
Content for  TS 27.007  Word version:  19.1.0

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6.10  Extended error report +CEERp. 44

Command Possible response(s)
+CEER +CEER: <report>
Execution command causes the TA to return one or more lines of information text <report>, determined by the MT manufacturer, which should offer the user of the TA an extended report of the reason for
  • the failure in the last unsuccessful call setup (originating or answering) or in-call modification;
  • the last call release;
  • the last unsuccessful GPRS attach or unsuccessful PDP context activation;
  • the last GPRS detach or PDP context deactivation.
Typically, the text will consist of a single line containing the cause information given by the network in textual format.
Defined values
the total number of characters, including line terminators, in the information text shall not exceed 2041 characters.
Text shall not contain the sequence 0<CR> or OK<CR>.

6.11  Cellular result codes +CRCp. 44

Command Possible response(s)
+CRC? +CRC: <mode>
+CRC=? +CRC: (list of supported <mode>s)
Set command controls whether or not the extended format of incoming call indication or GPRS network request for PDP context activation or notification for VBS/VGCS calls is used. When enabled, an incoming call is indicated to the TE with unsolicited result code +CRING: <type> instead of the normal RING.
Read command returns the current value of <mode>.
Test command returns values supported as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type
0 (default)
disables extended format
enables extended format
ASYNC [,<priority>[,<subaddr>,<satype>]]
asynchronous transparent
SYNC [,<priority>[,<subaddr>,<satype>]]
synchronous transparent
REL ASYNC [,<priority>[,<subaddr>,<satype>]]
asynchronous non-transparent
REL SYNC [,<priority>[,<subaddr>,<satype>]]
synchronous non-transparent
FAX [,<priority>[,<subaddr>,<satype>]]
facsimile (TS 62)
VOICE [,<priority>[,<subaddr>,<satype>]]
normal voice (TS 11) (see NOTE 2)
VOICE/VIDEO [,<ccidx>[,<priority>[,<subaddr>,<satype>]]]
voice or video call (see NOTE 2)
VOICE/XXX [,<priority>[,<subaddr>,<satype>]]
voice followed by data (BS 81) (XXX is ASYNC, SYNC, REL ASYNC or REL SYNC)
ALT VOICE/XXX [,<priority>[,<subaddr>,<satype>]]
alternating voice/data, voice first (BS 61)
ALT XXX/VOICE [,<priority>[,<subaddr>,<satype>]]
alternating voice/data, data first (BS 61)
ALT VOICE/FAX [,<priority>[,<subaddr>,<satype>]]
alternating voice/fax, voice first (TS 61)
ALT FAX/VOICE [,<priority>[,<subaddr>,<satype>]]
alternating voice/fax, fax first (TS 61)
GPRS <PDP_type>, <PDP_addr>[, [<L2P>][,<APN>]]
GPRS network request for PDP context activation
VGC <GCA>, <GId>, <ackflag> [,<priority>]
voice group call (TS 91)
VBC <GCA>, <GId>, <ackflag> [,<priority>]
voice broadcast call (TS 92)
indicates the eMLPP priority level of the incoming call by paging, notification or setup message. The priority level values are as defined in eMLPP specification TS 22.067.
string type subaddress of format specified by <satype>.
type of subaddress octet in integer format (refer to clause of TS 24.008) or RFC 4715 appendix A.
integer type. Call identification number, see +CLCCS.
<PDP_type>, <PDP_addr> and <APN>
string types as defined in the Define PDP Context (+CGDCONT) command.
string type proposes a layer 2 protocol to use between the MT and the TE. It is defined in the Enter GPRS Data Mode (+CGDATA) command. If the MT is unable to announce to the TE the network's request (for example it is in V.250 online data state) the MT shall reject the request. No corresponding unsolicited result code shall be issued when the MT returns to a command state.
string type (consisting of digits only) is a part of the group call reference as specified in TS 23.003 and indicates group call area. See the commands +CAJOIN, +CAREJ and +CALCC.
string type (consisting of digits only) is a part of the group call reference as specified in TS 23.003 and indicates group call identification. See the commands +CAJOIN, +CAREJ and +CALCC.
integer type proposes that a predefined confirmation procedure is to be used after the call is ended. The value 1 indicates that a predefined confirmation procedure is to be used after the call is ended. The value 0 indicates that no confirmation procedure is required. See the parameter <ack_flag> of command +CALCC.
Mandatory when data or fax circuit mode calls are implemented, or for an MT supporting AT commands only and eMLPP or VGCS or VBS is implemented.

