Figure illustrates the procedure when a location management client requests one-time location information from other location management clients for location information reporting using functional alias, which can be shared between several MC service users. Under this condition, the actual location of all MC service users sharing the same functional alias are reported.
MC service client 2 and MC service client 3 share the same functional alias.
MC service client 2 and MC service client 3 activated the functional alias.
MC service client 1 may have an activated functional alias.
The location management server has subscribed to the functional alias controlling MC service server within the MC system for functional alias activation/de-activation updates.
Location management client 1 sends a location reporting trigger, limited to one MC service at the time, to the location management server to activate a one-time location report procedure which shall retrieve the location information of the MC service users that may share the contained functional alias. Location management client 1 may include its own activated functional alias.
Location management server checks whether location management client 1 is authorized to send a location reporting trigger for location information of location management clients 2 and 3.
The location management server uses on-demand location reporting procedures. The location information request contains the functional alias provided by the location management client 1 to address location management client 2 and location management client 3.
Upon receiving the report, the location management server updates location of the reporting location management clients. If the location management server does not have location information of a reporting location management client before, then just stores the reporting location information for that location management client.
The location management server sends location report responses to location management client 1 containing the provided location information for each location management client using the given functional alias. If the optional MC service UE label is present, the location management server sends it, as part of the location report response to location management client 1. If not all location management clients immediately respond to the location management server, i.e. other reports some time later, subsequent location reporting responses may be sent.
Figure illustrates the procedure when a location management client requests periodic location information from other location management clients for location information reporting using functional aliases which may be shared between several MC service users. Under this condition, the actual location of all MC service users sharing the same functional alias are reported.
MC service client 2 and MC service client 3 share the same functional alias.
MC service client 2 and MC service client 3 activated the functional alias.
MC service client 1 may have an activated functional alias.
The location management server has subscribed to the functional alias controlling MC service server within the MC system for functional alias activation/de-activation updates.
Location management client 1 sends a location reporting trigger, limited to one MC service at the time, to the location management server to activate a periodic location reporting procedure which shall retrieve the location information of the MC service users sharing the contained functional alias. Location management client 1 may include its own activated functional alias.
Location management server checks whether location management client 1 is authorized to send a location reporting trigger for location information for location management clients that have activated the functional alias.
Depending on the information given by the location reporting trigger, the location management server uses event-triggered location information procedure and immediately send location information request to the location management clients that contains the functional alias requested by the location management client 1.
The location management server checks whether location management client 1 is authorized to receive location information for all location management clients that have activated the functional alias.
Based on the received location information reports, the location management server will periodically issue location report responses, one at a time for each location management client for which location management client 1 is authorized to receive location information, encompassing the MC service ID, the associated functional alias, the individual location information of the addressed MC service ID and the optional MC service UE label, if present.