
Content for  TS 27.007  Word version:  19.1.0

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19  Commands for edge enabling layer operation |R18|p. 435

19.1  Generalp. 435

This clause defines AT commands that a TE may use to control MT supporting the edge enabling layer and EDGE-5 interface as specified in TS 23.558.
A comprehensive set of edge enabling layer-specific commands is defined to provide the flexibility needed by the more complex MT. The commands are designed to be expandable to accommodate new edge enabling layer feature options and interface protocols, merely by defining new values for many of the parameters. The commands use the extended information and error message capabilities described in the present specification.
The +CE5EASD command provides the edge enabling layer with an application client profile and optionally EAS discovery filter(s) to be used for performing EAS discovery by the MT as specified in TS 24.558. The +CE5ACRREQ command requests the edge enabling layer to initiate an ACR procedure by the MT as specified in TS 24.558. The +CE5EECSRV command enables or disables the edge enabling layer to notify a list of EEC service(s) available at the edge enabling layer in the MT as specified in TS 23.558. The +CE5UEIDREQ command requests the edge enabling layer to perform a UE identifier API procedure by the MT as specified in TS 23.558.

19.2  Commands specific to edge enabling layerp. 435

19.2.1  Edge-5 EAS discovery +CE5EASDp. 435

Command Possible response(s)
+CE5EASD=<AC-profile>,<AC-security-credential>[,<EAS-characteristics>] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CE5EASD: <discovered-EAS>
Set command provides an application client profile and the security credential associated with the application client profile, and optionally EAS discovery filter. If the security credential associated with the application client is valid, then the edge enabling layer performs an EAS discovery procedure and returns the EAS profile as defined in clause of TS 23.558.
If the edge enabling layer fails to check the validity of the set command based on the security credential of the application client, then +CME ERROR: 3 (Operation not allowed) is returned. For other reason for failure of processing the request, refer to clause 9.2.1 for possible <err> values.
Defined values
string type; indicate the application client profile to be used for performing EAS discovery procedure by the edge enabling layer in the MT. The <AC-profile> is encoded as ACProfile data type defined in clause of TS 24.558.
string type; indicates the security credential associated with the application client profile to be used for checking validity of the request by the edge enabling layer in the MT. Encoding of the <AC-security-credential> is out of scope of this specification.
string type; indicates the list of the EAS characteristics that the TE is interested in. The <EAS-characteristics> is encoded as EasCharacteristics data type defined in clause of TS 24.558.
string type; indicates the result of EAS discovery procedure performed by the edge enabling layer in the MT for the request of the TE, as specified in clause 5.3 of TS 24.558. the <discovered-EAS> is encoded as DiscoveredEas data type defined in clause of TS 24.558.
Optional. This command is only applicable to UEs supporting edge enabling layer.

19.2.2  Edge-5 ACR trigger request +CE5ACRREQp. 436

Command Possible response(s)
+CE5ACRREQ=<AC-profile>,<AC-security-credential>,<Requested-ACR-action>,<S-EAS-info>[,<T-EAS-endpoint>] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CE5ACRREQ: <result>
Set command provides an application client profile, the security credential associated with the application client profile, the indication of ACR action (i.e., whether ACR detection or ACR initiation is requested), the EAS identifier to which the ACR request is related, and optionally the selected target EAS endpoint address. If the security credential associated with the application client is valid, then the edge enabling layer in the MT performs ACR procedure according to the indication of ACR action in the request as defined in clause of TS 23.558.
If the edge enabling layer fails to check the validity of the set command based on the security credential of the application client, then +CME ERROR: 3 (Operation not allowed) is returned. For other reason for failure of processing the request, refer to clause 9.2.1 for possible <err> values.
Defined values
string type; indicate the application client profile to be used for performing EAS discovery procedure by the edge enabling layer in the MT. The <AC-profile> is encoded as ACProfile data type defined in clause of TS 24.558.
string type; indicates the security credential associated with the application client profile to be used for checking validity of the request by the edge enabling layer in the MT. Encoding of the <AC-security-credential> is out of scope of this specification.
integer type; indicates whether the request is for ACR detection or for ACR initiation. The edge enabling layer in the MT determines takes this indication into account for perfoming ACR procedure as specified in clause of TS 23.558.
ACR detection is requested
ACR initiation is requested
string type; indicates the identifier of EAS to which the ACR request is related.
string type; indicates the endpoint address of the selected EAS by the TE. <T-EAS-endpoint> is encoded as tEASEndpoint of the AcrInitReq data type defined in clause of TS 24.558.
integer type; indicates the result of ACR request for the requested ACR action.
the ACR request was successful and the edge enabling layer in the MT is processing the requested ACR operation
the ACR request failed
Optional. This command is only applicable to UEs supporting edge enabling layer.

