
Content for  TS 23.288  Word version:  19.1.0

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7  Nnwdaf Services Descriptionp. 319

7.1  Generalp. 319

Table 7.1-1 illustrates the NWDAF Services.
Service Name Service Operations Operation Semantics Example Consumer(s)
Nnwdaf_AnalyticsSubscriptionSubscribeSubscribe / NotifyPCF, NSSF, AMF, SMF, NEF, AF, OAM, CEF, NWDAF, DCCF, LMF, NRF, SCP, ADRF
TransferRequest / ResponseNWDAF
Nnwdaf_AnalyticsInfoRequestRequest / ResponsePCF, NSSF, AMF, SMF, NEF, AF, OAM, CEF, NWDAF, DCCF, LMF, NRF, SCP, ADRF
ContextTransferRequest / ResponseNWDAF
Nnwdaf_DataManagementSubscribeSubscribe / NotifyNWDAF, DCCF
FetchRequest / ResponseNWDAF, DCCF, MFAFF, ADRF
Nnwdaf_MLModelProvisionSubscribeSubscribe / NotifyNWDAF, LMF
UnsubscribeNWDAF, LMF
Nnwdaf_MLModelInfoRequestRequest / ResponseNWDAF, LMF
Nnwdaf_MLModelMonitorSubscribeSubscribe / NotifyNWDAF
RegisterRequest / ResponseNWDAF
Nnwdaf_MLModelTrainingSubscribeSubscribe / NotifyNWDAF
Nnwdaf_MLModelTrainingInfoRequestRequest / ResponseNWDAF
Nnwdaf_RoamingAnalyticsSubscribeSubscribe / NotifyH-RE-NWDAF, V-RE-NWDAF
RequestRequest / ResponseH-RE-NWDAF, V-RE-NWDAF
Nnwdaf_RoamingDataSubscribeSubscribe / NotifyH-RE-NWDAF, V-RE-NWDAF
How OAM consumes Nnwdaf services and which Analytics information is relevant is defined in TS 28.550 Annex H and out of the scope of this TS.
How CEF consumes Nnwdaf services and which Analytics information is relevant is defined in TS 28.201 and out of the scope of this TS.
The Nnwdaf_MLModelProvision service and the Nnwdaf_MLModelInfo service are provided by an NWDAF containing MTLF and consumed by an NWDAF containing AnLF or provided by an NWDAF containing MTLF supporting FL as a server and consumed by an NWDAF containing MTLF.
Table 7.1-2 shows the analytics information provided by NWDAF service.
Analytics Information Request Description Response Description
Slice Load level informationAnalytics ID: load level informationLoad level provided as number of UE registrations and number of PDU sessions for a Network Slice and Network Slice instances as well as resource utilization for Network Slice instances.
Observed Service experience informationAnalytics ID: Service ExperienceObserved Service experience statistics or predictions may be provided for a Network Slice or an Application. They may be derived from an individual UE, a group of UEs or any UE. For slice service experience, they may be derived from an Application, a set of Applications or all Applications on the Network Slice.
NF Load informationAnalytics ID: NF load informationLoad statistics or predictions information for specific NF(s).
Network Performance informationAnalytics ID: Network PerformanceStatistics or predictions on the load in an Area of Interest; in addition, statistics or predictions on the number of UEs that are located in that Area of Interest.
UE mobility informationAnalytics ID: UE MobilityStatistics or predictions on UE mobility. When visited AOI(s) is included in the Analytics Filter information, only statistics on UE mobility can be provided.
UE Communication informationAnalytics ID: UE CommunicationStatistics or predictions on UE communication.
Expected UE behavioural parametersAnalytics ID: UE Mobility and/or UE CommunicationAnalytics on UE Mobility and/or UE Communication.
UE Abnormal behaviour informationAnalytics ID: Abnormal behaviourList of observed or expected exceptions, with Exception ID, Exception Level and other information, depending on the observed or expected exceptions.
End-to-end data volume transfer timeAnalytics ID: E2E data volume transfer timeAnalytics on E2E data volume transfer time.
User Data Congestion informationAnalytics ID: User Data CongestionStatistics or predictions on the user data congestion for transfer over the user plane, for transfer over the control plane, or for both.
QoS SustainabilityAnalytics ID: QoS SustainabilityFor statistics, the information on the location and the time for the QoS change and the threshold(s) that were crossed; or, for predictions, the information on the location and the time when a potential QoS change may occur and what threshold(s) may be crossed.
Session Management Congestion Control ExperienceAnalytics ID: Session Management Congestion Control ExperienceStatistics on session management congestion control experience for specific DNN and/or S-NSSAI.
Redundant Transmission ExperienceAnalytics ID: Redundant Transmission ExperienceStatistics or predictions aimed at supporting redundant transmission decisions for URLLC services.
WLAN performanceAnalytics ID: WLAN performanceStatistics or predictions on WLAN performance of UE.
DispersionAnalytics ID: UE DispersionStatistics or predictions that identify the location (i.e. areas of interest) or network slice(s) where a UE, or a group of UEs disperse their data volume, or disperse mobility or session management transactions or both.
DN PerformanceAnalytics ID: DN PerformanceStatistics or predictions on user plane performance for a specific Edge Computing application.
PFD DeterminationAnalytics ID: PFD DeterminationStatistics on PFD information for a known application identifier(s).
Movement BehaviourAnalytics ID: Movement BehaviourStatistics or predictions on movement behaviour for an applicable area.
Location AccuracyAnalytics ID: Location AccuracyPredictions on Location Accuracy.
Relative ProximityAnalytics ID: Relative ProximityStatistics or predictions on Relative Proximity among UEs.
PDU Session trafficAnalytics ID: PDU Session trafficStatistics on whether traffic of UEs via one or multiple PDU sessions is according to the information provided by the service consumer.
Signalling StormAnalytics ID: Signalling stormStatistics or predictions on controlling signalling storm for network abnormal behaviour mitigation or prevention.
QoS and Policy AssistanceAnalytics ID: QoS and Policy AssistanceAnalytics on predicted QoE for QoS parameter set(s) and candidate QoS parameter sets associated to the corresponding predicted QoE.

