
Content for  TS 26.501  Word version:  18.6.0

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4.7.4  Event exposure of 5GMS UE datap. 56  Event exposure of UE data for downlink media streamingp. 56

The following types of events are exposed by the Data Collection AF instantiated in the 5GMSd AF:
  1. QoE metrics for downlink media streaming reported by the Media Session Handler to the Data Collection AF instantiated in the 5GMSd AF, as defined in clauses and
  2. Consumption of downlink media streaming reported by the Media Session Handler to the Data Collection AF instantiated in the 5GMSd AF, as defined in clauses and
  3. Invocations of downlink dynamic policies in the 5GMSd AF by the Media Session Handler, as defined in clauses and
  4. Invocations of AF-based downlink Network Assistance in the 5GMSd AF by the Media Session Handler, as defined in clauses and
  5. Downlink media streaming access activity reported by the 5GMSd AS to the Data Collection AF instantiated in the 5GMSd AF, as defined in clauses and
  6. Invocations of ANBR-based downlink Network Assistance reported by the Direct Data Collection Client instantiated in the Media Session Handler to the Data Collection AF instantiated in the 5GMSd AF, as defined in clauses and
High-level procedures for downlink media streaming event exposure are defined in clause 5.11.3.
Up  Event exposure of UE data for uplink media streamingp. 56

The following types of events are exposed by the Data Collection AF instantiated in the 5GMSd AF:
  1. Invocations of AF-based uplink Network Assistance in the 5GMSd AF by the Media Session Handler, as defined in clauses and
  2. Invocations of ANBR-based uplink Network Assistance reported by the Direct Data Collection Client instantiated in the Media Session Handler to the Data Collection AF instantiated in the 5GMSu AF, as defined in clauses and
  3. Uplink media streaming access activity reported by the 5GMSu AS to the Data Collection AF instantiated in the 5GMSu AF, as defined in clauses and
High-level procedures for uplink media streaming event exposure are defined in clause 6.8.3.
Up  Common baseline parameters for event exposure |R18|p. 57

The Data Collection AF shall include the following common baseline parameters in each event it exposes to event consumers:
Parameter Cardinality Description
Collection timestamp1..1The date-time at which this collection was exposed by the Data Collection AF as an event to its subscribed event consumers.
Start timestamp1..1Date-time of earliest data sample included in or summarised by this collection.
End timestamp1..1Date-time of latest data sample included in or summarised by this collection.
Sample count1..1The number of data samples included in or summarised by this collection.
(Where summary records are included in the collection, the number of records in the collection differs from this number.)
Media streaming direction1..1Indicating whether this collection relates to downlink media streaming sessions or to uplink media streaming sessions.
Record summarisation descriptor1..*Nature of the records included in this collection. One or more of the following aggregation functions are used to generate records:
  • None: Collection includes a separate record for each data sample.
  • Count: collection describes only the number of data samples between Start timestamp and End timestamp with no individual records provided.
  • Mean: Collection includes a record summarising the mean average value of data samples over a certain time period.
  • Minimum: Collection includes a record summarising the smallest value of data samples over a certain time period.
  • Maximum: Collection includes a record summarising the largest value of data samples over a certain time period.
  • Sum: Collection includes a record summarising the sum of data sample values over a certain time period.
As specified in the following clauses, not all aggregation functions are applicable to all types of media streaming event.
Records0..*A set of records, each one describing a UE data sample or summarising a set of UE data samples.
And for each record in the collection:
Parameter Cardinality Description
Record type1..1Indicating the nature of information carried in this record:
  • Individual data sample record.
  • Mean parameter values summary record.
  • Minimum parameter values summary record.
  • Maximum parameter values summary record.
  • Sum parameter values summary record.
Not all record types are applicable to all types of media streaming event.
Record timestamp1..1The date-time at which the UE data carried in this record was sampled or summarised.
Application Identifier1..1The Application Identifier to which this record pertains.