19.2.3  Edge-5 EEC services subscription +CE5EECSRVp. 437

Command Possible response(s)
+CE5EECSRV=<subscribe>,<AC-profile>,<AC-security-credential>,<required-EEC-services>[,<ACR-operation-type>,<CAS-info>] +CE5EECSRV: <response>[,<subs-id>,<expiry-time>,<EAS-discovery-ind>,<EAS-dynamic-info-ind>,<ACR-ind>[,<EAS-info-list>]]
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CE5EECSRV? +CE5EECSRV: <subscribe>
+CE5EECSRV=? +CE5EECSRV: (list of supported <subscribe> values),<EAS-discovery-ind>,<EAS-dynamic-info-ind>,<ACR-ind>
Set command enables the edge enabling layer in the MT to send notifications to the TE. The parameter <subscribe> enables or disables notification by an unsolicited result code. Relevant parameters for the EEC services subscription are provided in the unsolicited result code +CE5EECSRV: <subs-id>[,<EAS-discovery-info>,<EAS-dynamic-info>,<EAS-info-list>[,<ACR-status>[,<target-EAS-info>]]].
Refer to clause 9.2.1 for possible <err> values.
Read command returns the current value.
Test command returns the supported values as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type. Enables and disables the subscription for EEC services.
Disables the subscription request.
Subscribe for notifications of EAS discovery.
Subscribe for notifications of ACR.
string type; indicate the application client profile to be used for performing EAS discovery procedure by the edge enabling layer in the MT. The <AC-profile> is encoded as ACProfile data type defined in clause of TS 24.558.
string type; indicates the security credential associated with the application client profile to be used for checking validity of the request by the edge enabling layer in the MT. Encoding of the <AC-security-credential> is out of scope of this specification.
string type. If the value of <subscribe> is set to 1, <required-EEC-services> contains either or both:
If the value of <subscribe> is set to 2, <required-EEC-services> contains:
  • the list of EAS information including the identifier of the EAS encoded as a easId of the AcrInitReq data type defined in clause of TS 24.558 and the endpoint address of the EAS encoded as a sEASEndpoint of the AcrInitReq data type defined in clause of TS 24.558; and
  • optionally <ACR-operation-type> or <CAS-info>, or both.
integer type; indicates the requested ACR operation as specified in clause of TS 23.558.
ACR notification
ACR monitoring
the edge enabling layer managed ACR
string type; indicates the addess of cloud application server encoded as URI.
integer type; indicates the successful subscription or the failure of subscription.
the subscription request was successful
the subscription request fails
integer type; indicates the subscription identifier corresponding to the subscription request
integer type; indicates the time for subscription expiration with unit of seconds. The default value is implementation specific.
integer type; indicates that the edge enabling layer supports handling of EAS discovery to the TE.
no support of EAS discovery handling
support of EAS discovery handling
integer type; indicates that the edge enabling layer supports handling of EAS dynamic information subscription to the TE.
no support of EAS dynamic information subscription handling
support of EAS dynamic information subscription handling
integer type; indicates that the edge enabling layer supports handling of ACR operation to the TE
no support of ACR operation handling
support of ACR operation handling
string type; contains the list of EAS information for ACR operation including the identifier of the EAS encoded as a easId of the AcrInitReq data type defined in clause of TS 24.558 and the endpoint address of the EAS encoded as a sEASEndpoint of the AcrInitReq data type defined in clause of TS 24.558.
string type; contains a list of a discoveredEas data type as defined in clause of TS 24.558.
string type; contains a list of a discoveredEas data type as defined in clause of TS 24.558.
integer type; indicates the status of ACR operation.
the edge enabling layer in the MT detects a need for ACR
the edge enabling layer in the MT decides to perform ACR
the ACR is initiated
the ACR is in-progress
the ACR is completed
string type. If the value of <ACR-status> is set to 4, it contains the information of target EAS as a result of ACR operation, which is encoded as a discoveredEas data type defined in clause of TS 24.558.
Optional. This command is only applicable to UEs supporting edge enabling layer.