7.2  Nnwdaf_AnalyticsSubscription Servicep. 323

7.2.1  Generalp. 323

Service Description:
This service enables the consumer to subscribe/unsubscribe for network data analytics and optionally its corresponding Analytics Accuracy Information.
When the subscription for network data analytics and optionally Analytics Accuracy Information is accepted by the NWDAF containing AnLF, the consumer receives from the NWDAF an identifier (Subscription Correlation ID) allowing to further manage (modify, delete) this subscription. The modification of Analytics and optionally Analytics Accuracy Information subscription can be enforced by NWDAF based on operator policy and configuration.
This service also enables the consumer to transfer analytics subscriptions to another NWDAF using the Nnwdaf_AnalyticsSubscription_Transfer service operation. Using this service operation, a consumer can request to the NWDAF to prepare for or take over analytics subscription(s), indicating also if and where analytics context is available.

7.2.2  Nnwdaf_AnalyticsSubscription_Subscribe service operationp. 323

Service operation name:
Subscribes to NWDAF analytics and optionally Analytics Accuracy Information with specific parameters.
Inputs, Required:
  • (Set of) Analytics ID(s) as defined in Table 7.1-2;
  • Target of Analytics Reporting;
  • Notification Target Address (+ Notification Correlation ID);
  • Analytics Reporting Parameters (including Analytics target period, etc.).
Inputs, Optional:
  • Analytics Filter Information;
  • Time window for historical analytics;
  • Subscription Correlation ID (in the case of modification of the analytics subscription);
  • Preferred level of accuracy of the analytics;
  • Preferred level of accuracy per analytics subset;
  • Reporting Thresholds;
  • Maximum number of objects requested (max);
  • Preferred order of results;
  • Maximum number of SUPIs requested (SUPImax);
  • Time when analytics information is needed;
  • Analytics Metadata Request;
  • (Set of) NWDAF identifiers used by the NWDAF service consumer when aggregating multiple analytic subscriptions;
  • Dataset Statistical Properties;
  • Output strategy;
  • Data time window;
  • Consumer NF's serving area or NF ID;
  • Information of previous analytics subscription, i.e. NWDAF identifier (i.e. Instance ID or Set ID), Analytics ID(s) (including SUPIs and Analytics Filter Information for UE-related Analytics) and Subscription Correlation ID;
  • Use case context.
  • Analytics Accuracy Request information.
  • Analytics Feedback Information.
  • QoS parameter set(s) and corresponding value(s), optionally a requested QoE.
Outputs Required:
When the subscription is accepted: Subscription Correlation ID (required for management of this subscription). When the subscription is not accepted, an error response.
Outputs, Optional:
First corresponding Analytics report is included, if available and if analytics consumer requested immediate reporting (see clause 4.15.1 of TS 23.502)..

7.2.3  Nnwdaf_AnalyticsSubscription_Unsubscribe service operationp. 324

Service operation name:
Unsubscribe to NWDAF analytics.
Inputs, Required:
Subscription Correlation ID.
Inputs, Optional:
Outputs, Required:
Operation execution result indication.
Outputs, Optional:

7.2.4  Nnwdaf_AnalyticsSubscription_Notify service operationp. 325

Service operation name:
NWDAF notifies the consumer instance of the analytics and optionally Analytics Accuracy Information that has subscribed to the specific NWDAF service. See also clause 6.1.3 for contents of the Analytics Exposure.
Inputs, Required:
Notification Correlation Information: this parameter indicates the Notification Correlation ID that has been assigned by the consumer during analytics subscription.
Inputs, Optional:
  • Set of the tuple (Analytics ID, Analytics specific parameters): this parameter shall be present if output analytics are reported.
  • Timestamp of analytics generation (required when ADRF is deployed).
  • Validity period.
  • Confidence
  • Revised waiting time.
  • Analytics Metadata Information.
  • Analytics Accuracy Information.
  • Stop Analytics Output Consumption indication.
  • Stop Analytics Output Consumption time window.
  • Resume Analytics Output Consumption indication.
  • Termination Request: this parameter indicates that NWDAF requests to terminate the analytics subscription, i.e. NWDAF will not provide further notifications related to this subscription, with cause value (e.g. user consent revoked, NWDAF overload, UE moved out of NWDAF serving area, etc.).
  • Accuracy Information Termination.
  • Subscription Change Notification Correlation ID: this parameter shall be present if the notification is for informing the assignment of a new Subscription Correlation Id by the NWDAF. It is set to the old Subscription Correlation ID.
  • Subscription Correlation ID: this parameter shall be present if the notification is for informing the assignment of a new Subscription Correlation Id by the NWDAF. It is set to a new Subscription Correlation ID assigned by the NWDAF.
Outputs, Required:
Operation execution result indication.
Outputs, Optional:

