
Content for  TS 27.007  Word version:  19.0.0

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8.80  Consent for requesting access to restricted local operator services +CCRLOS |R15|p. 223

Command Possible response(s)
+CCRLOS=? +CCRLOS: (list of supported <RLOS_cons>s)
The set command allows the TE to indicate to the MT whether the user consents to requesting access to RLOS. The configuration of whether the user consents to requesting access to RLOS is kept by the MT until a new set command is received from the TE, i.e. it is not cleared upon the completion of an attach procedure for access to RLOS.
The read command returns the current settings for the user's consent for requesting access to RLOS.
The test command returns values supported as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type. Indicates the user's consent for requesting access to RLOS.
0 (default)
user does not consent to requesting access to RLOS.
user consents to requesting access to RLOS.
Optional. This command is only applicable to UEs in E-UTRAN.

8.81  EPS fallback status +CEPSFBS |R16|p. 224

Command Possible response(s)
+CEPSFBS=[<reporting>] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CEPSFBS? +CEPSFBS: <reporting>[,<stat>,<type>]
+CEPSFBS=? +CEPSFBS: (list of supported <reporting>s)
The set command controls the presentation of an unsolicited result code +CEPSFBS: <stat>,<type> when <reporting>=1 and there is a change due to EPS fallback(EPSFB) procedure triggered by the network.
Read command returns <reporting> which indicates whether reporting of EPSFB status is enabled or disabled. When reporting is enabled, the parameters <stat> and <type> indicate the most recently received EPSFB status. When reporting is disabled, EPSFB status and EPSFB type are not provided.
The test command returns values supported as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type value. Disable and enable presentation of the unsolicited result code +CEPSFBS to the TE.
0 (default)
Disable EPSFBS unsolicited result code.
Enable EPSFBS unsolicited result code +CEPSFBS: <stat>,<type>.
integer type; indicates the EPS fallback (EPSFB) status when MO/MT call is initated in 5GS.
5GS to EPS fallback started (applicable e.g. when handover (see NOTE 1) or redirection (see NOTE 2) is indicated by lower layers)
5GS to EPS fallback successful (applicable e.g. when change from 5GC to EPC is indicated by lower layers) (see NOTE 3)
5GS to EPS fallback failure (applicable e.g. when 5GS to EPS fallback was started but did not succeed in an implementation-specific time).
integer type; indicates the EPSFB type.
Handover (see NOTE 1)
Redirection (see NOTE 2)
Optional. This command is only applicable to UEs supporting 5GS.

8.82  Mobile originated location privacy setting +CMOLPS |R16|p. 225

Command Possible response(s)
+CMOLPS=[<indication>[,<start_valid_time_period>,<end_valid_time_period>]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CMOLPS? +CMOLPS: <indication>[,<start_valid_time_period>,<end_valid_time_period>]]
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CMOLPS=? +CMOLPS: (list of supported <indication>s)
The set command is used to set the UE location privacy indication to allow or disallow location requests for the UE. The parameter <location> includes the UE location privacy indication to allow or disallow location requests for the UE. The parameters <start_valid_time_period> and <end_valid_time_period> include, respectively, the start time and the end time of the valid time period for the UE location privacy indication (see TS 23.273). If these parameters are not defined, +CMOLPS=1 will disallow location requests without any time limitations. If <start_valid_time_period> is provided but <end_valid_time_period> is not provided, or <end_valid_time_period> is provided but <start_valid_time_period> is not provided, the MT shall return a +CME ERROR response. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
A special form of the command can be given as +CMOLPS=2. In this form, location requests will be allowed, and the value of the parameters <start_valid_time_period> and <end_valid_time_period> will be discarded.
Read command returns the current settings.
Test command returns the supported values as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type. Enables and disables allowing location requests for the UE.
0 (default)
Location requests allowed.
Location requests disallowed.
Allow location requests and discard the parameters <start_valid_time_period> and <end_valid_time_period>.
string type. This parameter contains the start time of the valid time period for the UE location privacy indication, encoded as specified in RFC 3339.
string type. This parameter contains the end time of the valid time period for the UE location privacy indication, encoded as specified in RFC 3339.


