
Content for  TS 26.501  Word version:  18.6.0

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A.15.3  Cascaded uplink and downlink media streaming using content preparation with direct content re-ingestionp. 214

In a second variant of this collaboration scenario, content contributed to the 5GMS System by the 5GMSu Client is egested by the 5GMSu AS at reference point M2u (by either push- or pull-based means) and directly ingested by the 5GMSd AS at reference point M2d (with push- or pull-based content ingest provisioned the same way as for the corresponding content egest). The content thus bypasses the external 5GMS Application Provider altogether.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 26.501, Fig. A.15.3-1: Cascaded uplink and downlink media streaming with direct content re-ingestion
Figure A.15.3-2 shows the call flow for this scenario when push-based egest/ingest is used for direct content re-ingestion. (To simplify the call flow, the details of the content preparation process are omitted.)
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 26.501, Fig. A.15.3-2: Call flow for cascaded uplink and downlink media streaming using content preparation with direct push-based content re-ingestion
The steps for this call flow are identical to those in clause A.15.2 except for the following:
Step 3.
The 5GMSd Application Provider provisions the 5GMSd AF with a Content Hosting Configuration. The ingest configuration indicates that content will be ingested from the 5GMSu AS by push-based means. If a Content Preparation Template was provisioned in the previous step, the Content Hosting Configuration may reference it.
Step 5.
The 5GMSd AF acknowledges to the 5GMSd Application Provider the successful creation of the Content Hosting Configuration (M1d). The acknowledgement includes the ingest base URL on the 5GMSd AS to which downlink media streaming content is to be pushed.
Step 8.
The 5GMS Application Provider provisions the 5GMSu AF with a Content Publishing Configuration (M1u). The egest configuration indicates that contributed content will be made available to the 5GMSd AS by push-based means. The egest destination is specified to be the base URL on the 5GMSd AS returned in prior step 5. If a Content Preparation Template was provisioned in the previous step, the Content Publishing Configuration may reference it.
Step 19.
The 5GMSu AS egests the content (M2u) by push-based means according to the Content Publishing Configuration provisioned in step 8 and the 5GMSd AS directly ingests the content by the same means (M2d) according to the Content Hosting Configuration provisioned in step 3.
If pull-based egest/ingest is instead used between the 5GMSu AS and the 5GMSd AS, the order of the provisioning (steps 1-5 and 6-10 of Figure A.15.3-2) is reversed to the order shown in Figure A.15.3-3 with uplink streaming provisioned before downlink streaming:
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 26.501, Fig. A.15.3-3: Call flow for cascaded uplink and downlink media streaming using content preparation with direct pull-based content re-ingestion
The steps for this call flow are identical to those in clause A.15.2 except for the following:
Step 8.
The 5GMS Application Provider provisions the 5GMSu AF with a Content Publishing Configuration (M1u). The egest configuration indicates that contributed content will be made available to the 5GMSd AS by pull-based means. If a Content Preparation Template was provisioned in the previous step, the Content Publishing Configuration may reference it.
Step 10.
The 5GMSu AF acknowledges successful provisioning to the 5GMSu Application Provider (M1u). The acknowledgement includes the egest base URL on the 5GMSu AS from which contributed uplink media streaming content will be made available.
Step 3.
The 5GMSd Application Provider provisions the 5GMSd AF with a Content Hosting Configuration. The ingest configuration indicates that content will be ingested from the 5GMSu AS by pull-based means from the egest base URL on the 5GMSu AS returned in prior step 10. If a Content Preparation Template was provisioned in the previous step, the Content Hosting Configuration may reference it.
Step 16.
The 5GMSu AS makes the content available for pull-based egest (M2u) according to the Content Publishing Configuration provisioned in step 8 and the 5GMSd AS directly ingests the content by the same means (M2d) according to the Content Hosting Configuration provisioned in step 3.

A.15.4  Cascaded uplink and downlink media streaming using content preparation with internal content re-ingestionp. 217

In a third variant of this collaboration scenario, the 5GMS System is provisioned by the 5GMS Application Provider for uplink-downlink content redistribution per clause A.15.3. The 5GMS System recognises this and arranges for content to be transferred directly from the 5GMSu AS to the 5GMSd AS via an internal interface not specified by 3GPP (as an implementation-specific optimisation) instead of egesting the content at reference point M2u and re-ingesting it at M2d.
Content may additionally be egested by the 5GMSu AS at reference point M2u for ingestion by the 5GMS Application Provider and possible redistribution to other 5GMS Systems and/or other destination networks.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 26.501, Fig. A.15.4-1: Cascaded uplink and downlink media streaming with internal content re-ingestion

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