
Content for  TS 23.501  Word version:  19.2.1

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K (Normative)  Port and user plane node management information exchange |R17|p. 676

K.1  Standardized port and user plane node management informationp. 676

Table K.1-1 and Table K.1-2 list standardized port management information and user plane node management information, respectively.
Port management information Applicability (6) Supported
Port management capabilities (2)XXRR
Bridge delay related information
txPropagationDelayXXR IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] section
txPropagationDelayDeltaThreshold (23)XXRW
Traffic class related information
Traffic class tableXXRW IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] section 12.6.3 and section 8.6.6.
Gate control information
queueMaxSDUTable IEEE Std 802.1Q [98], section 12.29.1
> queueMaxSDUXXRW IEEE Std 802.1Q [98], section 12.29.1
> TransmissionOverrun (see NOTE 3)XXR IEEE Std 802.1Q [98], section 12.29.1
GateEnabledXXRW IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-32
AdminGateStatesXXRW IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-32
AdminBaseTimeXXRW IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-32
AdminControlListXXRW IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-32
AdminCycleTime (3)XXRW IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-32
AdminControlListLength (3)XXRW IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-32
AdminCycleTimeExtensionXXRW IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-32
Tick granularityXXR IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-32
Tick SupportedListMaxXXR IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-32
General Neighbor discovery configuration (4)
adminStatusDXRW IEEE 802.1AB [97] section
lldpV2LocChassisIdSubtypeDXRW IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
lldpV2LocChassisIdDXRW IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
lldpV2MessageTxIntervalDXRW IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
lldpV2MessageTxHoldMultiplierDXRW IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
NW-TT port neighbor discovery configuration
lldpV2LocPortIdSubtypeXRW IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
lldpV2LocPortIdXRW IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
DS-TT port neighbor discovery configuration
lldpV2LocPortIdSubtypeDRW IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
lldpV2LocPortIdDRW IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
Neighbor discovery information for each discovered neighbor of NW-TT (26)
lldpV2RemChassisIdSubtypeXR IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
lldpV2RemChassisIdXR IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
lldpV2RemPortIdSubtypeXR IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
lldpV2RemPortIdXR IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
TTLXR IEEE 802.1AB [97] section 8.5.4
Neighbor discovery information for each discovered neighbor of DS-TT (5)
lldpV2RemChassisIdSubtypeDR IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
lldpV2RemChassisIdDR IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
lldpV2RemPortIdSubtypeDR IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
lldpV2RemPortIdDR IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
TTLDR IEEE 802.1AB [97] section
Information for deterministic networking for each NW-TT port (27)
Interface information
Interface typeXR RFC 8343
Interface enabled statusXR RFC 8343
phys-addressXR RFC 8343
IPv4 information
IPv4 enabled statusXR RFC 8344
IPv4 forwarding statusXR RFC 8344
Information for each IPv4 address
IPv4 addressXR RFC 8344
prefix-lengthXR RFC 8344
netmaskXR RFC 8344
originXR RFC 8344
Information for each IPv4 neighbor
IPv4 addressXR RFC 8344
link-layer-addressXR RFC 8344
originXR RFC 8344
IPv6 information
IPv6 enabled statusXR RFC 8344
IPv6 forwarding statusXR RFC 8344
Information for each IPv6 address
IPv6 addressXR RFC 8344
prefix-lengthXR RFC 8344
originXR RFC 8344
statusXR RFC 8344
Information for each IPv6 neighbor
IPv6 addressXR RFC 8344
link-layer-addressXR RFC 8344
originXR RFC 8344
is-routerXR RFC 8344
stateXR RFC 8344
Stream Parameters (11)
MaxStreamFilterInstancesXR IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] section
MaxStreamGateInstancesXR IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] section
MaxFlowMeterInstancesXR IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] section
SupportedListMaxXR IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] section
Per-Stream Filtering and Policing information (10)
Stream Filter Instance Table (8) IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-35
> StreamFilterInstanceIndexXXRW IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-35
> Stream Identification typeXXRW IEEE 802.1CB [83] section
> Stream Identification Controlling ParametersXXRW IEEE 802.1CB [83] sections 9.1.2, 9.1.3, 9.1.4 (12)
> PrioritySpecXXRW IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-35
> StreamGateInstanceIDXXRW IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-35
Stream Gate Instance Table (9) IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-36
StreamGateInstanceIndexXXRW IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-36
StreamGateAdminBaseTimeXXRW IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-36
StreamGateAdminControlListXXRW IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-36
StreamGateAdminCycleTimeXXRW IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-36
StreamGateTickGranularityXXR IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-36
StreamGateAdminCycleTimeExtensionXXR IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-36
Time Synchronization Information
TSN Time domain number (24)XXRW
Supported PTP instance types (13)XRR IEEE Std 1588 [126] section
Supported transport types (14)XRR
Supported delay mechanisms (15)XRR IEEE Std 1588 [126] section
PTP grandmaster capable (16)XRR
gPTP grandmaster capable (17)XRR
Supported PTP profiles (18)XRR
Number of supported PTP instancesXRR
PTP instance specification
PTP Instance ID (25)XXRWRW
> PTP profile (19)XRWRW
> Transport type (20)XRWRW
> Grandmaster enabled (21)XRWRW
IEEE Std 1588 [126] data sets (NOTE 22)
