
Content for  TS 23.433  Word version:  19.4.0

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A  Deployment modelsp. 132

The SEALDD service can be deployed as a generic SEAL service and hence the deployment models for SEALDD service utilizes the deployment models specified in clause 8 of TS 23.434. In the context of SEALDD service the following rules apply:
  • The SEAL server is the SEALDD server;
  • The SEAL-S reference point is the SEALDD-S reference point; and
  • The SEAL-E reference point is the SEALDD-E reference point.

B  Message delivery option: Utilizing MSGin5Gp. 133

B.1  Generalp. 133

MSGin5G provides a data delivery messaging service in 5GS especially for enabling IoT device communications. It has been specified starting with Rel-17 in TS 23.554. SEALDD is proposed as a generic data delivery enabler layer for all the verticals utilizing SEAL. It is beneficial to deploy one unified data delivery system suitable for all kinds of terminals to reduce the complexity of vertical applications.

B.2  SEALDD utilizing MSGin5Gp. 133

MSGin5G functionalities described in TS 23.554 are integrated in SEALDD enabler layer. As shown in Figure B.2-1, MSGin5G client functionality is integrated in SEALDD client, and MSGin5G server functionality is integrated in SEALDD server. SEALDD server and SEALDD client can use MSGin5G functionalities to send SEALDD traffic in MSGin5G message format.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.433, Fig. B.2-1: SEALDD utilizing MSGin5G

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