
Content for  TS 26.114  Word version:  18.9.0

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0  Introductionp. 18

Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI), here also referred to as Multimedia Telephony, is a standardized IMS telephony service that builds on the IMS capabilities to establish multimedia communications between terminals within and in-between operator networks. The terminals connect to the IMS using either a fixed access network or a 3GPP access network.
The objective of defining a service is to specify the minimum set of capabilities required in the IP Multimedia Subsystem to secure multi-vendor and multi-operator inter-operability for Multimedia Telephony and related Supplementary Services. The objective also includes defining procedures for inter-working between different clients and networks.
The user experience of multimedia telephony is expected to be equivalent to or better than corresponding circuit-switched telephony services. Multimedia telephony also exploits the richer capabilities of IMS. In particular, multiple media components can be used and dynamically added or dropped during a session.

1  Scopep. 19

The present document specifies a client for the Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) supporting conversational speech (including DTMF), video and text transported over RTP, and flexible data channel handling, with the scope to deliver a user experience equivalent to or better than that of Circuit Switched (CS) conversational services using the same amount of network resources. It defines media handling (e.g. signalling, transport, jitter buffer management, packet-loss handling, adaptation), as well as interactivity (e.g. adding or dropping media during a call). The focus is to ensure a reliable and interoperable service with a predictable media quality, while allowing for flexibility in the service offerings.
The present document describes two client types:
  • An MTSI client in terminal which uses a 3GPP access (NR, LTE, HSPA, or EGPRS) to connect to the IMS. These clients are described in clauses 5 - 17 and Annex A - Annex M.
  • An MTSI client in terminal which uses a fixed access (corded interface, fixed-wireless interface, e.g. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or DECT/NG DECT) to connect to the IMS. These clients are described in clause 18.
MTSI clients using 3GPP access and MTSI clients using fixed access have many common procedures for the media handling. This specification aligns the media handling by using cross references whenever possible. This does not mean that 3GPP terminals must support fixed access, nor does it mean that fixed terminals must support 3GPP access.
The scope includes maintaining backward compatibility in order to ensure seamless inter-working with existing services available in the CS domain, such as CS speech and video telephony, as well as with terminals of earlier 3GPP releases. In addition, inter-working with other IMS and non-IMS IP networks as well as traditional PSTN is covered.
The client may also support the IMS Messaging service and Group 3 facsimile transmission. The scope therefore also includes media handling for non-conversational media using MSRP and UDPTL-based Facsimile over IP (FoIP).
The specification is written in a forward-compatible way in order to allow additions of media components and functionality in releases after Release 7.

2  Referencesp. 19

The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document.
  • References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific.
  • For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.
  • For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document.
TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications".
TS 22.173: "IP Multimedia Core Network Subsystem (IMS) Multimedia Telephony Service and supplementary services; Stage 1".
TS 26.235: "Packet switched conversational multimedia applications; Default codecs".
TS 26.236: "Packet switched conversational multimedia applications; Transport protocols".
TR 26.914: "Multimedia telephony over IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS); Optimization opportunities".
TR 22.973: "IMS Multimedia Telephony service; and supplementary services".
TS 24.229: "IP multimedia call control protocol based on Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session Description Protocol (SDP); Stage 3".
RFC 4566  (2006): "SDP: Session Description Protocol", M. Handley, V. Jacobson and C. Perkins.
RFC 3550  (2003): "RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications", H. Schulzrinne, S. Casner, R. Frederick and V. Jacobson.
RFC 3551  (2003): "RTP Profile for Audio and Video Conferences with Minimal Control", H. Schulzrinne and S. Casner.
TS 26.071: "Mandatory Speech Codec speech processing functions; AMR Speech CODEC; General description".
TS 26.090: "Mandatory Speech Codec speech processing functions; Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) speech codec; Transcoding functions".
TS 26.073: "ANSI-C code for the Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech codec".
TS 26.104: "ANSI-C code for the floating-point Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech codec".
TS 26.093: "Mandatory speech codec speech processing functions; Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) speech codec; Source controlled rate operation".
TS 26.103: "Speech codec list for GSM and UMTS".
TS 26.171: "Speech codec speech processing functions; Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband (AMR-WB) speech codec; General description".
TS 26.190: "Speech codec speech processing functions; Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband (AMR-WB) speech codec; Transcoding functions".
