
Content for  TS 23.288  Word version:  19.1.0

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6.10  Dispersion Analytics |R17|p. 243

6.10.1  Generalp. 243

Dispersion analytics identifies the location (i.e. areas of interest, TAs, cells) or network slice(s) where a UE, or a group of UEs, or any UE disperse most (if not all) of their data volume and sessions transactions (i.e. MM and SM messages).
The NWDAF shall be able to provide dispersion statistics or predictions and shall be able to collect UE dispersion related information from NFs.
Dispersion is the percentage of activity that a UE, or group of UEs, or any UE, generates at a location or a slice during a period of interest. This enables the operator to rank hot locations or slices by the various activities and to identify the top contributors (i.e. UEs) for that activity. When heavy UEs at a particular location or slice are detected/predicted and reported to a policy entity, their QoS attributes, or access to an area of interest or a slice can then be limited.
  • Data volume dispersion - The percentage of data traffic volume that a UE, or a group of UEs, or any UE, generated at a location or in a slice during the period of interest.
  • Transactions dispersion - The percentage of MM and SM messages that a UE, or a group of UEs, or any UE, generated at a location or in a slice during the period of interest.
The operator may classify and assign one of the three mobility classes per dispersion characteristics for a UE or a group of UEs, or any UE as fixed, camper or traveller. In addition, the operator may classify a UE as a Top-Heavy UE in case its dispersion percentile rating, at a location or a slice, is higher than a threshold value defined by the operator (e.g. 0.9 percentile), see percentile ranking in the output Tables, clause 6.10.3. The classification is based on either Data volume dispersion or Transactions dispersion.
  • Data-Classification - fixed, camper, traveller data-classification per thresholds assigned by the operator.
    When a UE disperses, during the period of observation, most (threshold=95%) of its data at a location or a slice, the dispersion data-classification of the UE at that location or slice is "fixed".
  • Transaction-Classification - fixed, camper, traveller transactions-classifications per thresholds assigned by the operator.
    When a UE disperses, during the period of observation, (threshold=40%) of its session transactions at a location or a slice, the dispersion transaction-classification of the UE is camper at that location or slice.
Based on the dispersion analytics, the analytics consumer can determine that a data volume or transactions hot spot is formed when the volume of data or amount of transactions dispersed by most of the UEs at the area of interest or slice exceeds a certain data or transaction threshold established through trend analysis or operator policy.
The consumer of dispersion analytics may indicate in its request:
  • Analytics ID = "Dispersion Analytics";
  • Target of Analytics Reporting as defined in clause 6.1.3. "Any UE" is only supported in combination with Analytics Filter Information (S-NSSAI, Area(s) of Interest, Top-Heavy UEs indication, Fixed indication, Camper indication or Traveller indication) and Dispersion Analytics type "Data Volume Dispersion Analytics" and/or "Transaction Dispersion Analytics";
  • Analytics Filter Information:
    • optional list of TAs, Areas of Interest, Cells, or S-NSSAIs, Application IDs, Top-Heavy UEs, Fixed UEs, Camper UEs, Dispersion Analytics types (Data Volume Dispersion Analytics (DVDA) or Transactions Dispersion Analytics (TDA) or both); and
    • optional list of analytics subsets that are requested (see clause 6.10.3);
  • Preferred level of accuracy of the analytics;
  • Preferred level of accuracy per analytics subset (see clause 6.10.3);
  • Preferred order of results for the list of UE Dispersion Analytics information:
    • ordering criterion:
      • For DDA, one of the following: "time slot start", "data dispersion", "data classification", "data ranking", or "data percentile ranking";
      • For TDA, one of the following: "time slot start", "transaction dispersion", "transaction classification", "transaction ranking", or "transaction percentile ranking"; and
    • order: ascending or descending;
  • Analytics target period indicating the time period over which the statistics or predictions are requested;
  • Optionally, maximum number of objects and maximum number of SUPIs;
  • Optionally, preferred granularity of location information: TA level or cell level;
  • Optionally, Spatial granularity size and Temporal granularity size; and
  • In a subscription, the Notification Correlation Id and the Notification Target Address are included.

6.10.2  Input Datap. 244

The NWDAF shall be able to collect UE dispersion information from NF(s) and AFs. The information collected by the NWDAF is network data from 5GC NFs and service data from AFs:
  • Data related to UE transactions dispersion and bound by location collected from AMF and SMF are defined in the Table 6.10.2-1 and Table 6.10.2-2. This may include individual transactions or SMF/AMF state transition information stored as UE behaviour trends, which provides aggregated transaction information.
Information Source Description
Type Allocation CodeAMFTerminal model and vendor information of the UE.
UE locations (1..max)AMFUE locations.
 > UE locationAMFArea of Interest (TA or cells that the UE had entered).
 > TimestampAMFTime stamp when the AMF detected that the UE had entered this location.
 > TransactionsAMFEither all transactions for this UE in this location or, optionally, if subscription with periodic notification is requested, the amount of UE transactions exchanged at the location in the notified time period.
