
Content for  TS 27.007  Word version:  19.1.0

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10.1.50  5GS quality of service read dynamic parameters +C5GQOSRDP |R15|p. 331

Command Possible response(s)
+C5GQOSRDP[=<cid>][+C5GQOSRDP: <cid>,<5QI>[,<DL_GFBR>,<UL_GFBR>[,<DL_MFBR>,<UL_MFBR>[,<DL_SAMBR>,<UL_SAMBR>[,<Averaging_window>]]]]]
[<CR><LF>+C5GQOSRDP: <cid>,<5QI>[,<DL_GFBR>,<UL_GBR>[,<DL_MFBR>,<UL_MFBR>[,<DL_SAMBR>,<UL_SAMBR>[,<Averaging_window>]]]]
+C5GQOSRDP=? +C5GQOSRDP: (list of <cid>s associated with QoS flows)
The execution command returns the Quality of Service parameters <5QI>, [<DL_GFBR> and <UL_GFBR>], [<DL_MFBR> and <UL_MFBR>], [<DL_SAMBR> and <UL_SAMBR>] and <Averaging_window> of the QoS flow associated to the provided context identifier <cid>.
If the parameter <cid> is omitted, the Quality of Service parameters for all QoS flows are returned.
The test command returns a list of <cid>s associated with all QoS flows.
Parameters of both network and MT/TA initiated QoS flows will be returned.
Defined values
integer type; specifies a particular QoS flow definition, Traffic Flows definition and a PDP Context definition (see the +CGDCONT and +CGDSCONT commands).
integer type; specifies a class of 5GS QoS (see TS 23.501 and TS 24.501).
5QI is selected by network
[1 - 4]
value range for guaranteed bit rate QoS flows
65, 66, 67
values for guaranteed bit rate QoS flows
[71 - 76]
value range for guaranteed bit rate QoS flows
[5 - 10]
value range for non-guaranteed bit rate QoS flows
69, 70, 79, 80
values for non-guaranteed bit rate QoS flows
[82 - 86]
value range for delay critical guaranteed bit rate QoS flows
[87 - 90]
value range for Advanced Interactive Services bit rate QoS flows
[128 - 254]
value range for Operator-specific 5QIs
integer type; indicates DL GFBR in case of GBR 5QI. The value is in kbit/s. This parameter is omitted for a non-GBR 5QI (see TS 24.501).
integer type; indicates UL GFBR in case of GBR 5QI. The value is in kbit/s. This parameter is omitted for a non-GBR 5QI (see TS 24.501).
integer type; indicates DL MFBR in case of GBR 5QI. The value is in kbit/s. This parameter is omitted for a non-GBR 5QI (see TS 24.501).
integer type; indicates UL MFBR in case of GBR 5QI. The value is in kbit/s. This parameter is omitted for a non-GBR 5QI (see TS 24.501).
integer type; indicates the UL session AMBR (see TS 24.501). The value is in kbit/s.
integer type; indicates the DL session AMBR (see TS 24.501). The value is in kbit/s.
integer type; indicates the averaging window (see TS 24.501). The value is in milliseconds.

10.1.51  Receive UE policy +CRUEPOLICY |R15|p. 333

Command Possible response(s)
+CRUEPOLICY? +CRUEPOLICY: <reporting>[,<UE_policy_section_management_list_length>,<UE_policy_section_management_list>]
+CRUEPOLICY=? +CRUEPOLICY: (list of supported <reporting>s)
The set command controls the presentation of policy information to the TE by an unsolicited result code +CRUEPOLICYU: <UE_policy_section_management_list_length>,<UE_policy_section_management_list> when policy information is received from the network.
Read command returns <reporting> which indicates whether reporting of policy information is enabled or disabled. When reporting is enabled, the parameters <UE_policy_section_management_list_length> and <UE_policy_section_management_list> indicates the most recently received policy information at the MT. When reporting is disabled, no policy information is provided.
Test command returns values supported as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type. Enables and disables reporting of policy information received from the network.
0 (default)
Disable reporting
Enable reporting
integer type; indicates the number of octets of the <UE_policy_section_management_list> information element.
string type; coded as the value part of the UE policy section management list information element in clause D.6.2 of TS 24.501, Table D.6.2.1. This parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS.