Provisioning Session identifier0..1The Provisioning Session to which this record pertains.
Present only for individual data sample record type.
Media delivery session identifier0..1A value synthesised by the 5GMS System that uniquely identifies the media streaming session to which this record pertains.
Present only for individual data sample record type.
UE identification0..1GPSI of the requesting UE or a stable globally unique string identifying the requesting Media Session Handler.
Present only for individual data sample record type and only when exposure is permitted by the data exposure restrictions in force for the event type in question.
Data Network Name0..1Identifying the Data Network of the M4 media streaming session.
Present only for individual data sample record type.
Slice identification0..1The S-NSSAI identifying the Network Slice of the M4 media streaming session.
Present only for individual data sample record type.
UE location0..1The location of the UE for the data sample described by this record.
Present only for individual data sample record type and only when exposure is permitted by the data exposure restrictions in force for the event type in question.
Up  Event exposure of QoE metrics UE data |R18|p. 58

For QoE metrics reported to the 5GMSd AF by the Media Session Handler, the Data Collection AF shall include the following parameters (derived from the baseline parameters defined in Table in each event it exposes to event consumers:
Parameter Cardinality Description
Collection timestamp1..1The date-time at which the collection was exposed by the Data Collection AF as an event to its subscribed event consumers.
Start timestamp1..1Date-time of the earliest QoE metrics report included in or summarised by this collection.
End timestamp1..1Date-time of the latest QoE metrics report included in or summarised by this collection.
Sample count1..1The number of QoE metrics reports included in or summarised by this collection.
(Where summary records are included in the collection, the number of records in the collection differs from this number.)
Media streaming direction1..1Collections of QoE metrics records only apply to downlink media streaming.
Record summarisation descriptor1..*Nature of the records included in this collection. One or more of the following aggregation functions are used to generate records:
  • None: Collection includes a separate record for each QoE metrics report.
  • Count: Collection describes only the number of QoE metrics reports between Start timestamp and End timestamp with no individual records provided.
  • Mean: Collection includes a record summarising the mean average value of each QoE metric over a certain time period.
  • Minimum: Collection includes a record summarising the smallest value of each QoE metric over a certain time period.
  • Maximum: Collection includes a record summarising the largest value of each QoE metric over a certain time period.
  • Sum: Collection includes a record summarising the sum of the QoE metric values over a certain time period.
Records0..*A set of QoE metrics events, each one describing a QoE metrics report or summarising a set of QoE metrics reports.
And for each record in the collection the following parameters shall be included, extending the baseline parameter set defined in Table
Parameter Cardinality Description
Record type1..1 Indicating the nature of information carried in this QoE metrics event:
  • Individual QoE metrics report record.
  • Mean parameter values summary record.
  • Minimum parameter values summary record.
  • Maximum parameter values summary record.
  • Sum parameter values summary record.
Record timestamp1..1For individual QoE metrics report records, the date-time at which the parent QoE metrics report was generated by the Media Session Handler.
Otherwise, the date-time at which the summary record was generated by the Data Collection AF instantiated in the 5GMS AF.
Application Identifier1..1The Application Identifier to which this record pertains.
Provisioning Session identifier0..1The Provisioning Session to which this QoE metrics record pertains.
Present only for individual QoE metrics report record type.
Media delivery session identifier0..1A value synthesised by the 5GMS System that uniquely identifies the media streaming session to which this QoE metrics record pertains.
Present only for individual QoE metrics report record type.
UE identification0..1GPSI of the UE or a stable globally unique string identifying the Media Session Handler that reported QoE metrics, corresponding to the reporting client identifier described in clause 4.7.5.
Present only for individual QoE metrics report record type, and only when exposure is permitted by the data exposure restrictions in force.
Data Network Name0..1Identifying the Data Network of the M4 media streaming session for which the QoE metrics were reported.
Present only for individual QoE metrics report record type.
