
Content for  TS 23.280  Word version:  19.5.0

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10.13  Functional alias management (on-network) |R15|p. 279

10.13.1  Generalp. 279

Functional alias management procedures apply to on-network MC service only.

10.13.2  Information flows for functional alias managementp. 279  Active functional alias information user query requestp. 279

Table describes the information flow for the active functional alias information user query request from the MC service client to the MC service server.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMThe identity of the MC service user who performs the query.
MC service ID(s)MThe identity of the MC service user(s) to be queried.
Up  Active functional alias information usage query request |R16|p. 280

Table describes the information flow for the active functional alias information usage query request from the MC service client to the MC service server.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMThe identity of the MC service user who performs the query.
Functional alias(es)MA list of functional alias(es) to be queried.
Up  Active functional alias information user query responsep. 280

Table describes the information flow for the active functional alias information user query response from the MC service server to the MC service client. This information flow is sent individually addressed on unicast or multicast.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMThe identity of the MC service user who performs the query.
MC service ID(s)MThe identity of the MC service user(s) to be queried.
Query resultMThe active functional alias information retrieved from the MC service server for each of the MC service user(s) queried; or Null if no functional alias is active for the MC service user.
Up  Active functional alias information usage query response |R16|p. 280

Table describes the information flow for the active functional alias information usage query response from the MC service server to the MC service client. This information flow is sent individually addressed on unicast or multicast.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMThe identity of the MC service user who performs the query.
Functional alias(es)MThe functional alias(es) to be queried.
Query resultMThe list of MC service ID(s) of the MC service user(s) who have activated the functional alias being queried; or Null if this functional alias is not active for any user.
Up  Functional alias activation requestp. 280

Table describes the information flow functional alias activation request from the MC service client to the MC service server.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMThe MC service ID of the originator who triggers the functional alias activation request.
Functional alias listMA list of one or more functional aliases which the originator intends to activate.
Up  Functional alias activation responsep. 281

Table describes the information flow functional alias activation response from the MC service server to the MC service client. This information flow is sent individually addressed on unicast or multicast.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMThe MC service ID of the originator who triggers the functional alias activation request.
Functional alias listMA list of one or more functional aliases which the originator intends to activate.
Activation status per functional aliasMIndicates the activation result for each functional alias in the list (activated, rejected, can be taken over).
Up  Functional alias de-activation requestp. 281

Table describes the information flow functional alias de-activation request from the MC service client to the MC service server.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMThe MC service ID of the originator who triggers the functional alias de-activation request.
Functional alias listMA list of one or more functional aliases which the originator intends to de-activate.
Up  Functional alias de-activation responsep. 281

Table describes the information flow functional alias de-activation response from the MC service server to the MC service client. This information flow is sent individually addressed on unicast or multicast.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMThe MC service ID of the originator who triggers the functional alias de-activation request.
Functional alias listMA list of one or more functional aliases which the originator intends to de-activate.
De-activation status per functional aliasMIndicates the de-activation result for every functional alias in the list.
Up  Functional alias status notificationp. 281

Table describes the information flow functional alias notification from the MC service server to the MC service client. This information flow may be sent individually addressed or group addressed on unicast or multicast (see subclause
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMThe MC service ID of the originator who triggers the functional alias activation, de-activation or take over request.
Functional alias listMA list of one or more functional aliases.
OperationsMActivation, de-activation or take over status per functional alias.
Up  Functional alias take over requestp. 282

Table describes the information flow functional alias take over request from the MC service client to the MC service server.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMThe MC service ID of the originator who triggers the functional alias take over request.
Functional alias listMA list of one or more functional alias which the originator intends to take over.
Up  Functional alias take over responsep. 282

Table describes the information flow functional alias take over response from the MC service server to the MC service client. This information flow is sent individually addressed on unicast or multicast.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMThe MC service ID of the originator who triggers the functional alias take over request.
Functional alias listMA list of one or more functional alias which the originator intends to take over.
Take over status per functional aliasMIndicates the take over request result (accepted, rejected).
Up  Functional alias revoke notificationp. 282

