
Content for  TS 23.288  Word version:  19.1.0

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1…   4…   5…   5A…   6…   6.1.3   6.1.4……   6.1.5…   6.1A…   6.1B…   6.1B.2.3…   6.1C   6.2…   6.2.3…   6.2.6………   6.2.7…   6.2.8…   6.2.9…   6.2.13…   6.2A…   6.2B…   6.2B.3   6.2B.4…   6.2C…   6.2D…   6.2E…   6.2F…   6.2H…   6.2H.2.2…   6.2H.2.3…   6.2H.2.4…   6.3…   6.4…   6.5…   6.6…   6.7…   6.7.3…   6.7.4…   6.7.5…   6.8…   6.9…   6.10…   6.11…   6.12…   6.13…   6.14…   6.16…   6.17…   6.18…   6.19…   6.20…   6.21…   6.22…   6.23…   7…   7.4…   7.7…   7.9…   8…   9…   10…  Historical Data Collection via Messaging Frameworkp. 100
The procedure depicted in Figure is used by data consumers (e.g. NWDAF) to obtain historical data, i.e. data related to past time period. The data consumer obtains data using Ndccf_DataManagement_Subscribe service operation as specified in clause 8.2.2, where the subscription results in one or more notifications depending on how the data is retrieved from the ADRF or NWDAF and how the data is formatted. Whether the data consumer uses this procedure or directly contacts the ADRF or NWDAF is based on configuration.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.288, Fig. Historical Data Collection via Messaging Framework
Step 1.
The data consumer requests data via DCCF by invoking the Ndccf_DataManagement_Subscribe (Service Operation, Data Specification, Time Window, Formatting Instructions, Processing Instructions, ADRF ID or NWDAF ID (or ADRF Set ID or NWDAF Set ID) service operation as specified in clause 8.2.2. The data consumer may specify one or more notification endpoints to receive the data. If data to be collected is subject to user consent: if the data consumer checked user consent, the data consumer shall provide user consent check information (i.e. an indication that it has checked user consent), otherwise, the data consumer shall provide a purpose for the data collection.
Service_Operation is the service operation used to acquire the data from a data source, Data Specification provides Service_Operation-specific required parameters (e.g. event IDs, UE-ID(s) and optional input parameters used to retrieve the data. Time Window specifies a past time period and comprises a start and stop time and Formatting and Processing Instructions are as defined in clause 5A.4. The data consumer may optionally include the ADRF or NWDAF instance (or ADRF Set or NWDAF Set) ID where the stored data resides.
Step 2.
The DCCF checks if data is to be collected for a user, i.e. SUPI or GPSI, then, depending on local policy and regulations, the DCCF checks the user consent by retrieving the user consent information from UDM using Nudm_SDM_Get including data type "User consent" and taking into account purpose for data collection as provided in step 1. If user consent is not granted, DCCF does not subscribe to event exposure for events related to this user, the data collection for this SUPI or GPSI stops here and DCCF sends a response to the data consumer indicating that user consent for data collection was not granted. If the user consent is granted, the DCCF subscribes to UDM to notifications of changes on subscription data type "User consent" for this user using Nudm_SDM_Subscribe.
If the data consumer is NWDAF and it provides user consent check information (i.e. an indication that it has checked user consent) in Ndccf_DataManagement_Subscribe in step 1, which has been obtained by the NWDAF from UDM before, then the DCCF can do data collection for a user based on the user consent information from the NWDAF and skip retrieving it from UDM.
Step 3.
If an ADRF or NWDAF instance or ADRF Set ID or NWDAF Set ID is not provided by the data consumer, the DCCF determines if any ADRF or NWDAF instances might provide the data as described in clause 5B and 5A.2.
Step 4.
The DCCF sends an Nmfaf_3daDataManagement_Configure (Data Consumer Information, Formatting Conditions, Processing Instructions) to configure the MFAF to map notifications received from the ADRF or NWDAF to outgoing notifications sent to endpoints and to instruct the MFAF how to format and process the outgoing notifications.
