
Content for  TS 27.007  Word version:  19.0.0

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8.10  Mobile termination event reporting +CMERp. 126

Command Possible response(s)
+CMER=[<mode>[,<keyp>[,<disp>[,<ind>[,<bfr>[,<tscrn>][,<orientation>]]]]]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CMER? +CMER: <mode>,<keyp>,<disp>,<ind>,<bfr>,<tscrn>,<orientation>
+CMER=? +CMER: (list of supported <mode>s),(list of supported <keyp>s),(list of supported <disp>s),(list of supported <ind>s),(list of supported <bfr>s),(list of supported <tscrn>s),(list of supported <orientation>s)
Set command enables or disables sending of unsolicited result codes from TA to TE in the case of key pressings, display changes, and indicator state changes. <mode> controls the processing of unsolicited result codes specified within this command. <bfr> controls the effect on buffered codes when <mode> 1, 2 or 3 is entered. If setting is not supported by the MT, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Read command returns the current settings.
Test command returns the modes supported as compound values.
Defined values
integer type
0 (default)
buffer unsolicited result codes in the TA; if TA result code buffer is full, codes can be buffered in some other place or the oldest ones can be discarded
discard unsolicited result codes when TA-TE link is reserved (e.g. in on-line data mode); otherwise forward them directly to the TE
buffer unsolicited result codes in the TA when TA-TE link is reserved (e.g. in on-line data mode) and flush them to the TE after reservation; otherwise forward them directly to the TE
forward unsolicited result codes directly to the TE; TA-TE link specific inband technique used to embed result codes and data when TA is in on-line data mode
integer type
0 (default)
no keypad event reporting
keypad event reporting using unsolicited result code +CKEV: <key>,<press>. <key> indicates the key (refer IRA values defined in table 67 in clause "Keypad control +CKPD") and <press> if the key is pressed or released (1 for pressing and 0 for releasing). Only those key pressings, which are not caused by +CKPD shall be indicated by the TA to the TE.
keypad event reporting using unsolicited result code +CKEV: <key>,<press>. All key pressings shall be directed from TA to TE.
integer type
0 (default)
no display event reporting
display event reporting using unsolicited result code +CDEV: <elem>,<text>. <elem> indicates the element order number (as specified for +CDIS) and <text> is the new value of text element. Only those display events, which are not caused by +CDIS shall be indicated by the TA to the TE. Character set used in <text> is as specified by command select TE character set +CSCS
display event reporting using unsolicited result code +CDEV: <elem>,<text>. All display events shall be directed from TA to TE. Character set used in <text> is as specified by command Select TE Character Set +CSCS
integer type
0 (default)
no indicator event reporting
indicator event reporting using unsolicited result code +CIEV: <ind>,<value>. <ind> indicates the indicator order number (as specified for +CIND) and <value> is the new value of indicator. Only those indicator events, which are not caused by +CIND shall be indicated by the TA to the TE
indicator event reporting using unsolicited result code +CIEV: <ind>,<value>. All indicator events shall be directed from TA to TE
integer type
0 (default)
TA buffer of unsolicited result codes defined within this command is cleared when <mode> 1...3 is entered
TA buffer of unsolicited result codes defined within this command is flushed to the TE when <mode> 1...3 is entered (OK response shall be given before flushing the codes)
integer type
0 (default)
no touch screen event reporting
touch screen event reporting using unsolicited result code +CTEV: <action>,<x>,<y>. The <x>,<y> parameters indicate the x, y coordinates on the touch screen device (as specified for +CTSA), and <action> indicates the action performed on the screen (0 for screen released, 1 for screen depressed, 2 for single tap, and 3 for double tap). Only those touch screen events, which are not caused by +CTSA shall be indicated by the TA to the TE.
touch screen event reporting using unsolicited result code +CTEV: <action>,<x>,<y>. All touch screen events shall be directed from the TA to the TE.
Verbose mode. Touch screen event reporting using unsolicited result code +CTEV: <action>,<x>,<y>. This is a special mode where intermediate depressed result codes (+CTEV: 1,<x>,<y>) are generated for each new <x>,<y> coordinate detected while a user is dragging a touch to a new location. All other touch screen actions shall be directed from the TA to the TE normally. Only those touch screen events which are not caused by +CTSA shall be indicated by the TA to the TE.
enchanced touch screen event reporting using unsolicited result code +CTEV: <action>,<x>,<y>,<id>[,<duration>]. The <x>,<y> parameters indicate the x, y coordinates on the touch screen device (as specified for +CTSA), the <duration> parameter indicates the duration of the touch (as specified for +CTSA) and, the <id> identifies any simultaneous touch (as specified for +CTSA). Only those touch screen events, which are not caused by +CTSA shall be indicated by the TA to the TE. The <action> parameter indicates the action performed on the screen, if the <duration> parameter is:
  • 0, it is valid for the <action> parameter to indicate 0 for screen released, 1 for screen depressed, 2 for single tap, and 3 for double tap;
  • a positive, non-zero integer, it is valid for the <action> parameter to indicate 0 for screen released.
enchanced touch screen event reporting using unsolicited result code +CTEV: <action>,<x>,<y>,<id>[,<duration>]. See description of <tscrn> set to 4 for the valid for the <action> parameter. All touch screen events shall be directed from the TA to the TE.
Verbose mode. enchanced touch screen event reporting using unsolicited result code +CTEV: <action>,<x>,<y>,<id>[,<duration>]. This is a special mode where intermediate depressed result codes (+CTEV: 1,<x>,<y>,<id>[,<duration>]) are generated for each new <x>,<y> coordinate detected while a user is dragging a touch to a new location. All other touch screen actions shall be directed from the TA to the TE normally. See description of <tscrn> set to 4 for the valid for the <action> parameter. Only those touch screen events which are not caused by +CTSA shall be indicated by the TA to the TE.
integer type: Parameter to enable display orientation event reporting from the TA to the TE, using unsolicited result code +COEV: <CurrentTopSide>. The <CurrentTopSide> parameter indicates the top of the ME's screen (as specified for +CSO).
0 (default)
No display orientation event reporting.
Only those display orientation events, which are not caused by +CSO shall be indicated.
All display orientation events shall be indicated.
Mandatory when any of the keypad, display, or indicator, or touch screen result codes is implemented.