Table describes the information flow functional revoke notification from the MC service server to the MC service client. This information flow is sent individually addressed on unicast or multicast.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMThe MC service ID of the originator who triggers the functional alias take over request.
Functional aliasMThe functional alias which is revoked.
Up  Subscribe functional alias request |R16|p. 282

Table describes the information flow subscribe functional alias request from the MC service server to the functional alias controlling MC service server, and from the location management server to the functional alias controlling MC service server.
Information element Status Description
Functional aliasMThe functional alias for which subscription is requested.
Subscription typeMIndicates the subscription is for one-time notification or continuous notification.
Up  Subscribe functional alias response |R16|p. 282

Table describes the information flow subscribe functional alias response from the functional alias controlling MC service server to the MC service server, and from the functional alias controlling MC service server to the location management server.
Information element Status Description
Functional aliasMThe functional alias for which subscription is requested.
StatusMSuccess or failure of the request
Up  Notify functional alias request |R16|p. 283

Table describes the information flow notify functional alias request from the functional alias controlling MC service server to the MC service server, and from the functional alias controlling MC service server to the location management server.
Information element Status Description
Functional aliasMThe functional alias for which subscription is requested.
List of MC service IDs (see NOTE)MThe list of MC service IDs that is activated for the functional alias
The MC service ID list can be an empty list.
Up  Notify functional alias response |R16|p. 283

Table describes the information flow notify functional alias response from the MC service server to the functional alias controlling MC service server, and from the location management server to the functional alias controlling MC service server.
Information element Status Description
Functional aliasMThe functional alias for which a list of MC service users who activate the functional alias is requested.
Up  Unsubscribe functional alias request |R16|p. 283

Table describes the information flow unsubscribe functional alias request from the MC service server to the functional alias controlling MC service server, and from the location management server to the functional alias controlling MC service server.
Information element Status Description
Functional aliasMThe functional alias for which subscription is requested to be cancelled.
Up  Unsubscribe functional alias response |R16|p. 283

Table describes the information flow subscribe functional alias response from the functional alias controlling MC service server to the MC service server, and from the functional alias controlling MC service server to the location management server.
Information element Status Description
Functional aliasMThe functional alias for which subscription is requested to be cancelled.
StatusMSuccess or failure of the request
Up  Functional alias to group binding request |R17|p. 284

Table describes the information flow functional alias to group binding request from the MC service client to the MC service server.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMThe MC service ID of the originator who triggers the functional alias to group binding request.
MC service group ID to functional alias bindingsMA list of MC service group IDs to functional alias bindings. One MC service group ID can be bound only to one functional alias. The same functional alias can be bound to multiple MC service group IDs.
Up  Functional alias to group binding response |R17|p. 284

Table describes the information flow functional alias to group binding response from the MC service client to the MC service server.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMThe MC service ID of the originator who triggers the functional alias to group binding request.
ResultMIndicates the success or failure for the result
Up  Functional alias to group unbinding request |R17|p. 284

Table describes the information flow functional alias to group unbinding request from the MC service client to the MC service server.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMThe MC service ID of the originator who triggers the functional alias to group unbinding request.
MC service group ID listMA list of MC service group IDs to which the originator requests the functional alias to group unbinding.
Up  Functional alias to group unbinding response |R17|p. 284

Table describes the information flow functional alias to group unbinding response from the MC service client to the MC service server.
Information element Status Description
MC service IDMThe MC service ID of the originator who triggers the functional alias to group unbinding request.
ResultMIndicates the success or failure for the result

10.13.3  Authorised MC service user retrieves active functional alias(es) for certain MC service user(s)p. 285

An authorised MC service user can request the active functional alias(es) for one or more MC service users.
Figure 10.13.3-1 below illustrates the active functional alias list query for the MC service user(s).
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. 10.13.3-1: Active functional alias list query for the user
Step 1.
The MC service client of the MC service user requests the list(s) of active functional aliases for each MC service user(s) from the MC service server by sending an active functional alias information user query request. The MC service ID(s) to be queried is included.
Step 2.
The MC service server checks whether the MC service user is authorized to perform the query. If authorized, then the MC service server retrieves the requested active functional alias information based on the MC service ID(s).
Step 3.
The MC service server sends an active functional alias information user query response including the functional alias information to the MC service client.

