
Content for  TS 27.007  Word version:  19.1.0

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10.1.10  PDP context activate or deactivate +CGACTp. 277

Command Possible response(s)
+CGACT=[<state>[,<cid>[,<cid>[,...]]]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CGACT?[+CGACT: <cid>,<state>]
[<CR><LF>+CGACT: <cid>,<state>
+CGACT=? +CGACT: (list of supported <state>s)
The set command is used to activate or deactivate the specified PDP context (s). After the command has completed, the MT remains in V.250 command state. If any PDP context is already in the requested state, the state for that context remains unchanged. If the requested state for any specified context cannot be achieved, an ERROR or +CME ERROR response is returned. Extended error responses are enabled by the +CMEE command. If the MT is not PS attached when the activation form of the command is executed, the MT first performs a PS attach and then attempts to activate the specified contexts. If the attach fails then the MT responds with ERROR or, if extended error responses are enabled, with the appropriate failure-to-attach error message. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
For EPS, if an attempt is made to disconnect the last PDN connection, then the MT responds with ERROR or, if extended error responses are enabled, a +CME ERROR.
For EPS, the activation request for an EPS bearer resource will be answered by the network by either an EPS dedicated bearer activation or EPS bearer modification request. The request must be accepted by the MT before the PDP context can be set in to established state.
For 5GS, the command is used to request or delete the specified QoS flow. The request for a specific QoS flow will be answered by the network by a PDU session establishment accept message or a PDU session modification command message. The PDU session establishment accept message or a PDU session modification command message must be accepted by the MT before the QoS flow can be set to active state.
If no <cid>s are specified the activation form of the command activates all defined non-emergency contexts.
If no <cid>s are specified the deactivation form of the command deactivates all active contexts.
The read command returns the current activation states for all the defined PDP contexts.
The test command is used for requesting information on the supported PDP context activation states.
Defined values
integer type; indicates the state of PDP context activation. The default value is manufacturer specific.
integer type; specifies a particular PDP context definition (see the +CGDCONT and +CGDSCONT commands).

10.1.11  PDP context modify +CGCMODp. 278

Command Possible response(s)
+CGCMOD[=<cid>[,<cid>[,...]]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CGCMOD=? +CGCMOD: (list of <cid>s associated with active contexts)
The syntax of the AT Set Command is corrected to be according to ITU-T Recommendation V.250 [14]. Older versions of the specification specify incorrect syntax +CGCMOD=[<cid>[,<cid>[,...]]].
The execution command is used to modify the specified PDP context (s) with repect to QoS profiles, TFTs and MBS sessions. After the command has completed, the MT returns to V.250 online data state. If the requested modification for any specified context cannot be achieved, an ERROR or +CME ERROR response is returned. Extended error responses are enabled by the +CMEE command. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
For EPS, the modification request for an EPS bearer resource will be answered by the network by an EPS bearer modification request. The request must be accepted by the MT before the PDP context is effectively changed.
For 5GS, the command is used to modify the specified QoS flow. The modification request for a QoS flow resource will be answered by the network by a PDU session modification command. The command must be accepted by the MT before the QoS flow is effectively changed.
If no <cid>s are specified the activation form of the command modifies all active contexts.
The test command returns a list of <cid>s associated with active contexts.
Defined values
integer type; specifies a particular PDP context definition (see the +CGDCONT and +CGDSCONT commands).