8.84  Application level measurement configuration for NR +CAPPLEVMCNR |R17|p. 226

Command Possible response(s)
+CAPPLEVMCNR=? +CAPPLEVMCNR: (list of supported <n>s)
This command allows control of the application level measurement configuration according to TS 38.331. The set command controls the presentation of the unsolicited result code +CAPPLEVMCNR: (list of [<CR><LF>,<meas_config_app_layer_id>,[<start-stop_measurement>,[<ran_visible_release_only>]],[<app-meas_config_file_length>,<app-meas_config-file>],[<transmission_of_session_start-end>],[<ran_visible_periodicity>],[<number_of_buffer_level_entries>],[<report_playout_delay_for_media_startup>],[<app-meas_service_type>]]s) providing data for the configuration. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Read command returns the current value of <n>.
Test command returns values supported as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type. Disable and enable presentation of the unsolicited result code +CAPPLEVMCNR to the TE.
0 (default)
Disable presentation of the unsolicited result code
Enable presentation of the unsolicited result code
integer type. Contains the indication of what application that is target for the application level measurement configuration.
QoE measurement collection for streaming services
QoE measurement collection for MTSI services
QoE measurement collection for VR services
integer type. Indicates the start and stop of the application level measurement reporting for the application indicated by the <app-meas_service_type>.
start the application level measurement
stop the application level measurement and release the application level measurement configuration
integer type. Indicates the number of octets of the <app-meas_config-file> parameter.
string of octets. Contains the application level measurement configuration file for the application indicated by the <app-meas_service_type>. The parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS.
integer type. At QoE measurement configuration the <meas_config_app_layer_id> indicates an identity for the QoE measurement configuration received in the <app-meas_config-file>. At QoE measurement configuration release, the <meas_config_app_layer_id> indicates the measurement to be released. The absence of this parameter indicates that all measurement configurations are released.
integer type. Contains an indication of whether session start-end is required.
Not required
integer type.
120 ms
240 ms
480 ms
640 ms
1024 ms
integer type. Contains the number of buffer level entries.
integer type. Contains an indication of whether report of initial playout for media startup delay is required.
Report of playout delay for media startup is not required
Report of playout delay for media startup is required
integer type. Indicates the RAN visible application level measurements to be released.
Release the RAN visible application level measurements for this <meas_config_app_layer_id>

8.84a  Application level measurement status for NR +CAPPLEVMSNR |R18|p. 227

Command Possible response(s)
+CAPPLEVMSNR=? +CAPPLEVMSNR: (list of supported <n>s)
This command provides the UE location status in relation to a configured area scope for the application level measurement reports according to TS 38.331.
The set command controls the presentation of the unsolicited result code +CAPPLEVMSNRU: <meas_config_app_layer_id>,<inside_outside_area_scope>[,<CR><LF>,<meas_config_app_layer_id>,<inside_outside_area_scope>[…]] providing UE location status for each listed application level measurement report. Refer clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Read command returns the current application level measurement unsolicited result code settings in the MT.
Test command returns values supported as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type.
Disable presentation of the unsolicited result code +CAPPLEVMSNRU.
Enable presentation of the unsolicited result code +CAPPLEVMSNRU.
integer type. Identifies the QoE measurement configuration.
integer type. Indicates whether the UE is located inside or outside of the area scope for the QoE measurement configuration indicated by <meas_config_app_layer_id>.
indicates that the UE is inside the area scope for this <meas_config_app_layer_id>.
indicates that the UE is outside the area scope for this <meas_config_app_layer_id>.