10.13.4  MC service user activates functional alias(es) within an MC systemp. 285

The procedure for MC service user activates functional alias(es) within an MC system is illustrated in Figure 10.13.4-1.
  1. MC service client has already been provisioned (statically or dynamically) with the functional alias(es) information that the MC service client is allowed to activate.
  2. MC service server may have retrieved the user profile and functional alias policy from the functional alias configuration e.g. which user(s) are authorized to activate to what functional alias, priority, and other configuration data.
  3. MC service client may have indicated to the functional alias management server that it wishes to receive updates of functional alias data for the functional aliases for which it is authorized.
  4. The MC service client triggers the functional alias activation procedure. This is an explicit activation caused either by the MC service user or determined by a trigger event such as the MC service UE coming within a permitted geographic operational area of a functional alias.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. 10.13.4-1: Functional alias activation procedure within an MC system
Step 1.
MC service client of the MC service user requests the MC service server to activate a functional alias or a set of functional aliases.
Step 2.
The MC service server checks if there are any conflicts with active functional alias(es).
Step 3.
If the user of the MC service client is authorised to activate the requested functional alias(es) then the MC service server stores the functional alias(es) status of the requested functional alias(es).
If a certain functional alias(es) can be simultaneously active for multiple MC service users and the upper limit of number of simultaneous MC service users is not reached, the MC service shall activate the functional alias(es) for the MC service user and inform all other MC service user(s) with sharing the same functional alias(es) (step 5). If the limit of number of simultaneous MC service users is reached or the functional alias is not allowed to be shared, the request is rejected and the MC service user is notified (step 4).
If the functional alias(es) is (are) already used by another MC service user(s), an authorized MC service user gets an offer to take over the functional alias from the MC service user currently using the functional alias(es).
Step 4.
MC service server sends a functional alias(es) activation response to the MC service client.
Step 5.
The MC service server informs all other MC service user(s) sharing the same functional alias(es).

10.13.5  MC service user de-activates functional alias(es) within an MC systemp. 286

The procedure for MC service user de-activates functional alias(es) within an MC system is illustrated in Figure 10.13.5-1.
When an MC service user does not want to use a functional alias(es) anymore, then the MC service user can de-activate functional alias(es).
  1. MC service server has already subscribed to the functional alias(es) information from the functional alias management server and has stored the data of the functional alias(es) a MC service user has activated.
  2. The MC service client triggers the functional alias(es) de-activation procedure. This is an explicit de-activation request either by the MC service user or determined by a trigger event such as the MC service UE moving outside a permitted geographic operational area of a functional alias.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. 10.13.5-1: Functional alias de-activation procedure within an MC system
Step 1.
MC service client requests the MC service server to de-activate a functional alias or a set of functional aliases.
Step 2.
Based on the MC service user profile and stored functional alias policy from the functional alias configuration, the MC service server checks if the MC service user of the MC service client is authorized to de-activate from the requested functional alias(es) and if the MC service user of the MC service client has activated to the requested functional alias(es).
Step 3.
If the MC service user is authorized to de-activate from the requested functional alias(es) then the MC service server updates the functional alias activation status of the MC service user.
Step 4.
MC service server provides to the MC service client the functional alias de-activation response.
Step 5.
The MC service server informs all other MC service user(s) sharing the same functional alias(es).

