
Content for  TS 26.501  Word version:  18.6.0

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C  Collaboration Models for 5GMS via eMBMS |R17|p. 222

C.1  Introductionp. 222

For 5GMS via eMBMS as introduced in clauses 4.6 and 5.10, different deployment collaboration scenarios of the architecture as provided in clause 4.6 may be considered. In all cases, the same UE architecture is used, but different network side operation modes are considered, including the following parties:
  • 5G Mobile Network Operator: A party that offers 5G System reference points to a content provider.
  • 5G Broadcast Network Operator: A party that offers eMBMS reference points to a third party.
  • 5GMS Content Provider: A party that provides 5GMS content.
  • 5GMS Network Operator: A party that offers 5GMS System reference points to a content provider.
  • 5G Broadcast Service Provider: A party that offers 5GMS content via eMBMS and also provides the same content to a 5G Mobile Network Operator.
  • 5GMS Service Provider: A party that distributes 5GMS content via a 5G System and via eMBMS.

C.2  Collaboration 5GMS-MBMS 1: 5GMS Content Provider uses different delivery networksp. 222

Figure C.2-1 illustrates a collaboration in which the 5GMS Content Provider uses different delivery networks.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 26.501, Fig. C.2-1: Collaboration 5GMS-MBMS 1: 5GMS Content Provider uses different delivery networks

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