UE access behaviour trendsAMFMetrics on UE state transitions (e.g. access, RM and CM states, handover).
UE location trendsAMFMetrics on UE locations.
UE location provides one location per instance while UE location trend provides multiple locations at once. One or both of them may be used.
Information Source Description
UE IP addressSMFUE IP address.
 > TimestampSMFTime stamp of the collected information.
 > TransactionsSMFEither all transaction for this UE or, optionally, if subscription with periodic notification is requested, the amount of UE transactions exchanged in the notified time period.
 > UE session behaviour trendsSMFMetrics on UE state transitions (e.g. PDU Session Establishment, PDU Session Release).
Data volume can be collected from the AF per UE across all the UE applications provided by a particular AF or per UE per application when application IDs are requested.
Data related to UE data volume dispersion, bound by a location or slice, collected from the AF and UPF are defined in Table 6.10.2-3 through Table 6.10.2-6.
If the Target of Analytics Reporting is set to an Internal Group ID and the AF is located in the untrusted domain, NEF translates it into an External Group ID.
  • In Table 6.10.2-3, the data volume is collected per UE from the AF. The collected UE information is applicable across all the applications used by the UE during the period.
Information Source Description
UE IDAFInternal or External UE ID (i.e. SUPI or GPSI, respectively).
TimestampAFTime stamp of the collected information.
Data Volume UL/DLAFSum of UE data volume exchanged at the AF during the period of observation.
  • In Table 6.10.2-4, the AF reports data volume per UE per application in relation to the start and stop of the application as indicated by the application duration.
Information Source Description
UE IP addressAFUE IP address.
IP 5-tupleAFIP address 5-tuple.
TimestampAFTimestamp of the collected information.
Application IDAFIdentifier of the application at the AF.
Location of ApplicationAF/NEFLocation of application represented by a list of DNAIs. The NEF may map the AF-Service identifier information to a list of DNAIs when the DNAIs being used by the application are statically defined.
Data Volume UL/DLAFSum of UE data volume exchanged per application during the period.
Application durationAFDuration for the application (e.g. Voice talk time).
Application ID and IP 5-tuple are mutually exclusive.
Multiple outputs are provided by the AF when multiple applications are running at the AF for the same UE and time period.
Data volume can also be collected from the UPF per UE IP address across all applications or per UE for specific application(s).
  • In Table 6.10.2-5, the data volume is collected per UE from the UPF. The collected UE information is applicable across all applications used by the UE between start and stop of the PDU session. The UPF reports volume per UE IP address across all applications.
Information Source Description
UE IP addressUPFUE IP address.
TimestampUPFTime stamp of the collected information.
Data Volume UL/DLUPFSum of UE data volume exchanged per UE across all applications.
The Data volume can be reported either as total volume of the PDU session or periodically. It refers to the Data volume exchanged between the start and stop of the PDU session. When reported periodically, the period can be specified in the requested analytic target period or configured as a default value in the UPF.
  • In Table 6.10.2-6, the UPF reports data volume per UE for specific application(s) in relation to the start and stop of the application as indicated by the application duration.
There are two modes of data collection:
  • Non periodical: A mode where the data volume is requested and consequently provided for the total volume of a PDU session.
  • Periodical: A mode where data volume is provided periodically between the start and stop of a PDU session. The period can be specified in the requested analytic target period or configured as a default value in the UPF.
For both modes of data collection, if there are multiple application sessions for the UE PDU session, the NWDAF aggregates (i.e. sums up) the data volume across all applications to obtain per UE information.
Information Source Description
UE IP addressUPFUE IP address.
TimestampUPFA timestamp of the collected information.
Application IDUPFIdentify the application at the UPF
IP 5-tupleUPFIP 5-tuple.
Location of ApplicationUPFList of Internet applications represented by DNAI(s).
Data Volume UL/DLUPFSum of UE data volume exchanged per application during the period.
Application durationUPFDuration for the application (e.g. Voice talk time).
Application ID and IP 5-tuple are mutually exclusive.
Multiple outputs are provided by the UPF when multiple applications are running at the UPF for the same UE and time period.
The Data volume can be reported either as total volume of the PDU session or periodically. It refers to the Data volume exchanged between the start and stop of the PDU session. When reported periodically, the period can be specified in the requested analytic target period or configured as a default value in the UPF.
The task of the NWDAF is to calculate the volume of data and amount of transactions dispersed by the UE at each visited location during a period of interest. The entry time and exit time to a location is provided by the AMF.
Collecting volume per UE and per specific application is optional and such information can be provided by the UPF or AF.
The Correlation Information as defined in Table 6.2.4-1 is used to correlate the input data from AMF and SMF, the input data from SMF and UPF and the input data from UPF and AF.
  • Slice information related to UE transactions dispersion from NF(s) are defined in Table 6.10.2-7 and Table 6.10.2-8. This may include individual transactions or SMF/AMF state transition information stored as UE behaviour trends, which provides aggregated transaction information.
  • The Slice data volume collection is the same as listed in Table 6.10.2-3 to Table 6.10.2-6.
Information Source Description
Type Allocation CodeAMFTerminal model and vendor information of the UE.