19.2.4  Edge-5 UE ID request +CE5UEIDREQp. 439

Command Possible response(s)
+CE5UEIDREQ=<security-credential>,<EAS-id1>[,<EAS-id2>[...]] +CE5UEIDREQ: <response>[,list of <CR><LF><UE-ID>,<UE-ID-type>,<EAS-id>]
+CME ERROR: <err>
Set command provides the security credential of the TE for requesting +CE5UEIDREQ, and the list of EAS identifier(s) to retrieve the associated application specific UE identifier. If the security credential is valid, then the edge enabling layer in the MT performs UE identifier API procedure for the EAS indicated in the request as defined in clause of TS 23.558.
If the edge enabling layer fails to check the validity of the set command based on the security credential in the request, then +CME ERROR: 3 (Operation not allowed) is returned. For other reason for failure of processing the request, refer to clause 9.2.1 for possible <err> values.
Defined values
string type; indicates the security credential of the TE for requesting +CE5UEIDREQ to be used for checking validity of the request by the edge enabling layer in the MT. Encoding of the <security-credential> is out of scope of this specification.
string type; indicates application identifier of the EAS.
integer type; indicates the result of the request.
the UE identifier API procedure performed by the edge enabling layer in the MT was successful
the UE identifier API procedure performed by the edge enabling layer in the MT failed
string type; indicates the UE identifier corresponding to the <EAS-id>.
integer type; indicates whether <UE-ID> is a 3GPP Core Network assigned UE ID (see clause 5.20 of TS 23.501) or Edge UE ID (see clause 7.2.9 of TS 23.558).
Optional. This command is only applicable to UEs supporting edge enabling layer.

19.2.5  Edge-5 AC registration +CE5REGp. 440

Command Possible response(s)
+CE5REG=<reg_req>,<AC-profile>,<AC-security-credential>[,[<EAS-characteristics>][,<EEC-service-req>][,<ECS-information>][,<reg-id>]]+CE5REG: <response>,<reg-id>,<allowed-EAS-service>[,<expiry-time>]
+CME ERROR: <err>
Set command provides an application client profile and the security credential associated with the application client profile, optionally a list of EAS discovery filter, optionally a list of the requested EEC services, and optionally an ECS address. If it is requested for AC registration update or for AC deregistration, the registration identifier allocated during the previous registration is included in the set command.
If the edge enabling layer fails to check the validity of the set command based on the security credential of the application client, then +CME ERROR: 3 (Operation not allowed) is returned. For other reason for failure of processing the request, refer to clause 9.2.1 for possible <err> values.
Defined values
integer type, indicates the type of the AC registration request:
AC registration request
AC registration update request
AC deregistration request
string type; indicate the application client profile to be used by the edge enabling layer in the MT. The <AC-profile> is encoded as ACProfile data type defined in clause of TS 24.558.
string type; indicates the security credential associated with the application client profile to be used for checking validity of the request by the edge enabling layer in the MT. Encoding of the <AC-security-credential> is out of scope of this specification.
string type; indicates the list of the EAS characteristics that the TE is interested in. The <EAS-characteristics> is encoded as EasCharacteristics data type defined in clause of TS 24.558.
integer type, indicates the requested EEC services:
Request edge enabling layer to handle EAS discovery.
Request edge enabling layer to handle ACR.
Request edge enabling layer to handle both EAS discovery and ACR.
string type which include a URI of the ECS endpoint address.
string type, indicates the identifier of AC registration assigned by the edge enabling layer.
integer type; indicates the result of the request.
the request of AC registration indicated in <reg_req> was successful
tthe request of AC registration indicated in <reg_req> failed
integer type, indicates the EEC services allowed to the AC:
AC is allowed to use EAS discovery.
AC is allowed to use ACR.
AC is allowed to use both EAS discovery and ACR.
integer type; indicates the time for AC registration expiration with unit of seconds. The default value is implementation specific.
Optional. This command is only applicable to UEs supporting edge enabling layer.

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