
Content for  TS 23.288  Word version:  19.1.0

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6.1.4  Analytics Exposure using DCCF |R17|p. 43  Generalp. 43

This clause specifies procedures for analytics exposure using DCCF services, with two options: analytics can be exposed via DCCF, according to clauses and, or can be exposed via a messaging framework according to clauses and Which option to use is determined by DCCF configuration.
Up  Analytics Exposure via DCCFp. 43

The procedure as depicted in Figure is used by analytics consumer(s) (e.g. NFs/OAM) to subscribe/unsubscribe to NWDAF analytics and be notified of analytics information via the DCCF, using Ndccf_DataManagement_Subscribe service operation. Whether a NWDAF service consumer directly contacts the NWDAF or goes via the DCCF is based on NWDAF service consumer configuration.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.288, Fig. Network data analytics subscription via DCCF
Step 1.
Analytics consumer subscribes to analytics information via DCCF by invoking the Ndccf_DataManagement_Subscribe (Nnwdaf service operation, Analytics Specification, Formatting Instructions, Processing Instructions, NWDAF (or NWDAF-Set) ID, ADRF Information) service operation. The analytics consumer may specify one or more notification endpoints. Analytics consumer decides to go via DCCF based on internal configuration. The "Analytics Specification" provides Nnwdaf service operation specific parameters, e.g. Analytics IDs, Target of Analytics Reporting and optional parameters used to retrieve the analytics. The analytics consumer may provide the identity of the NWDAF to collect analytics from. The analytics consumer may provide additional information on possible notification endpoints or ADRF information so analytics are archived.
Step 2.
If the NWDAF instance or NWDAF Set is not identified by the analytics Consumer, the DCCF determines the NWDAF instances that can provide analytics. If the consumer requested storage of analytics in an ADRF but an ADRF ID is not provided by the Analytics Consumer, or the collected analytics is to be stored in an ADRF according to configuration on the DCCF, the DCCF selects an ADRF to store the collected data.
Step 3.
The DCCF determines whether the analytics requested in step 1 are already being collected. If the requested analytics are already being collected by an Analytics Consumer, the DCCF adds the new analytics consumer to the list of analytics consumers that are subscribed for these analytics.
Step 4.
If the analytics subscribed in step 1 partially matches an analytics that is already being collected by the DCCF from an NWDAF and a modification of this subscription to the NWDAF would satisfy both the existing analytics subscriptions as well as the newly requested analytics, the DCCF invokes a modification of the previous subscription via Nnwdaf_AnalyticsSubscription_Subscribe service operation (as specified in clause and the DCCF adds the analytics consumer to the list of analytics consumers that are subscribed for these analytics.
If the analytics requested at step 1 are not already available or not being collected yet, the DCCF subscribes to analytics from NWDAF using the Nnwdaf_AnalyticsSubscription_Subscribe procedure as specified in clause The DCCF adds the analytics consumer to the list of analytics consumers that are subscribed for these analytics.
Step 5.
When new output analytics are available, the NWDAF notifies the analytics information to the DCCF by invoking Nnwdaf_AnalyticsSubscription_Notify service operation.
Step 6.
The DCCF uses Ndccf_DataManagement_Notify to send the analytics to all notification endpoints indicated in step 1. Analytics sent to notification endpoints may be processed and formatted by the DCCF so they conform to delivery requirements for each analytics consumer or notification endpoint as specified in clause 5A.4. The DCCF may store the analytics in the ADRF if requested by the consumer or if required by DCCF configuration, using procedure as specified in clause 6.2B.3.
Step 7.
If a Ndccf_DataManagement_Notify contains a fetch instruction, the notification endpoint sends a Ndccf_DataManagement_Fetch request to fetch the analytics from the DCCF before an expiry time.
Step 8.
The DCCF delivers the analytics to the notification endpoint.
Step 9.
When the Analytics Consumer no longer wants analytics to be collected it invokes Ndccf_DataManagement_Unsubscribe (Subscription Correlation ID), using the Subscription Correlation ID received in response to its subscription in step 1. The DCCF removes the analytics consumer from the list of analytics consumers that are subscribed for these analytics.
Step 10.
If there are no other Analytics Consumers subscribed to the analytics, the DCCF unsubscribes with the NWDAF.
Up  Historical Analytics Exposure via DCCFp. 45