8.11  Select phonebook memory storage +CPBSp. 129

Command Possible response(s)
+CPBS=<storage>[,<password>] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CPBS? +CPBS: <storage>[,<used>,<total>]
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CPBS=? +CPBS: (list of supported <storage>s)
Set command selects phonebook memory storage <storage>, which is used by other phonebook commands. If setting fails in an MT error, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Read command returns currently selected memory, and when supported by manufacturer, number of used locations and total number of locations in the memory.
Test command returns supported storages as a compound value.
Defined values
values reserved by the present document:
MT dialled calls list (+CPBW may not be applicable for this storage)
SIM/USIM (or MT) emergency number (+CPBW is not be applicable for this storage)
SIM/USIM fixdialling-phonebook. In the currently selected card slot, if a SIM card is present or if a UICC with an active GSM application is present, the information in EFFDN under DFTelecom is selected. If a UICC with an active USIM application is present, the information in EFFDN under ADFUSIM is selected.
SIM/UICC last-dialling-phonebook
MT missed (unanswered received) calls list (+CPBW may not be applicable for this storage)
MT phonebook
combined MT and SIM/USIM phonebook
SIM (or MT) own numbers (MSISDNs) list (reading of this storage may be available through +CNUM also). When storing information in the SIM/UICC, if a SIM card is present or if a UICC with an active GSM application is present, the information in EFMSISDN under DFTelecom is selected. If a UICC with an active USIM application is present, the information in EFMSISDN under ADFUSIM is selected.
MT received calls list (+CPBW may not be applicable for this storage)
SIM/UICC phonebook. In the currently selected card slot, if a SIM card is present or if a UICC with an active GSM application is present, the EFADN under DFTelecom is selected. If a UICC with an active USIM application is present, the global phonebook, DFPHONEBOOK under DFTelecom is selected.
TA phonebook
Selected application phonebook. In the currently selected card slot, if a UICC with an active USIM application is present, the application phonebook, DFPHONEBOOK under ADFUSIM is selected.
string type value representing the PIN2-code required when selecting PIN2-code locked <storage>s above, e.g. "FD" or the hidden key to be verified in order to access to the hidden phonebook entries in the UICC/USIM or any other phonebook with hidden entries.
If the combined phonebook is selected, "MT", the <password> will correspond to the hidden key of the USIM phonebook.
integer type value indicating the number of used locations in selected memory.
integer type value indicating the total number of locations in selected memory.
Mandatory when phonebook read, find or write command, or direct dialling (refer to clause "Direct dialling from phonebooks") is implemented.

