
Content for  TS 23.434  Word version:  19.4.2

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11  Configuration managementp. 168

11.1  Generalp. 168

The configuration management is a SEAL service that offers the configuration management related capabilities to one or more vertical applications.

11.2  Functional model for configuration managementp. 169

11.2.1  Generalp. 169

The functional model for the configuration management is based on the generic functional model specified in clause 6. It is organized into functional entities to describe a functional architecture which addresses the support for configuration management aspects for vertical applications. The on-network and off-network functional model is specified in this clause.

11.2.2  On-network functional model descriptionp. 169

Figure 11.2.2-1 illustrates the generic on-network functional model for configuration management.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.434, Fig. 11.2.2-1: On-network functional model for configuration management
The configuration management client communicates with the configuration management server over the CM-UU reference point. The configuration management client provides the support for configuration management functions to the VAL client(s) over CM-C reference point. The VAL server(s) communicate with the configuration management server over the CM-S reference point. The configuration management server communicates with the VAL user database over the CM-VAL-UDB reference point.

11.2.3  Off-network functional model descriptionp. 169

Figure 11.2.3-1 illustrates the off-network functional model for configuration management.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.434, Fig. 11.2.3-1: Off-network functional model for configuration management
The configuration management client of the UE1 communicates with the configuration management client of the UE2 over the CM-PC5 reference point.

11.2.4  Functional entities descriptionp. 170  Generalp. 170

The functional entities for configuration management SEAL service are described in the following subclauses.  Configuration management clientp. 170

The configuration management client functional entity acts as the application client for configuration related transactions. The configuration management client interacts with the configuration management server and provides and receives configuration data. The configuration management client also supports interactions with the corresponding configuration management client between the two UEs.
The configuration management client functional entity is supported by the signalling user agent and HTTP client functional entities of the signalling control plane.
Up  Configuration management serverp. 170

The configuration management server is a functional entity used to configure one or more vertical applications with 3GPP system related vertical applications provisioning information and configure data on the configuration management client. The configuration management server manages vertical application configuration supported within the vertical's service provider. The configuration management server acts as CAPIF's API exposing function as specified in TS 23.222. The configuration management server also supports interactions with the corresponding configuration management server in distributed SEAL deployments.
The configuration management server functional entity is supported by the SIP AS and HTTP server functional entities of the signalling control plane.

11.2.5  Reference points descriptionp. 170  Generalp. 170

The reference points for the functional model for configuration management are described in the following subclauses.  CM-UUp. 171

The interactions related to configuration management functions between the configuration management client and the configuration management server are supported by CM-UU reference point. This reference point utilizes Uu reference point as described in TS 23.401 and TS 23.501.
The CM-UU reference point provides the configuration information required for VAL services and supports:
  • configuration of the VAL UE by the VAL service; and
  • configuration of the VAL application with the VAL service related information e.g. policy information by the VAL UE.
The CM-UU reference point shall use the HTTP-1/HTTP-2 reference points for transport and routing of configuration management related signalling. The CM-UU reference point shall use SIP-1/SIP-2 reference points for subscription / notification related signalling.
Up  CM-PC5p. 171

The interactions related to configuration management functions between the configuration management clients located in different VAL UEs are supported by CM-PC5 reference point. This reference point utilizes PC5 reference point as described in TS 23.303.  CM-Cp. 171

The interactions related to configuration management functions between the VAL client(s) and the configuration management client within a VAL UE are supported by CM-C reference point.  CM-Sp. 171

The interactions related to configuration management functions between the VAL server(s) and the configuration management server are supported by CM-S reference point. The CM-S reference point supports VAL server to obtain the VAL service related vertical applications provisioning information. This reference point is an instance of CAPIF-2 reference point as specified in TS 23.222.
The CM-S reference point shall use HTTP-1/ HTTP-2 reference points for transport and routing of configuration management related signalling. The CM-S reference point shall use SIP-2 reference point for subscription / notification related signalling.
Up  CM-Ep. 171

The interactions related to configuration management functions between the configuration management servers in a distributed deployment are supported by CM-E reference point.  Reference point CM-VAL-UDB (between the configuration management server and the VAL user database)p. 171

The CM-VAL-UDB reference point is an instance of VAL-UDB reference point, which exists between the VAL user database and the configuration management server, is used for:
  • the configuration management server to store the user profile data in the specific VAL user database;
  • the configuration management server to obtain the user profile from the specific VAL user database for further configuration in the VAL UE;
  • the configuration management server to update the user profile data in the specific VAL user database; and
  • the configuration management server to delete the user profile data from the specific VAL user database

11.3  Procedures and information flows for configuration managementp. 172

11.3.1  Generalp. 172

The procedures related to the configuration management are described in the following subclauses.