8.85  Application level measurement report for NR +CAPPLEVMRNR |R17|p. 228

Command Possible response(s)
+CAPPLEVMRNR=(list of <CR><LF>,<meas_config_app_layer_id>,[<app-meas_report_length>,<app-meas_report>,],[<number-of-pdu-session_id-entries>,(list of [<pdu-session_id>s)],[<number_of_buffer_level_entries>,(list of <application_layer_buffer-level>s)],[<qoe_measurement_status>],[<playout_delay_for_media_startup>]s),[<number-of-pdu-session_id-entries>,(list of <pdu-session_id>,<number-of-qfi-entries>,(<list of <qfi>s)s)]s) +CME ERROR: <err>
This command allows the MT to provide a list of application level measurement reports according to TS 38.331. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Defined values
Indicates whether a session has started or ended.
integer type. Indicates the number of octets of the <app-meas_report> parameter.
string of octets. Contains the application level measurement report for the application indicated by the <app-meas_service_type>. The parameter shall not be subject to conventional character conversion as per +CSCS.
integer type. Identifies the QoE measurement configuration.
integer type. Indicates the application layer playout delay for media startup in ms.
integer type. Contains the number of <application_layer_buffer-level> entries.
integer type. Indicates the application layer buffer level in ms in steps of 10 ms.
integer type: Indicates the number of entries in the list of <pdu-session_id>
integer type. Identifies a PDU session ID.
integer type. Contains the number of <qfi> entries in the list of <qfi>s
QoS Flow Identifier: integer type. Identifies a QoS Flow ID

8.86  Unavailability Period +CUNPER |R18|p. 229

Command Possible response(s)
+CUNPER=<n>[<requested_unper_duration>,<unper_start>]+CME ERROR: <err>
+CUNPER?+CUNPER: <n>,<unper_support_nw>,<requested_unper_duration>,<unper_start>,<result>[,<nw_sent_unper_duration>],<access_stratum_status>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CUNPER=?+CUNPER: (list of supported <requested_unper_duration>s)
The set command is used to provide the unavailability period duration, and the start of the unavailability period that are sent to the network in the next registration or UE initiated de-registration procedure, see clause 5.3.26 of TS 24.501. The set command is also used to enable or disable the unsolicited response +CUNPER: <unper_support_nw>[,<nw_sent_unper_duration>]. The unavailability period specifies the period during which the UE may become unavailable when an event is triggered.
Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Read command returns the <requested_unper_duration> and <unper_start> that were provided to the network in the last registration or UE initiated de-registration procedure, the <unper_suppport_nw> that specifies whether the network indicated support for the unavailability period in the last registration procedure and the <access_stratum_status> that indicates the status of access stratum in the UE due to unavailability. It also returns the value of unavailability period duration sent by the network in <nw_sent_unper_duration>.
Test command returns supported values as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type, to enable or disable the unsolicited response
+CUNPER: <unper_support_nw>[,<nw_sent_unper_duration>].
disable the unsolicited response.
enable the unsolicited response.
string type; indicates the unavailability period duration provided by the UE. The <requested_unper_duration> value is coded as three bytes (octets 3 to 5) of the Time duration information element in TS 24.301. The default value is "000000000000000000000000", which indicates that the unavailability duration period is not known.
string type; indicates the time until the start of the next unavailability period. The <unper_start> value is coded as three bytes (octets 3 to 5) of the Time duration information element in TS 24.301. The default value is "000000000000000000000000".
integer type. Indicates the unavailability period feature support by the network see clause 5.3.26 of TS 24.501.
indicates that the unavailability period feature is not supported by the network.
indicates that the unavailability period feature is supported by the network.
integer type; indicates the final result of successful indication of unavailability period to network.
de-registration procedure successful (see clause 5.3.26 of TS 24.501)
registration procedure successful (see clause of TS 24.501)
registration procedure not successful (see clause, of TS 24.501).
string type; Indicates the network sent unavailability period duration. This is coded as three bytes (octets 3 to 5) of the Time duration information element in TS 24.301. The default value is "000000000000000000000000", which indicates that the unavailability period duration is not known or not received from the network. This is just an indication of the value sent by the network but as per TS 24.501, UE may choose to use or discard this as per implementation.
integer type. Indicates the status of access stratum in the UE due to unavailability.
indicates that access-stratum is not deactivated due to unavailability.
indicates that access-stratum is deactivated due to unavailability which is because of UE specific reasons.
This command is only applicable to UEs in NG-RAN.

