
Content for  TS 27.007  Word version:  19.1.0

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14  Commands for eMBMS configuration |R13|p. 416

14.1  Generalp. 416

This clause defines AT commands that a TE may use to control MT supporting evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (eMBMS). eMBMS is a unidirectional point-to-multipoint service in which data is transmitted from a single source entity to a group of users in a specific area. eMBMS services are transmitted on the same carrier frequencies used by mobile operators to provide other typical services such as voice calls and internet. There are various types of eMBMS services that can be provided to the end user such as Mobile TV, streaming, file download, etc.
eMBMS information is sent over SystemInformationBlockType13 information element (SIB-13) according to clause 6.3.1 of TS 36.331. Information on eMBMS parameters can be found in TS 36.443 and TS 29.061.
A comprehensive set of eMBMS-specific commands is defined to provide the flexibility needed by the more complex MT. The commands are designed to be expandable to accommodate new eMBMS feature options and interface protocols, merely by defining new values for many of the parameters. The commands use the extended information and error message capabilities described in this specification.
The +CEMBMSCFG command enables or disables the eMBMS support in the MT. Once the eMBMS service is enabled then the status of the eMBMS session can be received by enabling the URC using the +CEMBSR command. The +CEMBSR command also provides information about the TMGI and eMBMS session being used by the MT. The +CEMBMSDATA command can be used by the MT to configure the data channel to use for receiving eMBMS services. The +CEMBMSSRV command is used to configure and activate the eMBMS service for a specific TMGI and listen for any service change indications. The +CEMBMSCNT command can be used to set the list of TMGIs from which the MT can receive eMBMS services.

14.2  Commands specific to eMBMSp. 417

14.2.1  eMBMS configuration in MT +CEMBMSCFGp. 417

Command Possible response(s)
+CEMBMSCFG=<setup_cfg> +CME ERROR: <err>
+CEMBMSCFG=? +CEMBMSCFG: (list of supported <setup_cfg>s)
Set command enables and disables the eMBMS support.
When eMBMS is enabled the MT reads the SystemInformationBlockType13 information element (SIB-13) according to clause 6.3.1 of TS 36.331.
If this command is issued when eMBMS is not active, +CME ERROR is returned. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Read command returns the current eMBMS configuration settings in the MT.
Test command returns values supported as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type; specifies if eMBMS support is to be enabled or disabled in the MT.
0 (default)
disable eMBMS support in MT. When eMBMS support is disabled MT is not receiving or consuming any eMBMS service nor monitoring any Multicast Control Channel
enable eMBMS support in MT

14.2.2  eMBMS status reporting in MT +CEMBMSRp. 417

Command Possible response(s)
+CEMBMSR=? +CEMBMSR: (list of supported <n>s)
Set command controls the presentation of unsolicited result code +CEMBMSRI: <session_status>,<tmgi>,<embms_session_id>[,<tmgi>,<embms_session_id>[…]] reporting eMBMS session parameter values. The eMBMS session parameter values are reported only if the eMBMS service is enabled using the +CEMBMSCFG command. Set command does not trigger a request in the MT to read the SystemInformationBlockType13 information element (SIB-13) information.
Read command returns the current eMBMS unsolicited result code settings in the MT.
Test command returns values supported as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type
0 (default)
disable presentation of the unsolicited result code
enable presentation of the unsolicited result code +CEMBMSRI: <session_status>,<tmgi>,<embms_session_id>[,<tmgi>,<embms_session_id>[…]]
integer type; if eMBMS support is enabled, this parameter indicates whether an eMBMS session is activated or deactivated. When the eMBMS session is activated, +CEMBMSDATA command can be used to enter into data state.
eMBMS session is deactivated. When eMBMS session is deactivated MT is not receiving or consuming any eMBMS service but the MT is monitoring Multicast Control Channels
eMBMS session is activated
string type in hex format; value is the Temporary Mobile Group Identity allocated to a particular eMBMS bearer service. Refer to clause of TS 24.008.
integer type; value is the eMBMS Session Identity, which together with TMGI identifies a specific eMBMS session. Refer to clause 17.7.11 of TS 29.061.

14.2.3  eMBMS service configuration +CEMBMSSRVp. 419

Command Possible response(s)
+CEMBMSSRV=[<n>[,<embms_service>[,<tmgi>]]][+CEMBMSSRV: <service_type>,<no_services_info>,<tmgi>[,<embms_session_id>[,<tmgi>[,<embms_session_id>[…]]]]
[<CR><LF>[+CEMBMSSRV:<service_type>,<no_services_info>,<tmgi>[,<embms_session_id>[,<tmgi>[,<embms_session_id>[…]]]]] […]]]]]
+CME ERROR:<err>
+CEMBMSSRV=? +CEMBMSSRV: (list of supported <n>s),(list of supported <embms_service>s)
Set command is used for querying and listening for service change indications and to control the presentation of following unsolicited service result code in the terminal +CEMBMSSRVI: <service_type>,<no_services_info>,<tmgi>[,<embms_session_id>[,<tmgi>[,<embms_session_id>[…]]]] reporting eMBMS service information TMGI and eMBMS Session Identity.
If this command is issued when eMBMS is not active, +CME ERROR is returned. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Read command returns the result code settings of the terminal.
Test command returns values supported as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type; provides an option to control the unsolicited presentation on TE/MT.
0 (default)
disable eMBMS unsolicited result code
enable eMBMS unsolicited result code
integer type; provides an option to query and configure eMBMS services. The MT should use the value 4 as the default value.
query eMBMS services available for use by the MT
query eMBMS services being used by the MT
configure eMBMS service for use by the MT
deconfigure eMBMS service for use by the MT
keep current configuration of eMBMS services used by the MT
integer type; indicates whether the eMBMS service is available for use or is being used by the mobile
eMBMS service available for use by the MT
eMBMS service being used by the MT
integer type; number of eMBMS services for which information is reported for a particular <service_type>
string type in hex format; value is the Temporary Mobile Group Identity allocated to a particular eMBMS bearer service. Refer to clause of TS 24.008.
integer type; value is the optional MBMS Session Identity, which together with TMGI identifies a specific MBMS session. Refer to clause 17.7.11 of TS 29.061.