> defaultDS.clockIdentityXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> defaultDS.clockQuality.clockClassXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> defaultDS.clockQuality.clockAccuracyXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> defaultDS.clockQuality.offsetScaledLogVarianceXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> defaultDS.priority1XRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> defaultDS.priority2XRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> defaultDS.domainNumberXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> defaultDS.sdoIdXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> defaultDS.instanceEnableXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> defaultDS.instanceTypeXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> portDS.portIdentityXXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> portDS.portStateXXRRIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> portDS.logMinDelayReqIntervalXXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> portDS.logAnnounceIntervalXXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> portDS.announceReceiptTimeoutXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> portDS.logSyncIntervalXXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> portDS.delayMechanismXXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> portDS.logMinPdelayReqIntervalXXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> portDS.versionNumberXXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> portDS.minorVersionNumberXXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> portDS.delayAsymmetryXXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> portDS.portEnableXXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> timePropertiesDS.currentUtcOffsetXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> timePropertiesDS.timeSourceXRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
> externalPortConfigurationPortDS.desiredStateRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
IEEE Std 802.1AS [104] data sets (NOTE 22)
> defaultDS.clockIdentityXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.2.2
> defaultDS.clockQuality.clockClassXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section
> defaultDS.clockQuality.clockAccuracyXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section
> defaultDS.clockQuality.offsetScaledLogVarianceXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section
> defaultDS.priority1XRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.2.5
> defaultDS.priority2XRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.2.6
> defaultDS.timeSourceXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.2.15
> defaultDS.domainNumberXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.2.16
> defaultDS.sdoIdXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section
> defaultDS.instanceEnableXRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.2.19
> portDS.portIdentityXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.2
> portDS.portStateXRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.3
> portDS.ptpPortEnabledXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.4
> portDS.delayMechanismXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.5
> portDS.isMeasuringDelayXXRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.6
> portDS.asCapableXXRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.7
> portDS.meanLinkDelayXXRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.8
> portDS.meanLinkDelayThreshXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.9
> portDS.delayAsymmetryXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.10
> portDS.neighborRateRatioXXRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.11
> portDS.initialLogAnnounceIntervalXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.12
> portDS.currentLogAnnounceIntervalXXRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.13
> portDS.useMgtSettableLogAnnounceIntervalXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.14
> portDS.mgtSettableLogAnnounceIntervalXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.15
> portDS.announceReceiptTimeoutXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.16
> portDS.initialLogSyncIntervalXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.17
> portDS.currentLogSyncIntervalXXRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.18
> portDS.useMgtSettableLogSyncIntervalXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.19
> portDS.mgtSettableLogSyncIntervalXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.20
> portDS.syncReceiptTimeoutXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.21
> portDS.syncReceiptTimeoutTimeIntervalXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.22
> portDS.initialLogPdelayReqIntervalXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.23
> portDS.currentLogPdelayReqIntervalXXRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.24
> portDS.useMgtSettableLogPdelayReqIntervalXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.25
> portDS.mgtSettableLogPdelayReqIntervalXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.26
> portDS.initialLogGptpCapableMessageIntervalXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.27
> portDS.currentLogGptpCapableMessageIntervalXXRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.28
> portDS.useMgtSettableLogGptpCapableMessageIntervalXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.29
> portDS.mgtSettableLogGptpCapableMessageIntervalXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.30
> portDS.initialComputeNeighborRateRatioXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.31
> portDS.currentComputeNeighborRateRatioXXRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.32
> portDS.useMgtSettableComputeNeighborRateRatioXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.33
> portDS.mgtSettableComputeNeighborRateRatioXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.34
> portDS.initialComputeMeanLinkDelayXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.35
> portDS.currentComputeMeanLinkDelayXXRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.36
> portDS.useMgtSettableComputeMeanLinkDelayXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.37
> portDS.mgtSettableComputeMeanLinkDelayXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.38
> portDS.allowedLostResponsesXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.39
> portDS.allowedFaultsXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.40
> portDS.gPtpCapableReceiptTimeoutXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.41
> portDS.versionNumberXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.42
> portDS.nupXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.43