8.87  Discontinuous Coverage +CDISCO |R18|p. 231

Command Possible response(s)
+CDISCO=[<n>][,<unavailability_period_duration>,<unavailability_period_start>]+CME ERROR: <err>
+CDISCO?+CDISCO: <n>,<indicator>,<access_stratum_status>,<unavailability_period_duration>,<unavailability_period_start>,<DISCO_support_nw>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CDISCO=?+CDISCO: (list of supported <n>s)
+CME ERROR: <err>
This command allows control of the unavailability due to discontinuous coverage. The set command controls the presentation of unsolicited result code +CDISCO: <indicator> when <n>=1 wherein <indicator> is indicating the discontinuous coverage situation.
Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Read command returns the current settings of <n> and the <indicator> for discontinuous coverage situation.
Test command returns supported <n>s values as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type.
Disable presentation of the unsolicited result code +CDISCO: <indicator>.
Enable presentation of the unsolicited result code +CDISCO: <indicator>.
integer type. Indicates the current discontinuous coverage situation status for the UE in the network.
indicates that the UE is in satellite coverage.
indicates that the UE is out of satellite coverage (i.e., in discontinuous coverage).
integer type. Indicates the status of access stratum in the UE due to discontinuous coverage.
indicates that access-stratum is not deactivated due to discontinuous coverage.
indicates that access-stratum is deactivated due to discontinuous coverage.
string type; Indicates the remaining unavailability period duration (i.e., the time until the discontinuous coverage is over) in seconds. The <unavailability_period_duration> is coded as three bytes (octets 3 to 5) of the Time duration IE as defined in TS 24.501.
<unavailability_period_start>: string type;Indicates the time until the start of the next unavailability period. The <unavailability_period_start> value is coded as three bytes (octets 3 to 5) of the Time duration information element in TS 24.301. The default value is "000000000000000000000000".
integer type; Indicates the discontinuous coverage feature support by the network see clause 5.3.26 of TS 24.501 and TS 24.301.
indicates that the discontinuous coverage feature is not supported by the network.
indicates that the discontinuous coverage feature is supported by the network.
This command is only applicable to UEs supporting satellite E-UTRAN access or satellite NR access.

