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20  Commands for eUICC profile activation |R19|p. 441

20.1  Generalp. 441

The Generic Test Profile as specified in GSMA TS.48 [195] has been developed to fulfil requirements for execution of device tests. The test profile can have more than one configuration based on testing requirements and these can be loaded onto an eUICC for different test scenarios. One or more than one profile can be enabled on the same embedded UICC (eUICC) as specified in GSMA SGP.21 [193]. This clause defines AT commands for managing multiple profiles on an eUICC as specified in GSMA SGP.22 [194]. Several of the parameters and procedures defined in GSMA SGP.22 [194] are referenced in these AT commands.
A set of eUICC profile management commands is defined for provisioning, activating, managing multiple profiles, and providing the flexibility to users to be able to switch between them as needed. The commands use the extended information and error message capabilities described in the present specification.
The +CEUICCPD command is used to invoke the LPA (Local Profile Assistant) to trigger a request to download and install a profile in an eUICC through activation code procedure as specified in GSMA SGP.22 [194]. The +CEUICCPM command is used to enable, disable, or delete a profile in an eUICC. The +CEUICCPMETAI command allows the user to assign a nickname to a profile and to read and display the profile metadata information for all profiles installed in the eUICC irrespective of the state of the profile. The +CEUICCMEMRESET command triggers the eUICC capable UE to request the LPA to perform eUICC memory reset including its associated profile metadata. The +CEUICCSMDPA command allows the user to edit a default SM-DP+ address on the eUICC. The +CGEUICCID command requests the eUICC identifier from the eUICC in the device. The +CEUICCPNM command is used to manage the pending notifications that are generated when a profile management operation has been successfully performed on the eUICC.

20.2  Commands specific to eUICC profile activationp. 442

20.2.1  eUICC profile download +CEUICCPDp. 442

Command Possible response(s)
+CEUICCPD=<mode>,<matching_ID>/ <confirmation_code>[,<smdp_address>]+CME ERROR: <err>
+CEUICCPD=?+CEUICCPD: (list of supported <requested_unper_duration>s)
The set command is used to invoke the LPA (present in eUICC or the device) to trigger a request to download and install a profile in the eUICC through the activation code procedure from the SM-DP+ address. Unless explicitly provided in this command, the default SM-DP+ address if already present in the device or eUICC shall be used.
The command returns with the response depending upon whether the request is successfully sent to LPA or not. The actual result for the download and installation will be displayed through the one time unsolicited result code +CEUICCPDU: <result>[,[<iccid>] [,<cause_source>[,<cause>]]] once the activation code procedure ends.
Optionally, if the activation code token indicates that a confirmation code is also required, the user is prompted through +CEUICCPDU to input a confirmation code provided to them by the issuing MSP. The set command can be used to respond with the confirmation code.
Test command returns supported values as a compound value.
Defined values
integer type;
send activation code.
send confirmation code.
string type; indicates the confirmation code that is to be used to download and install the profile from SM-DP+. This shall be procured from the MSP (Mobile Service Provider) while subscribing through external means. If <mode> = 1, <confirmation_code> needs to be provided.
string type; indicates the matching ID that is to be used to download and install the profile from SM-DP+. If <mode> = 0, <matching_ID> needs to be provided.
string type; indicates the address for SM-DP+. This shall be used by LPA to identify the SM-DP+ where the profile is stored and available for download.
integer type; indicates the final result for downloading and installing a profile.
Successfully downloaded and installed.
Failed to download and install.
Confirmation code required.
Successfully downloaded but PIN locked. Refer +CPIN to unlock.
string type; indicates a unique number to identify a Profile in an eUICC.
integer type; indicates the function returning the error cause while the procedure for download and install is being executed for a profile. These functions are associated to a particular eUICC interface, for example ES9+ is used to provide a secure transport between the SM-DP+ and the LPA for the delivery of the profile package and ES10b is used by the LPA to transfer a profile package to the eUICC. <cause_source> will be present when <result>=1 as specified in GSMA SGP.22 [194].
Generic error for ES10b interface.
Function performs the authentication of the RSP Server by the eUICC (AuthenticateServer, ES10b)
Function initiates a Bound Profile Package download after a successful authentication of an SM-DP+ ( PrepareDownload, ES10b).
Function transfers a Bound Profile Package to the eUICC (LoadBoundProfilePackage, ES10b)
Function requests the SM-DP+ authentication (InitiateAuthentication, ES9+)
Function called by the LPA to request the authentication of the eUICC by the SM-DP+ (AuthenticateClient, ES9+)
Function called to request the delivery and the binding of a profile package for the eUICC (GetBoundProfilePackage, ES9+)
Generic error for ES9+ interface
integer type, indicating the error cause because of which the procedure of downloading and installing a profile has been terminated. <cause> will be present when <result>=1 as specified in GSMA SGP.22 [G].