> portDS.ndownXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.44
> portDS.oneStepTxOperXXRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.45
> portDS.oneStepReceiveXXRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.46
> portDS.oneStepTransmitXXRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.47
> portDS.initialOneStepTxOperXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.48
> portDS.currentOneStepTxOperXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.49
> portDS.useMgtSettableOneStepTxOperXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.50
> portDS.mgtSettableOneStepTxOperXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.51
> portDS.syncLockedXXRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.52
> portDS.pdelayTruncatedTimestampsArrayXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.53
> portDS.minorVersionNumberXXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.54
> timePropertiesDS.currentUtcOffsetXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.5.2
> externalPortConfigurationPortDS.desiredStateXRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.12.2
R = Read only access; RW = Read/Write access; – = not supported.
Indicates which standardized and deployment-specific port management information is supported by DS-TT or NW-TT.
AdminCycleTime and AdminControlListLength are optional for gate control information.
If DS-TT supports neighbor discovery, then TSN AF sends the general neighbor discovery configuration for DS-TT Ethernet ports to DS-TT. If DS-TT does not support neighbor discovery, then TSN AF sends the general neighbor discovery configuration for DS-TT Ethernet ports to NW-TT using the User Plane Node Management Information Container (refer to Table K.1-2) and NW-TT performs neighbor discovery on behalf on DS-TT. When a parameter in this group is changed, it is necessary to provide the change to every DS-TT and the NW-TT that belongs to the 5GS TSN bridge. It is mandatory that the general neighbor discovery configuration is identical for all DS-TTs and the NW-TTs that belongs to the bridge.
If DS-TT supports neighbor discovery, then TSN AF retrieves neighbor discovery information for DS-TT Ethernet ports from DS-TT. TSN AF indicates the neighbor discovery information for each discovered neighbor of DS-TT port to CNC. If DS-TT does not support neighbor discovery, then TSN AF retrieves neighbor discovery information for DS-TT Ethernet ports from NW-TT, using the User Plane Node Management Information Container (refer to Table K.1-2), the NW-TT performing neighbor discovery on behalf on DS-TT.
X = applicable; D = applicable when validation and generation of LLDP frames is processed at the DS-TT.
There is a Stream Filter Instance Table per Stream.
There is a Stream Gate Instance Table per Gate.
NOTE 10:
TSN AF indicates the support for PSFP to the CNC only if each DS-TT and NW-TT of the 5GS bridge has indicated support of PSFP. DS-TT indicates support of PSFP using port management capabilities, i.e. by indicating support for the Per-Stream Filtering and Policing information and by setting higher than zero values for MaxStreamFilterInstances, MaxStreamGateInstances, MaxFlowMeterInstances, SupportedListMax parameters. When available, TSN AF uses the PSFP information for determination of the traffic pattern information as described in Annex I. The PSFP information can be used at the DS-TT (if supported) and at the NW-TT (if supported) for the purpose of per-stream filtering and policing as defined in in section of IEEE Std 802.1Q [98].
NOTE 11:
TSN AF composes a Stream Parameter Table towards the CNC. It is up to TSN AF how it composes the Stream Parameter Table based on the numerical values as received from DS-TT and NW-TT port(s) and for the bridge for each individual parameter.
NOTE 12:
The set of Stream Identification Controlling Parameters depends on the Stream Identification type value as defined in IEEE Std 802.1CB [83] Table 9-1 and sections 9.1.2, 9.1.3, 9.1.4.
NOTE 13:
Enumeration of supported PTP instance types. Allowed values as defined in section of IEEE Std 1588 [126].
NOTE 14:
Enumeration of supported transport types. Allowed values: IPv4 (as defined in Annex C of IEEE Std 1588 [126]), IPv6 (as defined in IEEE Std 1588 [126] Annex D), Ethernet (as defined in Annex E of IEEE Std 1588 [126]).
NOTE 15:
Enumeration of supported PTP delay mechanisms. Allowed values as defined in section of IEEE Std 1588 [126].
NOTE 16:
Indicates whether DS-TT supports acting as a PTP grandmaster.
NOTE 17:
Indicates whether DS-TT supports acting as a gPTP grandmaster.
NOTE 18:
Enumeration of supported PTP profiles, each identified by PTP profile ID, as defined in section 20.3.3 of IEEE Std 1588 [126].
NOTE 19:
PTP profile to apply, identified by PTP profile ID, as defined in section 20.3.3 of IEEE Std 1588 [126].
NOTE 20:
Transport type to use. Allowed values: IPv4 (as defined in Annex C of IEEE Std 1588 [126]), IPv6 (as defined in IEEE Std 1588 [126] Annex D), Ethernet (as defined in Annex E of IEEE Std 1588 [126]).
NOTE 21:
Indicates whether to act as grandmaster or not, i.e. whether to send Announce, Sync and optionally Follow_Up messages.
NOTE 22:
The IEEE Std 802.1AS [104] data sets apply if the IEEE 802.1AS PTP profile is used; otherwise the IEEE Std 1588 [126] data sets apply.
NOTE 23:
Indicates how much the txPropagationDelay needs to change so that DS-TT/NW-TT report a change in txPropagationDelay to TSN AF. This is optional for NW-TT.
NOTE 24:
Indicates the gPTP domain (identified by a domain number) that is assumed by the CNC as the reference clock for time information in the scheduled traffic (gate control) information, PSFP information and bridge delay related information. This is optional for NW-TT.
NOTE 25:
PTP Instance ID uniquely identifies a PTP instance within the user plane node.
NOTE 26:
TSN AF indicates the neighbor discovery information for each discovered neighbor of NW-TT port to CNC.
NOTE 27:
Applicable in case of interworking with IETF Deterministic Networking.
User plane node management information Supported
operations by
operations by
Information for 5GS Bridge/Router
User plane node AddressRR
User plane node IDRR
NW-TT port numbersRR
Traffic forwarding information
Static Filtering Entry (3)RW IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] section 8.8.1
General Neighbor discovery configuration (2)
adminStatusRW IEEE 802.1AB [97] section
lldpV2LocChassisIdSubtypeRW IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
lldpV2LocChassisIdRW IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
