
Content for  TS 27.007  Word version:  19.0.0

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A (Normative)  Summary of commands from other standardsp. 449

Summary of ITU-T Recommendation V.250 [14] commands applicable to the present document:
Name V.250 clause Description Clauses in the present document
&C6.2.8Circuit 109 (Received line signal detector) Behaviour 4.3
&D6.2.9Circuit 108 (Data terminal ready) Behaviour 4.3
&F6.1.2Set to Factory-defined Configuration 5.8 / 3
+DR6.6.2Data Compression Reporting 6.20
+DS6.6.1Data Compression 6.20
+GCAP6.1.9Request Complete Capabilities List 5.8
+GCI6.1.10Country of Installation 5.8
+GMI6.14Request Manufacturer Identification 5.8 / 5.1
+GMM6.1.5Request Model Identification 5.8 / 5.2
+GMR6.1.6Request Revision Identification 5.8 / 5.3
+GOI6.1.8Request Global Object Identification 5.8
+GSN6.1.7Request Product Serial Number Identification 5.8 / 5.4
+ICF6.2.11DTE-DCE Character Framing 4.3
+IFC6.2.12DTE-DCE Local Flow Control 4.3
+ILRR6.2.13DTE-DCE Local Rate Reporting 4.3
+IPR6.2.10Fixed DTE Rate 4.3
A6.3.5Answer 6.19 / 6.6
D6.3.1Dial 6.1 - 6.4 / 6.6
E6.2.4Command Echo 4.3
H6.3.6Hook Control 6.19 / 6.5 / 6.6
I6.1.3Request Identification Information 5.8
L6.3.13Monitor Speaker Loudness 6.19
M6.3.14Monitor Speaker Mode 6.19
O6.3.7Return to Online Data State 6.19
P6.3.3Select Pulse Dialling 6.19
Q6.2.5Result Code Suppression 4.3
S06.3.8Automatic Answer 6.19
S106.3.12Automatic Disconnect Delay 6.19
S36.2.1Command Line Termination Character 4.3
S46.2.2Response Formatting Character 4.3
S56.2.3Command Line Editing Character 4.3
S66.3.9Pause Before Blind Dialling 6.19
S76.3.10Connection Completion Timeout 6.19
S86.3.11Comma Dial Modifier Time 6.19
T6.3.2Select Tone Dialling 6.19
V6.2.6DCE Response Format 4.3 / 3 / 4.1 / 4.2
X6.2.7Result Code Selection and Call Progress Monitoring Control 4.3
Z6.1.1Reset To Default Configuration 5.8
The use of ITU-T Recommendation V.42 error control protocol is not specified in the present document, but if a manufacturer chooses to implement it over transparent data service, +E prefixed commands of ITU-T Recommendation V.250 [14] shall be used.
ITU-T Recommendation T.31 [11] and ITU-T Recommendation T.32 [12] may be used as facsimile TA-TE protocols without deletions or additions to the command set.
TIA IS-99 [15] commands referenced in the present document:
Command IS-99 clause Description Clause in the present document
+CBC5.6.5Battery Charge 8.4
+CGMI5.6.10Request Manufacturer Identification 5.1
+CGMM5.6.10Request Model Identification 5.2
+CGMR5.6.10Request Revision Identification 5.3
+CGSN5.6.10Request Product Serial Number Identification 5.4
+CRC5.6.7Cellular Result Codes 6.11
TIA IS-135 [16] commands referenced in the present document:
Command IS-135 clause Description Clause in the present document
+CBC4.1.24Battery Charge 8.4
+CRC4.1.29Cellular Result Codes 6.11
+CSQ4.1.31Signal Quality 8.5
PCCA STD-101 [17] commands referenced in the present document:
Command STD-101 clause Description Clause in the present document
+WS465.2.4.6WDS-side Stack Selection 5.9

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