10.13.6  Authorised MC service user takes over functional alias(es) within an MC systemp. 287

The procedure for MC service user takes over functional alias(es) within an MC system is illustrated in Figure 10.13.6-1.
During functional alias(es) activation, if the functional alias(es) is (are) already used by another MC service user(s), an authorized MC service user may get an offer to take over the functional alias(es) from the MC service user currently using the functional alias(es).
  1. MC service client 1 has performed the functional alias(es) activation procedure as described in subclause 10.13.4.
  2. As result of the functional alias(es) activation procedure, the MC service user of MC service client 1 is aware which functional alias(es) are already used but can be taken over.
  3. The MC service user of MC service client 1 decides to take over a functional alias.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. 10.13.6-1: Functional alias taking over procedure within an MC system
Step 1.
MC service client 1 of the MC service user 1 requests the MC service server to take over a functional alias by sending a functional alias take over request.
Step 2.
The MC service server checks if there are any conflicts taking over the functional alias.
Step 3.
If the user of the MC service client 1 is authorised to take over the requested functional alias then the MC service server sends a functional alias revoke notification to inform MC service client 2 that the functional alias has been revoked and is not any longer active for the user of MC service client 2.
Step 4.
The MC service server stores the functional alias status of the requested functional alias.
Step 5.
MC service server sends a functional alias take over response to the MC service client.
Step 6.
The MC service server informs all other MC service user(s) sharing the same functional alias.

10.13.7  Authorised MC service user retrieves MC service user(s) for certain active functional alias(es) |R16|p. 288

An authorised MC service user can request the MC service user(s) who have activated the functional alias being queried, for one or more functional aliases.
Figure 10.13.7-1 below illustrates the query of usage of the active functional alias(es) procedure.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. 10.13.7-1: Query of usage of the active functional alias(es)
Step 1.
The MC service client of the MC service user requests the list(s) of MC service user(s) who have actived the functional alias being queried, by sending an active functional alias information usage query request. The functional alias(es) to be queried are included.
Step 2.
The MC service server checks whether the MC service user is authorized to perform the query. If authorized, then the MC service server retrieves the requested MC service user(s) information for those MC service users who have actived the functional alias being queried.
Step 3.
The MC service server sends an active functional alias information usage query response including the MC service user information to the MC service client.

10.13.8  Automatic activation of functional alias(es) within an MC system |R16|p. 289

The MC Service Server can automatically activate functional aliases that can be specified by internal or external triggers such as location dependency, schedule, or timer.
The procedure for automatic activation of functional alias(es) within an MC system is illustrated in Figure 10.13.8-1. The MC service client(s) get(s) notified by the MC service server at the time when a functional alias has been activated by the MC service server.
  1. MC service server may have retrieved the MC service user profile and functional alias policy from the functional alias configuration, for example, which MC service user(s) are authorized to activate which functional alias(es), to use corresponding priorities and other configuration data associated with the functional alias.
  2. MC service server has already been provisioned with the functional alias(es) information that the MC service client is allowed to activate.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. 10.13.8-1: Automatic functional alias activation within an MC system
Step 1.
The condition e.g. timer or current location of the MC service user for automatic functional alias(es) activation is met.
Step 2.
The MC service server checks if there are any conflicts with current active functional alias(es).
  1. If a certain functional alias(es) can be simultaneously active for multiple MC service users and the upper limit of simultaneous MC service users is not reached, the MC service server shall activate the functional alias(es) for the corresponding MC service user and inform all other MC service user(s) that are sharing the same functional alias(es) (step 5).
  2. If the limit of simultaneous MC service users is reached or the functional alias is not allowed to be shared then the MC service server does not proceed with the functional alias(es) activation procedure or the MC service server can reassign the functional alias, i.e. takeover, from the MC service user currently using the functional alias(es) to the new MC service client.
Step 3.
MC service server notifies the MC service client about the activation of the functional alias(es).
Step 4.
The MC service server stores the functional alias(es) status for the functional alias(es), including date and time of activation.
Step 5.
The MC service server informs all other MC service user(s) sharing the same functional alias(es).

