
Content for  TS 31.102  Word version:  19.0.0

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4.2.60  EFMBDN (Mailbox Dialling Numbers)p. 75

If service No. 47 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains dialling numbers to access mailboxes associated with Voicemail, Fax, Electronic Mail and other messages. It may also contain associated alpha-tags for each supported mailbox. Each dialling number shall be associated with a message waiting indication group type using EFMBI (see TS 23.038 for message waiting indication group types).
Identifier: '6FC7'Structure: linear fixedOptional
Record length: X+14 bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
UPDATEPIN/ADM (fixed during administrative management)
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to XAlpha IdentifierOX bytes
X+1Length of BCD number/SSC contentsM1 byte
X+2TON and NPIM1 byte
X+3 to X+12Dialling Number/SSC contentsM10 bytes
X+13Capability/Configuration2 Record IdentifierM1 byte
X+14Extension 6 Record IdentifierM1 byte
For contents and coding of all data items see the respective data items of the EFADN (clause, with the exception that extension records are stored in the EFEXT6 and with the exception that Capability/Configuration parameters are stored in the EFCCP2.

4.2.61  EFEXT6 (Extension6)p. 75

This EF contains extension data of an MBDN (see MBDN in clause 4.2.60).
Identifier: '6FC8'Structure: linear fixedOptional
Record length: 13 bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
UPDATEPIN/ADM (fixed during administrative management)
Bytes Description M/O Length
1Record typeM1 byte
2 to 12Extension dataM11 bytes
13IdentifierM1 byte
For contents and coding, see clause (EFEXT1).

4.2.62  EFMBI (Mailbox Identifier)p. 76

If service No. 47 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains information to associate mailbox dialling numbers in EFMBDN with a message waiting indication group type and subscriber profile (as defined in TS 23.097). A message waiting indication group type may either be Voicemail, Fax, Electronic Mail, Other or Videomail (as defined in TS 23.040).
This EF contains as many records as there are subscriber profiles (shall be record to subscriber profile). Each record contains references to mailbox dialling numbers in EFMBDN (one reference for each message waiting indication group type).
Identifier: '6FC9'Structure: linear fixedOptional
Record length: X bytes, (X ≥ 4)Update activity: low
Access Conditions:
UPDATEPIN/ADM (fixed during administrative management)
Bytes Description M/O Length
1Mailbox Dialling Number Identifier - VoicemailM1 byte
2Mailbox Dialling Number Identifier - FaxM1 byte
3Mailbox Dialling Number Identifier - Electronic MailM1 byte
4Mailbox Dialling Number Identifier - OtherM1 byte
5Mailbox Dialling Number Identifier - VideomailO1 byte
Mailbox Dialling Number Identifier (message waiting group type = Voicemail, Fax, Electronic Mail, Other or Videomail)
Identifies the mailbox dialling number to be associated with message waiting type.
'00' - no mailbox dialling number associated with message waiting indication group type.
'xx' - record number in EFMBDN associated with message waiting indication group type.

4.2.63  EFMWIS (Message Waiting Indication Status) |R4|p. 76

If service No. 48 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains the status of indicators that define whether or not a Voicemail, Fax, Electronic Mail, Other or Videomail message is waiting (as defined in TS 23.040). The ME uses the status after re-activation to determine whether or not to display the respective message-waiting indication on its display.
This EF contains as many records as there are subscriber profiles (shall be record to subscriber profile) as defined in TS 23.097 for MSP.
Identifier: '6FCA'Structure: Linear fixedOptional
Record length: X bytes, (X ≥ 5)Update activity: high
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1Message Waiting Indicator StatusM1 byte
2Number of Voicemail Messages WaitingM1 byte
3Number of Fax Messages WaitingM1 byte
4Number of Electronic Mail Messages WaitingM1 byte
5Number of Other Messages WaitingM1 byte
6Number of Videomail Messages waitingO1 byte
Message Waiting Indication Status
Indicates the status of the message-waiting indication.
The indicator status for each indicator type is 1 bit long and set as follows:
bit = 1: Set Indication Active
bit = 0: Set Indication Inactive
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
RFU Message Waiting Indication Status - Videomail Message Waiting Indication Status - Other Message Waiting Indication Status - Electronic Mail Message Waiting Indication Status - Fax Message Waiting Indication Status - Voicemail
Number of Voicemail Messages Waiting
Contains the number of voicemail messages waiting (see TS 23.040).
Number of Fax Messages Waiting
Contains the number of fax messages waiting (see TS 23.040).
Number of Electronic Mail Messages Waiting
Contains the number of electronic mail messages waiting (see TS 23.040)
Number of Other Messages Waiting
Contains the number of other messages waiting (see TS 23.040).
Number of Videomail Messages Waiting
Contains the number of Videomail messages waiting (see TS 23.040).