10.1.52  Send UE policy +CSUEPOLICY |R15|p. 333

Command Possible response(s)
+CSUEPOLICY=<message_type>[,<UE_policy_information_length>,<UE_policy_information>[,<UE_policy_classmark>[,<OS_Id_len>,<OS_Id_info>]]] +CME ERROR: <err>
Execution command allows the TE to send the UE policy section management result or the UPSI list and or the UE policy classmark and UE OS information to the MT.
The UE policy information information element contains the UE policy section management result or the UPSI list as specified in clause D.6.3 of TS 24.501, and clause D.6.4.
Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Defined values
integer type. Indicates which type of message the MT is requested to send.
integer type; only present if <message_type>=1 or <message_type>=2. It indicates the number of octets of the <UE_policy_information> information element.
string type; only present if <message_type>=1, <message_type>=2 or <message_type>=3.
If <message_type>=1, it is coded as the value part of the UE policy section management result information element in clause D.6.3 of TS 24.501, Table D.6.3.1.
If <message_type>=2, it is coded as the value part of the UPSI list information element in clause D.6.4 of TS 24.501, Table D.6.4.1. This parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS.
If <message_type>=3, it is coded as the value part of the Requested UE policies information element in clause 8.3.2 of TS 24.587, Table This parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS.
string type; one byte in an 8-bit format; only present if <message_type>=2. It is coded as octet 3 of the UE policy classmark information element in clause D.6.5 of TS 24.501, Table D.6.5.1. This parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS.
integer type, indicating the number of OS Ids to be sent when <message_type>=2.
string type, indicating the information about the OS of the UE. The OS Id is coded as a sequence of a sixteen octet OS Id value field. The OS Id value field is defined as Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) as specified in RFC 4122. See clause D.6.6 of TS 24.501. If there are multiple OS Ids present, each OS Id needs to be separated with a semicolon(;).

10.1.53  5GS access selection preference for MO SMS +C5GSMS |R15|p. 334

Command Possible response(s)
+C5GSMS? +C5GSMS: <access_pref>
+C5GSMS=? +C5GSMS: (list of currently supported <access_pref>s)
The set command is used to specify the access preference that the MT will use to send MO SMS over NAS messages in 5GS.
The read command returns the currently selected access preference.
The test command returns the supported access preferences as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type; indicates the access preference to use to send MO SMS over NAS messages.
0 (default)
3GPP access preferred, non-3GPP access is used if 3GPP access is not available
non-3GPP access preferred, 3GPP access is used if non-3GPP access is not available