6.12  HSCSD device parameters +CHSDp. 46

Command Possible response(s)
+CHSD +CHSD: <mclass>,<maxRx>,<maxTx>,<sum>,<codings>
+CME ERROR: <err>
Execution command returns information about HSCSD features (refer TS 22.034) supported by the MT/TA. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
The return information is only applicable in GERAN.
Defined values
integer type; multislot class
integer type; maximum number of receive timeslots that MT can use
integer type; maximum number of transmit timeslots that MT can use
integer type; total number of receive and transmit timeslots that MT can use at the same time (per TDMA frame). The following applies in a HSCSD call: 1 ≤ (receive slots) + (transmit slots) ≤ <sum>
is a sum of integers each representing a supported channel coding (e.g. value 5 indicates that 4,8k and 9,6k channel codings are supported):
4,8k full rate data traffic channel
9,6k full rate data traffic channel
14,4k full rate data traffic channel
28,8k full rate data traffic channel (only possible when 14.4k is supported)
32,0k full rate data traffic channel (only possible in a two-timeslot configuration)
43,2k full rate data traffic channel (only possible when 14.4k is supported)
Mandatory when HSCSD implemented.
This command is only applicable to GERAN UEs.

6.13  HSCSD transparent call configuration +CHSTp. 47

Command Possible response(s)
+CHST? +CHST: <wRx>,<codings>
Set command controls parameters for transparent HSCSD calls in GERAN. Changing them during a call does not affect the current call.
Read command returns the current values.
Defined values
integer type; wanted amount of receive timeslots. Default value 0 indicates that TA shall calculate a proper value from currently selected fixed network user rate (<speed> subparameter from +CBST command) and <codings>
a sum of integers each representing a channel coding that is accepted for transparent HSCSD calls. Default value 0 indicates that all supported codings are accepted (refer +CHSD command for other values)
Mandatory when transparent HSCSD implemented.
This command is only applicable to GERAN UEs.

6.14  HSCSD non-transparent call configuration +CHSNp. 47

Command Possible response(s)
+CHSN=[<wAiur>[,<wRx>[,<topRx> [,<codings>]]]]
+CHSN? +CHSN: <wAiur>,<wRx>,<topRx>,<codings>
+CHSN=? +CHSN: (list of supported <wAiur>s),(list of supported <wRx>s),(list of supported <topRx>s),(list of supported <codings>s)
Set command controls parameters for originating non-transparent HSCSD calls. Values may also be used during mobile terminated data call setup. In GERAN, changing <topRx> or <codings> value during a call does not affect the current call. In GERAN, changing of <wAiur> or <wRx> affects the current call only if <topRx> was non-zero when call was established.
Read command returns the current values.
Test command returns values supported as compound values.
Defined values
integer type; wanted air interface user rate. Default value 0 indicates that TA shall calculate a proper value from currently selected fixed network user rate (<speed> subparameter from +CBST command), <codings>, and <wRx> (or <maxRx> from +CHSD command if <wRx>=0). Other values:
9600 bps
14400 bps
19200 bps
28800 bps
38400 bps
43200 bps
57600 bps
integer type; wanted amount of receive timeslots. Default value 0 indicates that TA shall calculate a proper value from currently selected <wAiur> and <codings>. This parameter is only applicable to GERAN UEs.
integer type; top value for <wRx> that user is going to request during the next established non-transparent HSCSD call. Default value 0 indicates that user is not going to change <wAiur>/<wRx> during the next call. This parameter is only applicable to GERAN UEs.
a sum of integers each representing a channel coding that is accepted for non-transparent HSCSD calls. Default value 0 indicates that all supported codings are accepted (refer +CHSD command for other values). This parameter is only applicable to GERAN UEs.
Mandatory when non-transparent HSCSD implemented.