The procedure as depicted in Figure is used by an analytics consumer (e.g. NFs/OAM) to obtain historical analytics via the DCCF. Historical analytics may be previously computed statistics or predictions stored in an NWDAF or ADRF. Statistics may have been previously computed and stored in the ADRF or NWDAF and can be identified by a "target period" in the past (see clause 6.1.3). Requests for previously computed predictions have a "Time Window", which specifies an allowable span for when the predictions may have been computed. This allows the Analytics Consumer to request previously computed predictions for a target period.
The analytics consumer requests analytics via the DCCF, using Ndccf_DataManagement_Subscribe service operation. Whether the NWDAF service consumer directly contacts the NWDAF/ADRF or goes via the DCCF is based on configuration.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.288, Fig. Historical Analytics Exposure via DCCF
Step 1.
The analytics consumer requests analytics via DCCF by invoking the Ndccf_DataManagement_Subscribe (Nnwdaf service operation, Analytics Specification, Time Window, Formatting Instructions, Processing Instructions, ADRF ID or NWDAF ID (or ADRF Set ID or NWDAF Set ID) service operation as specified in clause 8.2.2. The analytics consumer may specify one or more notification endpoints to receive the analytics.
Parameter "Nnwdaf service operation" is the service operation used to originally acquire the analytics and identifies this as a request for analytics, "Analytics Specification" provides Nnwdaf service operation specific parameters, e.g. Analytics IDs, Target of Analytics Reporting and optional parameters used to retrieve the analytics. "Time Window" specifies a past time period and comprises a start and stop time indicating when predictions were computed and "Formatting and Processing Instructions" are as defined in clause 5A.4. The analytics consumer may optionally include the ADRF or NWDAF instance (or ADRF Set or NWDAF Set) ID where the stored analytics resides.
Step 2.
If an ADRF or NWDAF instance or ADRF or NWDAF Set ID is not provided by the analytics consumer, the DCCF determines if any ADRF or NWDAF instances might provide the analytics as described in clause 5A and clause 5B.
Step 3.
(conditional) If the DCCF determines that an ADRF instance might provide the analytics, or an ADRF instance or Set was supplied by the analytics consumer, the DCCF sends a request to the ADRF, using Nadrf_DataManagement_RetrievalSubscribe (Analytics Specification, Notification Target Address=DCCF) service operation, as specified in clause 10.2. The ADRF responds to the DCCF with an Nadrf_DataManagement_RetrievalSubscribe response indicating if the ADRF can supply the analytics. If the analytics can be provided, the procedure continues with step 5.
Step 4.
(conditional) If the DCCF determines that an NWDAF instance might provide the analytics or an NWDAF instance or Set was supplied by the Analytics Consumer, the DCCF sends a request to the NWDAF using Nnwdaf_AnalyticsSubscription_Subscribe as specified in clause 7.2.2.
Step 5.
The ADRF uses Nadrf_DataManagement_RetrievalNotify or the NWDAF uses Nnwdaf_AnalyticsSubscription_Notify to send the requested analytics (e.g. one or more stored notifications archived from an NWDAF) to the DCCF. The analytics may be sent in one or more notification messages.
Step 6.
The DCCF uses Ndccf_DataManagement_Notify to send analytics to all notification endpoints indicated in step 1. Notifications are sent to the Notification Target Address(es) using the Analytics Consumer Notification Correlation ID(s) received in step 1. Analytics sent to notification endpoints may be processed and formatted by the DCCF, so they conform to delivery requirements specified by the analytics consumer.
Step 7.
If a notification contains a fetch instruction, the notification endpoint sends a Ndccf_DataManagement_Fetch request as specified in clause 8.2.5 to fetch the analytics from the DCCF.
Step 8.
The DCCF delivers the analytics to the notification endpoint.
Step 9.
When the analytics consumer no longer wants analytics to be collected or has received all the analytics it needs, it invokes Ndccf_DataManagement_Unsubscribe (Subscription Correlation ID), using the Subscription Correlation Id received in response to its subscription in step 1.
Step 10.
If the analytics are being provided by an ADRF and there are no other analytics consumers subscribed to the analytics, the DCCF unsubscribes with the ADRF using Nadrf_DataManagement_RetrievalUnsubscribe as specified in clause 10.2.7.
Step 11.
If the analytics are being provided by an NWDAF and there are no other analytics consumers subscribed to the analytics, the DCCF unsubscribes with the NWDAF using Nnwdaf_AnalyticsSubscription_Unsubscribe service operation as specified in clause 7.2.3.

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