TS 26.173: "ANCI-C code for the Adaptive Multi Rate - Wideband (AMR-WB) speech codec".
TS 26.204: "Speech codec speech processing functions; Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband (AMR-WB) speech codec; ANSI-C code".
TS 26.193: "Speech codec speech processing functions; Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband (AMR-WB) speech codec; Source controlled rate operation".
[22]  Void.
[23]  Void.
Recommendation ITU-T H.264 (04/2017): "Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services" | ISO/IEC 14496-10:2014: "Information technology - Coding of audio-visual objects - Part 10: Advanced Video Coding".
RFC 6184  (2011): "RTP Payload Format for H.264 Video", Y.-K. Wang, R. Even, T. Kristensen, R. Jesup.
ITU-T Recommendation T.140 (02/1998): "Protocol for multimedia application text conversation".
ITU-T Recommendation T.140 (02/2000): "Protocol for multimedia application text conversation - Addendum 1".
RFC 4867  (2007): "RTP Payload Format and File Storage Format for the Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) and Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband (AMR-WB) Audio Codecs", J. Sjoberg, M. Westerlund, A. Lakaniemi and Q. Xie.
[29]  Void
[30]  Void.
RFC 4103  (2005): "RTP Payload for Text Conversation", G. Hellstrom and P. Jones.
[32]  Void.
TR 25.993: "Typical examples of Radio Access Bearers (RABs) and Radio Bearers (RBs) supported by Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (UTRA)".
TS 22.105: "Services and service capabilities".
TS 26.131: "Terminal acoustic characteristics for telephony; Requirements".
TS 26.132: "Speech and video telephony terminal acoustic test specification".
TS 28.062: "Inband Tandem Free Operation (TFO) of speech codecs; Service description; Stage 3".
TS 23.153: "Out of band transcoder control; Stage 2".
RFC 0768  (1980): "User Datagram Protocol", J. Postel.
RFC 4585  (2006): "Extended RTP Profile for Real-time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP) - Based Feedback (RTP/AVPF)", J. Ott, S. Wenger, N. Sato, C. Burmeister and J. Rey.
RFC 3556  (2003): "Session Description Protocol (SDP) Bandwidth Modifiers for RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Bandwidth", S. Casner.
RFC 5104  (2008): "Codec Control Messages in the RTP Audio-Visual Profile with Feedback (AVPF)", S. Wenger, U. Chandra, M. Westerlund and B. Burman.
[44]  Void.
TS 26.111: "Codec for circuit switched multimedia telephony service; Modifications to H.324".
TS 23.172: "Technical realization of Circuit Switched (CS) multimedia service; UDI/RDI fallback and service modification; Stage 2".
TS 23.002: "Network Architecture".
RFC 3388  (2002): "Grouping of Media Lines in the Session Description Protocol (SDP)", G. Camarillo, G. Eriksson, J. Holler and H. Schulzrinne.
RFC 4102  (2005): "Registration of the text/red MIME Sub-Type", P. Jones.
ITU-T H.248 (06/2000): "Packages for text conversation, fax and call discrimination".
ETSI EG 202 320, v1.2.1 (2005-10): "Human Factors (HF); Duplex Universal Speech and Text (DUST) communications".
TS 26.226: "Cellular text telephone modem; General description".
RFC 4504  (2006): "SIP Telephony Device Requirements and Configuration", H. Sinnreich, Ed., S. Lass and C. Stredicke.
ITU-T Recommendation V.151 (05/2006): "Procedures for end-to-end connection of analogue PSTN text telephones over an IP network utilizing text relay".
ITU-T Recommendation V.152 (09/2010): "Procedures for supporting Voice Band Data over IP networks".
RFC 3448  (2003): "TCP Friendly Rate Control (TFRC): Protocol Specification", M. Handley, S. Floyd, J. Padhye and J. Widmer.
TS 24.173: "IMS Multimedia Telephony Communication Service and Supplementary Services".
RFC 3264  (2002): "An Offer/Answer Model with the Session Description Protocol (SDP)", J. Rosenberg and H. Schulzrinne.
TS 26.141: "IP Multimedia System (IMS) Messaging and Presence; Media formats and codecs".
TS 26.234: "Transparent end-to-end Packet-switched Streaming Service; Protocols and codecs".
RFC 4733  (2006): "RTP Payload for DTMF Digits, Telephony Tones, and Telephony Signals", H. Schulzrinne and T.Taylor.