Slice (1..max)AMFUE assigned slice.
 >S-NSSAIAMFIdentifier of the slice.
 >TimestampAMFTime stamp when the slice was assigned.
 >Transactions (NOTE)AMFEither all transactions for this UE or, optionally, if subscription with periodic notification is requested, an amount of UE transactions exchanged at the slice in the notified time period.
UE access behaviour trendsAMFMetrics on UE state transitions (e.g. access, RM and CM states, handover).
When a UE moves to a new AMF during Analytics target period, timestamps for assigned slices of the UE are set to the date and time of the new AMF. The NWDAF shall aggregate (sum up) the amount of slice transactions, for the requested Analytics target period, across the AMFs traversed by the UE.
Information Source Description
UE IPSMFUE IP address.
Slice (1..max)SMFUE assigned slice.
 >S-NSSAISMFIdentifier of the slice.
 >TimestampSMFTime stamp associated with the collected information.
 >Application IDSMFIdentifier of the application for the UE in the slice.
 >TransactionsSMFEither all transactions for this UE or, optionally, if subscription with periodic notification is requested, an amount of UE transactions exchanged at the slice in the notified time period.
UE session behaviour trendsSMFMetrics on UE state transitions (e.g. PDU Session Establishment, PDU Session Release).
The task of the NWDAF is to calculate the volume of data and amount of transactions dispersed by the UE at each slice during a period of interest. A time stamp of a slice assignment is provided by the AMF.
The Correlation Information as defined in Table 6.2.4-1 is used to correlate the input data from AMF and SMF, the input data from SMF and UPF and the input data from UPF and AF.
Data collection may be provided on samples (e.g. spatial subsets of UEs or UE group, temporal subsets of UE location information).

6.10.3  Output Analyticsp. 248  Generalp. 248

The NWDAF provides UE dispersion analytics, which can be statistics and/or prediction for data volume and/or transactions dispersions, to consumer NFs or AFs.  Data Volume Dispersion Analyticsp. 248

The data volume dispersion analytics results provided by the NWDAF can be for a UE or group of UEs or "any UE" data volume dispersion statistics as defined in Table and/or UE data volume dispersion predictions as defined in Table If the analytics covers multiple UEs, the Data dispersed, Data ranking and Data percentile ranking parameters are calculated as the aggregated (i.e. summed up) data volume. When the Target of Analytics Reporting is set as "any UE" the data volume dispersion analytics results provided by the NWDAF can be for all UEs data volume dispersion statistics at a location and/or the slice and/or data volume dispersion predictions at a location and/or the slice.
Information Description
UE group ID or UE ID or list of UE IDs (1..SUPImax)Identifies the UE(s) for which the statistic applies by a list of SUPIs, or a group of UEs by a list of Internal-Group-Ids (see NOTE 1).
Time slot entry (1..max)List of time slots during the Analytics target period.
 > Time slot startTime slot start within the Analytics target period.
 > DurationDuration of the time slot. If a Temporal granularity size was provided in the request or subscription, the Duration is greater than or equal to the Temporal granularity size.
 > UE location (1..max)Observed location statistics.
  >> UE locationTA or cells where the UE or UE group or list of UEs dispersed its data (see NOTE 3).
  >> Application ID (0..max) (NOTE 7)To identify the application (NOTE 6).
   >>> Data volume dispersed (NOTE 4)Data volume dispersed at this location.
  >> Data mobility classification (NOTE 4)Data mobility classification of the UE for this location: fixed, camper, traveller (see NOTE 5).
  >> Data usage ranking (NOTE 4) (NOTE 7)Ranking of UE data usage at this location (See NOTE 2).
  >> Data usage percentile ranking (NOTE 4) (NOTE 7)Percentile ranking of the UE or UE group in the Cumulative Distribution Function of data usage for the population of all UEs served at the location.
  >> RatioPercentage of UEs in the group at the location and observation time (in the case of UE group).
When Target of Analytics Reporting is an individual UE, a single UE ID (i.e. SUPI) will be included. When Target of Analytics Reporting is a UE group ID, an internal group ID will be included. When Target of Analytics Reporting is a UE group ID or "Any UE" and a filter for Top-Heavy UEs, fixed, camper or traveller is included, the NWDAF will include the list of UEs matching the filter. This information element is not present when Target of Analytic Reporting is "Any UE" and no filter for Top-Heavy UEs, fixed, camper or traveller is included. The NWDAF will provide the dispersion analytics result of one or a list of time slots to the service consumer(s) for the UE, group of UEs or list of UEs.
UE is ranked high (i.e. 1), medium (2) and low (3) when its data dispersed, during the period of observation at the location, is higher than N1% or at the range of N1% to N2% or less than N2%, respectively. The percentage values of N1 and N2 are subject to operator's configuration.
When possible and applicable to the access type, UE location is provided according to the preferred granularity of location information and Spatial granularity size.
This information element is an analytics subset that can be used in "list of analytics subsets that are requested" and "preferred level of accuracy per analytics subset".
This parameter is only provided for Target of Analytics Reporting set to single UE.
