSB of Digit 2 MSB of Digit 1 LSB of Digit 1
Byte 2:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
MSB of Digit 4 LSB of Digit 4 MSB of Digit 3 LSB of Digit 3

13.3  EFPL (Preferred Languages)p. 150

This EF contains the codes for up to n languages. This information, determined by the user/operator, defines the preferred languages of the user, for the UICC, in order of priority.
Identifier: '2F 05'Structure: transparentMandatory
SFI: Mandatory
File size: 2n bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to 21st language code (highest prior)M2 bytes
3 to 42nd language codeO2 bytes
2n-1 to 2nnth language code (lowest prior)O2 bytes
Each language code is a pair of alpha-numeric characters, defined in ISO 639 [6]. Each alpha-numeric character shall be coded on one byte using the SMS default 7-bit coded alphabet as defined in TS 23.038 with bit 8 set to 0.
Unused language entries shall be set to 'FF FF'.

13.4  EFARR (Access Rule Reference)p. 150

This EF contains the access rules for files located under the MF in the UICC. If the security attribute tag '8B' is indicated in the FCP it contains a reference to a record in this file.
Identifier: '2F06'Structure: Linear fixedOptional
SFI: Optional
Record length: X bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to XAccess Rule TLV data objectsMX bytes
This EF contains one or more records containing access rule information according to the referenced format as defined in ISO/IEC 7816-4 [12]. Each record represents an access rule. Unused bytes in the record are set to 'FF'.

13.5  DFCD (Configuration Data)p. 150

13.5.0  Introductionp. 150

Clause 13.5 defines the files present in DFCD.

13.5.1  EFLAUNCH PADp. 151

Support of this EF is mandatory for a UICC that supports the Smart Card Web Server [24].
This EF contains the data for one or more launch pads which can be integrated with the menu system (or other MMI facility) in order to give the user the opportunity to launch a browser session with the Smart Card Web Server. A terminal that supports the launch feature of the Smart Card Web Server shall read at least one of the launch pads stored in EFLAUNCH PAD and shall integrate them within the MMI in order to give the user the opportunity to launch a browser session with the Smart Card Web Server.
The launch pad comprises an alpha identifier, a browser identity, a URL and zero or more icon descriptors either for an icon stored in an EF or pointed to by a URI. The terminal shall present as many launch pads to the user as it is able, starting with the first one, according to the following rules:
  • If no icon descriptor is provided, the terminal shall use a terminal specific default icon to present the launch pad to the user. The terminal may also display the alpha identifier together with the icon.
  • If one or more icon descriptor(s) is/are provided, the terminal shall use the icon descriptors and if required the icon data retrieved from the referenced EFICON to decide which of the icons is most appropriate for its menu system. If the terminal is able to use this data, if required so after appropriate resizing, it shall use the icon data to present the launch pad to the user. If indicated in the Icon qualifier the terminal may also display the alpha identifier together with the icon. If the icon data is not usable by the terminal, a default launch mechanism shall be used. The fact that the icon data from one of the referenced EFICON was retrieved may be used by the UICC as an indication that the launch pad is presented to the user.
  • As a minimum, terminals shall support the following icon format:
    • PNG as specified in ISO/IEC 15948 [25];
    • Icon size 32 x 32 pixel;
    • indexed colour information with 8 bits per pixel.
When the UICC sends a REFRESH proactive command for this file, the procedure given above shall be followed.
Identifier: '6F 01'Structure: transparentOptional
SFI: Optional
File size: X bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to N1st launch padON bytes
N+1 to N+M2nd launch padOM bytes
X-K+1 to X'FF' paddingOK bytes
Each launch pad is a constructed BER-TLV containing COMPREHENSION-TLVs as defined in ETSI TS 102 223 [4] and one additional TLV as defined below. It is coded as follows:
Description Clause in ETSI TS 102 223 [4] M/O Length
Launch pad tag'A0'- M1
Length (A+B+C+D+E1+E2+F1+F2+…)-M1 or 2
Alpha identifier8.2MA
Text Attribute8.72OB
Browser Identity8.47OC
URL (starting page)8.48MD
First icon descriptorsee belowOE1
Second icon descriptorsee belowOE2
Third …
First icon descriptor URIsee belowOF1
Second icon descriptor URIsee belowOF2
Third …
The Comprehension Required flag in the COMPREHENSION-TLVs shall be set to zero.
The alpha identifier contains the text to be displayed by the terminal together with a non-self-explanatory icon.
A text attribute contains formatting information intended to enhance the presentation of the alpha identifier.
The browser identity contains information about the type of browser to be used (e.g. HTML or WML browser).
The URL shall point to a page of the Smart Card Web Server [24].
The icon descriptor TLV contains information about the icon. Its tag value shall be '80'. Its value part shall be coded on 7 bytes as follows:
Byte 1: Icon qualifier:
The icon qualifier indicates how the icon shall be used by the terminal.
  • bit 1:
    0 =
    icon is self-explanatory, i.e. if displayed, it replaces the alpha identifier;
    1 =
    icon is not self-explanatory, i.e. if displayed, it shall be displayed together with the alpha identifier.
  • bits 2 to 8 = 0 RFU.
Byte 2: Icon Coding Scheme:
this byte identifies the image coding scheme that has been used in encoding the icon.
Reference to a media type as defined in IETF RFC 2046 and registered with IANA at
'00' - other media type as defined in EFICON;
'01' - "image/png";
'02' - "image/jpeg";
'03' - "image/gif";
'04' - "image/tiff";
'05' - "image/";
all other values - RFU.
Byte 3: Icon Width:
this byte specifies the icon width, expressed in pixel.
Byte 4: Icon Height:
this byte specifies the icon height, expressed in pixel.
Byte 5: Bits per pixel:
this byte specifies the number of bits that are used to code each pixel.
Bytes 6 and 7: File Identifier for icon EF:
these bytes identify an EF which is the icon data file (see clause 13.5.2), holding the actual graphics data for this icon.
Byte 6:
high byte of Icon Data File Identifier;
Byte 7:
low byte of Icon Data File Identifier.
The icon descriptor URI TLV contains information about the icon pointed to by a URI. Its tag value shall be '83'. Its value part shall be coded as follows:
Byte 1: Icon qualifier:
The icon qualifier indicates how the icon shall be used by the terminal.
Same as Icon qualifier for the case of pointer to the EFICON file ID.
Byte 2 to end of the TLV: URI of the icon:
URI with link to the icon.
An octet string according to UTF-8 encoding rules (e.g. The URI shall point to a page of the Smart Card Web Server [24].