8.12  Read phonebook entries +CPBRp. 130

Command Possible response(s)
+CPBR=<index1>[,<index2>][+CPBR: <index1>,<number>,<type>,<text>[,<hidden>][,<group>][,<adnumber>][,<adtype>][,<secondtext>][,<email>][,<sip_uri>][,<tel_uri>]]
[<CR><LF>+CPBR: <index2>,<number>,<type>,<text>[,<hidden>][,<group>][,<adnumber>][,<adtype>][,<secondtext>][,<email>][,<sip_uri>][,<tel_uri>]]]
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CPBR=? +CPBR: (list of supported <index>s),[<nlength>],[<tlength>],[<glength>],[<slength>],[<elength>],[<siplength>],[<tellength>]
+CME ERROR: <err>
Execution command returns phonebook entries in location number range <index1>... <index2> from the current phonebook memory storage selected with +CPBS. If <index2> is left out, only location <index1> is returned. Entry fields returned are location number <indexn>, phone number stored there <number> (of format <type>), text <text> associated with the number, if the selected phonebook supports hidden entries, <hidden> indicating if the entry is hidden, <group> indicating a group the entry may belong to, <adnumber> an additional number (of format <adtype>), <secondtext> a second text field associated with the number, <email> an email field, <sip_uri> SIP number and <tel_uri> TEL number. If all queried locations are empty (but available), no information text lines may be returned. If listing fails in an MT error, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Test command returns location range supported by the current storage as a compound value and the maximum lengths of <number>, <text>, <group>, <secondtext>, <email>, <sip_uri> and <tel_uri> fields. In case of (U)SIM storage, the lengths may not be available. If MT is not currently reachable, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Defined values
<index1>, <index2>, <index>
integer type values in the range of location numbers of phonebook memory
string type phone number of format <type>
type of address octet in integer format (refer to clause of TS 24.008)
string type field of maximum length <tlength>; character set as specified by command select TE character set +CSCS
string type field of maximum length <glength>; character set as specified by command select TE character set +CSCS
string type phone number of format <adtype>
type of address octet in integer format (refer to clause of TS 24.008)
string type field of maximum length <slength>; character set as specified by command select TE character set +CSCS
string type field of maximum length <elength>; character set as specified by command select TE character set +CSCS
string type field of maximum length <siplength>; character set as specified by command select TE character set +CSCS
string type phone number of maximum length <tellength>; character set as specified by command select TE character set +CSCS
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <number>
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <text>
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <group>
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <secondtext>
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <email>
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <sip_uri>
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <tel_uri>
integer type value indicates if the entry is hidden or not
0 (default):
phonebook entry not hidden
phonebook entry hidden