Slice identification0..1The S-NSSAI identifying the Network Slice of the M4 media streaming session for which the QoE metrics were reported.
Present only for individual QoE metrics report record type.
UE location0..1The location of the UE when the QoE metrics were collected.
Present only for individual QoE metrics report record type, and only when exposure is permitted by the data exposure restrictions in force.
Record subtype1..1A fully-qualified URI that uniquely identifies the QoE metrics reporting scheme and QoE metrics event described by this record. This is formed by concatenating a metrics reporting scheme identifier (such as the URN specified in clause 10.5 of TS 26.247) with a term identifier discriminating the type of QoE metric.
QoE metrics list1..1A list of QoE metrics of a single type derived from a single UE data report.
Sample timestamp
0..1The moment in time at which this QoE metric was sampled.
Sample duration
0..1The time duration over which this QoE metric was sampled.
Media timestamp
0..1The time point in the media at which this QoE metric was sampled.
QoE metrics
1..1A set of name-value pairs associated with this QoE metric.
Metric key
1..1A token that uniquely identifies the type of metric within the scope of the Record subtype.
Metric value
0..1The value of the metric.
Up  Event exposure of consumption reporting UE data |R18|p. 60

For media consumption reported to the 5GMSd AF by the Media Session Handler, the Data Collection AF shall include the following parameters (derived from the baseline parameters defined in Table in each event it exposes to event consumers:
Parameter Cardinality Description
Collection timestamp1..1The date-time at which the collection was exposed by the Data Collection AF as an event to its subscribed event consumers.
Start timestamp1..1Date-time of the earliest consumption reporting unit included in or summarised by this collection.
End timestamp1..1Date-time of the latest consumption reporting unit included in or summarised by this collection.
Sample count1..1The number of consumption reporting unit records included in or summarised by this collection.
(Where summary records are included in the collection, the number of records in the collection differs from this number.)
Media streaming direction1..1Collections of consumption reporting units only apply to downlink media streaming.
Record summarisation descriptor1..*Nature of the records included in this collection. One or more of the following aggregation functions are used to generate records:
  • None: Collection includes a separate record for each consumption reporting unit.
  • Count: Collection describes only the number of consumption reporting units between Start timestamp and End timestamp with no individual records provided.
  • Mean: Not applicable to consumption reporting.
  • Minimum: Not applicable to consumption reporting.
  • Maximum: Not applicable to consumption reporting.
  • Sum: Not applicable to consumption reporting.
Records0..*A set of consumption reporting events, each one describing a consumption reporting unit.
And for each record in the collection the following parameters shall be included, extending the baseline parameter set defined in Table
Parameter Cardinality Description
Record type1..1Indicating the nature of information carried in this consumption reporting event:
  • Individual consumption reporting unit record.
Record timestamp1..1The date-time at which this consumption reporting unit began.
Application Identifier1..1The Application Identifier to which this record pertains.
Provisioning Session identifier0..1The Provisioning Session to which this consumption reporting unit record pertains.
Present only for individual consumption reporting unit record type.
Media delivery session identifier0..1A value synthesised by the 5GMS System that uniquely identifies the media streaming session to which this consumption reporting unit record pertains.
Present only for individual consumption reporting unit record type.
UE identification0..1GPSI of the UE or a stable globally unique string identifying the Media Session Handler that reported media consumption, corresponding to the reporting client identifier described in clause 4.7.4.
Present only for individual consumption reporting unit record type, and only when exposure is permitted by the data exposure restrictions in force.
Data Network Name0..1Identifying the Data Network of the M4 media streaming session for which media consumption was reported.
Present only for individual consumption reporting unit record type.
Slice identification0..1The S-NSSAI identifying the Network Slice of the M4 media streaming session for which media consumption was reported.
Present only for individual consumption reporting unit record type.
UE location0..1The location of the UE when media was consumed.