TS 23.014: "Support of Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) signalling".
ETSI ES 201 235-2, v1.2.1: "Specification of Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF); Transmitters and Receivers; Part 2: Transmitters".
TS 23.107: "Quality of Service (QoS) concept and architecture".
TS 29.163: "Interworking between the IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem and Circuit Switched (CS) networks".
[66]  Void.
OMA-ERELD-DM-V1_2-20070209-A: "Enabler Release Definition for OMA Device Management, Approved Version 1.2".
[68]  Void.
RFC 5939  (2010): "Session Description Protocol (SDP) Capability Negotiation", F. Andreasen.
[70]  Void
RFC 1952  (May 1996): "GZIP file format specification version 4.3", P. Deutsch.
RFC 2326  (1998): "Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)".
RFC 9112  (June 2022): "HTTP/1.1".
TS 26.346: "Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS); Protocols and codecs".
[75]  Void
RFC 6236  (2011): "Negotiation of Generic Image Attributes in the Session Description Protocol (SDP)", I. Johansson and K. Jung.
ITU-T G.711 (11/1988): "Pulse code modulation (PCM) of voice frequencies".
ITU-T G.722 (09/2012): "7 kHz audio-coding within 64 kbit/s".
RFC 4821  (2007): "Packetization Layer Path MTU Discovery".
TS 23.003: "Numbering, addressing and identification".
RFC 4796  (2007): "The Session Description Protocol (SDP) Content Attribute", J. Hautakorpi and G. Camarillo.
TS 24.247: "Messaging service using the IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem".
RFC 3168  (2001): "The Addition of Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP", K. Ramakrishnan, S. Floyd and D. Black.
RFC 6679  (2012): "Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) for RTP over UDP", M. Westerlund, et. al.
TS 36.300: "Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) and Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN); Overall description".
[86]  Void
RFC 5506  (2009): "Support for Reduced-Size Real-Time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP): Opportunities and Consequences".
RFC 3611  (2003): "RTP Control Protocol Extended Reports (RTCP XR) ", T. Friedman, R. Caceres and A. Clark.
TS 25.401: "UTRAN overall description".
TS 23.203: "Policy and charging control architecture".
ITU-T Recommendation T.4 (07/2003): "Standardization of Group 3 facsimile terminals for document transmission".
ITU-T Recommendation T.30 (09/2005): "Procedures for document facsimile transmission in the general switched telephone network".
ITU-T Recommendation T.38 (09/2010): "Procedures for real-time Group 3 facsimile communication over IP networks".
RFC 3362  (2002): "Real-time Facsimile (T.38) - image/t38 MIME Sub-type Registration".
RFC 5285  (2008): "A General Mechanism for RTP Header Extensions", D. Singer, H. Desineni.
RFC 5168  (2008): "XML Schema for Media Control", O. Levin, R. Even and P. Hagendorf.
3GPP2 C.S0055-A, version 1.0: "Packet Switched Video Telephony Service (PSVT/MCS)".
ETSI TS 181 005, v3.3.1: "Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN); Service and Capability Requirements".
3GPP2 C.S0014-E, version 1.0: "Enhanced Variable Rate Codec (EVRC)".
ITU-T Recommendation G.729 (06/2012): "Coding of speech at 8 kbit/s using conjugate-structure algebraic-code-excited linear prediction (CS-ACELP)".
ITU-T Recommendation G.729.1 (05/2006): "G.729-based embedded variable bit-rate coder: An 8-32 kbit/s scalable wideband coder bitstream interoperable with G.729".
3GPP2 C.S0076, version 1.0: "Discontinuous Transmission (DTX) of Speech in cdma2000 Systems".
RFC 5188  (2008):"RTP Payload Format for the Enhanced Variable Rate Wideband Codec (EVRC-WB) and the Media Subtype Updates for EVRC-B Codec".
RFC 4749  (2006): "RTP Payload Format for the G.729.1 Audio Codec".
RFC 5459  (2009): "G.729.1 RTP Payload Format Update: Discontinuous Transmission (DTX) Support".
RFC 4788  (2007): "Enhancements to RTP Payload Formats for EVRC Family Codecs".
RFC 4855  (2007): "Media Type Registration of RTP Payload Formats".
ITU-T Recommendation P.10 (07/2006): "Vocabulary and effects of transmission parameters on customer opinion of transmission quality".