10.1.12  Enter data state +CGDATAp. 279

Command Possible response(s)
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CGDATA=? +CGDATA: (list of supported <L2P>s)
The syntax of the AT Set Command is corrected to be according to ITU-T Recommendation V.250 [14]. Older versions of the specification specify incorrect syntax +CGDATA=[<L2P>[,<cid>[,<cid>[,...]]]].
The execution command causes the MT to perform whatever actions are necessary to establish communication between the TE and the network using one or more Packet Domain PDP types. This may include performing a PS attach and one or more PDP context activations. If the <L2P> parameter value is unacceptable to the MT, the MT shall return an ERROR or +CME ERROR response. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values. Otherwise, the MT issues the intermediate result code CONNECT and enters V.250 online data state.
Commands following +CGDATA command in the AT command line shall not be processed by the MT.
The detailed behaviour after the online data state has been entered is dependent on the PDP type. It is described briefly in TS 27.060 and in more detail in TS 29.061 and the specifications for the relevant PDPs. PS attachment and PDP context activation procedures may take place prior to or during the PDP startup if they have not already been performed using the +CGATT and +CGACT commands.
If context activation takes place during the PDP startup, one or more <cid>s may be specified in order to provide the information needed for the context activation request(s).
During each PDP startup procedure the MT may have access to some or all of the following information:
  • The MT may have a priori knowledge, for example, it may implement only one PDP type.
  • The command may have provided an <L2P> parameter value.
  • The TE may provide a PDP type and/or PDP address to the MT during in the PDP startup procedure.
If any of this information is in conflict, the command will fail.
Any PDP type and/or PDP address present in the above information shall be compared with the PDP type and/or PDP address in any context definitions specified in the command in the order in which their <cid>s appear. For a context definition to match:
  • The PDP type must match exactly.
  • The PDP addresses are considered to match if they are identical or if either or both addresses are unspecified. For example, a PPP NCP request specifying PDP type = IP and no PDP address would cause the MT to search through the specified context definitions for one with PDP type = IP and any PDP address.
The context shall be activated using the matched value for PDP type and a static PDP address if available, together with the other information found in the PDP context definition. If a static PDP address is not available then a dynamic address is requested.
If no <cid> is given or if there is no matching context definition, the MT shall attempt to activate the context with whatever information is available to the MT. The other context parameters shall be set to their default values.
If the activation is successful, data transfer may proceed.
After data transfer is complete, and the layer 2 protocol termination procedure has completed successfully, the V.250 command state is re-entered and the MT returns the final result code OK.
In the event of an erroneous termination or a failure to start up, the V.250 command state is re-entered and the MT returns the final result code NO CARRIER or, if enabled, +CME ERROR. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values. Attach, activate and other errors may be reported.
The test command is used for requesting information on the supported layer 2 protocols.
This command may be used in both normal and modem compatibility modes.
Defined values
string type; indicates the layer 2 protocol to be used between the TE and MT
none, for PDP type OSP:IHOSS (Obsolete)
Point-to-point protocol for a PDP such as IP
character stream for X.25 character (triple X PAD) mode (Obsolete)
X.25 L2 (LAPB) for X.25 packet mode (Obsolete)
manufacturer-specific protocol (xxxx is an alphanumeric string)
If the value is omitted, the layer 2 protocol is unspecified. Other values are reserved and will result in an ERROR response.
integer type; specifies a particular PDP context definition (see the +CGDCONT and +CGDSCONT commands).
Optional if the D (dial) command can be used to specify Packet Domain operation.

10.1.13  Configure local octet stream PAD parameters +CGCLOSP (Obsolete)p. 281


10.1.14  Show PDP address(es) +CGPADDRp. 281

Command Possible response(s)
+CGPADDR[=<cid>[,<cid>[,...]]][+CGPADDR: <cid>[,<PDP_addr_1>[,<PDP_addr_2>]]] [<CR><LF>+CGPADDR: <cid>,[<PDP_addr_1>[,<PDP_addr_2>]] [...]]
+CGPADDR=? +CGPADDR: (list of defined <cid>s)
The syntax of the AT Set Command is corrected to be according to ITU-T Recommendation V.250 [14]. Older versions of the specification specify incorrect syntax +CGPADDR=[,<cid>[,<cid>[,...]]].
The execution command returns a list of PDP addresses for the specified context identifiers. If no <cid> is specified, the addresses for all defined contexts are returned.
The test command returns a list of defined <cid>s.
Defined values
integer type; specifies a particular PDP context definition (see the +CGDCONT and +CGDSCONT commands).
<PDP_addr_1> and <PDP_addr_2>
each is a string type that identifies the MT in the address space applicable to the PDP. The address may be static or dynamic. For a static address, it will be the one set by the +CGDCONT and +CGDSCONT commands when the context was defined. For a dynamic address it will be the one assigned during the last PDP context activation that used the context definition referred to by <cid>. Both <PDP_addr_1> and <PDP_addr_2>are omitted if none is available. Both <PDP_addr_1> and <PDP_addr_2> are included when both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are assigned, with <PDP_addr_1> containing the IPv4 address and <PDP_addr_2> containing the IPv6 address.
The string is given as dot-separated numeric (0-255) parameter of the form:
a1.a2.a3.a4 for IPv4 and
a1.a2.a3.a4.a5.a6.a7.a8.a9.a10.a11.a12.a13.a14.a15.a16 for IPv6.
When +CGPIAF is supported, its settings can influence the format of the IPv6 address in parameter <PDP_addr_1> or <PDP_addr_2> returned with the execute form of +CGPADDR.