10.13.9  Automatic deactivation of functional alias(es) within an MC system |R16|p. 290

The MC Service Server can automatically activate functional aliases that can be specified by internal or external triggers such as location dependency, schedule, or timer.
The procedure for automatic deactivation of functional alias(es) within an MC system is illustrated in Figure 10.13.9-1. The MC service client(s) get(s) notified by the MC service server at the time when a functional alias has been deactivated by the MC service server.
  1. MC service server has already retrieved the relevant functional alias(es) information from the configuration (functional alias) management server and has stored the data of the concerning functional alias(es) a MC service user has activated.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. 10.13.9-1: Automatic functional alias deactivation within an MC system
Step 1.
The condition e.g. timer or current location of the MC service user for automatic functional alias(es) deactivation is met. The trigger for deactivation may be done by the MC system or by an authorized external system attached to the MC system.
Step 2.
MC service server notifies the MC service client about the deactivation of the functional alias(es).
Step 3.
The MC service server stores the status, e.g. deactivated, of the concerned functional alias(es) and the corresponding MC service ID(s).
Step 4.
The MC service server informs all other MC service user(s) sharing the same functional alias(es).

10.13.10  Subscription and notification for functional alias |R16|p. 291  Generalp. 291

The subscriber (e.g. MC service server, location management server) obtains the list of MC service users who have activated a functional alias from the functional alias controlling MC service server via subscription and notification mechanisms.  Subscription for functional alias procedurep. 291

The procedure for subscription for functional alias is described in Figure
  • The functional alias controlling MC service server holds a list of MC service users who has activated the functional alias.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Subscription for functional alias
Step 1.
The subscriber sends a subscribe functional alias request to the functional alias controlling MC service server in order to receive notifications about the list of MC service users who has activated the function alias.
Step 2.
The functional alias controlling MC service server provides a subscribe functional alias response to the subscriber indicating success or failure of the request.  Notification for functional alias procedurep. 293

The procedure for notification for functional alias as shown in Figure is used by the functional alias controlling MC service server to inform the subscriber about MC service users who has activated the functional alias.
  • The subscriber has subscribed to the functional alias
  • The list of MC service users who has activated the functional alias is changed at functional alias controlling MC service server due to activation, deactivation or taken over.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Notification for the functional alias
Step 1.
The functional alias controlling MC service server provides the list of MC service users who has activated the functional alias in the notify functional alias request to the subscriber.
Step 2.
The subscriber provides a notify functional alias response to the functional alias controlling MC service server.  Unsubscription for functional alias procedurep. 293

The procedure for unsubscription for functional alias is described in Figure
  • The functional alias controlling MC service server holds a list of MC service users who has activated the functional alias.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Unsubscription for functional alias
Step 1.
The subscriber sends a unsubscribe functional alias request to the functional alias controlling MC service server in order to stop receiving notifications about the list of MC service IDs who has activated the function alias.
Step 2.
The functional alias controlling MC service server provides a subscribe functional alias response to the subscriber indicating success or failure of the request.

10.13.11  Functional alias to group binding |R17|p. 293  Generalp. 293

The MC service client creates a functional alias to group binding association to be stored within the group controlling MC server. Once a functional alias is bound to a group it is bound till the functional alias is unbound to the group. After an MC service log-off the user's functional alias to group bindings are deleted.  Functional alias to group bindingp. 293

The procedure for binding a functional alias with a group is described in Figure
  • The MC service server has subscribed to the MC service functional alias controlling server within the MC system for functional alias activation/de-activation updates.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Functional alias to group binding procedure
Step 1.
The MC service client sends a functional alias to group binding request to the group controlling MC service server to bind functional aliases to groups to be used for communications within those groups.
Step 2.
The group controlling MC service server provides a functional alias to group binding response to the MC service client indicating success or failure of the request.  Functional alias to group unbindingp. 293

The procedure for unbinding a functional alias with a group is described in Figure
  • The MC service server has subscribed to the MC service functional alias controlling server within the MC system for functional alias activation/de-activation updates.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.280, Fig. Functional alias to group unbinding procedure
Step 1.
The MC service client sends a functional alias to group unbinding request to the group controlling MC service server to unbind functional aliases from groups which are not used for communications within those groups anymore.
Step 2.
The group controlling MC service server provides a functional alias to group unbinding response to the MC service client indicating success or failure of the request. The MC service server also checks whether the MC service client is the last client who has bound a certain functional alias to a group which may prevent unbinding that functional alias from the group.

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