lldpV2MessageTxIntervalRW IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
lldpV2MessageTxHoldMultiplierRW IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
DS-TT port neighbor discovery configuration for DS-TT ports (4)
>>DS-TT port neighbor discovery configuration for each DS-TT port
>> DS-TT port numberRW
>> lldpV2LocPortIdSubtypeRW IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
>> lldpV2LocPortIdRW IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
Discovered neighbor information for DS-TT ports (4)
>Discovered neighbor information for each DS-TT port (4)
>> DS-TT port numberR
>> lldpV2RemChassisIdSubtypeR IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
>> lldpV2RemChassisIdR IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
>> lldpV2RemPortIdSubtypeR IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
>> lldpV2RemPortIdR IEEE 802.1AB [97] Table 11-2
>> TTLR IEEE 802.1AB [97] section
Stream Parameters (5)
MaxStreamFilterInstancesR IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-34
MaxStreamGateInstancesR IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-34
MaxFlowMeterInstancesR IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-34
SupportedListMaxR IEEE Std 802.1Q [98] Table 12-34
Time synchronization information
Supported PTP instance types (6)RR
Supported transport types (7)RR
Supported delay mechanisms (8)RR
PTP grandmaster capable (9)RR
gPTP grandmaster capable (10)RR
Supported PTP profiles (11)RR
Number of supported PTP instancesRR
Time synchronization information for PTP instances (16)
> PTP instance specification
>> PTP Instance ID (17)RWRW
>> PTP profile (12)RWRW
>> Transport type (13)RWRW
>> Grandmaster candidate enabled (14)RWRW
IEEE Std 1588 [126] data sets (15)
>> defaultDS.clockIdentityRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> defaultDS.clockQuality.clockClassRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> defaultDS.clockQuality.clockAccuracyRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> defaultDS.clockQuality.offsetScaledLogVarianceRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> defaultDS.priority1RWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> defaultDS.priority2RWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> defaultDS.domainNumberRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> defaultDS.sdoIdRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> defaultDS.instanceEnableRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> defaultDS.externalPortConfigurationEnabledRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> defaultDS.instanceTypeRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> timePropertiesDS.currentUtcOffsetRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> timePropertiesDS.timeSourceRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
IEEE Std 802.1AS [104] data sets (15)
>> defaultDS.clockIdentityRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.2.2
>> defaultDS.clockQuality.clockClassRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section
>> defaultDS.clockQuality.clockAccuracyRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section
>> defaultDS.clockQuality.offsetScaledLogVarianceRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section
>> defaultDS.priority1RWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.2.5
>> defaultDS.priority2RWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.2.6
>> defaultDS.timeSourceRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.2.15
>> defaultDS.domainNumberRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.2.16
>> defaultDS.sdoIdRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.2.18
>> defaultDS.sdoIdRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.2.18
>> defaultDS.externalPortConfigurationEnabledRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section
>> defaultDS.instanceEnableRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.2.19
>> timePropertiesDS.currentUtcOffsetRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.5.2
Time synchronization information for DS-TT ports
> Time synchronization information for each DS-TT port
> DS-TT port numberRWRW
>> Time synchronization information for each PTP Instance
>> PTP Instance ID (17)RWRW
>> Grandmaster on behalf of DS-TT enabled (14)RWRW
IEEE Std 1588 [126] data sets (15)
>> portDS.portIdentityRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> portDS.portStateRRIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> portDS.logMinDelayReqIntervalRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> portDS.logAnnounceIntervalRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> portDS.announceReceiptTimeoutRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> portDS.logSyncIntervalRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> portDS.delayMechanismRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> portDS.logMinPdelayReqIntervalRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> portDS.versionNumberRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> portDS.minorVersionNumberRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> portDS.delayAsymmetryRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> portDS.portEnableRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
>> externalPortConfigurationPortDS.desiredStateRWRWIEEE Std 1588 [126] section
IEEE Std 802.1AS [104] data sets (15)
>> portDS.portIdentityRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.2
>> portDS.portStateRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.3
>> portDS.ptpPortEnabledRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.4
>> portDS.delayMechanismRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.5
>> portDS.isMeasuringDelayRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.6
>> portDS.asCapableRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.7
>> portDS.meanLinkDelayRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.8
>> portDS.meanLinkDelayThreshRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.9
>> portDS.delayAsymetryRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.10
>> portDS.neighborRateRatioRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.11
>> portDS.initialLogAnnounceIntervalRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.12
>> portDS.currentLogAnnounceIntervalRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.13
>> portDS.useMgtSettableLogAnnounceIntervalRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.14
>> portDS.mgtSettableLogAnnounceIntervalRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.15