10.1.54  Mobile initiated connection only mode +CMICO |R15|p. 335

Command Possible response(s)
+CMICO=[<n>[,<Requested_MICO_Mode>[,<Requested_Active_Time>>[,<Requested_SPRT>]]]] +CME ERROR: <err>
when <n>=2 and command successful
+CMICO: <Current_MICO_Mode>[,<RAAI>,<SPRT>[,<Allocated_Active_Time>]]
+CMICO? +CMICO: <n>,<Requested_MICO_Mode>[,<Current_MICO_Mode>[,<RAAI>,[<SPRT>,<Requested_SPRT> [,<Requested_Active_Time>,<Allocated_Active-Time>]]]]
+CMICO=? +CMICO: (list of supported <n>s),(list of supported <Requested_MICO_Mode>s),(list of supported <Requested_SPRT>s)
The set command controls the presentation of unsolicited result code +CMICO: <Current_MICO_Mode>[,<RAAI>,<SPRT>[,<Allocated_Active_Time>]] when <n>=1 and there is a change in the current MICO mode. The parameters <RAAI> and <SPRT> and optionally <Allocated_Active_Time>, are returned when <Current_MICO_Mode>=1. When <n>=2, a special form of the set command enables the UE to request the use of MICO mode from the network or re-negotiate the use of MICO mode from the network and optionally request an active timer value along with the indication of support for strictly periodic registration timer (SPRT), during the registration procedure (see clause 5.3.6 and clause 5.5.1 of TS 24.501). When MICO mode is requested with <n>=2, the UE will attempt to trigger the mobility registration immediately. When MICO mode is requested with <n>=3, the UE will request MICO mode during initial registration and the negotiated values from the network will be displayed through the unsolicited response when received.
Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
The command should be abortable when <n>=2, when the use of MICO mode is requested or re-negotiated from the network.
The read command returns the current settings of <n>, <Requested_MICO_Mode> and <Requested_Active_Time>. The command also returns the current values of <Current_MICO_Mode>, <RAAI>, <SPRT>, <Requested_Active_Time>, <Requested_SPRT> and <Allocated_Active_Time> if available (see clause of TS 24.501).
The test command returns values of supported <n>s, <Requested_MICO_Mode>s and <Requested_SPRT>s as compound values.
Defined values
integer type
0 (default)
disable unsolicited result code +CMICO: <Current_MICO_Mode>[,<RAAI>,<SPRT>[,<Allocated_Active_Time>]]
enable unsolicited result code +CMICO: <Current_MICO_Mode>[,<RAAI>,<SPRT>[,<Allocated_Active_Time>]]
MICO mode is requested or re-negotiated from the network. There will be no change in the current setting of <n>, enabling or disabling of unsolicited result code +CMICO: <Current_MICO_Mode>[,<RAAI>,<SPRT>[,<Allocated_Active_Time>]]
MICO mode is requested during initial registration
integer type; indicates the requested MICO mode, see clause 5.5.1 of TS 24.501.
0 (default)
triggers the UE to request stopping the use of MICO mode
triggers the UE to request the use of MICO mode
string type; one byte in an 8-bit format. Requested Active Time value (T3324) to be allocated to the UE. The <Requested_Active_Time> value is coded as one byte (octet 3) of the GPRS Timer 3 information element coded as bit format (e.g. "01000111" equals 70 hours). For the coding and the value range, see the GPRS Timer 3 IE in TS 24.008 Table 10.5.163a/3GPP TS 24.008. See also clauses 5.3.6 and 5.5.1 of TS 24.501. The default value, if available, is manufacturer specific.<Current_MICO_Mode>: integer type; indicates the current MICO mode, see clause 5.3.6 of TS 24.501.
indicates that the use of MICO mode is not allowed by the network
indicates that the use of MICO mode is allowed by the network
integer type; only present when <Current_MICO_Mode>=1. Indicates the registration area allocation indication, see clause of TS 24.501.
indicates to the UE that all PLMN registration areas are not allocated
indicates to the UE that all PLMN registration areas are allocated
integer type; Indicates if strictly periodic registration timer is supported by the UE or not, see clause of TS 24.501.
indicates that the strictly periodic registration timer is not supported by the UE
indicates that the strictly periodic registration timer is supported by the UE
integer type; only present when <Current_MICO_Mode>=1. Indicates the use of the strictly periodic registration timer, see clause of TS 24.501. If the UE indicated support for strictly periodic registration timer in the MICO indication IE to the network, the network may include a "strictly periodic registration timer supported" indication in the MICO indication IE to the UE.
indicates to the UE that the strictly periodic registration timer is not being used
indicates to the UE that the strictly periodic registration timer is being used
string type; one byte in an 8-bit format. Only present when <Current_MICO_Mode>=1. Indicates the Active Time value (T3324) assigned by the network. The <Allocated_Active_Time> value is coded as one byte (octet 3) of the GPRS Timer 3 information element coded as bit format (e.g. "01000111" equals 70 hours). For the coding and the value range, see the GPRS Timer 3 IE in TS 24.008 Table 10.5.163a/3GPP TS 24.008. See also clauses 5.3.6 and 5.5.1 of TS 24.501.
This command is only appliable to UEs supporting 5GS.