Present only for individual consumption reporting unit record type, and only when exposure is permitted by the data exposure restrictions in force.
Duration1..1The duration of this consumption reporting unit.
Media endpoint identifier0..1The IP address and port number of the M4d endpoint used to access the media during this consumption reporting unit.
Present only when exposure is permitted by the data exposure restrictions in force for the event in question.
Media Player Entry URL1..1The Media Player Entry URL to which this consumption reporting unit pertains.
Media component identifier1..1A token (e.g., an MPEG-DASH representation identifier) identifying the media component of the Media Player Entry that was consumed during this consumption reporting unit.
Up  Event exposure of dynamic policy invocation UE data |R18|p. 61

For dynamic policy invocations on the 5GMS AF by the Media Session Handler, the Data Collection AF shall include the following parameters (derived from the baseline parameters defined in Table in each event it exposes to event consumers:
Parameter Cardinality Description
Collection timestamp1..1The date-time at which the collection was exposed by the Data Collection AF as an event to its subscribed event consumers.
Start timestamp1..1Date-time of the earliest dynamic policy invocation included in or summarised by this collection.
End timestamp1..1Date-time of the latest dynamic policy invocation included in or summarised by this collection.
Sample count1..1The number of dynamic policy invocations included in or summarised by this collection.
(Where summary records are included in the collection, the number of records in the collection differs from this number.)
Media streaming direction1..1Indicating whether this collection of dynamic policy invocations relates to downlink media streaming sessions or to uplink media streaming sessions.
Record summarisation descriptor1..*Nature of the records included in this collection. One or more of the following aggregation functions are used to generate records:
  • None: Collection includes a separate record for each dynamic policy invocation.
  • Count: Collection describes only the number of dynamic policy invocations between Start timestamp and End timestamp with no individual records provided.
  • Mean: Not applicable to dynamic policy invocations.
  • Minimum: Not applicable to dynamic policy invocations.
  • Maximum: Not applicable to dynamic policy invocations.
  • Sum: Not applicable to dynamic policy invocations.
Records0..*A set of dynamic policy invocation events, each one describing a dynamic policy invocation.
And for each record in the collection the following parameters shall be included, extending the baseline parameter set defined in Table
Parameter Cardinality Description
Record type1..1Indicating the nature of information carried in this dynamic policy invocation event:
  • Individual dynamic policy invocation record.
Record timestamp1..1The date-time at which the dynamic policy was invoked by the Media Session Handler.
Application Identifier1..1The Application Identifier to which this record pertains.
Provisioning Session identifier0..1The Provisioning Session to which this record pertains.
Present only for individual dynamic policy invocation record type.
Media delivery session identifier0..1A value synthesised by the 5GMS System that uniquely identifies the media streaming session to which this record pertains.
Present only for individual dynamic policy invocation record type.
UE identification0..1GPSI of the UE or a stable globally unique string identifying the Media Session Handler that instantiated the dynamic policy.
Present only for individual dynamic policy invocation record type and only when exposure is permitted by the data exposure restrictions in force.
Data Network Name0..1Identifying the Data Network of the M4 media streaming session for which the dynamic policy was instantiated.
Present only for individual dynamic policy invocation record type.
Slice identification0..1The S-NSSAI identifying the Network Slice of the M4 media streaming session on which the dynamic policy was instantiated. Present only for individual dynamic policy invocation record type.
UE location0..1The location of the UE when the dynamic policy was instantiated.
Present only for individual dynamic policy invocation record type and only when exposure is permitted by the data exposure restrictions in force.
Policy Template identifier1..1Identifying the Policy Template instantiated by the Media Session Handler.
Service Data Flow descriptions0..*The set of Service Data Flows to which the Media Session Handler requested that the Policy Template be applied.
Present only for individual dynamic policy invocation record type and only when exposure is permitted by the data exposure restrictions in force.
If present, at least a domain name or one packet filter shall be populated.