8.88  Informative examples |R18|p. 232

Phone Activity Status (+CPAS) is a general command used to detect the presence of the MT, if there is an incoming call, or if there is a call in progress. This command is normally used before trying to operate the MT from the TE. Note that the activity status can change at any time after the execution of +CPAS, and hence the returned value can be obsolete. Detachment of the MT from the TA is indicated with a special final result code that indicates all errors related to the operation of the MT. Result code is +CME ERROR: <err>, where <err> is an integer or verbose value giving useful information about the reason for the command failure (refer to clause "Mobile termination error result code +CME ERROR").
Set Phone Functionality (+CFUN) can be used to reset the MT or set the power consumption level of the MT by disabling certain parts of the MT (e.g. the transmit and receive RF circuits). Mobile Termination Control Mode (+CMEC) is a command which manages access sharing between the MT and the TE to operate the user interface of the MT. It has four subparameters which describe the access to keypad, display, indicators, and touch screen. Each subparameter has values for restricting the operation of the corresponding user interface part only to the MT or only to the TE, or to give the access for both of them.
Keypad Control command (+CKPD) is used to operate the keypad of the MT. Here lies the problem of different keypad types between manufacturers, and also between their MT models. The keypresses are sent to the MT as a string type subparameter of this command. Each character in that string represents a key which will be logically pressed. A special character (colon) followed by any character can be used by manufacturers (or TE application programmers) to represent a key which is not defined in this profile. An escape character (semicolon) for direct string entering is also defined. All text between single semicolon characters is treated as an alphanumeric entry and is not converted to keypressings. All semicolon characters inside the text is duplicated in the TE and stripped back to one before entering them to the MT. Command has also optional second and third parameters which can be used to alter the time to strike each key, and the pause to wait between keystrokes (in tenths of a second). A special pause character (W or w) can be added in the string type subparameter for an extra pause of the same length as given by the third subparameter. In the following example alphanumeric mode is entered and a person predefined in the MT phonebook, "Ilkka", is called; each key is struck for half a second and pauses between strokes are a tenth of a second:
Display Control command (+CDIS) is used both for writing to the display text fields and for reading the current status of the fields. Mobile Termination usually has a character set of its own, so the TA will do a conversion between the TE and the MT character sets. TE can have several character sets and the TA must be informed of the character set in use before starting to write or read the display. Character set is set with general command select TE character set +CSCS. The +CDIS=? query command is a way to get information about the length of the fields. In the following example an MT is first queried about the supported conversions and the lengths of the fields. The response shows there are three ten character long and two six character long fields. Then the TE character set is set to be IRA and the current status of the display is read. The last command writes the text "Hello, I'm writing to display" in the three fields, and keeps the contents of the two other fields same (the last two commas could also be left out).
+CSCS: ("IRA","PCCP850","8859-1")
+CDIS: 10,10,10,6,6
+CDIS: "RADIOLINJA","","","Menu","Memory"
AT+CDIS="IRA","Hello, I'm","writing to","display",,
The writing is possible only when it is permitted by the Mobile Termination Control Mode command (and by the manufacturer). If a certain field is not writable (but is readable), writing to it is ignored. The order of the text fields is determined by manufacturers and follow the rule: first field is in the upper left corner, second in the next field to the right, and so on, until to the last field in the lower right corner.
Touch screen action Control command (+CTSA) is used to operate the touch screen of the MT. The x, y coordinates of the phone are fixed even if the device's orientation is changed. In the following example commands are sent to the MT to emulate a user drawing on the ME's touch screen; it is relevant that the gesture starts from the top of the touch screen. A gesture is emulated, starting at location 10,10 in a non-display area of the ME's (touch) screen, then dragged to 50,50 (during which the gesture crosses the boundary between the non-display area and a display area), then dragged to 100,100 and finally the touch screen is released at location 100,100.
AT+CSO=? obtain the touch screen orientation
AT+CSS=? obtain the touch screen size
AT+CDSB=? determine if a boundary between the non-display area and a display area exists, and its location
AT+CTSA=1,10,10 start emulating a gesture
AT+CTSA=1,50,50 emulate that the gesture crosses the boundary between non-display area and a display area
+CTSA=0,100,100 end emulating the gesture
Indicators can be handled with Indicator Control command (+CIND). Its query command returns a short description (abbreviation) of the purpose of the indicators and the supported values for each indicator. The setting and reading is done similarly as with Display Control command. In the following example the indicators of a phone are queried, their current value is read, and the value of message indicator is tried to set (but it is forbidden):
+CIND: ("memory",(0-2)),("call",(0,1)),("data",(0,1)),("roam",(0,1)),
+CIND: 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,3,1,0,0,0,5
The subparameter order in the command is defined by the query command order, not by the actual display order. The zero value of an indicator means that it is off (or in state which can be identified as "off"-state), value one means that the indicator is on (or in a state which is more substantial than "off"-state), value two is more substantial than one, and so on.
