The present document specifies the digital test sequences for the Immersive Voice and Audio Services (IVAS) codec. These sequences shall be used in conformance testing for implementations of the IVAS codec (TS 26.253), Rendering (TS 26.254), Error Concealment of Lost Packets (TS 26.255) and Jitter Buffer Management (JBM) (TS 26.256) and its reference C code specification TS 26.258 (floating-point). In addition, the present document specifies procedures for conformance testing.
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document.
References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific.
For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.
For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document.
For the purposes of the present document, the terms given in TR 21.905 and the following apply. A term defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same term, if any, in TR 21.905.
For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in TR 21.905 and the following apply. An abbreviation defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation, if any, in TR 21.905.
This specification provides digital test sequences that shall be used to test conformance for an implementation of the IVAS codec (TS 26.253), Rendering (TS 26.254), Error Concealment of Lost Packets (TS 26.255) and Jitter Buffer Management (JBM) (TS 26.256), and its reference C code specification in TS 26.258 (floating-point). An overview of the IVAS Codec specifications is found in TS 26.250.
A standard compliant implementation of the above specifications shall pass the conformance tests according to clause 7. The necessary test sequences can be found in the corresponding ZIP files according to the attached Readme.txt file.
Clause 5 describes the format of the files, which contain the digital test sequences. Clause 6 describes the test sequences for the IVAS codec, including rendering, error concealment of lost packets, and jitter buffer management. Clause 7 describes the conformance testing procedure for implementations of the IVAS codec.
This clause provides information on the format of the digital test sequences for the IVAS codec (TS 26.253), Rendering (TS 26.254), Error Concealment of Lost Packets (TS 26.255) and Jitter Buffer Management (JBM) (TS 26.256) and its reference C code specification in TS 26.258 (floating-point).
The codec shall be configured according to the instructions in Readme_IVAS_{enc, dec, rend, JBM_dec, ISAR_dec, ISAR_post_rend}.txt for each test case respectively in accordance with clause 6.3. For the bit-exact EVS compatibility mode of IVAS, including the AMR-WB interoperable function, the codec shall be configured in accordance with TS 26.444.
For mono operation (utilizing the bit-exact EVS compatibility mode of IVAS, including the AMR-WB interoperable function) the encoder and decoder shall be tested using test sequences and instructions in accordance with TS 26.444.
To test an IVAS decoder (beyond mono operation, see clause 6.3.1), test sequences and instructions provided in Readme_IVAS_dec.txt shall be used. To test the IVAS decoder for split rendering (ISAR pre-renderer), test sequences and instructions provided in Readme_IVAS_ISAR_dec.txt shall be used.
For an implementation to be declared conformant according to the bit-exact conformance test procedure, the output sequences of the corresponding feature being implemented (IVAS encoder, IVAS decoder, IVAS renderer, JBM, ISAR pre-renderer, ISAR post-renderer) shall match bit-exactly the reference test sequences provided in the corresponding ZIP files in accordance with clause 6, including clause 6.3.1 for mono operation of the IVAS encoder and IVAS decoder. This applies for all implementations of the IVAS codec (TS 26.253), Rendering (TS 26.254), Error Concealment of Lost Packets (TS 26.255) and Jitter Buffer Management (JBM) (TS 26.256), and its reference C code specification in TS 26.258 (floating-point).
If optional features are implemented, the corresponding conformance tests shall pass.
For IVAS mono operation (of and IVAS encoder or IVAS decoder), if an implementation under test is based on floating-point code (TS 26.258) and the output sequences are not bit-exact to the test sequences according to clause 6, the non-bit-exact conformance testing procedure defined in TS 26.444 shall be used to test the conformance.
If optional features are implemented, the corresponding conformance tests shall pass.
For IVAS/ISAR split rendering operation utilizing LC3plus, the LC3plus encoder and decoder implementation shall pass all required conformance tests in accordance with the conformance procedure specified in [10] for the corresponding LC3plus codec version [10].