
Content for  TS 26.501  Word version:  18.6.0

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5.10.6  Procedures for dynamic provisioning of 5GMS content delivery via eMBMSp. 132  Generalp. 132

In this scenario the same content is distributed via eMBMS (for example using a broadcast network in receive-only mode) and via a 5GMS System. The resources of the broadcast system are statically configured. eMBMS-based distribution may, for example, be used only for services in high demand, and the resources and quality of the service distributed through broadcast may be adjusted according to demand. Demand may be identified through 5GMS Consumption Reporting.
The call flow in Figure and Figure extends that defined in clause 5.6.1 to address generic use cases for broadcast-on-demand. Specific additional use cases are presented in the remainder of clause 5.10.6.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 26.501, Fig. High-level procedure for DASH content delivered via eMBMS broadcast-on-demand
Step 1.
The 5GMS Application Provider provisions one or more MBMS services and permits broadcast distribution of the media content.
Step 2.
As a consequence, the 5GMSd AF provisions MBMS delivery and the BM SC informs the 5GMS AF about the resources it will use to ingest media content.
Step 3.
The media content is announced to the 5GMSd-Aware Application and the application request the entry points for the service.
Step 4.
The 5GMSd AS starts to ingest content from the 5GMSd Application Provider.
Step 5.
Consumption Reporting is applied for the 5GMSd session.
Media playback initially uses unicast 5G Media Streaming:
Step 6.
The media content is selected by the 5GMSd-Aware Application.
Step 7.
The 5GMSd-Aware Application triggers the start of media playback by the Media Player.
Step 8.
The media presentation manifest (e.g. DASH MPD) is requested by the Media Player from the 5GMSd AS.
Step 9.
The Media Player processes the media presentation manifest and identifies that the media content is available on the 5GMS AS
Step 10.
The Media Player, under the control of the application, selects the media content and different content options.
Step 11.
Media content is received from the 5GMSd AS via reference point M4d.
Step 12.
The Media Player informs the Media Session Handler about the consumed media content.
Step 13.
The Media Session Handler sends consumption reports to the 5GMSd AF.
Subsequently, media playback switches to eMBMS:
Step 14.
By analysing the consumption reports submitted to it in the previous step, the 5GMSd AF identifies a high level of demand for the service.
Step 15.
Additional MBMS delivery sessions are provisioned to add delivery of the service via eMBMS.
Step 16.
The BM SC starts ingesting media content from the 5GMSd AS.
Step 17.
MBMS delivery starts.
Step 18.
The 5GMSd AF informs the Media Session Handler that MBMS delivery is initiated and provides the Service Success Information.
Step 19.
MBMS content reception is initiated by the Media Session Handler.
Step 20.
Once the service is ready, the content delivered on MBMS is used by the Media Player. Consumption reporting continues. Specific cases may use different policies, similar to the hybrid case in clause 5.10.5.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 26.501, Fig. High-level procedure for DASH content delivered via eMBMS broadcast-on-demand (continued)
Up  Operation modesp. 135

At least the following operation modes are supported based on the general procedures in clause
  1. Every 5GMS media service is mapped to exactly one MBMS User Service. Whether the MBMS User Service is announced and delivered or not depends on service demand. The MBMS Delivery Session is adjusted dynamically - for example the Delivery Session is disabled, or the bit rate is changed - depending on service demand and/or content requirements.
  2. A set of MBMS User Services and MBMS Delivery Sessions is defined in the initial provisioning. 5GMS media services are dynamically mapped to statically configured MBMS User Services based on demand and content requirements.
  3. Components of the 5GMS User Service, for example audio service components for different languages, are assigned dynamically to MBMS delivery depending on demand.

5.10.7  Service URL handling procedures for 5GMSd via eMBMS in Receive-Only Mode (ROM) |R18|p. 135

In an extension to the procedures provided in clauses 5.10.2 and 9.1, this clause defines a call flow in order to initiate a 5GMSd streaming session delivered via eMBMS without needing to contact the network, for example as done in Receive-Only Mode (ROM).
The call flow in Figure 5.10.7-1 extends those defined in clauses 5.10.2 and 9.1 to address 3GPP Service URL handling. Aspects specific to this use-case are indicated in bold.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 26.501, Fig. 5.10.7-1: High-level procedure for DASH content delivery via eMBMS with 3GPP Service URL
Prerequisites (step 0):
  • The 5GMSd Application Provider has provisioned the 5GMSd System, including content ingest and the authorization to distribute 5GMSd content via eMBMS.
  • The 5GMSd AF has informed the BM-SC about the availability of 5GMSd content by provisioning an MBMS service and has obtained relevant information from the eMBMS Service Announcement (such as the MBMS service identifier).
  • Based on the information, the 5GMSd Application Provider has generated a 3GPP Service URL with sufficient information for the Media Session Handler and MBMS Client to access the service.
  • The BM-SC is ingesting content from the 5GMSd AS.
  • The BM-SC has broadcast the MBMS Service Announcement, including an indication that the content is 5GMSd content.
Step 1.
The 5GMSd-Aware Application triggers the Service Announcement procedure and the 5GMS Service and Content Discovery procedure at reference point M8. The information returned to the 5GMSd-Aware Application includes a 3GPP Service URL indicating a 5GMS-based service and also includes relevant information from the eMBMS Service Announcement (such as the MBMS service identifier).
Step 2.
A media content item is selected.
Step 3.
The 5GMSd-Aware Application triggers the 5GMSd Client to start media playback. The 3GPP Service URL describing the service is requested and the Media Session Handler handles it.
Step 4.
The Media Session Handler uses the Service URL information to extract relevant information from the eMBMS Service Announcement (such as the MBMS service identifier) in order to bootstrap reception of the MBMS service.
Step 5.
The Media Session Handler provides the Service Access information to the MBMS Client.
Finally, the MBMS Service is launched as defined in steps 5-25 of clause 5.10.2.

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