
Content for  TS 26.501  Word version:  18.6.0

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A.15  Cascaded uplink and downlink media streaming using content preparation |R18|p. 211

A.15.1  Introductionp. 211

This scenario represents a hybrid end-to-end form of collaboration across uplink media streaming and downlink media streaming services. An external 5GMS Application Provider relies on the 5GMS System to support both the uplink streaming media transmission by 5GMSu Clients and subsequent redistribution of that content via downlink media streaming for reception by 5GMSd Clients within the same 5GMS System.
Two distinct methods are described in the following clauses.
  • In the first method (clause A.15.2) the content contributed to the 5GMSu AS using uplink media streaming is transferred indirectly to the 5GMSd AS via a 5GMS Application Provider for redistribution using downlink media streaming.
  • In the second method (clause A.15.3) the content contributed to the 5GMSu AS using uplink media streaming is transferred directly from the 5GMSu AS to the 5GMSd AS without any intermediary.
These two methods are not mutually exclusive. For example, content transferred using the second method may also be egested to a 5GMSu Application Provider for subsequent redistribution by other 5GMS Systems and/or non-3GPP distribution systems.

A.15.2  Cascaded uplink and downlink media streaming using content preparation with external content re-ingestionp. 211

In a first variant of this collaboration scenario, content contributed to the 5GMS System by the 5GMSu Client is egested by the 5GMSu AS at reference point M2u (by either push- or pull-based means) and subsequently ingested by the 5GMSd AS from the 5GMS Application Provider at reference point M2d (by either push- or pull-based means).
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 26.501, Fig. A.15.2-1: Cascaded uplink and downlink media streaming with external content re-ingestion
Figure A.15.2-2 shows the call flow for this scenario. (To simplify the call flow, the details of the content preparation process are omitted.)
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 26.501, Fig. A.15.2-2: Call flow for cascaded uplink and downlink media streaming using content preparation with external content re-ingestion
Step 1.
The 5GMSd Application Provider creates a Provisioning Session with the 5GMSd AF (M1d).
Step 2.
The 5GMS Application Provider may provision the 5GMSd AF with a Content Preparation Template (M1d).
Step 3.
The 5GMSd Application Provider provisions the 5GMSd AF with a Content Hosting Configuration. The ingest configuration indicates that content will be ingested from the 5GMS Application Provider by either pull- or push-based means. If a Content Preparation Template was provisioned in the previous step, the Content Hosting Configuration may reference it.
Step 4.
The 5GMSd AF, based on the provisioned Content Hosting Configuration and Content Preparation Template, requests the 5GMSd AS to confirm the availability of content distribution resources (M3d).
Step 5.
The 5GMSd AF acknowledges to the 5GMSd Application Provider the successful creation of the Content Hosting Configuration (M1d).
Step 6.
The 5GMS Application Provider creates a Provisioning Session with the 5GMSu AF (M1u).
Step 7.
The 5GMS Application Provider may provision the 5GMSu AF with a Content Preparation Template (M1u).
Step 8.
The 5GMS Application Provider provisions the 5GMSu AF with a Content Publishing Configuration (M1u). The egest configuration indicates that contributed content will be made available to the 5GMS Application Provider by either pull- or push-based means. If a Content Preparation Template was provisioned in the previous step, the Content Publishing Configuration may reference it.
Step 9.
The 5GMSu AF, based on the provisioned Content Hosting Configuration and Content Preparation Template (if any) requests the 5GMSu AS to confirm the availability of content contribution resources (M3u).
Step 10.
The 5GMSu AF acknowledges successful provisioning to the 5GMSu Application Provider (M1u).
At some later point in time:
Step 11.
The 5GMSu Application Provider provides Service Access Information for uplink media streaming to the 5GMSu-Aware Application at reference point M8u.
Step 12.
The 5GMSu-Aware Application requests the 5GMSu Client to start an uplink streaming session (M6u/M7u).
Step 13.
The 5GMSu Client requests that the 5GMSu AF initialises uplink media streaming (M5u).
Step 14.
The 5GMSu-Aware Application requests the 5GMSu Client to start an uplink streaming session (M6u/M7u).
Step 15.
The 5GMSu Client requests Service Access Information from the 5GSMu AF at reference point M5u.
At some later point in time:
Step 16.
Uplink media streaming starts from the 5GMSu Client to the 5GMSu AS (M4u).
Step 17.
The 5GMSu Client invokes media session handling procedures during the uplink media streaming session (M5).
Step 18.
If content preparation was provisioned in step 7, the uplinked media may be manipulated by the 5GMSu AS prior to being egested by it.
Step 19.
The 5GMSu AS egests the content to the 5GMS Application Provider (M2u) by pull- or push-based means according to the Content Publishing Configuration provisioned in step 8.
Step 20.
The 5GMSd AS ingests the content from the 5GMS Application Provider (M2d) by pull- or push-based means according to the Content Hosting Configuration provisioned in step 3.
Steps 21-24 concern the 5GMS downlink streaming process:
Step 21.
The 5GMS Application Provider optionally provides Service Access Information for downlink media streaming to the 5GMSd-Aware Application (M8d).
Step 22.
The 5GMSd-Aware Application requests the 5GMSd Client to start an uplink streaming session (M6d/M7d).
Step 23.
If Service Access Information was not provided in step 21, the 5GMSd Client requests this information from the 5GSMd AF (M5d).
Step 24.
Downlink media streaming starts from the 5GMSd AS to the 5GMSd Client (M4d).
Step 25.
The 5GMSu AS releases its uplink content preparation resources after observing a period of interactivity.
Step 26.
The 5GMSd AS releases its downlink content preparation resources after observing a period of interactivity.

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