When Application ID is not included in the input, cardinality is zero and data volume dispersed is provided per UE location and applies across all the applications in that location.
This parameter is not provided for Target of Analytics Reporting set to "Any UE".
Information Description
UE group ID or UE ID or list of UE IDs (1..SUPImax)Identifies the UE(s) for which the prediction applies by a list of SUPIs, or a group of UEs by a list of Internal-Group-Ids (see NOTE 1).
Time slot entry (1..max)List of time slots during the Analytics target period.
 > Time slot startTime slot start within the Analytics target period.
 > DurationDuration of the time slot. If a Temporal granularity size was provided in the request or subscription, the Duration is greater than or equal to the Temporal granularity size.
 > UE location (1..max)Predicted location during the analytics target period.
  >> UE locationTA or cells where the UE or UE group or list of UEs is predicted to disperse its data (see NOTE 3).
  >> Application ID (0..max) (NOTE 7)To identify the application (NOTE 6).
   >>> Data volume dispersion (NOTE 4)Data volume dispersion prediction at this location.
    >>>> ConfidenceConfidence of this prediction (i.e. data volume to be dispersed at this location).
  >> Data mobility classification (NOTE 4)Data mobility classification of the UE for this location: fixed, camper, traveller (see NOTE 5).
   >>> ConfidenceConfidence of this prediction (i.e. mobility classification at this location).
  >> Data usage ranking (NOTE 4) (NOTE 7)Ranking of UE data usage at this location (See NOTE 2).
  >> Data percentile usage ranking (NOTE 4) (NOTE 7)Percentile ranking of the UE or UE group in the Cumulative Distribution Function of data usage for the population of all UEs served at the location.
   >>> ConfidenceConfidence of this prediction (i.e. percentile ranking at this location).
  >> RatioPercentage of UEs in the group (in the case of UE group).
When Target of Analytics Reporting is an individual UE, a single UE ID (i.e. SUPI) will be included. When Target of Analytics Reporting is a UE group ID, an internal group ID will be included. When Target of Analytics Reporting is a UE group ID or "Any UE" and a filter for Top-Heavy UEs, fixed, camper or traveller is included, the NWDAF will include the list of UEs matching the filter. This information element is not present when Target of Analytic Reporting is "Any UE" and no filter for Top-Heavy UEs, fixed, camper or traveller is included. The NWDAF will provide the dispersion analytics result of one or a list of time slots to the service consumer(s) for the UE, group of UEs or list of UEs.
UE is ranked high (i.e. 1), medium (2) and low (3) when its data dispersed, during the period of observation at the location, is higher than N1% or at the range of N1% to N2% or less than N2%, respectively. The percentage values of N1 and N2 are subject to operator's configuration.
When possible and applicable to the access type, UE location is provided according to the preferred granularity of location information and Spatial granularity size.
This information element is an analytics subset that can be used in "list of analytics subsets that are requested" and "preferred level of accuracy per analytics subset".
This parameter is only provided for Target of Analytics Reporting set to single UE.
When Application ID is not included in the input, cardinality is zero and data volume dispersion prediction is provided per UE location and applies across all the applications in that location.
This parameter is not provided for Target of Analytics Reporting set to "Any UE".
The data volume dispersion analytics results provided by the NWDAF can also be for a UE or group of UEs or "any UE" data volume dispersion statistics at a given slice as defined in Table and/or data volume dispersion predictions as defined in Table If the analytics covers multiple UEs, the Data dispersed, Data ranking and Data percentile ranking parameters are calculated as the aggregated (i.e. summed up) data volume. When the Target of Analytics Reporting is set as "any UE" the data volume dispersion analytics results provided by the NWDAF can be for all UEs data volume dispersion statistics at a given slice and/or data volume dispersion predictions at a given slice.
Information Description
UE group ID or UE ID or a list of UE IDs (1..SUPImax)Identifies the UE(s) for which the statistics applies by a list of SUPIs, or a group of UEs by a list of Internal-Group-Ids (see NOTE 1).
Time slot entry (1..max)List of time slots during the Analytics target period.
 > Time slot startTime slot start within the Analytics target period.
 > DurationDuration of the time slot. If a Temporal granularity size was provided in the request or subscription, the Duration is greater than or equal to the Temporal granularity size.
 > Slice (1..max)Observed slice statistics.
  >> S-NSSAISlice where the UE or group of UEs or list of UEs dispersed data.
  >> Application ID (0..max) (NOTE 6)To identify the application at the slice (NOTE 5).
   >>> Data volume dispersed (NOTE 3)Data volume dispersed at this slice.
  >> Data mobility classification (NOTE 3)Data mobility classification of the UE at the slice: fixed, camper, traveller (see NOTE 4).
  >> Data usage ranking (NOTE 3) (NOTE 6)Ranking of UE data usage at this slice. (See NOTE 2).
  >> Data usage percentile ranking (NOTE 3) (NOTE 6)Percentile ranking of the UE or UE group in the Cumulative Distribution Function of data usage for the population of all UEs served by the slice.
  >> RatioPercentage of UEs in the group (in the case of UE group).