7.2.5  Nnwdaf_AnalyticsSubscription_Transfer service operation |R17|p. 325

Service operation name:
Requests to NWDAF for transferring analytics subscription(s) from the consumer NWDAF.
Inputs, Required:
  • Transfer type: indicates the type of the transfer request. The following values are supported:
    • Analytics subscription transfer preparation: requests the NWDAF to prepare for taking over the analytics subscription(s) and/or prepare for collecting Analytics Context(s).
    • Analytics subscription transfer: requests the NWDAF to take over the analytics subscription(s).
    • Analytics subscription transfer cancel: cancels a prepared analytics subscription request.
Inputs, Optional:
  • If this service operation is for "analytics subscription transfer preparation", the following parameter shall be provided:
    • (Set of) analytics subscription information with the following parameters:
      • All input parameters for the analytics exposure as specified in clause 6.1.3.
      • [OPTIONAL] Active data source ID(s): Instance ID or Set ID of the active data source(s) the consumer NWDAF is currently using for the analytics of this analytics subscription.
      • [OPTIONAL] ML Model related information, i.e. information related to the ML Model(s) that the NWDAF is currently using for the analytics:
        • ID(s) of NWDAF(s) containing MTLF: Instance ID(s) of the NWDAF(s) containing MTLF from which the consumer NWDAF currently subscribes to the ML Model information used for the analytics.
        • [OPTIONAL] File address of the ML Model(s).
      • ID of the analytics consumer, e.g. NF, AF or OAM, that is subscribed to receive analytics.
      • [OPTIONAL] (Set of) analytics context identifier(s): identifies analytics context available at the consumer NWDAF as defined in clause 6.1B.4.
  • If this service operation is to request analytics subscriptions transfer and if analytics subscription transfer preparation is not performed, the same parameters as those for transfer type "Analytics subscription transfer preparation" shall be provided.
  • If this service operation is to request analytics subscriptions transfer and if analytics subscription transfer preparation is performed, the same parameters as those for transfer type "Analytics subscription transfer preparation" can be provided with updated parameter values.
  • If this service operation is to request analytics subscriptions transfer cancel, the following parameter shall be provided:
    • Subscription Correlation ID.
Outputs Required:
Operation execution result indication.
Outputs, Optional:

7.3  Nnwdaf_AnalyticsInfo servicep. 326

7.3.1  Generalp. 326

Service description:
this service enables the consumer to request and get from NWDAF network data analytics, Analytics Accuracy Information or enables NWDAF to request transfer of analytics context from another NWDAF.

7.3.2  Nnwdaf_AnalyticsInfo_Request service operationp. 326

Service operation name:
The consumer requests NWDAF operator specific analytics and optionally Analytics Accuracy Information.
Inputs, Required:
(Set of) Analytics ID(s) as defined in Table 7.1-2, Target of Analytics Reporting, Analytics Reporting Parameters (including Analytics target period, etc.
Inputs, Optional:
Analytics Filter Information, preferred level of accuracy of the analytics, preferred level of accuracy per analytics subset, time when analytics information is needed, maximum number of objects requested (max), preferred order of results, maximum number of SUPIs requested (SUPImax), Analytics Metadata Request, Dataset Statistical Properties, Output strategy, Data time window, Use case context, Time window for historical analytics and Analytics Accuracy Request information, QoS parameter set(s) and corresponding value(s), optionally a requested QoE.
Outputs, Required:
If the request is accepted, then set of the tuple (Analytics ID, Analytics specific parameters). When the request is not accepted, an error response.
Outputs, Optional:
Timestamp of analytics generation (required when ADRF is deployed), validity period, confidence, revised waiting time, Analytics Metadata Information, Analytics Accuracy Information. See clause 6.1.3.

7.3.3  Nnwdaf_AnalyticsInfo_ContextTransfer service operation |R17|p. 327

Service operation name:
Requests to NWDAF to transfer context information related to analytics subscriptions.
Inputs, Required:
(Set of) Analytics context identifier(s).
Inputs, Optional:
Requested Analytics Context per analytics context identifier.
Outputs Required:
(Set of) Analytics Context as specified in clause 6.1B.4.
Outputs, Optional:
ADRF ID with Analytics Context Type stored in the ADRF (i.e. Historical output Analytics and/or Data related to Analytics).

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