13.5.2  EFICONp. 154

This EF contains the data for one icon.
Identifier: '6F XY'
with XY = '40'..'7F'
Structure: transparentOptional
SFI: Optional
File size: X bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O/C Length
1 to MMedia type TLV (tag = '80')CM bytes
M+1 to M+NIcon data TLV (tag = '81')MN bytes
M+N+1 to X'FF' paddingOX-M-N bytes
If no reference in EFLAUNCH PAD points to it, an icon file may contain arbitrary values.
Media type and icon data are coded as BER TLVs as defined in ETSI TS 101 220 [3]. The media type TLV shall be present if no media type is specified in the icon coding scheme of the entry in EFLAUNCH PAD that points to this file, else it is optional.
Media type value part:
Text string specifying the icon encoding.
As defined in IETF RFC 2046 and registered with IANA at e.g. "image/png".
Icon data value part:
The graphical data of the icon.
Binary data as defined for the respective media type.

13.6  EFUMPC (UICC Maximum Power Consumption)p. 154

This EF provides the value of the UICC maximum power consumption during the UICC session within the limits of clause 6.2.3 of the present document. In addition, this EF contains the value of the Operator defined time-out for the execution of any commands by the UICC if the terminal is not able to indicate it can supply the UICC maximum power consumption.
In case of a UICC supporting LSEs, the values of byte 1 and the value of bit 1 of byte 3 should be the same in all LSEs containing this EF.
Identifier: '2F08'Structure: transparentMandatory
SFI: Mandatory
File size: 5 bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1UICC maximum power consumptionM1 byte
2Operator defined time-out (T_OP)M1 byte
3Additional informationM1 byte
4 to 5RFUM2 bytes
UICC maximum power consumption:
Maximum power consumption of the UICC during the UICC session within the limits of clause 6.2.3 of the present document.
Coded in hexadecimal as below:
Bit 8:
RFU, shall be set to '0'.
Bit 7-1:
'0A' to '3C'. Maximum power consumption of the UICC in mA.
Operator defined time out (T_OP):
Operator defined minimum time-out value the terminal shall set for the execution of any commands by the UICC if the terminal is not able to indicate it can supply the UICC maximum power consumption. The value is expressed in seconds.
Coded in hexadecimal between '01' and 'FF'.
Additional information:
Indicates if the UICC requires an increased idle current during clock-stop-mode and if the UICC supports the UICC suspension procedure.
Bit 1:
UICC does not require increased idle current,
UICC requires increased idle current.
Bit 2:
UICC does not support the UICC suspension procedure
UICC supports the UICC suspension procedure.
Bits 3-8:
RFU, shall be set to '0'.

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