ETSI TS 103 737, v1.1.2: "Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality (STQ); Transmission requirements for narrowband wireless terminals (handset and headset) from a QoS perspective as perceived by the user".
ETSI TS 103 738, v1.1.2: "Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality (STQ); Transmission requirements for narrowband wireless terminals (handsfree) from a QoS perspective as perceived by the user".
ETSI TS 103 739, v1.1.2: "Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality (STQ); Transmission requirements for wideband wireless terminals (handset and headset) from a QoS perspective as perceived by the user".
ETSI TS 103 740, v1.1.2: "Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality (STQ); Transmission requirements for wideband wireless terminals (handsfree) from a QoS perspective as perceived by the user".
ETSI TS 202 737, v1.3.2: "Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality (STQ); Transmission requirements for narrowband VoIP terminals (handset and headset) from a QoS perspective as perceived by the user".
ETSI TS 202 738, v1.3.2: "Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality (STQ); Transmission requirements for narrowband VoIP loudspeaking and handsfree terminals from a QoS perspective as perceived by the user".
ETSI TS 202 739, v1.3.2: "Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality (STQ); Transmission requirements for wideband VoIP terminals (handset and headset) from a QoS perspective as perceived by the user ".
ETSI TS 202 740, v1.3.2: "Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality (STQ); Transmission requirements for wideband VoIP loudspeaking and handsfree terminals from a QoS perspective as perceived by the user ".
ETSI EN 300 175-8, v2.5.1: "Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT); Common Interface (CI); Part 8: Speech and audio coding and transmission".
ETSI TS 300 176-2, v2.2.1: "Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT); Test specification; Part 2: Audio and speech".
Recommendation ITU-T H.265: "High efficiency video coding" | ISO/IEC 23008-2:2020: "High Efficiency Coding and Media Delivery in Heterogeneous Environments - Part 2: High Efficiency Video Coding".
RFC 7798  (2016): "RTP Payload Format for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)", Y.-K. Wang, Y. Sanchez, T. Schierl, S. Wenger, M. M. Hannuksela.
TS 26.441: "Codec for Enhanced Voice Services (EVS); General Overview".
TS 26.442: "Codec for Enhanced Voice Services (EVS); ANSI C code (fixed-point)".
TS 26.443: "Codec for Enhanced Voice Services (EVS); ANSI C code (floating-point)".
TS 26.444: "Codec for Enhanced Voice Services (EVS); Test Sequences".
TS 26.445: "Codec for Enhanced Voice Services (EVS); Detailed Algorithmic Description".
TS 26.446: "Codec for Enhanced Voice Services (EVS); AMR-WB Backward Compatible Functions".
TS 26.447: "Codec for Enhanced Voice Services (EVS); Error Concealment of Lost Packets".
TS 26.448: "Codec for Enhanced Voice Services (EVS); Jitter Buffer Management".
TS 26.449: "Codec for Enhanced Voice Services (EVS); Comfort Noise Generation (CNG) Aspects".
TS 26.450: "Codec for Enhanced Voice Services (EVS); Discontinuous Transmission (DTX)".
TS 26.451: "Codec for Enhanced Voice Services (EVS); Voice Activity Detection (VAD)".
TS 45.003: "Radio Access Network; Channel coding".
TS 23.216: "Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC); Stage2".
TS 23.237: "IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Service Continuity; Stage2".
ITU-T Recommendation H.224 (01/05): "A real time control protocol for simplex applications using the H.221 LSD/HSD/MLP channels ".
ITU-T Recommendation H.224 (2005): Corrigendum 1 (08/07).
ITU-T Recommendation H.281 (11/94): Transmission of non-telephone signals "A far end camera control protocol for videoconferences using H.224".
ITU-T Recommendation H.323 (12/2009): "Packet-based multimedia communications systems".
RFC 4573  (2006): "MIME Type Registration for RTP Payload Format for H.224".
RFC 4588  (2006): "RTP Retransmission Payload Format", J. Rey, D. Leon, A. Miyazaki, V. Varsa and R. Hakenberg.
RFC 8627  (2019): "RTP Payload Format for Flexible Forward Error Correction (FEC)".
TR 26.922: "Video Telephony Robustness Improvements Extensions (VTRI_EXT): Performance Evaluation".
