
Content for  TS 27.007  Word version:  19.1.0

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7.40  eDRX setting +CEDRXS |R13|p. 106

Command Possible response(s)
+CEDRXS=[<mode>,[,<AcT-type>[,<Requested_eDRX_value>]]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CEDRXS?[+CEDRXS: <AcT-type>,<Requested_eDRX_value>
[<CR><LF>+CEDRXS: <AcT-type>,<Requested_eDRX_value>
+CEDRXS=? +CEDRXS: (list of supported <mode>s),(list of supported <AcT-type>s),(list of supported <Requested_eDRX_value>s)
The set command controls the setting of the UEs eDRX parameters. The command controls whether the UE wants to apply eDRX or not, as well as the requested eDRX value for each specified type of access technology.
The set command also controls the presentation of an unsolicited result code +CEDRXP: <AcT-type>[,<Requested_eDRX_value>[,<NW-provided_eDRX_value>[,<Paging_time_window>]]] when <n>=2 and there is a change in the eDRX parameters provided by the network.
A special form of the command can be given as +CEDRXS=3. In this form, eDRX will be disabled and data for all parameters in the command +CEDRXS will be removed or, if available, set to the manufacturer specific default values.
Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
The read command returns the current settings for each defined value of <AcT-type>. The access technology type parameter <AcT-type>, should not be used in terminals capable of only one access technology.
The test command returns the supported <mode>s and the value ranges for the access technology and the requested eDRX value as compound values.
Defined values
integer type, indicates to disable or enable the use of eDRX in the UE. This parameter is applicable to all specified types of access technology, i.e. the most recent setting of <mode> will take effect for all specified values of <AcT>.
0 (default)
Disable the use of eDRX
Enable the use of eDRX
Enable the use of eDRX and enable the unsolicited result code
+CEDRXP: <AcT-type>[,<Requested_eDRX_value>[,<NW-provided_eDRX_value>[,<Paging_time_window>]]]
Disable the use of eDRX and discard all parameters for eDRX or, if available, reset to the manufacturer specific default values.
integer type, indicates the type of access technology. This AT-command is used to specify the relationship between the type of access technology and the requested eDRX value.
Access technology is not using eDRX. This parameter value is only used in the unsolicited result code.
EC-GSM-IoT (A/Gb mode)
GSM (A/Gb mode)
UTRAN (Iu mode)
E-UTRAN (WB-S1 mode)
E-UTRAN (NB-S1 mode)
satellite E-UTRAN (NB-S1 mode)
satellite E-UTRAN (WB-S1 mode)
NG-RAN (N1 mode)
satellite NG-RAN (N1 mode)
string type; half a byte in a 4 bit format. The eDRX value refers to bit 4 to 1 of octet 3 of the Extended DRX parameters information element (see clause of TS 24.008). For the coding and the value range, see Extended DRX parameters information element in TS 24.008 Table TS 24.008. The default value, if available, is manufacturer specific.
string type; half a byte in a 4 bit format. The eDRX value refers to bit 4 to 1 of octet 3 of the Extended DRX parameters information element (see clause of TS 24.008). For the coding and the value range, see Extended DRX parameters information element in TS 24.008 Table TS 24.008.
string type; half a byte in a 4 bit format. The paging time window referes to bit 8 to 5 of octet 3 of the Extended DRX parameters information element (see clause of TS 24.008). For the coding and the value range, see the Extended DRX parameters information element in TS 24.008 Table TS 24.008.