Domain name
0..1A set of Service Data Flows described in terms of a target 5GMS AS host name at reference point M4.
Packet filters
0..*A set of Service Data Flows identified in terms of their layer 3 and/or layer 4 protocol parameters at reference point M4.
Source IP address
0..1An IP address from which layer 3 packets are sent.
Destination IP address
0..1An IP address to which layer 3 packets are addressed.
Protocol number
0..1A layer 4 protocol number encapsulated by IP packets (e.g., TCP, UDP).
Source port
0..1A source port of layer 4 protocol data units (e.g., TCP segments, UDP datagrams).
Destination port
0..1A destination port of layer 4 protocol data units (e.g., TCP segments, UDP datagrams).
Type of Service or Traffic Class
0..1An IPv4 Type of Service or IPv6 Traffic Class, including mask.
Flow label
0..1An IPv6 flow label.
Security Parameter Index
0..1An IPsec Security Parameter Index.
Requested QoS parameters0..1The network QoS parameters (if any) requested by the Media Session Handler.
Maximum requested bit rate
1..1The maximum bit rate requested.
Minimum desired bit rate
0..1The minimum bit rate desired.
Minimum requested bit rate
1..1The minimum bit rate requested.
Desired packet latency
0..1The packet latency requested.
Desired packet loss rate
0..1The packet loss rate requested.
Enforcement method0..1The policy enforcement method indicated by the 5GMS AF.
Enforcement bit rate0..1The enforcement bit rate (if any) indicated by the 5GMS AF.
Up  Event exposure of Network Assistance UE data |R18|p. 63

For invocations of both AF-based Network Assistance and ANBR-based Network Assistance on the 5GMS AF by the Media Session Handler, the Data Collection AF shall include the following parameters (derived from the baseline parameters defined in Table in each event it exposes to event consumers:
Parameter Cardinality Description
Collection timestamp1..1The date-time at which the collection was exposed by the Data Collection AF as an event to its subscribed event consumers.
Start timestamp1..1Date-time of the earliest Network Assistance invocation included in or summarised by this collection.
End timestamp1..1Date-time of the latest Network Assistance invocation included in or summarised by this collection.
Sample count1..1The number of Network Assistance invocations included in or summarised by this collection.
(Where summary records are included in the collection, the number of records in the collection differs from this number.)
Media streaming direction1..1Indicating whether this collection of Network Assistance invocations relates to downlink media streaming sessions or to uplink media streaming sessions.
Record summarisation descriptor1..*Nature of the records included in this collection. One or more of the following aggregation functions are used to generate records:
  • None: Collection includes a separate record for each Network Assistance invocation.
  • Count: Collection describes only the number of Network Assistance invocations between Start timestamp and End timestamp with no individual records provided.
  • Mean: Collection includes a record summarising the mean average value of each QoS parameter over a certain time period.
  • Minimum: Collection includes a record summarising the smallest value of each QoS parameter over a certain time period.
  • Maximum: Collection includes a record summarising the largest value of each QoS parameter over a certain time period.
  • Sum: Not applicable to Network Assistance invocations.
Records0..*A set of Network Assistance invocation events, each one describing a Network Assistance invocation or summarising a set of Network Assistance invocations.
And for each record in the collection the following parameters shall be included, extending the baseline parameter set defined in Table
Parameter Cardinality Description
Record type1..1Indicating the nature of information carried in this Network Assistance invocation event:
  • Individual Network Assistance invocation record.
  • Mean parameter values summary record.
  • Minimum parameter values summary record.
  • Maximum parameter values summary record.
Record timestamp1..1For individual records, the date-time at which Network Assistance was invoked by the Media Session Handler.
Otherwise, the date-time at which the summary record was generated by the Data Collection AF instantiated in the 5GMS AF.
Application Identifier1..1The Application Identifier to which this record pertains.
Provisioning Session identifier0..1The Provisioning Session to which this record pertains.