RFC 5956  (2010): "Forward Error Correction Grouping Semantics in the Session Description Protocol", A. Cengiz.
TR 26.924: "Multimedia telephony over IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS); Study on improved end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) handling for Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI)".
[145]  Void
[146]  Void.
TS 24.147: "Conferencing Using IP Multimedia Core Network; Stage 3".
RFC 4575  (2006): "A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Package for Conference State".
RFC 4582  (2006): "The Binary Floor Control Protocol (BFCP)".
RFC 4583  (2006): "Session Description Protocol (SDP) Format for Binary Floor Control (BFCP) Streams".
[151]  Void.
TR 26.980: "Multimedia telephony over IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS); Media handling aspects of multi-stream multiparty conferencing for Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI)".
RFC 5234  (2008): "Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF", D. Crocker and P. Overell.
RFC 8853  (2021): "Using Simulcast in Session Description Protocol (SDP) and RTP Sessions"
RFC 8851  (2021): "RTP Payload Format Restrictions"
RFC 7728  (2016): "RTP Stream Pause and Resume".
TS 36.321: "Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol specification".
TS 25.331: "Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol specification".
"Mobile Location Protocol (MLP)": Open Mobile Alliance, OMA-LIF-MLP-V3_1, Approved Version 3.1 - 20 Sep 2011.
TS 36.331: "Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol specification".
TS 27.007: " Technical Specification Group Core Network and Terminals; AT command set for User Equipment (UE)".
[162]  Void
TS 38.331: "NR; Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol Specification".
TS 38.300: "NR; NR and NG-RAN Overall Description; Stage 2".
TS 26.452: "Codec for Enhanced Voice Services (EVS); ANSI C code; Alternative fixed-point using updated basic operators".
TS 38.321: "NR; Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol specification".
TS 23.228: "IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS); Stage 2".
TR 26.952: "Codec for Enhanced Voice Services (EVS); Performance characterization".
TR 26.959: "Study on enhanced Voice over LTE (VoLTE) performance".
TS 36.323: "Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) specification".
TS 37.324: "Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) and NR; Service Data Adaptation Protocol (SDAP) specification".
RFC 8864  (2021): "Negotiation Data Channels Using the Session Description Protocol (SDP)"
RFC 4960  (2007): "Stream Control Transmission Protocol"
RFC 8261  (2017): "Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) Encapsulation of SCTP Packets"
RFC 8831  (2021): "WebRTC Data Channels".
TS 23.501: "System Architecture for the 5G System; Stage 2".
RFC 5688  (2010): "A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Media Feature Tag for MIME Application Subtypes".
TS 28.405: "Management of Quality of Experience (QoE) measurement collection; Control and configuration"
ISO/IEC 23090-2:2019: "Information technology -- Coded representation of immersive media -- Part 2: Omnidirectional media format".
TS 26.118: "3GPP Virtual reality profiles for streaming applications".
ITU-T Recommendation G.1028 (06/2019): "End-to-end quality of service for voice over 4G mobile networks".
TS 24.526: "User Equipment (UE) policies for 5G System (5GS); Stage 3".
ISO/IEC 23090-14: Information technology - Coded representation of immersive media - Part 14: Scene Description for MPEG Media.
RFC 8839  (2021): "Session Description Protocol (SDP) Offer/Answer Procedures for Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE)".
RFC 9071  (2021): "RTP-Mixer Formatting of Multiparty Real-Time Text".
TS 26.250: "Codec for Immersive Voice and Audio Services (IVAS); General Overview".
TS 26.252: "Codec for Immersive Voice and Audio Services (IVAS); Test Sequences".
TS 26.253: "Codec for Immersive Voice and Audio Services (IVAS); Detailed Algorithmic Description including RTP payload format and SDP parameter definitions".
TS 26.254: "Codec for Immersive Voice and Audio Services (IVAS); Rendering".
TS 26.255: "Codec for Immersive Voice and Audio Services (IVAS); Error concealment of lost packets".
TS 26.256: "Codec for Immersive Voice and Audio Services (IVAS); Jitter Buffer Management".
TS 26.258: "Codec for Immersive Voice and Audio Services (IVAS); C code (floating-point)".
TS 26.261: "Terminal audio quality performance requirements for immersive audio services".
RFC 8841  (2021): "Session Description Protocol (SDP) Offer/Answer Procedures for Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) over Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) Transport".

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