10.1.55  S-NSSAI based back-off timer status reporting +CSBTSR |R15|p. 337

Command Possible response(s)
+CSBTSR=[<n>] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CSBTSR=? +CSBTSR: (list of supported <n>s)
Set command controls the presentation of unsolicited result code +CSBTSRI: <S-NSSAI>,<event_type>[,<S-NSSAI_backoff_time>,<5GSM_congestion_re-attempt_abo_indicator>,<5GSM_congestion_re-attempt_catbo_indicator>[,<procedure>]] reporting the S-NSSAI based back-off timer parameter values from MT to TE if the back-off timer is started, stopped, deactivated or expires. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Read command returns the current S-NSSAI based back-off timer unsolicited result code settings in the MT.
Test command returns values supported as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type.
0 (default)
Disable presentation of the unsolicited result code +CSBTSRI.
Enable presentation of the unsolicited result code +CSBTSRI.
string type in hexadecimal format. Dependent of the form, the string can be separated by dot(s) and semicolon(s). The S-NSSAI is associated with the back-off timer for identifying a network slice in 5GS, see TS 23.501 and TS 24.501. Refer parameter <S-NSSAI> in clause 10.1.1. This parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS.
integer type. Indicates the event happened to the back-off timer.
The back-off timer is started.
The back-off timer is stopped.
The back-off timer is expired.
The back-off timer is deactivated.
integer type; indicates the remaining back-off time associated with the <S-NSSAI> in seconds. When the back-off timer is deactivated, the parameter <S-NSSAI_backoff_time> is omitted. When the back-off timer is stopped or expired, 0 is indicated.
integer type. Indicates whether the back-off timer is applied in the registered PLMN or all PLMNs.
The back-off timer is applied in the registered PLMN.
The back-off timer is applied in all PLMNs.
integer type. Indicates whether the back-off timer is applied in the current access type or both 3GPP access type and non-3GPP access type.
The back-off timer is applied in both 3GPP access type and non-3GPP access type.
The back-off timer is applied in the current access type.
integer type. Indicates the procedure(s) for which the back-off timer applies. When <procedure>=0 the information returned is associated with timer T3585. When the parameter <procedure> is omitted, the back-off timer is deactivated.
All procedures.

10.1.56  S-NSSAI based back-off timer read dynamic parameters +CSBTRDP |R15|p. 338

Command Possible response(s)
+CSBTRDP[=<S-NSSAI>][+CSBTRDP: <S-NSSAI>[,<S-NSSAI_backoff_time>][,<5GSM_congestion_re-attempt_abo_indicator>,<5GSM_congestion_re-attempt_catbo_indicator>][,<procedure>]
[<CR><LF>+CSBTRDP: <S-NSSAI>[,<S-NSSAI_backoff_time>][,<5GSM_congestion_re-attempt_abo_indicator>,<5GSM_congestion_re-attempt_catbo_indicator>][,<procedure>]
The execution command returns the relevant information in the MT for the S-NSSAI based back-off timer parameter value <S-NSSAI_backoff_time>, <5GSM_congestion_re-attempt_abo_indicator>, <5GSM_congestion_re-attempt_catbo_indicator> and <procedure> for an <S-NSSAI> if the back-off timer is running.
If the parameter <S-NSSAI> in the execution command is omitted, the relevant information for all S-NSSAIs associated with running back-off timers are returned.
Defined values
string type in hexadecimal format. Dependent of the form, the string can be separated by dot(s) and semicolon(s). The S-NSSAI is associated with the back-off timer for identifying a network slice in 5GS, see TS 23.501 and TS 24.501. When <S-NSSAI> indicates an empty string (""), the following parameter is associated with no S-NSSAI as specified in TS 24.501. Refer parameter <S-NSSAI> in clause 10.1.1. This parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS.
integer type; indicates the remaining back-off time associated with the <S-NSSAI> in seconds. When the back-off timer is deactivated, the parameter <S-NSSAI_backoff_time> is omitted.
integer type. Indicates whether the back-off timer is applied in the registered PLMN or all PLMNs.
The back-off timer is applied in the registered PLMN.
The back-off timer is applied in all PLMNs.
integer type. Indicates whether the back-off timer is applied in the current access type or both 3GPP access type and non-3GPP access type.
The back-off timer is applied in both 3GPP access type and non-3GPP access type.
The back-off timer is applied in the current access type.
integer type. Indicates the procedure(s) for which the back-off timer applies. When <procedure>=0 the information returned is associated with timer T3585. When the parameter <procedure> is omitted, the back-off timer is deactivated.
All procedures.