7.41  eDRX read dynamic parameters +CEDRXRDP |R14|p. 107

Command Possible response(s)
+CEDRXRDP +CEDRXRDP: <AcT-type>[,<Requested_eDRX_value>[,<NW-provided_eDRX_value>[,<Paging_time_window>]]]
The execution command returns <AcT-type> and <Requested_eDRX_value>, <NW-provided_eDRX_value> and <Paging_time_window> if eDRX is used for the cell that the MS is currently registered to.
If the cell that the MS is currently registered to is not using eDRX, AcT-type=0 is returned.
Defined values
integer type, indicates the type of access technology. This AT-command is used to specify the relationship between the type of access technology and the requested eDRX value.
Access technology is not using eDRX
EC-GSM-IoT (A/Gb mode)
GSM (A/Gb mode)
UTRAN (Iu mode)
E-UTRAN (WB-S1 mode)
E-UTRAN (NB-S1 mode)
satellite E-UTRAN (NB-S1 mode)
satellite E-UTRAN (WB-S1 mode)
NG-RAN (N1 mode)
satellite NG-RAN (N1 mode)
string type; half a byte in a 4 bit format. The eDRX value refers to bit 4 to 1 of octet 3 of the Extended DRX parameters information element (see clause of TS 24.008). For the coding and the value range, see Extended DRX parameters information element in TS 24.008 Table TS 24.008.
string type; half a byte in a 4 bit format. The eDRX value refers to bit 4 to 1 of octet 3 of the Extended DRX parameters information element (see clause of TS 24.008). For the coding and the value range, see Extended DRX parameters information element in TS 24.008 Table TS 24.008.
string type; half a byte in a 4 bit format. The paging time window referes to bit 8 to 5 of octet 3 of the Extended DRX parameters information element (see clause of TS 24.008). For the coding and the value range, see the Extended DRX parameters information element in TS 24.008 Table TS 24.008.

7.42  CIoT optimization configuration +CCIOTOPT |R14|p. 108

Command Possible response(s)
+CCIOTOPT=[<n>,[<supported_UE_opt>[,<preferred_UE_opt>]]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CCIOTOPT? +CCIOTOPT :<n>,<supported_UE_opt>,<preferred_UE_opt>
+CCIOTOPT=? +CCIOTOPT: (list of supported <n>s),(list of supported <supported_UE_opt>s),(list of supported <preferred_UE_opt>s)
The set command controls which CIoT optimizations the UE indicates as supported and preferred in EPS and in 5GS.
A UE supporting CIoT functionality may support,
  • control plane CIoT EPS optimization or user plane CIoT EPS optimization or both (see clause of TS 24.301) when the UE is connected to EPC; or
  • control plane CIoT 5GS optimization or user plane CIoT 5GS optimization or both (see clause 5.3.21 of TS 24.501) when the UE is connected to 5GCN.
Based on the application characteristics the UE may prefer to be registered for,
  • control plane CIoT EPS optimization or for user plane CIoT EPS optimization (see clause of TS 24.301) when the UE is connected to EPC; or
  • control plane CIoT 5GS optimization or for user plane CIoT 5GS optimization (see clause 5.3.21 of TS 24.501) when the UE is connected to 5GCN.
  • in EPS the network can support control plane CIoT EPS optimization or user plane CIoT EPS optimization or both (see clause of TS 24.301); and
  • in 5GS the network can support control plane CIoT 5GS optimization or user plane CIoT 5GS optimization or both (see clause 5.3.21 of TS 24.501)
The set command is also used to control the reporting of the CIoT optimizations by the unsolicited result code +CCIOTOPTI. The unsolicited result code +CCIOTOPTI: <supported_Network_opt> is used to indicate the CIoT optimizations supported by the network in EPS and in 5GS.
Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
The read command returns the current settings for supported and preferred CIoT optimizations in EPS, the current settings for supported and preferred CIoT optimizations in 5GS and the current status of unsolicited result code +CCIOTOPTI.
The test command returns values supported as compound values.
Defined values
integer type. Enables or disables reporting of unsolicited result code +CCIOTOPTI.
0 (default)
Disable reporting.
Enable reporting.
Disable reporting and reset the parameters for supported and preferred CIoT optimizations in EPS and in 5GS to the default values.
integer type; a decimal value of the bitmap that indicates the UE's support for CIoT optimizations in EPS and in 5GS. The <supported_UE_opt> value is determined by summing all the applicable bits in Table 7.42-2.
Bit-number Description
Bit 1Support for control plane CIoT EPS optimization
Bit 2Support for user plane CIoT EPS optimization
Bit 3Support for control plane CIoT 5GS optimization
Bit 4Support for user plane CIoT 5GS optimization
If the values of Support for control plane CIoT EPS optimization (Bit 1) and Support for user plane CIoT EPS optimization (Bit 2) are supported, then the <supported_UE_opt> value is 3. If the values of Support for user plane CIoT EPS optimization (Bit 2) and Support for user plane CIoT 5GS optimization (Bit 4) are supported, then the <supported_UE_opt> value is 10.
0 (default)
No support.
all other values are a decimal value of the bitmap (Bit 1, Bit 2, Bit 3 and Bit 4), see Table 7.42-2.
integer type; indicates the UE's preference for CIoT optimizations in EPS or in 5GS.
0 (default)
No preference.
Preference for control plane CIoT EPS optimization.
Preference for user plane CIoT EPS optimization.
Preference for control plane CIoT 5GS optimization.
Preference for user plane CIoT 5GS optimization.
integer type; indicates the Network support for CIoT optimizations in EPS or in 5GS.
No support.
Support for control plane CIoT EPS optimization.
Support for user plane CIoT EPS optimization.
Support for both control plane CIoT EPS optimization and user plane CIoT EPS optimization.
Support for control plane CIoT 5GS optimization.
Support for user plane CIoT 5GS optimization.
Support for both control plane CIoT 5GS optimization and user plane CIoT 5GS optimization.