"Data Consumer Information" contains for each notification endpoint, the data consumer Notification Target Address (+ Data Consumer Notification Correlation ID) to be used by the MFAF when sending notifications. The MFAF selects an MFAF Notification Target Address (+ MFAF Notification Correlation ID) and sends the MFAF Notification Information, containing MFAF Notification Target Address (+ MFAF Notification Correlation ID), to the DCCF in the Nmfaf_3daDataManagement_Configure Response.
Step 5.
(conditional) If the DCCF determines that an ADRF instance might provide the data, or an ADRF instance or Set was supplied by the data consumer, the DCCF sends a request to the ADRF, using Nadrf_DataManagement_RetrievalSubscribe (Data Specification, MFAF Notification Information) containing the MFAF Notification Target Address (+ MFAF Notification Correlation ID) received in step 4 as specified in clause 10.2.
Step 6.
The ADRF responds to the DCCF with an Nadrf_DataManagement_RetrievalSubscribe response indicating if the ADRF can supply the data. If the data can be provided, the procedure continues with step 9.
Step 7.
(conditional) If the DCCF determines that an NWDAF instance might provide the data, or an NWDAF instance or NWDAF Set was supplied by the data consumer, the DCCF sends a request to the NWDAF, using Nnwdaf_DataManagement_Subscribe (Data Specification, MFAF Notification Information) as specified in clause 7.4.2. MFAF Notification Information contains the MFAF Notification Target Address (+ MFAF Notification Correlation ID) received in step 4.
Step 8.
The NWDAF responds to the DCCF with an Nnwdaf_DataManagement_Subscribe response indicating if the NWDAF can supply the data.
Step 9.
The ADRF uses Nadrf_DataManagement_RetrievalNotify or the NWDAF uses Nnwdaf_DataManagement_Notify to send the requested data (e.g. one or more stored notifications archived from a data source) to the MFAF. The data may be sent in one or more notification messages.
Step 10.
The MFAF uses Nmfaf_3caDataManagement_Notify to send data to all notification endpoints indicated in step 4. Notifications are sent to the Notification Target Address(es) using the Data Consumer Notification Correlation ID(s) received in step 4. Data sent to notification endpoints may be processed and formatted by the MFAF, so they conform to delivery requirements specified by the data consumer.
Step 11.
If a notification contains a fetch instruction, the notification endpoint sends a Nmfaf_3caDataManagement_Fetch request as specified in clause 9.3.3 to fetch the data from the MFAF.
Step 12.
The MFAF delivers the data to the notification endpoint.
Step 13.
The UDM may notify the DCCF on changes of user consent at any time after step 2. If user consent is no longer granted for a user for which data has been collected and if there are no other consumers for the data, the DCCF shall unsubscribe to any data collection for that SUPI or GPSI. The DCCF shall further update or terminate affected subscriptions of the Data Consumer. The DCCF may unsubscribe to be notified of user consent updates from UDM for each SUPI for which user consent has been revoked.
Step 14.
When the data consumer no longer wants data to be collected or has received all the data it needs, it invokes Ndccf_DataManagement_Unsubscribe (Subscription Correlation ID), using the Subscription Correlation Id received in response to its subscription in step 1.
Step 15.
If the data are being provided by an ADRF and there are no other data consumers subscribed to the data, the DCCF unsubscribes with the ADRF using Nadrf_DataManagement_RetrievalUnsubscribe as specified in clause 10.2.7.
Step 16.
If the data are being provided by an NWDAF and there are no other data consumers subscribed to the data, the DCCF unsubscribes with the NWDAF using Nnwdaf_DataManagement_Unsubscribe as specified in clause 7.4.3.
Step 17.
The DCCF de-configures the MFAF so it no longer maps notifications received from the ADRF or NWDAF to the notification endpoints configured in step 4.

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