8.13  Find phonebook entries +CPBFp. 131

Command Possible response(s)
+CPBF=<findtext>[+CPBF: <index1>,<number>,<type>,<text>[,<hidden>][,<group>][,<adnumber>][,<adtype>][,<secondtext>][,<email>][,<sip_uri>][,<tel_uri>]]
[<CR><LF>+CBPF: <index2>,<number>,<type>,<text>[,<hidden>][,<group>][,<adnumber>][,<adtype>][,<secondtext>][,<email>][,<sip_uri>][,<tel_uri>]
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CPBF=? +CPBF: [<nlength>],[<tlength>],[<glength>],[<slength>],[<elength>],[<siplength>],[<tellength>]
+CME ERROR: <err>
Execution command returns phonebook entries (from the current phonebook memory storage selected with +CPBS) which alphanumeric field start with string <findtext>. Entry fields returned are location number <indexn>, phone number stored there <number> (of format <type>), text <text> associated with the number, if the selected phonebook supports hidden entries, <hidden> indicating if the entry is hidden, <group> indicating a group the entry may belong to, <adnumber> an additional number (of format <adtype>), <secondtext> a second text field associated with the number, <email> an email field, <sip_uri> SIP number and <tel_uri> TEL number. If listing fails in an MT error, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Test command returns the maximum lengths of <number>, <text>, <group>, <secondtext>, <email>, <sip_uri> and <tel_uri> fields. In case of (U)SIM storage, the lengths may not be available. If MT is not currently reachable, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Defined values
<index1>, <index2>
integer type values in the range of location numbers of phonebook memory
string type phone number of format <type>
type of address octet in integer format (refer to clause of TS 24.008)
string type field of maximum length <glength>; character set as specified by command select TE character set +CSCS
string type phone number of format <adtype>
type of address octet in integer format (refer to clause of TS 24.008)
string type field of maximum length <slength>; character set as specified by command select TE character set +CSCS
string type field of maximum length <elength>; character set as specified by command select TE character set +CSCS
<findtext>, <text>
string type field of maximum length <tlength>; character set as specified by command select TE character set +CSCS
string type field of maximum length <siplength>; character set as specified by command select TE character set +CSCS
string type phone number of maximum length <tellength>; character set as specified by command select TE character set +CSCS
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <number>
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <text>
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <group>
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <secondtext>
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <email>
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <sip_uri>
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <tel_uri>
integer type value indicates if the entry is hidden or not
0 (default):
phonebook entry not hidden
phonebook entry hidden

8.14  Write phonebook entry +CPBWp. 134

Command Possible response(s)
+CPBW=[<index>][,<number>[,<type>[,<text>[,<group>[,<adnumber>[,<adtype>[,<secondtext>[,<email>[,<sip_uri>[,<tel_uri>[,<hidden>]]]]]]]]]]] +CPBW: <written_index>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CPBW? +CPBW: <written_index>
+CPBW=? +CPBW: (list of supported <index>s),[<nlength>],(list of supported <type>s),[<tlength>],[<glength>],[<slength>],[<elength>],[<siplength>],[<tellength>]
+CME ERROR: <err>
Set command writes phonebook entry in location number <index> in the current phonebook memory storage selected with +CPBS. Entry fields written are phone number <number> (in the format <type>), text <text> associated with the number, if the selected phonebook supports hidden entries, <hidden> parameter, which indicates if the entry is hidden or not, <group> indicating a group the entry may belong to, <adnumber> an additional number (of format <adtype>), <secondtext> a second text field associated with the number, <email> an email field, <sip_uri> SIP number and <tel_uri> TEL number. If all those fields are omitted, the phonebook entry is deleted. If <index> is left out, but <number> is given, the entry is written to the first free location in the phonebook (the implementation of this feature is manufacturer specific). For successfull writes where <index> is not given, the intermediate result code +CPBW: <written_index> may be provded to indicate the location the entry was written to. If writing fails in an MT error, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Read command returns the last <written_index> value, or -1 if information about previous value is not available.
Test command returns location range supported by the current storage and types of address as compound values, the maximum length of <number> field, supported number formats of the storage, the maximum length of <text> field, the maximum length of <group>, the maximum length of <secondtext>, the maximum length of <email>, the maximum length of <sip_uri> and the maximum length of <tel_uri>. In case of SIM storage, the lengths may not be available. If MT is not currently reachable, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values. If storage does not offer format information, the format list should be empty parenthesis.
Defined values
integer type values in the range of location numbers of phonebook memory
string type phone number of format <type>
type of address octet in integer format (refer to clause of TS 24.008) ; default 145 when dialling string includes international access code character "+", otherwise 129
string type field of maximum length <tlength>; character set as specified by command select TE character set +CSCS
string type field of maximum length <glength>; character set as specified by command select TE character set +CSCS
string type phone number of format <adtype>
type of address octet in integer format (refer to clause of TS 24.008)
string type field of maximum length <slength>; character set as specified by command select TE character set +CSCS
string type field of maximum length <elength>; character set as specified by command select TE character set +CSCS
string type field of maximum length <siplength>; character set as specified by command select TE character set +CSCS
string type phone number of maximum length <tellength>; character set as specified by command select TE character set +CSCS
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <number>
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <text>
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <group>
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <secondtext>
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <email>
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <sip_uri>
integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <tel_uri>
integer type value indicates if the entry is hidden or not
0 (default):
phonebook entry not hidden
phonebook entry hidden
integer type value indicating the last location number <index> of the written phonebook entry