7.43  CSG selection +CCSGS |R14|p. 110

Command Possible response(s)
+CCSGS=[<mode>[,<format>[,<CSGinfo>[,<AcT>]]]] +CCSGS: <AcT>
+CCSGS? +CCSGS: <mode>[,<format>,<CSGinfo>[,<AcT>]]
+CCSGS=? +CCSGS: (list of supported <mode>s)
Set command forces an attempt to select and register to the CSG Cell in UMTS/EPS network. <mode> is used to determine whether the selection is done automatically by the MT or is forced by this command to select CSG Cell in CSGinfo <CSGinfo> (it shall be given in format <format>) to a certain access technology, indicated in <AcT>. If the selected access technology is not available, then the same CSG id and associated PLMN shall be selected in other access technology. If the selected CSG cell is not available in all supported RATs, then MT shall follow the procedures described in clause of TS 23.122. The selected CSG info format shall apply to further read commands (+CCSGS?) also. <mode>=0 forces an attempt to register to the CSG cell in UMTS/EPS network. <mode>=1 forces an attempt to do manual CSG selection to a CSG cell as per information in CGSinfo <CSGinfo>.<mode>.
This command is used when the ME performs successfully registered to a PLMN i.e. the UE executed Operator Selection (+COPS) command successfully.
Read command returns the current CSG selection mode, the currently selected CSG Cell information <CSGinfo> and the current Access Technology. If ME is not camped on CSG Cell when read command is issued, +CME ERROR: XX (Not camped on CSG Cell) shall be issued.
Test command returns a set of four parameters. A set consists of an integer indicating the availability of the CSG in Operator CSG list or Allowed CSG list <stat>, alphanumeric format of the CSG Type, HNB name, CSG ID and Associated PLMN MCC MNC<CSGinfo>, numeric format representation of the CSG ID and Asssociated PLMN MCC MNC <CSGinfo> and access technology <AcT>. <CSGinfo> consist of CSGType (if available from SIM), HNB name, CSG ID each delimited by comma. CSG Type shall provide the type of a CSG identity in a human readable form. See TS 22.011, TS 23.003 for details of CSG Type, HNB name and CSG ID representation. Any of the formats may be unavailable and should then be an empty field. The list of found CSG's shall be in order: CSG's in the Operator CSG list, CSG's in the Allowed CSG list, other CSG's.
It is recommended (although optional) that after the CSG list TA returns lists of supported <mode>s and <format>s. These lists shall be delimited from the CSG list by two commas.
The access technology selected parameters, <AcT>, should only be used in terminals capable to support CSG selection in more than one access technology. Selection of <AcT> does not limit the capability to cell reselections, even though an attempt is made to select a CSG id in an access technology, the phone may still select the same CSG id and associated PLMN in another access technology.
Defined values
integer type
0 (default)
automatic CSG Selection mode (<CSGinfo> field is ignored)
manual CSG Selection mode (<CSGinfo> field shall be present, and <AcT> optionally)
set only <format> (for read command +CCSGS?), (<CSGinfo> and <AcT> fields are ignored)
integer type
0 (default)
alphanumeric <CSGinfo>
numeric <CSGinfo>
string type; <format> indicates if the format is alphanumeric or numeric
CSGinfo consists of CSGType, HNB Name, CSGID and CSG Associated PLMN MCC MNC each delimited by a comma and in this particular order only. If any of the CSGType, HNB Name,CSGID is unavailable, it shall be an empty field. See TS 22.011, TS 23.003 for details of CSG Type, HNB name and CSG ID representation. When selecting the CSG using the set command with <mode> as 1, the CSGID and associated PLMN MCC MNC are mandatory while CSG Type and HNB name are optional.
In the alphanumeric format CSGType, HNB Name, CSGID and CSG Associated PLMN MCC MNC would be displayed while in numeric format only CSGID and CSG Associated PLMN MCC MNC would be displayed.
integer type
unknown CSG
present in Allowed CSG list
present in Operator CSG list
forbidden (Reject cause #25 (Not Authorized for this CSG) has been received for the CSGID which is in Operator CSG List
integer type; access technology selected
0 (default)
This command is only applicable to UEs in UTRAN and E-UTRAN.