6.15  HSCSD current call parameters +CHSCp. 48

Command Possible response(s)
+CHSC +CHSC: <rx>,<tx>,<aiur>,<coding>
Execution command returns information about current HSCSD call. If no HSCSD call is active, all parameters returned shall equal zero. If HSCSD call is active in UTRAN, all non-applicable parameters returned shall be equal to zero. (It is manufacturer specific whether non-zero information is returned in case of an active normal single-slot data call.)
Defined values
integer type; number of receive timeslots currently in use. This parameter is only applicable to GERAN UEs.
integer type; number of transmit timeslots currently in use. This parameter is only applicable to GERAN UEs.
integer type; current air interface user rate (in case of transparent service this equals fixed network user rate) (refer +CHSN command for possible values). For the two-timeslot ECSD bit transparent configuration the following additional values apply:
56000 bps
64000 bps
is a sum of integers each representing the current channel coding (refer +CHSD command for possible values). This parameter is only applicable to GERAN UEs.

6.16  HSCSD parameters report +CHSRp. 49

Command Possible response(s)
+CHSR? +CHSR: <mode>
+CHSR=? +CHSR: (list of supported <mode>s)
Enabled command returns intermediate result code +CHSR: <type> from the TA to the TE when an HSCSD call is being set up. The result code represents the current (negotiated or renegotiated) HSCSD parameters. If enabled, the intermediate result code is transmitted at the point of the call setup negotiation where the TA has determined what type of an HSCSD connection will be used. Result code transmission is done after possible service (+CR), error control (+ER), and/or compression (+DR) reporting but before possible TE-TA rate (+ILRR) reporting and before the intermediate result code CONNECT is transmitted. The format of the intermediate result code is:
+CHSR: <rx>,<tx>,<aiur>,<coding>
For the value definitions, refer to +CHSN and +CHSC commands. For instance, for a non-transparent HSCSD call, result code '+CHSR: 2,2,4,8' means that the call has two timeslots in both up- and downlink, the air interface user rate is 28800 bps, and the used channel coding TCH/F14.4.
For HSCSD in UTRAN, all non-applicable parameters returned shall be equal to zero.
Read command returns the current value of <mode>.
Test command returns the values supported by the UE as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type
0 (default)
disables reporting
enables reporting
Mandatory when HSCSD implemented.

6.17  HSCSD automatic user initiated upgrading +CHSUp. 49

Command Possible response(s)
+CHSU? +CHSU: <mode>
+CHSU=? +CHSU: (list of supported <mode>s)
Set command controls whether or not automatic user initiated service level upgrading shall be used for non-transparent HSCSD calls. "Automatic" means that, if enabled, the ME/TA shall use the UP bit in the received RLP frames to determine when to initiate user initiated service level upgrading (i.e. when to modify the +CHSN parameters <wAiur> and/or <wRx> for the current call). Refer to TS 27.001 for details on the interpretation of the UP bit(s).
Read command returns the current value of <mode>.
Test command returns values supported as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type
disables use of UP bit for upgrading
enables use of UP bit for upgrading
This command is only applicable to GERAN UEs.

6.18  HSCSD non-transparent asymmetry configuration +CHSAp. 50

Command Possible response(s)
+CHSA? +CHSA: <mode>
+CHSA=? +CHSA: (list of supported <mode>s)
Set command controls the preferred asymmetry bias for non-transparent ECSD calls. Downlink biased asymmetry means that 8-PSK modulation is preferred downlink and GMSK modulation uplink. Uplink based asymmetry means that 8-PSK modulation is preferred uplink and GMSK downlink. Changing of <mode> affects the current call only if <topRx> (refer +CHSN) was non-zero when call was established.
Read command returns the current value of <type>.
Test command returns values supported by the MT/TA as a compound value. The <mode> subparameter range indirectly indicates the UE Type; range (0-1) indicates UE Type A and range (0-2) indicates UE Type B.
Defined values
integer type
No preference
Downlink biased asymmetry
Uplink biased asymmetry
Mandatory when non-transparent ECSD is implemented.
This command is only applicable to GERAN UEs.

6.19  Single numbering scheme +CSNSp. 51

Command Possible response(s)
+CSNS? +CSNS: <mode>
+CSNS=? +CSNS: (list of supported <mode>s)
Set command selects the bearer or teleservice to be used when mobile terminated single numbering scheme call is established. Parameter values set with +CBST command shall be used when <mode> equals to a data service.
Read command returns the current value of <mode>.
Test command returns values supported as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type
0 (default)
alternating voice/fax, voice first (TS 61)
fax (TS 62)
alternating voice/data, voice first (BS 61)
alternating voice/fax, fax first (TS 61)
alternating voice/data, data first (BS 61)
voice followed by data (BS 81)

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