Present only for individual Network Assistance invocation record type.
Media delivery session identifier0..1A value synthesised by the 5GMS System that uniquely identifies the media streaming session to which this record pertains.
Present only for individual Network Assistance invocation record type.
UE identification0..1GPSI of the UE or a stable globally unique string identifying the Media Session Handler that requested Network Assistance..
Present only for individual Network Assistance invocation record type and only when exposure is permitted by the data exposure restrictions in force.
Data Network Name0..1Identifying the Data Network of the M4 media streaming session for which Network Assistance was sought.
Present only for individual Network Assistance invocation record type.
Slice identification0..1The S-NSSAI identifying the Network Slice of the M4 media streaming session on which Network Assistance was sought.
Present only for individual Network Assistance invocation record type.
UE location0..1The location of the UE when Network Assistance was sought.
Present only for individual Network Assistance invocation record type and only when exposure is permitted by the data exposure restrictions in force.
Record subtype1..1Indicating which of the following Network Assistance features was invoked by the UE:
  • Bit rate recommendation solicited from 5GMS AF by Media Session Handler.
  • Delivery boost requested from 5GMS AF by Media Session Handler.
  • Bit rate recommendation solicited from RAN modem by Media Session Handler.
  • Delivery boost requested from RAN modem by Media Session Handler.
Policy Template identifier0..1Identifying the Policy Template (if any) referenced by the Media Session Handler in the Network Assistance Session.
Service Data Flow descriptions1..*The set of Service Data Flows for which the Media Session Handler sought Network Assistance.
Present only for individual Network Assistance invocation record type and only when exposure is permitted by the data exposure restrictions in force.
If present, at least a domain name or one packet filter shall be populated.
Domain name
0..1A set of Service Data Flows described in terms of a target 5GMS AS host name at reference point M4.
Packet filters
0..*A set of Service Data Flows identified in terms of their layer 3 and/or layer 4 protocol parameters at reference point M4.
Source IP address
0..1An IP address from which layer 3 packets are sent.
Destination IP address
0..1An IP address to which layer 3 packets are addressed.
Protocol number
0..1A layer 4 protocol number encapsulated by IP packets (e.g., TCP, UDP).
Source port
0..1A source port of layer 4 protocol data units (e.g., TCP segments, UDP datagrams).
Destination port
0..1A destination port of layer 4 protocol data units (e.g., TCP segments, UDP datagrams).
Type of Service or Traffic Class
0..1An IPv4 Type of Service or IPv6 Traffic Class, including mask.
Flow label
0..1An IPv6 flow label.
Security Parameter Index
0..1An IPsec Security Parameter Index.
Requested QoS parameters0..1The network QoS parameters (if any) requested from the 5GMS AF or RAN by the Media Session Handler.
Maximum requested bit rate
1..1The maximum bit rate requested.
Minimum desired bit rate
0..1The minimum bit rate desired.
Minimum requested bit rate
1..1The minimum bit rate requested.
Desired packet latency
0..1The packet latency requested.
Desired packet loss rate
0..1The packet loss rate requested.
Recommended QoS parameters0..1The network QoS parameters (if any) recommended by the 5GMS AF or RAN to the Media Session Handler.
Maximum recommended bit rate
1..1The maximum bit rate recommended by the 5GMS AF or RAN.
Minimum recommended bit rate
1..1The minimum bit rate recommended by the 5GMS AF or RAN.
Up  Event exposure of media streaming access activity UE data |R18|p. 66

For media streaming access reported by the 5GMS AS, the Data Collection AF shall include the following parameters (derived from the baseline parameters defined in Table in each event it exposes to event consumers:
Parameter Cardinality Description
Collection timestamp1..1The date-time at which the collection was exposed by the Data Collection AF as an event to its subscribed event consumers.
Start timestamp1..1Date-time of the earliest media streaming access record included in or summarised by this collection.