When Target of Analytics Reporting is an individual UE, a single UE ID (i.e. SUPI) will be included. When Target of Analytics Reporting is a UE group ID, an internal group ID will be included. When Target of Analytics Reporting is a UE group ID or "Any UE" and a filter for Top-Heavy UEs, fixed, camper or traveller is included, the NWDAF will include the list of UEs matching the filter. This information element is not present when Target of Analytic Reporting is "Any UE" and no filter for Top-Heavy UEs, fixed, camper or traveller is included. The NWDAF will provide the dispersion analytics result of one or a list of time slots to the service consumer(s) for the UE, the group of UEs or the list of UEs.
UE is ranked high (i.e. 1), medium (2) and low (3) when its data dispersed, during the period of observation at the location, is higher than N1% or at the range of N1% to N2% or less than N2%, respectively. The percentage values of N1 and N2 are subject to operator's configuration.
This information element is an analytics subset that can be used in "list of analytics subsets that are requested" and "preferred level of accuracy per analytics subset".
This parameter is only provided for Target of Analytics Reporting set to single UE.
When Application ID is not included in the input, cardinality is zero and data volume dispersed is provided per slice and applies across all the applications in the slice.
This parameter is not provided for Target of Analytics Reporting set to "Any UE".
Information Description
UE group ID or UE ID or list of UE IDs (1..SUPImax)Identifies the UE(s), for which the prediction applies by a list of SUPIs, or a group of UEs by a list of Internal-Group-Ids (see NOTE 1).
Time slot entry (1..max)List of time slots during the Analytics target period.
 > Time slot startTime slot start within the Analytics target period.
 > DurationDuration of the time slot. If a Temporal granularity size was provided in the request or subscription, the Duration is greater than or equal to the Temporal granularity size.
 > Slice (1..max)Predicted slice during the Analytics target period.
  >> S-NSSAISlice where the UE or UE group or list of UEs is predicted to disperse its data.
  >> Application ID (0..max) (NOTE 6)To identify the application at the slice (NOTE 5).
   >>> Data volume dispersion (NOTE 3)Data volume dispersion prediction at this slice.
    >>>> ConfidenceConfidence of this prediction (i.e. data volume to be dispersed at this slice).
  >> Data mobility classification (NOTE 3)Data mobility classification of the UE at this slice: fixed, camper, traveller (see NOTE 4).
   >>> ConfidenceConfidence of this prediction (i.e. mobility classification at this slice)
  >> Data usage ranking (NOTE 3) (NOTE 6)Ranking of UE data usage at this slice. See NOTE 2.
  >> Data usage percentile ranking (NOTE 3) (NOTE 6)Percentile ranking of the UE or UE group in the Cumulative Distribution Function of data usage for the population of all UEs served by the slice.
   >>> ConfidenceConfidence of this prediction (i.e. percentile ranking at this slice).
  >> RatioPercentage of UEs in the group (in the case of UE group).
When Target of Analytics Reporting is an individual UE, a single UE ID (i.e. SUPI) will be included. When Target of Analytics Reporting is a UE group ID, an internal group ID will be included. When Target of Analytics Reporting is a UE group ID or "Any UE" and a filter for Top-Heavy UEs, fixed, camper or traveller is included, the NWDAF will include the list of UEs matching the filter. This information element is not present when Target of Analytic Reporting is "Any UE" and no filter for Top-Heavy UEs, fixed, camper or traveller is included. The NWDAF will provide the dispersion analytics result of one or a list of time slots to the service consumer(s) for the UE, group of UEs or list of UEs.
UE is ranked high (i.e. 1), medium (2) and low (3) when its data dispersed, during the period of observation at the location, is higher than N1% or at the range of N1% to N2% or less than N2%, respectively. The percentage values of N1 and N2 are subject to operator's configuration.
This information element is an analytics subset that can be used in "list of analytics subsets that are requested" and "preferred level of accuracy per analytics subset".
This parameter is only provided for Target of Analytics Reporting set to single UE.
When Application ID is not included in the input, cardinality is zero and data volume dispersion prediction is provided per slice and applies across all the applications in the slice.
This parameter is not provided for Target of Analytics Reporting set to "Any UE".
When the Target of Analytics Reporting is set as "any UE", no filter for Top-Heavy UEs, fixed, camper or traveller is included and the Analytics Filter Information is set to one or several S-NSSAIs and DDVA, the data volume dispersion analytics results provided by the NWDAF can be for all UEs data volume dispersion statistics at a given slice as defined in Table and/or data volume dispersion predictions as defined in Table
Information Description
Time slot entry (1..max)List of time slots during the Analytics target period.
 > Time slot startTime slot start within the Analytics target period.
 > DurationDuration of the time slot. If a Temporal granularity size was provided in the request or subscription, the Duration is greater than or equal to the Temporal granularity size.
 > Slice (1..max)Observed slice statistics.
  >> S-NSSAISlice where all UEs dispersed data.
  >> Data volume dispersedData volume dispersed at this slice. (see NOTE 1).