8.15  Clock +CCLKp. 135

Command Possible response(s)
+CCLK=<time> +CME ERROR: <err>
+CCLK? +CCLK: <time>
+CME ERROR: <err>
Set command sets the real-time clock of the MT. If setting fails in an MT error, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Read command returns the current setting of the clock.
Defined values
string type value; format is "yy/MM/dd,hh:mm:ss±zz", where characters indicate year (two last digits), month, day, hour, minutes, seconds and time zone (indicates the difference, expressed in quarters of an hour, between the local time and GMT; range -96...+96). E.g. 6th of May 1994, 22:10:00 GMT+2 hours equals to "94/05/06,22:10:00+08"

8.16  Alarm +CALAp. 136

Command Possible response(s)
+CALA=<time>[,<n>[,<type>[,<text>[,<recurr>[,<silent>]]]]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CALA?[+CALA: <time>,<n1>,<type>,[<text>],[<recurr>],<silent>]
[<CR><LF>+CALA: <time>,<n2>,<type>,[<text>],[<recurr>],<silent>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CALA=? +CALA: (list of supported <n>s),(list of supported <type>s),<tlength>,<rlength>,(list of supported <silent>s)
+CME ERROR: <err>
Set command sets an alarm time in the MT. There can be an array of different types of alarms, and each alarm may cause different text to be displayed in the MT display. If setting fails in an MT error, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
To set up a recurrent alarm for one or more days in the week, the <recurr>-parameter may be used.
When an alarm is timed out and executed, the unsolicited result code +CALV: <n> is always returned, even if the alarm is set up to be silent.
Read command returns the list of current active alarm settings in the MT.
Test command returns supported array index values, alarm types, and maximum length of the text to be displayed as compound values.
Defined values
refer +CCLK,+CSDF
<n>, <n1>, <n2>
integer type value indicating the index of the alarm; default is manufacturer specific.
integer type value indicating the type of the alarm (e.g. sound, volume, LED); values and default are manufacturer specific.
string type value indicating the text to be displayed when alarm time is reached; maximum length <tlength>; values and default are manufacturer specific.
integer type value indicating the maximum length of <text>.
string type value indicating day of week for the alarm in one of the following formats (values and default are manufacturer specific):
Sets a recurrent alarm for one or more days in the week. The digits 1 to 7 corresponds to the days in the week, Monday (1), …, Sunday (7).
The string "1,2,3,4,5" is used to set an alarm for all weekdays.
"0" Sets a recurrent alarm for all days in the week.
integer type value indicating the maximum length of <recurr>.
Integer type value indicating if the alarm is silent or not. The defalt value is manufacturer specific.
the alarm will not be silent
the alarm will be silent and the only result from the alarm is the unsolicited result code +CALV

8.17  Generic SIM access +CSIMp. 137

Command Possible response(s)
+CSIM=<length>,<command> +CSIM: <length>,<response>
+CME ERROR: <err>
Execution command transmits to the MT the <command> it then shall send as it is to the SIM. In the same manner, the SIM <response> shall be sent back by the MT to the TA as it is. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
This command allows a direct control of the SIM that is installed in the currently selected card slot, by a distant application on the TE. The TE shall then take care of processing SIM information within the frame specified by GSM/UMTS.
Defined values
integer type; length of the characters that are sent to TE in <command> or <response> (two times the actual length of the command or response)
command passed on by the MT to the SIM in the format as described in TS 51.011 (hexadecimal character format; refer +CSCS)
response to the command passed on by the SIM to the MT in the format as described in TS 51.011 (hexadecimal character format; refer +CSCS)