10.1.57  S-NSSAI and DNN based back-off timer status reporting +CSDBTSR |R15|p. 339

Command Possible response(s)
+CSDBTSR=[<n>] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CSDBTSR=? +CSDBTSR: (list of supported <n>s)
Set command controls the presentation of unsolicited result code +CSDBTSRI: <S-NSSAI>,<DNN>,<event_type>[,<S-NSSAI_DNN_backoff_time>,<5GSM_congestion_re-attempt_abo_indicator>,<5GSM_congestion_re-attempt_catbo_indicator>[,<procedure>]] reporting the S-NSSAI and DNN based back-off timer parameter values from MT to TE if the back-off timer is started, stopped, deactivated or expires. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Read command returns the current S-NSSAI and DNN based back-off timer unsolicited result code settings in the MT.
Test command returns values supported as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type.
0 (default)
Disable presentation of the unsolicited result code +CSDBTSRI.
Enable presentation of the unsolicited result code +CSDBTSRI.
string type in hexadecimal format. Dependent of the form, the string can be separated by dot(s) and semicolon(s). The S-NSSAI is associated with the back-off timer for identifying a network slice in 5GS, see TS 23.501 and TS 24.501. Refer parameter <S-NSSAI> in clause 10.1.1. This parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS.
string type; indicates the DNN associated with the back-off timer for identifying a data network in 5GS, see TS 23.501 and TS 24.501. This parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS.
integer type. Indicates the event happened to the back-off timer.
The back-off timer is started.
The back-off timer is stopped.
The back-off timer is expired.
The back-off timer is deactivated.
integer type; indicates the remaining back-off time associated with the <S-NSSAI> and <DNN> in seconds. When the back-off timer is deactivated, the parameter <S-NSSAI_DNN_backoff_time> is omitted.
integer type. Indicates whether the back-off timer is applied in the registered PLMN or all PLMNs.
The back-off timer is applied in the registered PLMN.
The back-off timer is applied in all PLMNs.
integer type. Indicates whether the back-off timer is applied in the current access type or both 3GPP access type and non-3GPP access type.
The back-off timer is applied in both 3GPP access type and non-3GPP access type.
The back-off timer is applied in the current access type.
integer type. Indicates the procedure(s) for which the back-off timer applies. When <procedure>=0 the information returned is associated with timer T3584. For all other values of <procedure> the information returned is associated with the back-off timer as specified in TS 24.501 for the various session management procedures. When the parameter <procedure> is omitted, the back-off timer is deactivated.
All procedures.
PDU session establishment procedure (see clause 6.4.1 of TS 24.501)
PDU session modification procedure (see clause 6.4.2 of TS 24.501).