>> portDS.announceReceiptTimeoutRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.16
>> portDS.initialLogSyncIntervalRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.17
>> portDS.currentLogSyncIntervalRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.18
>> portDS.useMgtSettableLogSyncIntervalRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.19
>> portDS.mgtSettableLogSyncIntervalRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.20
>> portDS.syncReceiptTimeoutRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.21
>> portDS.syncReceiptTimeoutTimeIntervalRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.22
>> portDS.initialLogPdelayReqIntervalRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.23
>> portDS.currentLogPdelayReqIntervalRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.24
>> portDS.useMgtSettableLogPdelayReqIntervalRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.25
>> portDS.mgtSettableLogPdelayReqIntervalRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.26
>> portDS.initialLogGptpCapableMessageIntervalRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.27
>> portDS.currentLogGptpCapableMessageIntervalRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.28
>> portDS.useMgtSettableLogGptpCapableMessageIntervalRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.29
>> portDS.mgtSettableLogGptpCapableMessageIntervalRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.30
>> portDS.initialComputeNeighborRateRatioRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.31
>> portDS.currentComputeNeighborRateRatioRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.32
>> portDS.useMgtSettableComputeNeighborRateRatioRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.33
>> portDS.mgtSettableComputeNeighborRateRatioRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.34
>> portDS.initialComputeMeanLinkDelayRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.35
>> portDS.currentComputeMeanLinkDelayRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.36
>> portDS.useMgtSettableComputeMeanLinkDelayRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.37
>> portDS.mgtSettableComputeMeanLinkDelayRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.38
>> portDS.allowedLostResponsesRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.39
>> portDS.allowedFaultsRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.40
>> portDS.gPtpCapableReceiptTimeoutRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.41
>> portDS.versionNumberRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.42
>> portDS.nupRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.43
>> portDS.ndownRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.44
>> portDS.oneStepTxOperRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.45
>> portDS.oneStepReceiveRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.46
>> portDS.oneStepTransmitRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.47
>> portDS.initialOneStepTxOperRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.48
>> portDS.currentOneStepTxOperRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.49
>> portDS.useMgtSettableOneStepTxOperRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.50
>> portDS.mgtSettableOneStepTxOperRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.51
>> portDS.syncLockedRRIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.52
>> portDS.pdelayTruncatedTimestampsArrayRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.53
>> portDS.minorVersionNumberRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.8.54
>> externalPortConfigurationPortDS.desiredStateRWRWIEEE Std 802.1AS [104] section 14.12.2
Time synchronization status (TSS) information
> Synchronization state-RTable
> Clock quality-RTable
>> Traceable to UTC-RTable
>> Traceable to GNSS-RTable
>> Frequency stability-RTable
>> Clock accuracy-RTable
> Parent time source-RTable
R = Read only access; RW = Read/Write access; – = not supported.
General neighbor discovery information is included only when NW-TT performs neighbor discovery on behalf of DS-TT. When a parameter in this group is changed, it is necessary to provide the change to every DS-TT and the NW-TT that belongs to the 5GS TSN bridge.
AdminCycleTime, AdminControlListLength and TransmissionOverrun are optional for gate control information.
DS-TT discovery configuration and DS-TT discovery information are used only when DS-TT does not support LLDP and NW-TT performs neighbor discovery on behalf of DS-TT. TSN AF indicates the discovered neighbor information for each DS-TT port to CNC.
TSN AF indicates the support for PSFP to the CNC only if each DS-TT and NW-TT of the 5GS bridge have indicated support of PSFP. The support of PSFP at the NW-TT ports is expressed by setting higher than zero values for MaxStreamFilterInstances, MaxStreamGateInstances, MaxFlowMeterInstances, SupportedListMax parameters.
Enumeration of supported PTP instance types. Allowed values as defined in section of IEEE Std 1588 [126].
Enumeration of supported transport types. Allowed values: IPv4 (as defined in IEEE Std 1588 [126] Annex C), IPv6 (as defined in IEEE Std 1588 [126] Annex D), Ethernet (as defined in Annex E of IEEE Std 1588 [126]).
Enumeration of supported PTP delay mechanisms. Allowed values as defined in section of IEEE Std 1588 [126].
Indicates whether NW-TT supports acting as a PTP grandmaster.
NOTE 10:
Indicates whether NW-TT supports acting as a gPTP grandmaster.
NOTE 11:
Enumeration of supported PTP profiles, each identified by PTP profile ID, as defined in section 20.3.3 of IEEE Std 1588 [126].
NOTE 12:
PTP profile to apply, identified by PTP profile ID, as defined in section 20.3.3 of IEEE Std 1588 [126].
NOTE 13:
Transport type to use. Allowed values: IPv4 (as defined in Annex C of IEEE Std 1588 [126]), IPv6 (as defined in IEEE Std 1588 [126] Annex D), Ethernet (as defined in Annex E of IEEE Std 1588 [126]).
NOTE 14:
Indicates whether to act as grandmaster on behalf of a DS-TT port or not if 5GS is determined to be the grandmaster clock, i.e. whether to send Announce, Sync and optionally Follow_Up messages on behalf of DS-TT.
NOTE 15:
The IEEE Std 802.1AS [104] data sets apply if the IEEE 802.1AS PTP profile is used; otherwise, the IEEE Std 1588 [126] data sets apply.
NOTE 16:
Specifies the default data set for each PTP instance identified by PTP instance ID within the user plane node.
NOTE 17:
PTP Instance ID uniquely identifies a PTP instance within the user plane node.