11.3.2  Information flowsp. 172  Get VAL UE configuration requestp. 172

Table describes the information flow get VAL UE configuration request from the configuration management client to the configuration management server.
Information Element Status Description
VAL UE IDMIdentify of the VAL UE requesting the configuration information
VAL service IDO
(see NOTE 1)
Identify of the VAL service for which the configuration information is requested
VAL UE Information (see NOTE 2)OAdditional UE related information required to identify the configuration data (e.g. device type, device vendor, etc)
If the VAL service ID information element is not present, then the default service is service.
The VAL service provider can configure the VAL UE with different configuration data based on this IE.
Up  Get VAL UE configuration responsep. 172

Table describes the information flow get VAL UE configuration response from the configuration management server to the configuration management client.
Information Element Status Description
ResultMIndicates the success or failure of getting the configuration information
VAL UE configuration dataO
(see NOTE)
The VAL UE configuration data as specified in the corresponding VAL service specification and outside the scope of the present document
If the Result information element indicates failure then VAL UE configuration data information element is not included.
Up  Get VAL user profile requestp. 172

Table describes the information flow get VAL user profile request from the configuration management client or VAL server to the configuration management server.
Information Element Status Description
Requester IdentityMThe identity of the configuration management client or VAL server performing the request.
IdentityMThe VAL user ID of the VAL user or VAL UE ID.
Up  Get VAL user profile responsep. 173

Table describes the information flow get VAL user profile response from the configuration management server to the configuration management client or VAL server.
Information Element Status Description
VAL user profile dataM
(see NOTE)
One or more VAL user profiles associated with the VAL user ID or VAL UE ID provided in the associated get VAL user profile request
ResultMIndicates the success or failure for the operation
If the Result information element indicates failure then the value of VAL user profile data information element has no meaning.
Up  Notification for VAL user profile data updatep. 173

Table describes the information flow notification for VAL user profile data update from the configuration management server to the configuration management client.
Information Element Status Description
Pointer to modified VAL user profile dataMPointer to the modified VAL user profile data
Up  Get updated VAL user profile data requestp. 173

Table describes the information flow get updated VAL user profile data request from the configuration management client to the configuration management server.
Information Element Status Description
IdentityMThe VAL user ID of the originating VAL user or VAL UE ID
Pointer to modified VAL user profile dataMPointer to the modified VAL user profile data
Up  Get updated VAL user profile data responsep. 173

Table describes the information flow get updated VAL user profile data response from the configuration management server to the configuration management client.
Information Element Status Description
Updated VAL user profile dataM
(see NOTE)
VAL user profile data that has been modified
ResultMIndicates the success or failure for the operation
If the Result information element indicates failure then the value of Updated VAL user profile data information element has no meaning.
Up  Update VAL user profile data requestp. 173

Table describes the information flow update VAL user profile data request from the configuration management client to the configuration management server.
Information Element Status Description
IdentityMThe VAL user ID of the originating VAL user or VAL UE ID
Updated VAL user profile dataMThe contents of the user profile data to be updated
Up  Update VAL user profile data responsep. 174

Table describes the information flow update VAL user profile data response from the configuration management server to the configuration management client.
Information Element Status Description
ResultMIndicates the success or failure
Up  Updated user profile subscription requestp. 174

Table describes the information flow from the VAL server to the configuration management server for updated user profile subscription request.
Information Element Status Description
Requester IdentityMThe identity of the VAL server performing the request
Identities listMList of VAL users or VAL UEs whose updates on user profile is requested
Time between consecutive user profile updatesMIt indicates the interval time between consecutive user profile updates
Up  Updated user profile subscription responsep. 174

Table describes the information flow from the configuration management server to the VAL server for updated user profile subscription response.
Information Element Status Description
Subscription statusM
(see NOTE)
It indicates the subscription result
ResultMIndicates the success or failure for the operation
If the Result information element indicates failure then the value of the Subscription status information element has no meaning.
Up  Updated user profile notificationp. 174

Table describes the information flow updated user profile notification from the configuration management server to the VAL server.
Information Element Status Description
Identities listMList of VAL users or VAL UEs whose user profile is modified
Updated user profile dataMUser profile data that has been modified
Up  Get VAL service request |R18|p. 175

Table describes the information flow get VAL service request from the consumer (e.g. group management) server to the configuration management server.
Information element Status Description
Requester IdentityMThe identity of the entity performing the request.
Identity listO
(see NOTE)
The VAL user IDs or VAL UE IDs.
VAL service ID listO
(see NOTE)
The requested VAL service IDs for the identity list.
At least one of Identity list or VAL service ID list shall be included. With both Identity list and VAL service ID in the request, the response only contains common VAL services (as requested) for the requested VAL users or VAL UEs.
Up  Get VAL service response |R18|p. 175

Table describes the information flow get VAL service response from the configuration management server to the consumer (e.g. group management server).
Information element Status Description
A list of VAL service dataO
(see NOTE 1)
One or more VAL service data associated with the VAL user ID or VAL UE ID.
> IdentityMThe VAL user ID or VAL UE ID.
> VAL service IDsMThe supported VAL service IDs.
> VAL service specific informationO
(see NOTE 2)
Placeholder for VAL service specific information.
ResultMIndicates the success or failure for the operation.
It is valid when the Result information element indicates success.
The details of this information element are specified in VAL service specific specification and are out of scope of the present document.