14.2.4  Enter eMBMS data state +CEMBMSDATAp. 420

Command Possible response(s)
+CEMBMSDATA=<embms_session_id>[,<tmgi>] +CME ERROR: <err>
Set command is used to enter eMBMS data state by configuring the channel for data transfer for the specified eMBMS session. MT does not process any further AT commands after entering the eMBMS data state. The MT exits the eMBMS data state once the eMBMS data transfer is complete or the eMBMS session becomes inactive.
If this command is issued when <embms_session_id> or <tmgi> fail to identify an existing eMBMS session, +CME ERROR is returned. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
If this command is issued when eMBMS is not active, +CME ERROR is returned. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Defined values
integer type; value is the eMBMS Session Identity, which together with TMGI identifies a specific eMBMS session. Refer to clause 17.7.11 of TS 29.061.
string type in hex format; value is the Temporary Mobile Group Identity allocated to a particular eMBMS bearer service. Refer to clause of TS 24.008.

14.2.5  eMBMS counting procedure +CEMBMSCNTp. 420

Command Possible response(s)
CEMBMSCNT=<tmgi>[,<tmgi>[,…]] +CME ERROR: <err>
CEMBMSCNT? +CEMBMSCNT: <tmgi>,[,<tmgi>[,…]]
Set command is used to set the list of TMGIs for which the user is interested in receiving eMBMS services. Refer to clause of TS 36.331 for MBMS Counting Procedure.
If this command is issued when eMBMS is not active, +CME ERROR is returned. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Read command is used to get the list of TMGI's from which the user is interested in receiving eMBMS services.
Defined values
string type in hex format; value is the Temporary Mobile Group Identity allocated to a particular eMBMS bearer service. Refer to clause of TS 24.008.

14.2.6  eMBMS Service Area Identities +CEMBMSSAIp. 421

Command Possible response(s)
+CEMBMSSAI=[<n>[,<embms_priority_flag>[,<earfcn_cnt>[,<earfcn>[,<earfcn>[,…]]]]][,<sai_cnt>[,<sai>[,<sai>[,…]]]]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CEMBMSSAI? +CEMBMSSAI: USERDEF <n>,<embms_priority_flag>,<earfcn_cnt>[,<earfcn>[,<earfcn>[,…]]]
+CEMBMSSAI: FCNT <embms_priority_flag>,<inter_frequency_cnt>
+CEMBMSSAI: INTER <earfcn>,<sai_cnt>[,<sai>[,<sai>[,…]]]
+CEMBMSSAI: INTRA <sai_cnt>,<sai>[,<sai>[,…]]
+CEMBMSSAI=? +CEMBMSSAI: (list of supported <n>s),(list of supported <embms_priority_flag>s)
Set command sets the priority of eMBMS reception over unicast reception, the eMBMS frequencies the user is interested to receive and the SAIs corresponding to neighbor frequencies. When <n=1>, unsolicited result codes report the SAI of the current and the neighboring carrier frequencies provided by the network through SystemInformationBlockType15 (SIB-15) according to clause 6.3.1 of TS 36.331.
The unsolicited result code +CEMBMSSAII: FCNT <embms_priority_flag>,<inter_frequency_cnt> reports the priority of eMBMS reception over unicast reception and the number of neighboring frequencies that provide eMBMS services.
The unsolicited result code +CEMBMSSAII: INTER <earfcn>,<sai_cnt>[,<sai>[,<sai>[,…]]] reports the SAI in the neighboring frequencies.
The unsolicited result code +CEMBMSSAII: INTRA <sai_cnt>,<sai>[,<sai>[,…]] reports the SAI in the current frequency.
If this command is issued when eMBMS is not active, +CME ERROR is returned. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Read command returns the current settings of <n> and <embms_priority_flag> in the MT.
Test command returns values supported as compound values.
Defined values
integer type; provides an option to control the unsolicited presentation on TE/MT.
0 (default)
disable eMBMS unsolicited result code
enable eMBMS unsolicited result code
integer type; indicates the priority of eMBMS reception over unicast reception.
0 (default)
the unicast reception shall have priority over eMBMS reception
the eMBMS reception shall have priority over unicast reception
integer type; indicates the eMBMS frequency the user is interested to receive. It's the carrier frequency of the LTE cell designated by the EUTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (EARFCN), valid range: 0...0xFFFF (refer to clause 5.7.3 of TS 36.101).
integer type; indicates the count of <earfcn> reported. The maximum possible value is 32.
integer type; indicates the number of inter frequencies that will be set or reported.
integer type; indicates the SAI in corresponding downlink carrier frequencies.
integer type; indicates the count of <sai> being set or reported. The maximum value is 128.

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