K.2  Port and user plane node management information exchange for time synchronizationp. 692

K.2.1  Capability exchangep. 692

DS-TT and NW-TT indicate time synchronization information they support inside the Port management capabilities (see Table K.1-1).
TSN AF and TSCTSF may determine the PTP functionalities supported by DS-TT and NW-TT by retrieving the following port management information or user plane node management information, respectively:
  • Supported PTP instance types;
  • Supported transport types;
  • Supported PTP delay mechanisms;
  • Grandmaster capability;
  • Supported PTP profiles;
  • Number of supported PTP instances.
If DS-TT and NW-TT support the PTP Relay instance type as defined by IEEE 802.1AS [104] then DS-TT and NW-TT shall include the IEEE 802.1AS [104] PTP profile in the "Supported PTP profiles" in PMIC and UMIC, respectively.
The TSN AF or TSCTSF may retrieve the "Number of supported PTP instances" from NW-TT via UMIC and from DS-TT via PMIC.

K.2.2  PTP Instance configurationp. 693

K.2.2.1  Generalp. 693

Based on input received from external applications (CNC in case of TSN AF or any AF in case of TSCTSF), TSN AF or TSCTSF may configure PTP instances (identified by PTP Instance ID) in a DS-TT or NW-TT by sending port management information (PMIC, see Table K.1-1) and user plane node management information (UMIC, see Table K.1-2) to DS-TT or NW-TT as described below:
  • use PMIC "PTP instance specification" for configuring DS-TT(s) for PTP instance data sets common for all PTP ports (i.e. defaultDS and TimePropertiesDS) and PTP instance data sets specific for each PTP port (i.e. portDS data set);
  • use UMIC "PTP instance specification" for configuring NW-TT for PTP instance data sets common for all PTP ports;
  • use PMIC "PTP instance specification" for configuring NW-TT for PTP instance data sets specific for each PTP port;
  • use UMIC "Time synchronization information for DS-TT ports" for configuring NW-TT for PTP instance data sets specific for each PTP port for the PTP ports in DS-TT(s).
TSN AF or TSCTSF may also configure PTP instances for DS-TT ports in NW-TT by sending UMIC (see Table K.1-2) to NW-TT to enable NW-TT to operate as a grandmaster on behalf of DS-TT (see clause K.2.2.4 for more details).
For each PTP instance the TSN AF or TSCTSF may provide individual PTP configuration parameters or may provide a PTP profile ID to DS-TT or NW-TT. The DS-TT and NW-TT use the default values as defined in the corresponding PTP Profile, if individual PTP configuration parameters that are covered by the PTP profile are not provided.
To configure DS-TT and NW-TT to operate as a PTP relay instance, TSN AF or TSCTSF shall set the PTP profile (see Table K.1-1) to IEEE Std 802.1AS [104].
DS-TT may operate as a PTP relay instance with the gPTP GM connected on N6 until the first PTP instance is configured in the DS-TT by TSN AF or TSCTSF.
To initialize a PTP instance in 5GS, TSN AF or TSCTSF creates a new PTP instance in NW-TT by assigning a new PTP Instance ID and indicating it to the NW-TT in "PTP instance specification" in UMIC and PMIC(s) for each NW-TT port that is part of the PTP instance. TSN AF or TSCTSF then retrieves the "defaultDS.clockIdentity" of the PTP instance in NW-TT via UMIC. NW-TT ensures that the clockIdentity in defaultDS in UMIC matches with the clockIdentity in the portDS.portIdentity in PMIC(s) for a particular PTP Instance ID.
To add a DS-TT port into an existent PTP instance in 5GS, the TSN AF or TSCTSF indicates the PTP Instance ID (to which the DS-TT port is being added) to the DS-TT in "PTP instance specification" in PMIC and indicating the PTP Instance ID to the NW-TT in "Time synchronization information for DS-TT ports" in UMIC for the corresponding DS-TT port.
For a particular PTP instance in NW-TT, the same PTP Instance ID shall be used in "PTP instance specification" in PMIC, in "PTP instance specification" in UMIC and in "Time synchronization information for DS-TT ports" in UMIC.
The TSN AF or TSCTSF then initializes the PTP instance in the DS-TT by setting the applicable PTP instance data sets common for all PTP ports (i.e. defaultDS and TimePropertiesDS), (including"defaultDS.clockIdentity") via "PTP instance specification" in PMIC to the same value as retrieved from the NW-TT via "PTP instance specification" in UMIC. The TSN AF or TSCTSF also enables the PTP instance by setting the defaultDS.instanceEnable = TRUE to DS-TT via PMIC and to NW-TT via UMIC (if applicable). The TSN AF or TSCTSF can initialize any number of PTP instances:
  1. among the DS-TT(s) and NW-TT that are part of the same set of PTP instances in 5GS; up to the maximum number of supported PTP instances by the NW-TT or DS-TT that supports the lowest number of supported PTP instances; and
  2. in the NW-TT; up to the maximum number of supported PTP instances by the NW-TT.
To remove a DS-TT port from a PTP instance in 5GS, the TSN AF or TSCTSF deletes the PTP instance in DS-TT using PMIC and in NW-TT using UMIC as specified in TS 24.539. To remove a NW-TT port from a PTP instance in 5GS, the TSN AF or TSCTSF deletes the PTP instance in NW-TT using PMIC as specified in TS 24.539. If a PTP instance in 5GS is no more needed the TSN AF or TSCTSF may delete the PTP instance in NW-TT using UMIC as specified in TS 24.539.