To this point, only operating through the TE is covered. But when MT can be operated also through its keypad, or touch screen, or there are changes in the status of the display elements, the information about these actions is given to the TE also. This can be solved only with unsolicited result codes which return keypad, display text and indicator, and touch screen events. Each event group has a result code of its own: +CKEV returns the key code and if the key pressed (1) or released (0), +CDEV returns the display text field running number (as specified by command +CDIS) and the new status of the field, and +CIEV returns the running number of the indicator (refer +CIND) and the new value of it, and +CTEV returns the location of the action performed on the touch screen. In the following example number key 1 is pressed, updated on the display, released, and signal strength changes its state to five, the touch screen is pressed at coordinates 10,10, and it is released at the same coordinates, 3 seconds after initially pressing the screen:
+CKEV: 49,1
+CDEV: 1,"1"
+CKEV: 49,0
+CIND: 10,5
+CTEV: 1,10,10,0;
+CTEV: 0,10,10,0,3000
Mobile Termination Event Reporting command (+CMER) has been specified for the purpose of controlling the sending of these unsolicited result codes to the TE. Four ways are provided to handle the buffering of the result codes (see Figure 8). The first is to buffer them always. The second possibility is to discard them when in on-line data mode and otherwise forward them directly to the TE. The third possibility is to buffer them in data mode and otherwise forward them to the TE. The last possibility is to send them always to the TE (some inband technique - e.g. V.80 - is used in data mode to send the result codes within the data). This is the first subparameter of +CMER command. Next three subparameters are used to enable or disable each of the keypad, text field and indicator result codes. Sending codes can be enabled either so that only events generated from the MT user interface are returned, or so that also events caused by Keypad, Display and Indicator Control commands are returned. The fifth subparameter controls the flushing of the buffer when the value of the first subparameter is changed to a value from one to three.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 27.007, Fig. 8: Mobile termination event reporting
An example of complete setup of the TA where TE takes the control of keypad, but does not want to write to display nor control the indicators (in the start MT is powered off):
AT+CMEE=2;+CREG=1 (use verbose <err> values; report registration)
AT+CPAS (query MT status)
+CPAS: 5 (MT is asleep)
AT+CFUN=1 (set MT to full functionality state)
+CME ERROR: SIM PIN required (SIM requests PIN)
+CME ERROR: incorrect password (user entered wrong PIN)
OK (correct PIN)
AT+COPS=0,0 (ask for automatic operator selection and registration)
+CREG: 1 (registered in the network)
+COPS: 0,0,"RADIOLINJA" (get the operator name)
AT+CMEC=1,0,0 (take over the keypad, leave display to MT)
AT+CDIS=?;+CIND=? (query display text and indicator formats)
+CDIS: 10,10,10,6,6
+CIND: ("memory",(0-2)),("call",(0,1)),("data",(0,1)),("roam",(0,1)),
AT+CSCS="IRA" (set TE character set for display text results)
AT+CMER=1,0,2,2,0 (return display text and indicator result codes when
OK in command state, in data mode discard them)
AT+CDIS?;+CIND? (read current state of display texts and indicators)
+CDIS: "",""," 12345","Menu","Memory" (user had pressed number buttons before
+CIND: 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,3,1,0,0,0,5 TE took control with +CMEC)
AT+CKPD="C",20 (clear main display text '12345' by holding the
OK 'clear' button down two seconds)
+CDEV: 3,"1234" (first only one character deleted)
+CDEV: 3,"" (while holding continues, whole display is cleared)
+CDEV: 1,"RADIOLINJA" (operator name comes to the display)
The start of the previous example could go as follows when MT has already been powered on but is waiting for the PIN:
AT+CMEE=2;+CREG=1 (use verbose <err> values; report registration)
AT+CPAS (query MT status)
+CPAS: 0 (MT is ready to receive commands)
AT+CPIN? (is MT asking passwords?)
+CPIN: SIM PIN (yes, SIM PIN required)
OK (correct PIN)
One of the most regular operations done through the MT user interface is phonebook control. To lessen the workload of the TE, some direct commands for phonebook reading and writing are practical. Command Select Phonebook Memory Storage +CPBS query version returns supported phonebook memories, read version returns current settings, and set version selects the memory. For GSM, the normal storages are SIM, MT and TA.
Read Phonebook Entries (+CPBR) can be used to read either one or many phonebook locations at the same time. A regular phonebook entry consists of three elements: memory index number, the phone number and its alphanumeric equivalent given by the user. Query version of this returns supported index values of the selected memory, and the maximum lengths of the number and alphanumeric elements. The query version of the Write Phonebook Entry command (+CPBW) is similar, but the action version sets or clears an entry in the phonebook. Find Phonebook Entries (+CPBF) can be used to search alphanumeric entries starting with specific string. An example where the whole phonebook of the MT is read, index number four is cleared, and number three is written:
+CPBS: ("ME","SM") (MT and SIM have phonebooks)
AT+CPBS="ME" (select MT memory)
AT+CPBR=? (read index range and element lengths)
+CPBR: (1-99),30,30
AT+CPBR=1,99 (read all entries but only the ones set are returned)
+CPBR: 1,"931123456",129,"Ilkka"
+CPBR: 2,"9501234567",129,""
+CPBR: 4,"901234567",129,"Hesari"
AT+CPBW=4;+CPBW=3,"921123456",,"TS" (clear index 4 and write index 3)
Circuit switched fallback (+CCSFB) can be used to control circuit switched fallback operation. Reporting of CSFB related CS paging requests can be switched on or off by +CCSFB=1 and +CCSFB=0. CSFB related CS paging requests are reported with unsolicited result code +CCSFBU. CSFB calls can be automatically accepted or rejected by +CCSFB=2, +CCSFB=3, +CCSFB=4 and +CCSFB=5. CSFB calls can be manually accepted or rejected by +CCSFB=6 and +CCSFB=7. In the example the ME interrogates the current CSFB settings, enables reporting and accepts a CSFB call:
+CCSFB: 0 (reporting and automatic acceptance/rejection disabled)
AT+CCSFB=1 (enable reporting)
+CCSFBU: 2,1,12345678,17 (incoming CSFB paging request with clip supplementary service)
AT+CCSFB=6 (accept CSFB call)