10.1.15  Automatic response to a network request for PDP context activation +CGAUTOp. 282

Command Possible response(s)
+CGAUTO=[<n>] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CGAUTO=? +CGAUTO: (list of supported <n>s)
The set command disables or enables an automatic positive or negative response (auto-answer) to the receipt of a NW-initiated Request PDP Context Activation message, NW-initiated Request EPS Bearer Activation/ Modification Request messages and a NW-initiated PDU Session Modification Command message. It also provides control over the use of the V.250 basic commands 'S0', 'A' and 'H' for handling network requests for PDP context activation. The setting does not affect the issuing of the unsolicited result code RING or +CRING.
When the +CGAUTO=0 command is received for GERAN, UTRAN or E-UTRAN RATs, the MT shall not perform a PS detach if it is attached. Subsequently, when the MT announces a network request for PDP context activation by issuing the unsolicited result code RING or +CRING, the TE may manually accept or reject the request by issuing the +CGANS command or may simply ignore the network request.
When the +CGAUTO=1 command is received for GERAN, UTRAN or E-UTRAN RATs, the MT shall attempt to perform a PS attach if it is not already attached. Failure will result in ERROR or, if enabled, +CME ERROR being returned to the TE. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values. Subsequently, when the MT announces a network request for PDP context activation by issuing the unsolicited result code RING or +CRING to the TE, this is followed by the intermediate result code CONNECT. The MT then enters V.250 online data state and follows the same procedure as it would after having received a +CGANS=1 with no <L2P> or <cid> values specified.
The read command returns the current value of <n>.
The test command returns the values of <n> supported by the MT as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type
turn off automatic response for Packet Domain only
turn on automatic response for Packet Domain only
modem compatibility mode, Packet Domain only
3 (default)
modem compatibility mode, Packet Domain and circuit switched calls
turn on automatic negative response for Packet Domain only
For <n>=0 Packet Domain network requests are manually accepted or rejected by the +CGANS command.
For <n>=1 Packet Domain network requests are automatically accepted according to the description above.
For <n>=2, automatic acceptance of Packet Domain network requests is controlled by the 'S0' command. Manual control uses the 'A' and 'H' commands, respectively, to accept and reject Packet Domain requests. (+CGANS may also be used.) Incoming circuit switched calls can be neither manually nor automatically answered.
For <n>=3, automatic acceptance of both Packet Domain network requests and incoming circuit switched calls is controlled by the 'S0' command. Manual control uses the 'A' and 'H' commands, respectively, to accept and reject Packet Domain requests. (+CGANS may also be used.) Circuit switched calls are handled as described elsewhere in this specification.
For <n>=4, Packet Domain network requests are automatically rejected.
Optional. If not implemented, the MT shall behave according to the case of <n>=3.

10.1.16  Manual response to a network request for PDP context activation +CGANSp. 283

Command Possible response(s)
+CGANS[=<response>,[<L2P>,[<cid>]]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CGANS=? +CGANS: (list of supported <response>s),(list of supported <L2P>s)
The syntax of the AT Set Command is corrected to be according to ITU-T Recommendation V.250 [14]. Older versions of the specification specify incorrect syntax +CGANS=[<response>,[<L2P>,[<cid>]]].
The execution command requests the MT to respond to a network request for Packet Domain PDP context activation which has been signalled to the TE by the RING, +CRING or +CGEV unsolicited result code. The <response> parameter allows the TE to accept or reject the request.
If <response> is 0, the request is rejected and the MT returns OK to the TE.
If <response> is 1, the following procedure is followed by the MT.
Commands following the +CGANS command in the AT command line shall not be processed by the MT.
If the <L2P> parameter value is unacceptable to the MT, the MT shall return an ERROR or +CME ERROR response. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values. Otherwise, the MT issues the intermediate result code CONNECT and enters V.250 online data state.
The detailed behaviour after the online data state has been entered is dependent on the PDP type. It is described briefly in TS 27.060 and in more detail in TS 29.061 and the specifications for the relevant PDPs. PDP context activation procedures shall take place prior to or during the PDP startup.
One or more <cid>s may be specified in order to provide the values needed for the context activation request.
During the PDP startup procedure the MT has the PDP type and the PDP address provided by the network in the Request PDP Context Activation message. The MT may also have some or all of the following information:
  • The MT may have a priori knowledge, for example, it may implement only one PDP type.
  • The command may have provided an <L2P> parameter value.
  • The TE may provide one or both of PDP type and PDP address to the MT in the PDP startup.
If any of this information is in conflict, the command will fail.
If one or more <cid> is given then an attempt shall be made to identify an appropriate context definition by matching the PDP type and PDP address in the network request with the PDP type and PDP address in each of the specified context definitions (in the order in which their <cid>s appear in the command) as follows:
  • The PDP type must match exactly.
  • The PDP addresses are considered to match if they are identical or if the address in the context definition is unspecified.
The context shall be activated using the values for PDP type and PDP address provided by the network, together with the other information found in the PDP context definition. An APN may or may not re required, depending on the application.
If no <cid> is given or if there is no matching context definition, the MT will attempt to activate the context using the values for PDP type and PDP address provided by the network, together with any other relevant information known to the MT. The other context parameters will be set to their default values.
If the activation is successful, data transfer may proceed.
After data transfer is complete, and the layer 2 protocol termination procedure has completed successfully, the V.250 command state is re-entered and the MT returns the final result code OK
In the event of an erroneous termination or a failure to startup, the V.250 command state is re-entered and the MT returns the final result code NO CARRIER or, if enabled, +CME ERROR. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values. Attach, activate and other errors may be reported. It is also an error to issue the +CGANS command when there is no outstanding network request.
The test command returns the values of <response> and <L2P> supported by the MT as compound values.
This command may be used in both normal and modem compatibility modes.
Defined values
integer type; specifies how the request should be responded to.
reject the request
accept and request that the PDP context be activated
If <response> is omitted it is assumed to be 0.
string type; indicates the layer 2 protocol to be used (see +CGDATA command).
integer type; specifies a particular PDP context definition (see the +CGDCONT and +CGDSCONT commands).