End timestamp1..1Date-time of the latest media streaming access record included in or summarised by this collection.
Sample count1..1The number of media streaming access records included in or summarised by this collection.
(Where summary records are included in the collection, the number of records in the collection differs from this number.)
Media streaming direction1..1Indicating whether this collection of media access records relates to downlink media streaming sessions or to uplink media streaming sessions.
Record summarisation descriptor1..*Nature of the records included in this collection. One or more of the following aggregation functions are used to generate records:
  • None: Collection includes a separate record for each media streaming access.
  • Count: Collection describes only the number of media streaming accesses between Start timestamp and End timestamp with no individual records provided.
  • Mean: Not applicable to media streaming access.
  • Minimum: Not applicable to media streaming access.
  • Maximum: Not applicable to media streaming access.
  • Sum: Not applicable to media streaming access.
Records0..*A set of media streaming access events, each one describing a media streaming access.
And for each record in the collection the following parameters shall be included, extending the baseline parameter set defined in Table
Parameter Cardinality Description
Record type1..1Indicating the nature of information carried in this media streaming access event:
  • Individual media streaming access record.
Record timestamp1..1The date-time at which media was accessed by the Media Stream Handler (Media Player or Media Streamer).
Application Identifier1..1The Application Identifier to which this record pertains.
Provisioning Session identifier0..1The Provisioning Session to which this media streaming access record pertains.
Present only for individual media streaming access record type.
Media delivery session identifier0..1A value synthesised by the 5GMS System that uniquely identifies the media streaming session to which this media streaming access record pertains.
Present only for individual media streaming access record type.
UE identification0..1GPSI of the UE or a stable globally unique string identifying the 5GMS Client that accessed media.
Present only for individual media streaming access record type, and only when exposure is permitted by the data exposure restrictions in force.
Data Network Name0..1Identifying the Data Network of the M4 media streaming session for which media streaming access was reported.
Present only for individual media streaming access record type.
Slice identification0..1The S-NSSAI identifying the Network Slice of the M4 media streaming session for which media streaming access was reported.
Present only for individual media streaming access record type.
UE location0..1The location of the UE when media was accessed. Present only for individual media streaming access record type, and only when exposure is permitted by the data exposure restrictions in force.
Media Stream Handler endpoint address1..1The endpoint address of the Media Stream Handler that accessed the 5GMS AS.
Application Server endpoint address1..1The endpoint address of the 5GMS AS that was accessed.
Request message1..1Details of the Media Stream Handler request message for this media access.
Request method
1..1The request method.
Request URL
1..1The URL of the requested resource representation.
Protocol version
1..1The protocol version.
0..1The range of the resource representation requested, if any.
1..1The total size of the request message.
Body size
1..1The size of the request message body, which may be zero.
Media content type
0..1The media content type of the request message body, if any.
User agent
0..1The user agent identifying the requesting Media Stream Handler, if any.
User identity
0..1A token identifying the user that made the request, if any.
0..1A URL that the Media Stream Handler reported being referred from, if any.
Cache status0..1An indication of whether the response was present in the 5GMS AS cache (if implemented) and, if so, whether the cache item was fresh or stale. Applicable to downlink media streaming only.
Response message1..1Details of the 5GMS AS response message for this media access.
Response code
1..1The response code.
1..1The total size of the response message.
Body size
1..1The size of the response message body, which may be zero.
Media content type
0..1The media content type of the response message body, if any.
Processing latency1..1The time that was taken for the 5GMS AS to service the request and send the response message.
Connection metrics0..1Cumulative metrics about the performance of the transport connection at reference point M4.
Mean network round-trip time
1..1A rolling mean average of the network round-trip time measured for media accesses at reference point M4.
Network round-trip time variation
1..1The variation in Mean network round-trip time during its averaging period.
Congestion window size
1..1The sampled size of the connection window for the underlying transport connection at reference point M4 when the request was processed by the 5GMS AS.

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