Utilized bandwidth (i.e. average throughput) at the slice can be calculated by using the Data volume dispersed in the Duration.
Information Description
Time slot entry (1..max)List of time slots during the Analytics target period.
 > Time slot startTime slot start within the Analytics target period.
 > DurationDuration of the time slot. If a Temporal granularity size was provided in the request or subscription, the Duration is greater than or equal to the Temporal granularity size.
 > Slice (1..max)Predicted slice during the Analytics target period.
  >> S-NSSAISlice where the UE is predicted to disperse its data.
  >> Data volume dispersionData volume dispersion prediction at this slice. (see NOTE 1).
   >>>> ConfidenceConfidence of this prediction (i.e. data to be dispersed at this slice).
Utilized bandwidth (i.e. average throughput) predication at the slice can be calculated by using the Data volume dispersion in the Duration.
Up  Transactions Dispersion Analyticsp. 253

The transactions (MM and MS messages) dispersion analytics results provided by the NWDAF can be for a UE or group of UEs or "any UE" transactions dispersion statistics as defined in Table and/or UE transactions dispersion predications as defined in Table If the analytics covers multiple UEs, the Transactions dispersed, Transactions ranking and Transactions percentile ranking parameters are calculated as the aggregated (i.e. summed up) number of transactions. When the Target of Analytics Reporting is set as "any UE" the transaction dispersion analytics results provided by the NWDAF can be for all UEs transaction dispersion statistics at a location and/or the slice and/or transaction dispersion predictions at a location and/or the slice.
Information Description
UE group ID or UE ID or list of UE IDs (1..SUPImax)Identifies the UE(s) for which the statistics applies by a list of SUPIs, or a group of UEs by a list of Internal-Group-Ids (see NOTE 1).
Time slot entry (1..max)List of time slots during the Analytics target period.
 > Time slot startTime slot start within the Analytics target period.
 > DurationDuration of the time slot. If a Temporal granularity size was provided in the request or subscription, the Duration is greater than or equal to the Temporal granularity size.
 > UE location (1..max)Observed location statistics.
  >> UE locationTA or cells where the UE or group of UEs or list of UEs dispersed its transactions (see NOTE 3).
  >> Transactions dispersed (NOTE 4)Transactions amount dispersed at this location.
  >> Transactions mobility classification (NOTE 4)Transactions mobility classification of the UE for this location: fixed, camper, traveller (see NOTE 5).
  >> Transactions ranking (NOTE 4) (NOTE 6)Ranking of transactions amount at this location. See NOTE 2.
  >> Transactions percentile ranking (NOTE 4) (NOTE 6)Percentile ranking of the UE or UE group in the Cumulative Distribution Function of transactions for the population of all UEs served at the location.
  >> RatioPercentage of UEs in the group (in the case of UE group).
When Target of Analytics Reporting is an individual UE, a single UE ID (i.e. SUPI) will be included. When Target of Analytics Reporting is a UE group ID, an internal group ID will be included. When Target of Analytics Reporting is a UE group ID or "Any UE" and a filter for Top-Heavy UEs, fixed, camper or traveller is included, the NWDAF will include the list of UEs matching the filter. This information element is not present when Target of Analytic Reporting is "Any UE" and no filter for Top-Heavy UEs, fixed, camper or traveller is included. The NWDAF will provide the dispersion analytics result of one or a list of time slots to the service consumer(s) for the UE, group of UEs or list of UEs.
UE is ranked high (i.e. 1), medium (2) and low (3) when its transactions are dispersed, during the period of observation at the location, is higher than N1% or at the range of N1% to N2% or less than N2%, respectively. The percentage values of N1 and N2 are subject to operator's configuration.
When possible and applicable to the access type, UE location is provided according to the preferred granularity of location information and Spatial granularity size.
This information element is an analytics subset that can be used in "list of analytics subsets that are requested" and "preferred level of accuracy per analytics subset".
This parameter is only provided for Target of Analytics Reporting set to single UE.
This parameter is not provided for Target of Analytics Reporting set to "Any UE".
Information Description
UE group ID or UE ID or list of UE IDs (1..SUPImax)Identifies the UE(s), for which the prediction applies by a list of SUPIs, or a group of UEs by a list of Internal-Group-Ids (see NOTE 1).
Time slot entry (1..max)List of predicted time slots.
 > Time slot startTime slot start within the Analytics target period.
 > DurationDuration of the time slot. If a Temporal granularity size was provided in the request or subscription, the Duration is greater than or equal to the Temporal granularity size.
 > UE location (1..max)Predicted location during the analytic target period.
  >> UE locationTA or cells where the UE or group of UEs or list of UEs is predicted to disperse its transactions (see NOTE 3).
  >> Transactions dispersion (NOTE 4)Transaction amount predicted to be dispersed at this location.
   >>> ConfidenceConfidence of this prediction (i.e. data to be dispersed at this location).
  >> Transactions mobility classification (NOTE 4)Transaction mobility classification of the UE for this location: fixed, camper, traveller (see NOTE 5).
   >>> ConfidenceConfidence of this prediction (i.e. mobility classification at this location).