10.1.17  GPRS mobile station class +CGCLASSp. 284

Command Possible response(s)
+CGCLASS=[<class>] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CGCLASS=? +CGCLASS: (list of supported <class>s)
The set command is used to set the MT to operate according to the specified mode of operation, see TS 23.060. If the requested mode of operation is not supported, an ERROR or +CME ERROR response is returned. Extended error responses are enabled by the +CMEE command. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
The read command returns the mode of operation set by the TE, independent of the current serving cell capability and independent of the current serving cell Access Technology. If no value has been set by the TE previously, the return value shall be the highest mode of operation that can be supported by the MT.
The test command is used for requesting information on the supported MT modes of operation as a compound value.
Defined values
string type; indicates the mode of operation. The default value is manufacturer specific.
Class-A mode of operation (A/Gb mode), or CS/PS mode of operation (Iu mode) (highest mode of operation)
Class-B mode of operation (A/Gb mode), or CS/PS mode of operation (Iu mode)
Class-C mode of operation in PS only mode (A/Gb mode), or PS mode of operation (Iu mode)
Class-C mode of operation in CS only mode (A/Gb mode), or CS (Iu mode) (lowest mode of operation)
If the MT is attached to the PS domain when the set command is issued with a <class>=CC specified, a PS detach shall be performed by the MT.