8.18  Restricted SIM access +CRSMp. 138

Command Possible response(s)
+CRSM=<command>[,<fileid>[,<P1>,<P2>,<P3>[,<data>[,<pathid>]]]] +CRSM: <sw1>,<sw2>[,<response>]
+CME ERROR: <err>
By using this command instead of Generic SIM Access +CSIM TE application has easier but more limited access to the SIM database. Execution command transmits to the MT the SIM <command> and its required parameters. If a SIM installed in the currently selected card slot, the MT handles internally all SIM-MT interface locking and file selection routines. As response to the command, MT sends the actual SIM information parameters and response data. MT error result code +CME ERROR may be returned when the command cannot be passed to the SIM, but failure in the execution of the command in the SIM is reported in <sw1> and <sw2> parameters. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Coordination of command requests to SIM and the ones issued by GSM/UMTS application inside the MT is implementation dependent. However the TE should be aware of the precedence of the GSM/UMTS application commands to the TE commands.
Defined values
(command passed on by the MT to the SIM; refer TS 51.011):
all other values are reserved
integer type; this is the identifier of a elementary datafile on SIM. Mandatory for every command except STATUS.
<P1>, <P2>, <P3>
integer type; parameters passed on by the MT to the SIM. These parameters are mandatory for every command, except GET RESPONSE and STATUS. The values are described in TS 51.011.
information which shall be written to the SIM (hexadecimal character format; refer +CSCS).
string type; contains the path of an elementary file on the SIM/UICC in hexadecimal format as defined in ETSI TS 102 221 [60] (e.g. "7F205F70" in SIM and UICC case). The <pathid> shall only be used in the mode "select by path from MF" as defined in ETSI TS 102 221 [60].
<sw1>, <sw2>
integer type; information from the SIM about the execution of the actual command. These parameters are delivered to the TE in both cases, on successful or failed execution of the command.
response of a successful completion of the command previously issued (hexadecimal character format; refer +CSCS). STATUS and GET RESPONSE return data, which gives information about the current elementary datafield. This information includes the type of file and its size (refer TS 51.011). After READ BINARY, READ RECORD or RETRIEVE DATA command the requested data will be returned. <response> is not returned after a successful UPDATE BINARY, UPDATE RECORD or SET DATA command.

8.19  Secure control command +CSCCp. 139

Command Possible response(s)
+CSCC=<mode>[,<cmd_set>[,<token>]] +CSCC: <challenge>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CSCC? +CSCC: <mode>,<cmd_set1>
[<CR><LF>+CSCC: <mode>,<cmd_set2>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CSCC=? +CSCC: (list of supported <mode>s),(list of supported <cmd_set>s)
This command is used to enable/disable access to commands protected by security mechanism. This enables/disables access to command sets designated as "secure" such as programming of MT. Refer to clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
The TE asks for a <challenge> with <mode>=1 and one specific command set (<cmd_set>), the MT replies with the <challenge>, which should be inserted into the identification algorithm in both entities (TE and MT). The algorithm output <token> is sent to the MT with <mode>=2 to enable the specified command set. <mode>=3 is used to disable the command set.
The read command returns the status (<mode> 2 or 3) of each supported command set.
Test command returns the values supported as compound values.
Defined values
integer type
request challenge token to enable access to specified command set
enable access to specified command set (<token> required)
disable access to specified command set
<cmd_set>, <cmd_set1>, <cmd_set2>:
MT/TA code re-programming command set.
other values below 128 are reserved by the present document.
string type; a variable length bit string represented with IRA characters 0 - 9 and A - F, each character representing a nibble; e.g. bit string "0110 1100 1001 1010" is represented by the IRA string "6C9A". The length of the required bit string varies depending on the value of <cmd_set>.
same format as token

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