20.2.2  eUICC profile management +CEUICCPMp. 443

Command Possible response(s)
+CEUICCPM=<operation>,<iccid>+CME ERROR: <err>
+CEUICCPM?[+CEUICCPM: <iccid1>,<state>[,<iccid2>,<state>]
+CEUICCPM=?+CEUICCPM: (range of supported <iccid>s),(list of supported <operation>s)
The set command is used to enable, disable or delete a profile in an eUICC. This is applicable for an eUICC capable device having profile(s) installed in the eUICC. For devices supporting two simultaneous device cellular connections, simultaneously two profiles may be enabled. To delete a profile, the profile must be disabled. The command returns with the response depending upon whether the request is successfully sent to LPA or not.
The actual result for the operations will be displayed through the one time unsolicited result code +CEUICCPMU: <result>[,[<iccid>],[<state>][,<cause>]]] once the procedure ends. Refer clause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
Read command returns the current settings for each installed profile.
Test command returns the list of <iccid>s indicating the list of profiles installed and the list of <operation>s that shall be triggered.
Defined values
integer type, indicates the operation to be done for the management of the profiles installed in the eUICC.
disable profile
enable profile
delete profile
string type; indicates a unique number to identify a profile in an eUICC.
integer type, indicates the current state of the profile.
integer type; indicates the final result for the action triggered by the user.
Successfully enabled, disabled, or deleted a profile.
Failed to complete enabling, disabling, or deleting a profile.
integer type, indicating the error cause because of which the procedure of enabling, disabling, or deleting a profile has been terminated. <cause> will be present when <result>=1 as specified in GSMA SGP.22 [194].
ICCID (Integrated Circuit Card ID) or AID (Application Identifier) not found
profile not in disabled state
profile not in enabled state
disallowed by policy
wrong profile re-enabling
busy (proactive session ongoing on the target port)

20.2.3  eUICC profile metadata information +CEUICCPMETAIp. 445

Command Possible response(s)
+CEUICCPMETAI=<operation>[,<iccid>[,<nickname>]]+CEUICCPMETAI: <iccid>,<state>,profile_metadata>
[<CR><LF>+CEUICCPMETAI: <iccid>,<state>,profile_metadata> […]]]
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CEUICCPMETAI=?+CEUICCPMETAI: (list of supported <operation>s)
The set command allows the user to read and display the profile metadata information for all the profiles installed in the eUICC irrespective of the state of the profile. The command also allows the user to attribute a nickname to a profile for ease of use. Adding or changing a nickname shall not affect any other data or other profile metadata for that profile.
Test command returns the list of <operation>s that shall be triggered.
Defined values
integer type, indicates the operation to be done for the management of the profiles installed in the eUICC.
Read the profile metadata for all the profiles(default)
Read the profile metadata for the profile identified by <iccid>. In this case, <iccid> needs to be provided.
Add/Update the nickname for a particular profile in the profile metadata. In this case, <iccid> and <nickname> needs to be provided.
string type; indicates a unique number to identify a profile in an eUICC.
integer type, indicates the current state of the profile.
string type, indicates the profile metadata information for a profile. This shall include the following information; MSP name, ICCID, user nickname of the profile, short description of the profile defined by the operator or MSP. The list of information that this command shall display is implementation specific.