K.2.2.2  Configuration for Sync and Announce reception timeoutsp. 694

The NW-TT shall be able to determine the timeout of the reception of (g)PTP Announce (when the 5GS operates as a time-aware system or Boundary Clock) and gPTP Sync messages (when the 5GS operates as time-aware system). To enable this, the TSCTSF or TSN AF shall configure the NW-TT for the following information via PMIC for each PTP port in NW-TT and "Time synchronization information for each DS-TT port" element in UMIC for each PTP port in DS-TT:
  • portDS.announceReceiptTimeout (for time-aware system and Boundary Clock);
  • portDS.syncReceiptTimeout (for time-aware system);
  • portDS.logAnnounceInterval (for Boundary Clock);
  • portDS.initialLogAnnounceInterval, portDS.useMgtSettableLogAnnounceInterval, and
  • portDS.mgtSettableLogAnnounceInterval (for time-aware system).

K.2.2.3  Configuration for PTP port statesp. 694

The PTP port states may be determined by NW-TT either via:
  • Method a), BMCA procedure.
  • Method b), local configuration.
When Method b) is used, the TSN AF or TSCTSF sets the defaultDS.externalPortConfigurationEnabled (per PTP instance) in UMIC to TRUE and sets the value of externalPortConfigurationPortDS.desiredState (per PTP port) in UMIC for each DS-TT port and in PMIC for each NW-TT port for the (g)PTP domain.

K.2.2.4  Configuration for PTP grandmaster functionp. 695

The following options may be supported (per DS-TT) for the 5GS to generate the Sync, Follow_Up and Announce messages for the Leader ports on the DS-TT:
  1. NW-TT generates the Sync, Follow_Up and Announce messages on behalf of DS-TT (e.g. if DS-TT does not support this).
  2. DS-TT generates the Sync, Follow_Up and Announce messages in this DS-TT.
TSN AF and TSCTSF may use the elements in port and user plane node management information container to determine the PTP grandmaster functionality supported by DS-TT and NW-TT and may configure the DS-TT and NW-TT ports to operate as in option a) or b) as follows:
  • The "PTP grandmaster capable" element and the "gPTP grandmaster capable" element in PMIC are used to indicate the support for PTP or gPTP grandmaster capability, respectively, in each DS-TT. If the TSN AF or TSCTSF determines the DS-TT supports grandmaster capability (PTP or gPTP grandmaster capable is TRUE), then either option a) or b) can be used for the PTP instance(s) in the DS-TT. Otherwise, only option a) can be used for the PTP instance(s) in the DS-TT.
  • To enable option a) for PTP ports in DS-TT, the TSN AF or TSCTSF sets the element "Grandmaster on behalf of DS-TT enabled" TRUE (per PTP instance per DS-TT) in UMIC for the respective DS-TT port and the TSN AF or TSCTSF sets the element "Grandmaster enabled" FALSE (per PTP instance per DS-TT) in PMIC to the respective DS-TT port.
  • To enable option b) for PTP ports in DS-TT, the TSN AF or TSCTSF sets the element "Grandmaster on behalf of DS-TT enabled" FALSE in UMIC (per PTP instance per DS-TT) for the respective port and the TSN AF or TSCTSF sets the element "Grandmaster enabled" TRUE (per PTP instance per DS-TT) in PMIC to the respective DS-TT port.
  • To enable either option a) or option b) for a PTP instance, the TSN AF or TSCTSF sets the element "Grandmaster candidate enabled" TRUE (per PTP instance) in UMIC.
  • When option b) is used for one or more PTP ports in DS-TT(s), the TSN AF or TSCTSF shall use the elements in defaultDS in PMIC for the respective DS-TT(s) and in UMIC for NW-TT to ensure that all PTP ports in the DS-TT(s) and NW-TT in particular PTP instance are distributing the same values of grandmasterPriority1, grandmasterClockQuality, grandmasterPriority2, grandmasterIdentity and timeSource message fields in Announce messages.

