
Content for  TS 23.433  Word version:  19.4.0

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9.5.3  Information flowsp. 66  SEALDD data storage creation requestp. 66

Table describes the information flow from the requesting consumer (e.g., VAL server, SEALDD client) to the SEALDD server for requesting the data storage creation.
Information element Status Description
Application dataM
(See NOTE 1)
The application data needed to be stored in the SEALDD server
Access control policyO
(See NOTE 1)
The control policy for the requested data access from other consumers (e.g. SEALDD client, VAL server, other SEALDD server)
Storage expiration timeO
(See NOTE 1)
The expiration time for the stored data
Storage management or status informationO
(See NOTE 1)
Management or status information of the stored data to be tracked or monitored by SEALDD server (e.g. statistics of the stored data, Indications of how often the stored data is accessed or managed) for corresponding notifications.
VAL service IDM
(See NOTE 2)
Identify of the data type to be stored, e.g. video, voice
Data lengthO
(See NOTE 2)
Identify of the data length to be stored
Identifier of application dataOIdentify of the application data
These IEs are used for storing application data to the SEALDD server directly, as specified in clause
These IEs are used for requesting the SEALDD server to reserve the data storage resource and address, as specified in clause
Up  SEALDD data storage creation responsep. 66

Table describes the information flow from the SEALDD server to the requesting consumer (e.g., VAL server, SEALDD client) for responding the data storage creation request.
Information element Status Description
ResultMSuccess or failure.
Identifier of the stored dataO
(See NOTE 1, NOTE 3)
Identify of the stored data
Address for data storageO
(See NOTE 2)
The reserved address for data storage
This IE is used for returning the identifier of the stored data, as specified in clause
This IE is used for returning the reserved address for data storage, as specified in clause
This IE is same as the identifier of application data, if the identifier of application data is provided in SEALDD data storage creation request message.
Up  SEALDD data storage status notificationp. 66

Table describes the information flow from the SEALDD server to the requesting consumer (e.g., VAL server, SEALDD client) for sending notifications of the data storage status, as configured in the data storage creation request.
Information element Status Description
Management or status information of stored dataMThe management or status information of the stored data requested in the storage creation request.
Up  SEALDD data storage fetch requestp. 67

Table describes the information flow from the requesting consumer (e.g., SEALDD client, VAL server, other SEALDD server) to the SEALDD server for requesting the data storage fetch.
Information element Status Description
Identifier of the stored dataMIdentify the stored data queried by the requesting consumer
Up  SEALDD data storage fetch responsep. 67

Table describes the information flow from the SEALDD server to the requesting consumer (e.g., SEALDD client, VAL server, other SEALDD server) for responding the data storage fetch request.
Information element Status Description
ResultMSuccess or failure.
The fetched application dataOThe fetched application data returned to the requesting consumer
Up  SEALDD data storage management requestp. 67

Table describes the information flow from the requesting consumer (e.g., SEALDD client, VAL server) to the SEALDD server for requesting the data storage management.
Information element Status Description
Storage management operationMThe operation (e.g. update, refresh, or delete) to manage the stored data
Up  SEALDD data storage management responsep. 67

Table describes the information flow from the SEALDD server to the requesting consumer (e.g., VAL server, SEALDD client) for responding the data storage management request.
Information element Status Description
ResultMSuccess or failure.
The updated information of stored dataOThe updated management or status information of the stored data
Up  SEALDD data storage delivery subscription requestp. 67

Table describes the information flow from the VAL server to the SEALDD server for data storage delivery subscription.
Information element Status Description
VAL server informationMIdentify the requested VAL server to subscribe data delivery
VAL server addressMAddress/port of the VAL server to receive the data delivery from the SEALDD server
Up  SEALDD data storage delivery subscription responsep. 68

Table describes the information flow from the SEALDD server to the VAL server for responding the data storage delivery subscription request.
Information element Status Description
ResultMSuccess or failure.
Subscription IDOSubscription identifier corresponding to the subscription.
Expiration timeOIndicates the expiration time of the subscription.
Up  SEALDD data storage delivery notificationp. 68

Table describes the information flow from the SEALDD server to the VAL server for notifying the received stored data.
Information element Status Description
Subscription IDMSubscription identifier corresponding to the subscription.
Stored dataO
(See NOTE)
The received data corresponding to the VAL server
Identifier of the stored dataO
(See NOTE)
Identify of the received stored data in SEALDD server
One of these IEs shall be present in the message.
Up  SEALDD data storage delivery requestp. 68

Table describes the information flow from the VAL server to the SEALDD server for requesting the data storage delivery.
Information element Status Description
Target VAL server informationMIdentify the target VAL server
Target SEALDD server informationOIdentify the target SEALDD server
Identifier of the stored dataO
(See NOTE)
Identify of the stored data needed to be delivered
Stored dataO
(See NOTE)
The data from the VAL server
One of these IEs shall be present in the message.
Up  SEALDD data storage delivery responsep. 68

Table describes the information flow from the SEALDD server to the VAL server for responding the data storage delivery request.
Information element Status Description
ResultMSuccess or failure.
Up  SEALDD delivery connection establish requestp. 69

Table describes the information flow from the source SEALDD server to the target SEALDD server for requesting the SEALDD delivery connection establishment.
Information element Status Description
Source SEALDD server informationMIdentify the source SEALDD server.
Traffic descriptor of source SEALDD serverOThe traffic descriptor (e.g. address, port, transport layer protocol) of the source SEALDD server.
Target VAL server informationMIdentify the target VAL server.
Up  SEALDD delivery connection establish responsep. 69

Table describes the information flow from the target SEALDD server to the source SEALDD server for responding the SEALDD delivery connection establishment request.
Information element Status Description
ResultMSuccess or failure.
Traffic descriptor of target SEALDD serverOThe traffic descriptor (e.g. address, port, transport layer protocol) of the target SEALDD server.

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