10.1.18  Configure local triple-X PAD parameters +CGCLPAD (GPRS only) (Obsolete)p. 285


10.1.19  Packet domain event reporting +CGEREPp. 285

Command Possible response(s)
+CGEREP=[<mode>[,<bfr>]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CGEREP? +CGEREP: <mode>,<bfr>
+CGEREP=? +CGEREP: (list of supported <mode>s),(list of supported <bfr>s)
Set command enables or disables sending of unsolicited result codes, +CGEV: XXX from MT to TE in the case of certain events occurring in the Packet Domain MT or the network. <mode> controls the processing of unsolicited result codes specified within this command. <bfr> controls the effect on buffered codes when <mode> 1 or 2 is entered. If a setting is not supported by the MT, ERROR or +CME ERROR: is returned. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Read command returns the current mode and buffer settings.
Test command returns the modes and buffer settings supported by the MT as compound values.
Defined values
integer type
0 (default)
buffer unsolicited result codes in the MT; if MT result code buffer is full, the oldest ones can be discarded. No codes are forwarded to the TE.
discard unsolicited result codes when MT-TE link is reserved (e.g. in on-line data mode); otherwise forward them directly to the TE
buffer unsolicited result codes in the MT when MT-TE link is reserved (e.g. in on-line data mode) and flush them to the TE when MT-TE link becomes available; otherwise forward them directly to the TE
integer type
0 (default)
MT buffer of unsolicited result codes defined within this command is cleared when <mode> 1 or 2 is entered
MT buffer of unsolicited result codes defined within this command is flushed to the TE when <mode> 1 or 2 is entered (OK response shall be given before flushing the codes)
Defined events
The events are valid for all accesses unless explicitly mentioned.
For network attachment, the following unsolicited result codes and the corresponding events are defined:
The network has forced a PS detach. This implies that all active contexts have been deactivated. These are not reported separately.
The mobile termination has forced a PS detach. This implies that all active contexts have been deactivated. These are not reported separately.
For MT class, the following unsolicited result codes and the corresponding events are defined:
+CGEV: NW CLASS <class>
The network has forced a change of MT class. The highest available class is reported (see +CGCLASS). The format of the parameter <class> is found in command +CGCLASS.
+CGEV: ME CLASS <class>
The mobile termination has forced a change of MT class. The highest available class is reported (see +CGCLASS). The format of the parameter <class> is found in command +CGCLASS.
For PDP context activation, the following unsolicited result codes and the corresponding events are defined:
+CGEV: NW PDN ACT <cid>[,<WLAN_Offload>]
The network has activated a context. The context represents a Primary PDP context. The <cid> for this context is provided to the TE. The format of the parameter <cid> is found in command +CGDCONT.
integer type. An integer that indicates whether traffic can be offloaded using the specified PDN connection via a WLAN or not. This refers to bit 1 (E-UTRAN offload acceptability value) and bit 2 (UTRAN offload acceptability value) in the WLAN offload acceptability IE as specified in clause of TS 24.008.
offloading the traffic of the PDN connection via a WLAN when in S1 mode or when in Iu mode is not acceptable.
offloading the traffic of the PDN connection via a WLAN when in S1 mode is acceptable, but not acceptable in Iu mode.
offloading the traffic of the PDN connection via a WLAN when in Iu mode is acceptable, but not acceptable in S1 mode.
offloading the traffic of the PDN connection via a WLAN when in S1 mode or when in Iu mode is acceptable.
+CGEV: ME PDN ACT <cid>[,<reason>[,<cid_other>[,<WLAN_Offload>[,<SSC>,<old-cid>,[<MA_3GPP>,<MA_N3GPP>]]]]]
The mobile termination has activated a context. The context represents a PDN connection or a Primary PDP context. The <cid> for this context is provided to the TE. This event is sent either in result of explicit context activation request (+CGACT), or in result of implicit context activation request associated to attach request (+CGATT=1). The format of the parameter <cid> is found in command +CGDCONT. The format of the parameter <WLAN_Offload> is defined above.
integer type; indicates the reason why the context activation request for PDP type IPv4v6 was not granted. This parameter is only included if the requested PDP type associated with <cid> is IPv4v6, and the PDP type assigned by the network for <cid> is either IPv4 or IPv6.
IPv4 only allowed
IPv6 only allowed
single address bearers only allowed.
single address bearers only allowed and MT initiated context activation for a second address type bearer was not successful.
integer type; indicates the context identifier allocated by MT for an MT initiated context of a second address type. MT shall only include this parameter if <reason> parameter indicates single address bearers only allowed, and MT supports MT initiated context activation of a second address type without additional commands from TE, and MT has activated the PDN connection or PDP context associated with <cid_other>.
integer type; indicates whether the established PDU session is requested by the network for SSC mode 2 or SSC mode 3 PDU session anchor relocation as specified in TS 23.501 and TS 24.501.
the established PDU session is requested by the network for SSC mode 2 PDU session anchor relocation.
the established PDU session is requested by the network for SSC mode 3 PDU session anchor relocation.