8.89  Signal level enhanced network selection +CSENSE |R18|p. 236

Command Possible response(s)
+CSENSE?+CSENSE1: <reporting>,<enabled>[,<Timer_Tsense>]
<CR><LF>[+CSENSE2: <Threshold>,<AcT>]
[<CR><LF>[+CSENSE3: <Threshold>,<AcT>]
+CSENSE=?+CSENSE: (list of supported <reporting>s)
This command allows to retrieve "Operator controlled signal threshold per access technology" (as defined in TS 23.122) parameters stored in the USIM (see TS 31.102).
Set command enables or disables reporting of changes in the "Operator controlled signal threshold per access technology" parameters through the use of unsolicited result code +CSENSE1: <reporting>,<enabled>[,<Timer_Tsense>]. The Set command can also be used to specify the value of timer TSENSE for periodic attempts for signal level enhanced network selection as described in TS 23.122.
When <reporting> is set to 1, the unsolicited return code returns one line of intermediate result +CSENSE1: <reporting>,<enabled>,[,<Timer_Tsense>] with the information indicating if the UE is configured for using signal level enhanced network selection and the current value of timer TSENSE for periodic attempts for signal level enhanced network selection. This is followed by zero or more occurrences of lines with intermediate result code +CSENSE2: <Threshold>,<AcT> with each line representing the home operator controlled signal threshold <Threshold> and an associated access technology <AcT>.
Test command returns values supported as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type. Enables or disables reporting of changes in the "Operator controlled signal threshold per access technology".
disable reporting
enable reporting through unsolicited result code: +CSENSE1: <reporting>,<enabled>,[,<Timer_Tsense>]
integer type. Information if the UE is configured for using signal level enhanced network selection. Value according to TS 31.102.
UE is configured for not using signal level enhanced network selection.
UE is configured for using signal level enhanced network selection.
integer type. A home operator controlled signal threshold. Value according to TS 31.102.
integer type. The access technology associated to the home operator controlled signal threshold. Value according to TS 31.102.
E-UTRAN - NB-IoT (NB-S1 mode)
EC-GSM-IoT (A/Gb mode)
E-UTRAN -Category M1 (NB-S1 mode)
E-UTRAN - Category M2 (WB-S1 mode)
integer type. The value of timer TSENSE for periodic attempts for signal level enhanced network selection. Value according to TS 23.122.

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