20.2.4  eUICC memory reset +CEUICCMEMRESETp. 445

Command Possible response(s)
The set command triggers the eUICC capable UE to request the LPA to perform eUICC memory reset including its associated profile metadata. This requires the verification of the user's intent for which the notification from LPA to user is triggered and then the user is prompted to respond to the same. Refer command +CEUICCUIV. The command returns with the response depending upon whether the request is successfully sent to LPA or not. The actual result for the memory reset will be displayed through the unsolicited result code +CEUICCMEMRESETU: <result>[,<cause>] once the procedure ends.
Defined values
<result>: integer type; indicates the final result for the eUICC memory reset.
Successfully reset the eUICC memory
Failed to reset the eUICC memory.
integer type, indicating the error cause because of which the procedure to reset an eUICC has been terminated. <cause> will be present when <result>=1 as specified in GSMA SGP.22 [194].
nothing to delete

20.2.5  eUICC update default SM-DP+ address +CEUICCUSMDPAp. 446

Command Possible response(s)
+CEUICCUSMDPA=<smdp_address>+CME ERROR: <err>
The set command allows the user to edit a default SM-DP+ address on the eUICC or device. The command returns with the response depending upon whether the request is successfully sent to LPA or not. The actual result for updating the SM-DP+ address will be displayed through the one time unsolicited result code +CEUICCUSMDPAU: <result> once the procedure ends.
Defined values
string type; indicates the SM-DP+ address which will replace he default SM-DP+ address in the eUICC or device.
integer type; indicates the final result for updating the default SM-DP+ address.
Successfully updated the SM-DP+ address
Failed to update the SM-DP+ address.

20.2.6  Get eUICC ID +CGEUICCIDp. 447

Command Possible response(s)
The set command triggers the eUICC capable UE to request the eUICC ID <EID> from the eUICC present in the device. This command can be used at any time by the user to get the <EID> through LPA.
Defined values
string type; indicates the eUICC identifier which is composed of 32 digits where each digit is represented by one character in the set [0123456789]. Examples of valid <EID>s are:
8900 1012 0123 4123 4012 3456 7890 1224
8900 1567 0102 0304 0506 0708 0910 1152
8904 4011 1122 3344 1122 3344 1122 3321
0090 9231 2229 9992 3581 2903 6544 3008

20.2.7  eUICC profile notification management +CEUICCPNMp. 447

Command Possible response(s)
+CEUICCPNM=<operation>[,<seq_no>]In case <operation>=0 [+CEUICCPNM: <seq_no>,<profile_event>[,<iccid>] [<CR><LF>+CEUICCPNM: <seq_no2>,<profile_event>[,<iccid>] […]]]
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CEUICCPNM=?+CEUICCPM: (list of supported <operation>s)
The set command is used to manage the pending notifications that are generated when a profile management operation has been successfully performed on the eUICC or when there is a progress of such an operation. When <operation>=0, the command returns the list of sequence numbers where each sequence number represents a pending notification. When <operation>=1, the command triggers the LPA to send all the pending notifications to SM-DP+. When <operation>=2, the command triggers the LPA to delete a particular pending information using the sequence number that was fetched through <operation>=0.
Test command returns the the list of <operation>s that shall be triggered.
Defined values
integer type, indicates the operation to be done for the notification management of the profiles installed in the eUICC.
List pending notification
Send all pending notifications to SM-DP+
Delete notification
string type; indicates a unique number to identify a profile in an eUICC.
integer type, indicates the sequence number which represents a pending notification.
integer type, indicates the profile event which is a notification generated by eUICC.
Notification on install
Notification on local enable
Notification on local disable
Notification on local delete
Notification on remote profile management enable
Notification on remote profile management disable
Notification on remote profile management delete

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