11.3.3  VAL UE configuration datap. 175  Generalp. 175

The VAL UE configuration data has to be known by the VAL UE before it can use the VAL service.  Proceduresp. 175

The procedure for VAL UE obtaining the VAL UE related configuration data is illustrated in Figure
  • The VAL UE has the secure access to the configuration management server.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.434, Fig. VAL UE obtains the configuration data
Step 1.
The configuration management client sends a get VAL UE configuration request to the configuration management server for obtaining VAL UE configuration data.
Step 2.
The configuration management server sends get VAL UE configuration response to the configuration management client. This message carries the VAL UE configuration data.  Structure of VAL UE configuration datap. 176

11.3.4  VAL user profile datap. 176  Generalp. 176

The VAL user profile procedures are described in the following subclauses.  Obtaining the VAL user profile(s) from the networkp. 176  Obtaining the VAL user profile(s) in primary VAL systemp. 176
The procedure for the VAL user or VAL server obtaining VAL user profiles in the primary VAL system of that VAL user is illustrated in Figure
  • The VAL user has performed user authentication in the identity management server.
  • The VAL UE or VAL server has secure access to the configuration management server.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.434, Fig. VAL user obtains the VAL user profile(s) from the network
Step 1.
The configuration management client or VAL server sends a get VAL user profile request message to the configuration management server, which includes the VAL user ID or VAL UE ID.
Step 2.
The configuration management server obtains the VAL user profile information.
Step 3.
The configuration management server sends get VAL user profile response message to the configuration management client or VAL server. When a download is necessary, this message includes all VAL user profiles that are associated with the VAL user ID or VAL UE ID.
Up  VAL user receiving VAL service from a partner VAL systemp. 177
Figure below illustrates mechanism for the configuration management client to retrieve the VAL user profile for the migrating VAL user from the partner VAL system.
  • The VAL user is permitted to migrate to the partner VAL system, and the relevant authorizations are configured in both the primary and partner VAL systems of that VAL user
  • The VAL user has performed VAL user authentication in the partner VAL system, and has received the necessary credentials to retrieve configuration information and to request service authorization.
  • The VAL UE has been provided with addressing information to allow the configuration management client in the VAL UE to access the configuration management server in the partner VAL system.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.434, Fig. Retrieval of user profile in partner VAL system
Step 1.
The configuration management client in the VAL UE of the migrating VAL user requests the VAL user profile for migration from the configuration management server in the partner VAL system.
Step 2.
The configuration management server in the partner VAL system requests the VAL user profile from the configuration management server in the primary VAL system of the VAL user.
Step 3.
The configuration management server in the primary VAL system of the VAL user retrieves the VAL user profile from the VAL user database in that primary VAL system. The identification of the partner VAL system to which the VAL user is attempting to migrate is used to determine which VAL user profile is retrieved for that VAL user for migration to that partner VAL system.
Step 4.
The configuration management server in the primary VAL system provides the VAL user profile to the configuration management server in the partner VAL system of the VAL user, optionally requesting validation of the modified VAL user profile.
Step 5.
The partner VAL system of the VAL user modifies the VAL user profile according to local configuration information and stores the modified VAL user profile in the VAL user database in the partner VAL system.
Step 6.
If the primary VAL system requested validation of the VAL user profile in step 4, the configuration management server in the partner VAL system of the migrating VAL user may send the modified VAL user profile to the configuration management server of the primary VAL system of the VAL user to allow the primary VAL system of the VAL user to validate the modified VAL user profile.
Step 7.
The primary VAL system of the migrated VAL user validates the modified VAL service profile of the migrated VAL user.
Step 8.
The primary VAL system of the migrated VAL user responds to the partner VAL system with the results of the validation process.
Step 9.
The configuration management server in the partner VAL system provides the VAL user profile to the configuration management client of the migrating VAL user,
Up  VAL user receives updated VAL user profile data from the networkp. 178