K.2.2.5  Configuration for Sync and Announce intervalsp. 695

The TSN AF or TSCTSF uses the values in portDS.logSyncInterval (for Boundary Clock) or portDS.initialLogSyncInterval, portDS.useMgtSettableLogSyncInterval and portDS.mgtSettableLogSyncInterval (for time-aware system) to configure the interval for the Sync messages (per PTP port) as described in IEEE Std 1588 [126] or IEEE Std 802.1AS [104], respectively. The TSCTSF or TSN AF configures those values as follows:
  • TSCTSF or TSN AF use PMIC to configure the values for the PTP ports in NW-TT.
  • TSCTSF or TSN AF use the "Time synchronization information for each DS-TT port" element in UMIC to configure the values for PTP ports in DS-TT(s) if NW-TT acts as GM on behalf of those DS-TTs.
  • TSCTSF or TSN AF use PMIC to configure the values for the PTP ports in DS-TT if the DS-TT is capable of acting as a GM.
When the NW-TT generates the (g)PTP Sync messages on behalf of the DS-TT, the NW-TT uses the values in the element "Time synchronization information for each DS-TT port" in UMIC to determine the Sync interval for the PTP ports the respective DS-TT. When DS-TT generates the (g)PTP Sync messages, the DS-TT uses the values in PMIC to determine the Sync interval for the PTP ports in this DS-TT.
The TSN AF or TSCTSF uses the values in portDS.logAnnounceInterval (for Boundary Clock) or portDS.initialLogAnnounceInterval, portDS.useMgtSettableLogAnnounceInterval and portDS.mgtSettableLogAnnounceInterval (for time-aware system) to configure the interval for the Announce messages (per PTP port) as described in IEEE Std 1588 [126] and IEEE Std 802.1AS [104], respectively. The TSCTSF or TSN AF configures those values as follows:
  • TSCTSF or TSN AF use PMIC to configure the values for the PTP ports in NW-TT.
  • TSCTSF or TSN AF use the "Time synchronization information for each DS-TT port" element in UMIC to configure the values for PTP ports in DS-TT(s) if NW-TT acts as GM on behalf of those DS-TTs.
  • TSCTSF or TSN AF use PMIC to configure the values for the PTP ports in DS-TT if the DS-TT is capable of acting as a GM.
When the NW-TT generates the (g)PTP Announce messages on behalf of the DS-TT, the NW-TT uses the values in the element "Time synchronization information for each DS-TT port" in UMIC to determine the Announce interval for the PTP ports the respective DS-TT. When DS-TT generates the (g)PTP Announce messages, the DS-TT uses the values in PMIC to determine the Announce interval for the PTP ports in this DS-TT.

K.2.2.6  Configuration for transport protocolsp. 696

The procedure described in this clause is applicable when the PTP Profile that is used for the PTP instance in 5GS defines multiple permitted transport protocols.
TSN AF or TSCTSF may use the element "Supported transport types" in port management information container (per DS-TT) to determine the supported transport types in the DS-TT. TSN AF or TSCTSF may use the element "Supported transport types" in UMIC (per NW-TT) to determine the supported transport types in the NW-TT.
The TSN AF or TSCTSF may use the element "Transport type" (per PTP instance) in PMIC to configure the transport protocol in use for the PTP instance in DS-TT. The TSN AF or TSCTSF may use the element "Transport type" (per PTP instance) in UMIC to configure the transport protocol in use for the PTP instance in NW-TT.
The PTP instance shall be configured to use one of the following transport protocols:
  1. Ethernet as described in Annex E of IEEE Std 1588 [126]. The Ethertype as defined for PTP shall be used. The related Ethernet frames carry the PTP multicast Ethernet destination MAC address.
  2. UDP over IPv4 as described in Annex C of IEEE Std 1588 [126],
  3. UDP over IPv6 as described in Annex D of IEEE Std 1588 [126].
Option 1 applies to Ethernet PDU Session type. Options 2 and 3 apply to IP PDU Session type or Ethernet PDU Session type with IP payload.

L (Normative)  Support of GERAN/UTRAN access |R17|p. 697

This Annex applies when the SMF+PGW-C is enhanced to support UE accessing the network via GERAN/UTRAN over Gn/Gp interface. For this scenario, the SMF+PGW-C uses N7 interface to interact with PCF and the N40 interface to interact with CHF.
SMF+PGW-C selection by SGSN is specified in Annex G of TS 23.502.
The SMF+PGW-C interacting with PCF for GERAN/UTRAN access is specified in Annex G of TS 23.502.
The functional description for SMF+PGW-C interacting with PCF to support GERAN/UTRAN access is specified in TS 23.503.
The charging services on SMF+PGW-C interactions with CHF for GERAN/UTRAN access are specified in TS 32.255.

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