  >> Transactions ranking (NOTE 4) (NOTE 6)Ranking of transactions amount at this location. See NOTE 2.
  >> Transactions percentile ranking (NOTE 4) (NOTE 6)Percentile ranking of the UE or UE group in the Cumulative Distribution Function of transactions for the population of all UEs served at the location.
   >>> ConfidenceConfidence of this prediction (i.e. percentile ranking at this location).
  >> RatioPercentage of UEs in the group (in the case of UE group).
When Target of Analytics Reporting is an individual UE, a single UE ID (i.e. SUPI) will be included. When Target of Analytics Reporting is a UE group ID, an internal group ID will be included. When Target of Analytics Reporting is a UE group ID or "Any UE" and a filter for Top-Heavy UEs, fixed, camper or traveller is included, the NWDAF will include the list of UEs matching the filter. This information element is not present when Target of Analytic Reporting is "Any UE" and no filter for Top-Heavy UEs, fixed, camper or traveller is included. The NWDAF will provide the dispersion analytics result of one or a list of time slots to the service consumer(s) for the UE, group of UEs or list of UEs.
UE is ranked high (i.e. 1), medium (2) and low (3) when its transactions are dispersed, during the period of observation at the location, is higher than N1% or at the range of N1% to N2% or less than N2%, respectively. The percentage values of N1 and N2 are subject to operator's configuration.
When possible and applicable to the access type, UE location is provided according to the preferred granularity of location information and Spatial granularity size.
This information element is an analytics subset that can be used in "list of analytics subsets that are requested" and "preferred level of accuracy per analytics subset".
This parameter is only provided for Target of Analytics Reporting set to single UE.
This parameter is not provided for Target of Analytics Reporting set to "Any UE".
The transactions dispersion analytics results provided by the NWDAF can be UE or group of UEs or "any UE" transactions dispersion statistics at a given slice as defined in Table and/or transactions dispersion predictions as defined in Table If the analytics covers multiple UEs, the Transactions dispersed, Transactions ranking and Transactions percentile ranking parameters are calculated as the aggregated (i.e. summed up) number of transactions. When the Target of Analytics Reporting is set as "any UE" the transaction dispersion analytics results provided by the NWDAF can be for all UEs transaction dispersion statistics at a given slice and/or transaction dispersion predictions at a given slice.
Information Description
UE group ID or UE ID or a list of UE IDs (1..SUPImax)Identifies the UE(s), for which the statistic applies by a list of SUPIs, or a group of UEs by a list of Internal-Group-Ids (see NOTE 1).
Time slot entry (1..max)List of time slots during the Analytics target period.
 > Time slot startTime slot start within the Analytics target period.
 > DurationDuration of the time slot. If a Temporal granularity size was provided in the request or subscription, the Duration is greater than or equal to the Temporal granularity size.
 > Slice (1..max)Observed slice statistics.
  >> S-NSSAISlice where the UE or group of UEs or list of UEs dispersed its transactions.
  >> Transactions dispersed (NOTE 3)Transactions amount dispersed at this location.
  >> Transactions mobility classification (NOTE 3)Transaction mobility classification of the UE at the slice: fixed, camper, traveller (see NOTE 4).
  >> Transactions ranking (NOTE 3) (NOTE 5)Ranking of transactions amount at this slice. See NOTE 2.
  >> Transactions percentile ranking (NOTE 3) (NOTE 5)Percentile ranking of the UE or UE group in the Cumulative Distribution Function of transactions for the population of all UEs served by the slice.
  >> RatioPercentage of UEs in the group (in the case of UE group).
When Target of Analytics Reporting is an individual UE, a single UE ID (i.e. SUPI) will be included. When Target of Analytics Reporting is a UE group ID, an internal group ID will be included. When Target of Analytics Reporting is a UE group ID or "Any UE" and a filter for Top-Heavy UEs, fixed, camper or traveller is included, the NWDAF will include the list of UEs matching the filter. This information element is not present when Target of Analytic Reporting is "Any UE" and no filter for Top-Heavy UEs, fixed, camper or traveller is included. The NWDAF will provide the dispersion analytics result of one or a list of time slots to the service consumer(s) for the UE, the group of UEs or the list of UEs.
UE is ranked high (i.e. 1), medium (2) and low (3) when its transactions are dispersed, during the period of observation at the location, is higher than N1% or at the range of N1% to N2% or less than N2%, respectively. The percentage values of N1 and N2 are subject to operator's configuration.
This information element is an analytics subset that can be used in "list of analytics subsets that are requested" and "preferred level of accuracy per analytics subset".
This parameter is only provided for Target of Analytics Reporting set to single UE.
This parameter is not provided for Target of Analytics Reporting set to "Any UE".
Information Description
UE group ID or UE ID or list of UE IDs (1..SUPImax)Identifies the UEs, , or a list of UEs for which the prediction applies by a list of SUPIs, or a group of UEs by a list of Internal-Group-Ids (see NOTE 1).
Time slot entry (1..max)List of predicted time slots.
 > Time slot startTime slot start within the Analytics target period.