The procedure for VAL user obtaining updated VAL user profile data that is initiated by the network is illustrated in Figure
  • The VAL user has performed user authentication in identity management server.
  • The VAL UE has secure access to the configuration management server.
  • The VAL UE has already obtained one or more VAL user profiles.
  • The configuration management server has access to the VAL user profile(s) associated with the VAL user ID of the VAL user or VAL UE ID.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.434, Fig. VAL user receives updated VAL user profile data from the network
Step 1.
The configuration management server obtains updated VAL user profile data.
Step 2.
The configuration management server sends a notification for VAL user profile data update to the configuration management client.
Step 3.
The configuration management client sends get updated VAL user profile data request to the configuration management server, which includes the VAL user ID or VAL UE ID.
Step 4.
The configuration management server sends get updated VAL user profile data response to the configuration management client which includes the updated VAL user profile data requested in step 3.
Up  VAL user updates VAL user profile data to the networkp. 179

The procedure for VAL user updating the VAL user profile data is illustrated in Figure
  • The VAL user has performed user authentication in identity management server.
  • The VAL UE has secure access to the configuration management server.
  • The VAL UE has already obtained one or more VAL user profiles.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.434, Fig. VAL user updates VAL user profile data to the network
Step 1.
The configuration management client is triggered (e.g. by user interaction operation) to update the VAL user profile data on the configuration management server.
Step 2.
The configuration management client sends update VAL user profile data request to the configuration management server, which includes the VAL user profile data to be updated.
Step 3.
The configuration management server stores the received VAL user profile data.
Step 4.
The configuration management server sends update VAL user profile data response to the configuration management client to confirm the VAL user profile data update is complete.
Up  Updated user profile subscription procedurep. 180

Figure illustrates the high level procedure for obtaining updated user profile data based on subscription request.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.434, Fig. Updated user profile subscription procedure
Step 1.
Configuration management client or VAL server sends an updated user profile subscription request to the configuration management server to subscribe any updates to user profile of one or more VAL users or VAL UEs.
Step 2.
The configuration management server shall check if the configuration management client or VAL server is authorized to initiate the updated user profile subscription request.
Step 3.
The configuration management server replies with a updated user profile subscription response indicating the subscription status.
Figure illustrates the high level procedure of updated user profile notification event.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.434, Fig. Updated user profile notification
Step 1.
The configuration management server sends the updated user profile notification including the changes to user profile of one or more VAL users or VAL UEs to the configuration management client or VAL server.

11.3.5  VAL service data |R18|p. 181  Generalp. 181

The VAL service data related procedures are described in the following subclauses.  Proceduresp. 181

The procedure for consumer (e.g. group management server) obtaining the VAL service data is illustrated in Figure
  • The consumer has the secure access to the configuration management server.
  • The configuration management server has VAL service data maintained for VAL UE or user.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.434, Fig. Obtains the VAL service data for VAL UE(s) or VAL user(s)
Step 1.
The consumer (e.g. group management server) sends a get VAL service request to the configuration management server for obtaining VAL service data. The request includes a list of VAL UE IDs or VAL user IDs and/or a VAL service ID list as service data retrieval filters.
Step 2.
The configuration server retrieves the VAL service data for the requested VAL UEs or users or VAL services and sends get VAL service response to the consumer (e.g. group management server) with the discovered list of VAL service data.

11.4  SEAL APIs for configuration managementp. 182

11.4.1  Generalp. 182

Table 11.4.1-1 illustrates the SEAL APIs for configuration management.
API Name API Operations Known Consu­mer(s) Communi­cation Type
SS_UserProfileRetrieval Obtain_User_ProfileVAL serverRequest/Response
SS_UserProfileEvent Subscribe_User_Profile_UpdateVAL serverSubscribe/Notify
Notify_User_Profile_UpdateVAL server
SS_VALServiceData Obtain_VAL_Service_Datagroup management serverRequest/Response

11.4.2  SS_UserProfileRetrieval APIp. 182  Generalp. 182

API description:
This API enables the VAL server to communicate with the configuration management server for obtaining user profile over CM-S.  Obtain_User_Profile operationp. 182

API operation name:
Obtaining user profile.
Known Consumers:
VAL server.
See subclause for the details of usage of this API operation.

11.4.3  SS_UserProfileEvent APIp. 182  Generalp. 182

API description:
This API enables the VAL server to communicate with the configuration management server for obtaining updated user profile over CM-S.  Subscribe_User_Profile_Update operationp. 182

API operation name:
Subscribing to changes to user profile.
Known Consumers:
VAL server.
See subclause for the details of usage of this API operation.  Notify_User_Profile_Update operationp. 183

API operation name:
Notification for changes to user profile.
Known Consumers:
VAL server.
See subclause for the details of usage of this API operation.

11.4.4  SS_VALServiceData API |R18|p. 183  Generalp. 183

API description:
This API enables the group management server to communicate with the configuration management server for obtaining VAL service data over SEAL-X.  Obtain_VAL_Service_Data operationp. 183

API operation name:
Obtaining VAL service data.
Known Consumers:
group management server.
See subclause for the details of usage of this API operation.

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