7.44  CAG selection +CCAGS |R16|p. 112

Command Possible response(s)
+CCAGS=[<mode>[,<format>[,<CAGinfo>[,<AcT>]]]] +CCAGS: <AcT>
+CCAGS? +CCAGS: <mode>[,<format>,<CAGinfo>[,<AcT>]]
+CCAGS=? +CCAGS: [<stat>,<format>,<CAGinfo>,<AcT>
[<CR><LF>+CCAGS:(list of supported <mode>s),(list of supported <format>s)]
Set command triggers the MT to select and register on a CAG cell. <mode> is used to determine whether the selection is done automatically by the MT or is done in manual selection mode on the CAG cell identified by <CAGinfo> (which shall be given in format <format>) to a certain access technology, indicated in <AcT>. If the selected CAG cell is not available, then the MT shall follow the procedures described in clause of TS 23.122. The selected CAG info format shall apply to further read commands (+CCAGS?) also. <mode>=0 forces an attempt to register to the CAG cell in NR/5GS network. <mode>=1 forces an attempt to do manual CAG selection to a CAG cell as per information in CAGinfo <CAGinfo>
This command is used when the ME has successfully registered to a PLMN i.e. the UE executed Operator Selection (+COPS) command successfully.
Read command returns the current CAG selection mode, the currently selected CAG cell information <CAGinfo> and the current Access Technology. If the ME is not camped on a CAG cell when read command is issued, +CME ERROR: XX (Not camped on CAG cell) shall be issued.
Test command returns a set of four parameters. A set consists of an integer indicating whether the CAG-ID is present in the "Allowed CAG list" <stat>, HRNN, CAG ID and Associated PLMN MCC MNC<CAGinfo>, numeric format representation of the CAG ID and Associated PLMN MCC MNC <CAGinfo> and access technology <AcT>. <CAGinfo> consist of HRNN, CAG ID, Associated PLMN MCC MNC and an indication of whether the MT is only allowed to access the Associated PLMN in 5GS via CAG cells, each delimited by a comma. See TS 23.003 for details of HRNN and CAG ID representation. Any of the formats may be unavailable and should then be an empty field.
It is recommended (although optional) that after the CAG list TA returns lists of supported <mode>s and <format>s. These lists shall be delimited from the CAG list by two commas.
Defined values
integer type
0 (default)
automatic CAG selection mode (<CAGinfo> field is ignored)
manual CAG selection mode (<CAGinfo> field shall be present, and <AcT> optionally)
integer type
0 (default)
alphanumeric <CAGinfo>
numeric <CAGinfo>
string type; <format> indicates if the format is alphanumeric or numeric
CAGinfo consists of HRNN, CAG ID, Associated PLMN MCC MNC and an indication of whether the MT is only allowed to access the Associated PLMN in 5GS via CAG cells, each delimited by a comma and in this particular order only. If HRNN is unavailable, it shall be an empty field. When selecting the CAG using the set command with <mode> as 1, the CAG ID, Associated PLMN MCC MNC and an indication of whether the MT is only allowed to access the Associated PLMN in 5GS via CAG cells are mandatory while the HRNN is optional.
In the alphanumeric format HRNN, CAG ID, Associated PLMN MCC MNC and an indication of whether the MT is only allowed to access the Associated PLMN in 5GS via CAG cells would be displayed while in numeric format only CAG ID, Associated PLMN MCC MNC and an indication of whether the MT is only allowed to access the Associated PLMN in 5GS via CAG cells would be displayed.
integer type
The available CAG cell broadcasting the CAG-ID for the PLMN also broadcasts that the PLMN allows a user to manually select the CAG-ID
Present in "Allowed CAG list"
integer type; access technology selected
0 (default)
This command is only applicable to UEs in NG-RAN.