integer type; indicates the context identifier of the QoS flow of the default QoS rule of the SSC mode 2 or SSC mode 3 PDU session where the network requests relocation of the PDU session anchor.
integer type;
the established PDU session is an MA PDU session and the user plane resources are not established over 3GPP access.
the established PDU session is an MA PDU session and the user plane resources are established over 3GPP access.
integer type;
the established PDU session is an MA PDU session and the user plane resources are not established over non-3GPP access.
the established PDU session is an MA PDU session and the user plane resources are established over non-3GPP access.
+CGEV: NW ACT <p_cid>, <cid>, <event_type>[,<WLAN_Offload>]
The network has activated a context. The <cid> for this context is provided to the TE in addition to the associated primary <p_cid>. The format of the parameters <p_cid> and <cid> are found in command +CGDSCONT. The format of the parameter <WLAN_Offload> is defined above.
integer type; indicates whether this is an informational event or whether the TE has to acknowledge it.
Informational event
Information request: Acknowledgement required. The acknowledgement can be accept or reject, see +CGANS.
+CGEV: ME ACT <p_cid>, <cid>, <event_type>[,<WLAN_Offload>]
The network has responded to an ME initiated context activation. The <cid> for this context is provided to the TE in addition to the associated primary <p_cid>. The format of the parameters <p_cid> and <cid> are found in command +CGDSCONT. The format of the parameters <event_type> and <WLAN_Offload> are defined above.
For PDP context deactivation, the following unsolicited result codes and the corresponding events are defined:
+CGEV: NW DEACT <PDP_type>, <PDP_addr>, [<cid>]
The network has forced a context deactivation. The <cid> that was used to activate the context is provided if known to the MT. The format of the parameters <PDP_type>, <PDP_addr> and <cid> are found in command +CGDCONT.
+CGEV: ME DEACT <PDP_type>, <PDP_addr>, [<cid>]
The mobile termination has forced a context deactivation. The <cid> that was used to activate the context is provided if known to the MT. The format of the parameters <PDP_type>, <PDP_addr> and <cid> are found in command +CGDCONT.
+CGEV: NW PDN DEACT <cid>[,<WLAN_Offload>[,<SSC>]]
The network has deactivated a context. The context represents a PDN connection or a Primary PDP context. The associated <cid> for this context is provided to the TE. The format of the parameter <cid> is found in command +CGDCONT. The format of the parameters <WLAN_Offload> and <SSC> are defined above.
The mobile termination has deactivated a context. The context represents a PDN connection or a Primary PDP context. The <cid> for this context is provided to the TE. The format of the parameter <cid> is found in command +CGDCONT.
+CGEV: NW DEACT <p_cid>, <cid>, <event_type>[,<WLAN_Offload>]
The network has deactivated a context. The <cid> for this context is provided to the TE in addition to the associated primary <p_cid>. The format of the parameters <p_cid> and <cid> are found in command +CGDSCONT. The format of the parameters <event_type> and <WLAN_Offload> are defined above.
+CGEV: ME DEACT <p_cid>, <cid>, <event_type>
The network has responded to an ME initiated context deactivation request. The associated <cid> is provided to the TE in addition to the associated primary <p_cid>. The format of the parameters <p_cid> and <cid> are found in command +CGDSCONT. The format of the parameter <event_type> is defined above.
For PDP context modification, the following unsolicited result codes and the corresponding events are defined:
+CGEV: NW MODIFY <cid>, <change_reason>, <event_type>[,<WLAN_Offload>[,<PDU-lifetime>]]
The network has modified a context. The associated <cid> is provided to the TE in addition to the <change_reason> and <event_type>. The format of the parameter <cid> is found in command +CGDCONT or +CGDSCONT. The format of the parameters <change_reason>, <event_type>, and <WLAN_Offload> are defined above.
integer type; a bitmap that indicates what kind of change occurred. The <change_reason> value is determined by summing all the applicable bits. For example if both the values of QoS changed (Bit 2) and WLAN_Offload changed (Bit 3) have changed, then the <change_reason> value is 6.
Bit 1
TFT changed
Bit 2
Qos changed
Bit 3
WLAN Offload changed
Bit 4
Relocation of PDU session anchor requested
Bit 5
PDP address or PDP type changed
Bit 6
ATSSS parameters changed
Bit 7
P-CSCF restoration requested
integer type; indicates the PDU session address lifetime value in seconds for relocation of SSC mode 3 PDU session anchor, see TS 23.501 and TS 24.501.
+CGEV: ME MODIFY <cid>, <change_reason>, <event_type>[,<WLAN_Offload>]
The mobile termination has modified a context. The associated <cid> is provided to the TE in addition to the <change_reason> and <event_type>. The format of the parameter <cid> is found in command +CGDCONT or +CGDSCONT. The format of the parameters <change_reason>, <event_type> and <WLAN_Offload> are defined above.
For other PDP context handling, the following unsolicited result codes and the corresponding events are defined:
+CGEV: REJECT <PDP_type>, <PDP_addr>
A network request for context activation occurred when the MT was unable to report it to the TE with a +CRING unsolicited result code and was automatically rejected. The format of the parameters <PDP_type> and <PDP_addr> are found in command +CGDCONT.
+CGEV: NW REACT <PDP_type>, <PDP_addr>, [<cid>]
The network has requested a context reactivation. The <cid> that was used to reactivate the context is provided if known to the MT. The format of the parameters <PDP_type>, <PDP_addr> and <cid> are found in command +CGDCONT.

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