4.2.64  EFCFIS (Call Forwarding Indication Status) |R4|p. 78

If service No. 49 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains the status of indicators that are used to record whether call forward is active. The ME uses the status after re-activation to determine whether or not to display the respective Call Forwarding indicator on its display.
This EF contains as many records as there are subscriber profiles (shall be record to subscriber profile) as defined in TS 23.097 for MSP.
Identifier: '6FCB'Structure: Linear FixedOptional
Record length: 16 bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1MSP numberM1 byte
2CFU indicator statusM1 byte
3Length of BCD numberM1 byte
4TON and NPIM1 byte
5 to 14Dialling NumberM10 bytes
15Capability/Configuration2 Record IdentifierM1 byte
16Extension 7 Record IdentifierM1 byte
MSP number
The MSP number contains the Profile Identity of the subscriber profile. The Profile Identity shall be between 1and 4 as defined in TS 23.097 for MSP.
CFU indicator status:
Indicates the status of the call forward unconditional indicator. Service code = 21 (CFU) or 002 (for CFU part of all CF), as defined in TS 22.030
The indicator status for each indicator type is 1 bit long and is set as follows:
bit = 1: Set indication active
bit = 0: Set indication inactive.
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
RFU (e.g. for other MMI service codes) CFU indicator status - Fax
MMI Service code = 13 (Fax), as defined in TS 22.030).
CFU indicator status - All data teleservices
MMI Service code = 12 (Data (Teleservices)), as defined in TS 22.030).
CFU indicator status - SMS
MMI Service code = 16 (SMS), as defined in TS 22.030.
CFU indicator status - All bearer services
MMI Service code = 20 (Data (Bearer Services)), as defined in TS 22.030).
CFU indicator status - Voice
MMI Service code = 11 (Telephony), as defined in TS 22.030).

4.2.65  EFEXT7 (Extension7) |R4|p. 79

This EF contains extension data of a CFIS (Call Forwarding Indication Status - see clause 4.2.64).
Identifier: '6FCC'Structure: linear fixedOptional
Record length: 13 bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1Record typeM1 byte
2 to 12Extension dataM11 bytes
13IdentifierM1 byte
For contents and coding see clause (EFEXT1).

4.2.66  EFSPDI (Service Provider Display Information) |R4|p. 80

If service No. 51 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains information regarding the service provider display i.e. the service provider PLMN list.
Identifier: '6FCD'Structure: transparentOptional
SFI: '1B'
File size: x bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to xTLV object(s) containing Service Provider informationMx bytes
Tag Value Tag Description
'A3'Service provider display information Tag
'80'Service provider PLMN list tag
The service provider display information object is a constructed TLV coded according to ISO/IEC 8825-1 [35].
Service provider PLMN list
This TLV contains a list of n PLMNs in which the Service Provider Name shall be displayed, as defined in clause 4.2.12 (EFSPN).
Description M/O Length
Service provider PLMN list tagM1 byte
Length (see note)Mx bytes
1st PLMN entryM3 bytes
2nd PLMN entryO3 bytes
3rd PLMN entryO3 bytes
nth PLMN entryO3 bytes
the length is 3*n bytes, where n denotes the number of PLMN entries. The length can be coded on one or more bytes according to ISO/IEC 8825-1 [35].
Each PLMN is coded as follows:
Mobile Country Code (MCC) followed by the Mobile Network Code (MNC) according to TS 24.008.
In case a PLMN entry is not used, it shall be set to 'FF FF FF'.

4.2.67  EFMMSN (MMS Notification) |R4|p. 80

If service No. 52 is "available", this file shall be present.
This EF contains information in accordance with TS 23.140 and X.S0016-000-A v1.0 [45] comprising MMS notifications (and associated parameters) which have been received by the UE from the network. A 3GPP terminal needs only to support the MMS implementation specified in TS 23.140.
Identifier: '6FCE'Structure: Linear fixedOptional
Record length: 4+X bytesUpdate activity: low
Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 to 2MMS StatusM2 bytes
3MMS ImplementationM1 byte
4 to X+3MMS NotificationMX bytes
X+4Extension file record numberM1 byte
MMS Status
The status bytes contain the status information of the notification.
b1 indicates whether there is valid data or if the location is free. B2 indicates whether the MMS notification has been read or not. Bits b3-b4 of the first byte indicate the MM retrieval, MM rejection, or MM forwarding status, Bits b5-b8 of the first byte and the entire second byte are reserved for future use.
First byte:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
Reserved for future use
X X X 0 Free space
X X X 1 Used space
X X 0 1 Notification not read
X X 1 1 Notification read
0 0 X 1 MM not retrieved
0 1 X 1 MM retrieved
1 0 X 1 MM rejected
1 1 X 1 MM forwarded
Second byte:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
Reserved for future use
MMS Implementation
The MMS Implementation indicates the used implementation type, e.g. WAP.
Allocation of bits:
Bit numberParameter indicated
1WAP implementation of MMS as defined in TS 23.140
2 Reserved for 3GPP2: M-IMAP implementation of MMS as defined in X.S0016-000-A v1.0 [45]
3 Reserved for 3GPP2: SIP implementation of MMS as defined in X.S0016-000-A v1.0 [45]
4-8Reserved for future use
Bit valueMeaning
0Implementation not supported
1Implementation supported
MMS Notification
The MMS Notification contains the MMS notification.
The MMS Notification is coded according to the MMS Implementation as indicated in Byte 3.
Any unused byte shall be set to 'FF'.
Extension file record number
extension file record number. This byte identifies the number of a record in the EFEXT8 containing extension data for the notification information. The use of this byte is optional. If it is not used it shall be set to 'FF'.

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