7.45  Informative examples |R17|p. 113

This clause includes all the GSM/UMTS supplementary service related commands, additional commands to lock MT and SIM/UICC capabilities, and commands to check the network registration status.
An example where MSISDNs of a MT are queried, calls are forwarded to different numbers when mobile is busy (CFB) or when it does not answer (CFNRy). The status of CFNRy is read:
+CNUM: ,"+358501234567",145,,4 (voice number)
AT+CCFC=1,1,"931123456" (enable CFB)
AT+CCFC=2,1,"921654321" (enable CFNRy)
AT+CCFC=1,2 (query CFNRy)
+CCFC: 1,7,"+35821654321",145,,,20 (forward after 20 seconds)
An example of Call Waiting (+CCWA), Call Related Supplementary Services (+CHLD), and Connected Line Identification Presentation (+COLP) usage:
AT+CCWA=1,1;+COLP=1 (enable call waiting and COLP result codes)
ATD9311234567; (originate a voice call)
+COLP: "+358311234567",145
+CCWA: "+358317654321",145 (another call is waiting)
AT+CHLD=2 (put first call on hold and answer the second one)
AT+CHLD=1 (release the second (active) call and recover the first (held) call)
ATH (release the first call)
Call barring supplementary services are combined in one command, Facility Lock (+CLCK), which is also used to restrict MT and SIM/UICC functionality Some of the facilities require a password when enabled or disabled. An additional command, Change Password (+CPWD), is defined for changing the password of different barring and restriction facilities. An example where locking status of outgoing international calls is interrogated and then barred, and the password of the SIM/UICC card lock (Personal Identity Number, PIN) is changed:
+CLCK: 0,7
Operator Selection (+COPS) command is used for querying the status of all GSM/UMTS operators detected in the area, and switching between operators.
Following example illustrates a network selection sequence in Finland. Two operators are found, the status of Tele is unknown and Radiolinja is currently selected. Read command shows that automatic selection mode is on and that Radiolinja is selected. Then an attempt is made to access Tele, but it is denied (shown by +CME ERROR).
+COPS: (2,"RADIOLINJA","RL","24405"),(0,"TELE","TELE","24491")
When a terminal wanders between countries (i.e. networks), an application may follow this e.g. with the following scenario:
AT+CREG=1 (enable +CREG: <stat> unsolicited result code)
+CREG: 1,1 (MT is registered in home PLMN)
+COPS: 0,2,"24405" (get the country...
+COPS: 0,0,"RADIOLINJA" ...and operator name)
...user wanders to another PLMN...
+CREG: 2 (deregistered, roaming ongoing)
+CREG: 5 (registered again, not home PLMN)
+COPS: 0,2,"24001" (get the country...
+COPS: 0,0,"TELIA MOBITEL" ...and operator name)
...user loses connection, no other PLMNs around...
+CREG: 0
An example of eMLPP Supplementary Service usage for a ptp voice call:
ATD*752#+436644101453; (originate a voice call with the priority level 2, see for priority level definitions GSM 02.30)
OK (call setup was successful)

7.46  Ciphering key request +CCKEYREQ |R18|p. 115

Command Possible response(s)
+CCKEYREQ=<n>[,<ciph_req>] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CCKEYREQ? +CCKEYREQ: <n>,<ciph_req>
+CCKEYREQ=? +CCKEYREQ: (list of supported <n>s),(list of supported <ciph_req>s)
The set command controls the presentation of an unsolicited result code +CCKEYREQ: <result>[,<no_of_ciph_key_data_set>] when <n>=1 and there is a response received from the network for a request to provide new ciphering keys in the registration procedure. The purpose of requesting the ciphering keys is to obtain the list of ciphering data sets from the network that can be used by the UE for deciphering of ciphered broadcast data. The request to obtain th ciphering keys is made through the parameter which will be sent to the network in the registration procedure.
Read command returns the currentset values.
Test command values supported as a compoung value.
Defined values
integer type
disable unsolicited result code +CCKEYREQ: <result>[,<no_of_ciph_key_data_set>]
enable unsolicited result code +CCKEYREQ: <result>[,<no_of_ciph_key_data_set>]
setting unchanged, shall be used by the set command to request ciphering key information from the network
integer type, indicates whether the UE wants to request ciphering keys for deciphering the broadcast data.
do not request ciphering key data set
request ciphering key data set
integer type, indicates whether the registration procedure was successful or not in requesting the ciphering key information.
registration procedure requesting the ciphering keys was not successful
registration procedure requesting the ciphering keys was successful
integer type, indicates the number of ciphering key data sets received from the network. This field has a valid range of values from (0-16) where 0 indicates that the registration procedure may have been successful, but no ciphering key data set was received.
This command is only applicable to UEs supporting 5GS.

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