 > DurationDuration of the time slot. If a Temporal granularity size was provided in the request or subscription, the Duration is greater than or equal to the Temporal granularity size.
 > Slice (1..max)Predicted slice during the Analytics target period.
  >> S-NSSAISlice where the UE or group of UEs or list of UEs is predicted to disperse its transactions.
  >> Transactions dispersion (NOTE 3)Transaction volume to be dispersed at this slice.
   >>> ConfidenceConfidence of this prediction (i.e. transactions to be dispersed at this slice).
  >> Transactions mobility classification (NOTE 3)Transaction mobility classification of the UE at this slice: fixed, camper, traveller (see NOTE 4).
   >>> ConfidenceConfidence of this prediction (i.e. mobility classification at this slice).
  >> Transactions ranking (NOTE 3) (NOTE 5)Ranking of transactions amount at this slice. See NOTE 2.
  >> Transactions percentile ranking (NOTE 3) (NOTE 5)Percentile ranking of the UE or UE group in the Cumulative Distribution Function of transactions for the population of all UEs served by the slice.
   >>> ConfidenceConfidence of this prediction (i.e. percentile ranking at this slice).
  gt;> RatioPercentage of UEs in the group (in the case of UE group).
When Target of Analytics Reporting is an individual UE, a single UE ID (i.e. SUPI) will be included. When Target of Analytics Reporting is a UE group ID an internal group ID will be included. When Target of Analytics Reporting is a UE group ID or "Any UE" and a filter for Top-Heavy UEs, fixed, camper or traveller is included, the NWDAF will include the list of UEs matching the filter. This information element is not present when Target of Analytic Reporting is "Any UE" and no filter for Top-Heavy UEs, fixed, camper or traveller is included. The NWDAF will provide the dispersion analytics result of one or a list of time slots to the service consumer(s) for the UE, group of UEs or list of UEs.
UE is ranked high (i.e. 1), medium (2) and low (3) when its transactions are dispersed, during the period of observation at the location, is higher than N1% or at the range of N1% to N2% or less than N2%, respectively. The percentage values of N1 and N2 are subject to operator's configuration.
This information element is an analytics subset that can be used in "list of analytics subsets that are requested" and "preferred level of accuracy per analytics subset".
This parameter is only provided for Target of Analytics Reporting set to single UE.
This parameter is not provided for Target of Analytics Reporting set to "Any UE".

6.10.4  Dispersion Analytic Procedurep. 257

The NWDAF can provide Dispersion analytics, in the form of statistics or predictions, to an NF or AF.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.288, Fig. 6.10.4-1: UE Dispersion Analytics provided to an NF or AF
Step 1.
The NF sends a request or subscription to the NWDAF for dispersion analytics on a specific UE, any UE, or a group of UEs, using either the Nnwdaf_AnalyticsInfo or Nnwdaf_AnalyticsSubscription service. The NF can request statistics or predictions or both. The Analytics ID is set to "UE Dispersion Analytics", the Dispersion Analytic (DA) type is set to "Data Volume Dispersion Analytics" (DVDA) or "Transactions Dispersion Analytics" (TDA) and Analytic Filter Information = (Area of Interest, slice, target period, optional UE class: Top-Heavy, Fixed, or Camper UEs). The NF or AF provides the Target of Analytics Reporting as defined in clause 6.10.2.
Step 2.
If the request is authorized and in order to provide the requested analytics, the NWDAF may subscribe to events with all the serving AMFs, SMFs of the requested UE(s) for notification of location changes or a slice change (a slice change can be an additional slice or a deletion), or to obtain UE location trends, UE access behaviour trends and UE session behaviour trends. This step may be skipped when, e.g. the NWDAF already has the requested analytics available.
The NWDAF subscribes to application service data from AF(s) by invoking Naf_EventExposure_Subscribe service or Nnef_EventExposure_Subscribe (via NEF).
The NWDAF can collect data volume information from the UPF, as listed in Table 6.10.2-5 and Table 6.10.2-6 and clause How the data from UPF is retrieved (subscribed to on UPF and notified then by UPF) is defined in clause of TS 23.501 and in clause 4.15.4 of TS 23.502.
Step 3.
The NWDAF derives requested analytics.
Step 4.
The NWDAF provides requested or subscribed UE dispersion analytics to the NF, using either the Nnwdaf_AnalyticsInfo_Request Response or Nnwdaf_AnalyticsSubscription_Notify, depending on the service used in step 1. The details for UE dispersion analytics provided by NWDAF are described in clause 6.10.3. The provided analytics enables the consumer to predict changing network conditions such as data volume change at a location or a slice, excessive signalling conditions at a location or a slice, etc.
Step 5-6.
If at step 1, the NF has subscribed to receive notifications for UE dispersion analytics, after receiving event notification from the AMFs (e.g. location change) or SMFs (e.g. slice change add/delete) subscribed by NWDAF in step 2, the NWDAF may generate new dispersion analytics.
Step 7.
The NWDAF provides the newly generated dispersion analytics to the NF. The details for UE dispersion analytics provided by NWDAF are described in clause 6.10.3.

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