10.1.58  S-NSSAI and DNN based back-off timer read dynamic parameters +CSDBTRDP |R15|p. 340

Command Possible response(s)
+CSDBTRDP[=<S-NSSAI>,<DNN>][+CSDBTRDP: <S-NSSAI>,<DNN>[,<S-NSSAI_DNN_backoff_time>][,<5GSM_congestion_re-attempt_abo_indicator>,<5GSM_congestion_re-attempt_catbo_indicator>[,<procedure>]]]
[<CR><LF>+CSDBTRDP: <S-NSSAI>,<DNN>[,<S-NSSAI_DNN_backoff_time>][,<5GSM_congestion_re-attempt_abo_indicator>,<5GSM_congestion_re-attempt_catbo_indicator>[,<procedure>]]]
The execution command returns the relevant information in the MT for the S-NSSAI and DNN based back-off timer parameter value <S-NSSAI_DNN_backoff_time>, <5GSM_congestion_re-attempt_abo_indicator>, <5GSM_congestion_re-attempt_catbo_indicator> and <procedure> for the <S-NSSAI> and <DNN> combination if the back-off timer is running.
If the parameter <S-NSSAI> in the execution command is omitted, the DNN specific information for all S-NSSAIs associated with running back-off timers are returned.
If the parameter <DNN> in the execution command is omitted, the S-NSSAI specific information for all DNNs associated with running back-off timers are returned.
If both the parameters <S-NSSAI> and <DNN> are omitted, the relevant information for all S-NSSAI and DNN combinations associated with running back-off timers are returned.
Defined values
string type in hexadecimal format. Dependent of the form, the string can be separated by dot(s) and semicolon(s). The S-NSSAI is associated with the back-off timer for identifying a network slice in 5GS, see TS 23.501 and TS 24.501. When <S-NSSAI> indicates an empty string (""), the parameter <S-NSSAI_DNN_backoff_time> in the response is associated with no S-NSSAI as specified in TS 24.501. Refer parameter <S-NSSAI> in clause 10.1.1. This parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS.
string type; indicates the DNN associated with the back-off timer for identifying a data network in 5GS, see TS 23.501 and TS 24.501. When <DNN> indicates an empty string (""), the parameter <S-NSSAI_DNN_backoff_time> in the response is associated with no DNN as specified in TS 24.501. This parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS.
integer type; indicates the remaining back-off time associated with the <S-NSSAI> and <DNN> combination in seconds. When the back-off timer is deactivated, the parameter <S-NSSAI_DNN_backoff_time> is omitted.
integer type. Indicates whether the back-off timer is applied in the registered PLMN or all PLMNs.
The back-off timer is applied in the registered PLMN.
The back-off timer is applied in all PLMNs.
integer type. Indicates whether the back-off timer is applied in the current access type or both 3GPP access type and non-3GPP access type.
The back-off timer is applied in both 3GPP access type and non-3GPP access type.
The back-off timer is applied in the current access type.
integer type. Indicates the procedure(s) for which the back-off timer applies. When <procedure>=0 the information returned is associated with timer T3584. For all other values of <procedure> the information returned is associated with the back-off timer as specified in TS 24.501 for the various session management procedures. When the parameter <procedure> is omitted, the back-off timer is deactivated.
All procedures.
PDU session establishment procedure (see clause 6.4.1 of TS 24.501)
PDU session modification procedure (see clause 6.4.2 of TS 24.501).

10.1.59  5GS use of SMS over NAS +C5GUSMS |R15|p. 342

Command Possible response(s)
+C5GUSMS=[<n>[,<sms_requested>]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+C5GUSMS? +C5GUSMS: <sms_available>,<sms_allowed>
+C5GUSMS=? +C5GUSMS: (list of supported <n>s),(list of supported <sms_requested>s)
The set command enables the UE to request the use of SMS over NAS in 5GS or to request stopping the use of SMS over NAS in 5GS. Additionally, the set command controls the presentation of the unsolicited result code +C5GUSMS: <sms_available>,<sms_allowed> when <n>=2 and SMS over NAS in 5GS allowed status information or SMS over NAS in 5GS availability status information is received from the network, for the UE (see clauses, and of TS 24.501).
Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
The read command returns the current SMS over NAS in 5GS availability status for the UE and the current SMS over NAS in 5GS allowed status for the UE.
The test command returns the values supported as compound values.
Defined values
integer type
0 (default)
no change in current setting of <n>
disable unsolicited result code +C5GUSMS <sms_available>,<sms_allowed>
enable unsolicited result code +C5GUSMS: <sms_available>,<sms_allowed>
integer type; indicates the UE's request for SMS over NAS in 5GS.
0 (default)
triggers the UE to request the use of SMS over NAS in 5GS
triggers the UE to request stopping the use of SMS over NAS in 5GS
integer type; indicates the current SMS over NAS in 5GS availability status for the UE in the network.
indicates that the SMS over NAS in 5GS availability status for the UE is unknown
indicates that SMS over NAS in 5GS is not available in the network for the UE (see clause of TS 24.501)
indicates that SMS over NAS in 5GS is available in the network for the UE (see clause of TS 24.501)
integer type; indicates the current SMS over NAS in 5GS allowed status for UE in the network.
indicates that SMS over NAS in 5GS allowed status for the UE is unknown
indicates that the UE is not allowed by the network to use SMS over NAS in 5GS (see clauses, and of TS 24.501)
indicates that the UE is allowed by the network to use SMS over NAS in 5GS (see clauses and of TS 24.501)

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