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9.18  Network Slice Allocation in NSaaS modelp. 110

9.18.1  Generalp. 110

When in NSaaS model, the NSCE server performs the Network Slice allocation operation on behalf of the VAL server. The non-trusted 3rd party application (i.e., VAL server) cannot access to the 5GS management system directly. So, the NSCE server needs to perform the authentication and authorization for the registration of VAL server on behalf of 5G MnS.
The Network Slice creation that is triggered by the VAL server depends upon network operator policy. The network slice capabilities and management options offered to the customer are determined by a business agreement prior to and outside of the scope of 3GPP standards.
The VAL server can identify the Network slice in Network Slice creation request with the Network Slice indicator (e.g., S-NSSAI).
Upon network slice allocation, the NSCE server acts as the network slice provisioning MnS consumer. The NSCE server requests 'AllocacatedNsi' operation to the network slice provisioning MnS producer as specified in TS 28.531. When the 'AllocatedNsi' operation is received, the network slice provisioning MnS Producer in 5GS performs charging mechanism as specified in TS 28.202.
The NSCE server sends the allocated Network Slice information (e.g., S-NSSAI) to the NSCE Client, after the Network Slice allocation to the VAL server is successful.
With the above regards, the NSCE server performs the below for the Network Slice Allocation for the VAL server.
  • Network Slice Allocation operation on behalf of VAL Server as specified in TS 28.531
  • Delivery of the Network Slice Allocation result
  • Delivery of the allocated Network Slice Information to NSCE client
The VAL server as a Network Slice consumer makes use of the APIs provided from NSCE server to allocate the Network Slice for the Network Slice Lifecycle management for its service.

9.18.2  Procedurep. 111  Network Slice Allocation in NSaaS modelp. 111

This subclause depicts the procedure of the Network Slice Allocation in NSaaS model, when the VAL server needs to allocate the Network Slice, interaction with 5GS via the NSCE server.
  1. The VAL server has the network slice information using the procedure defined in clause 9.17.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.435, Fig. Network Slice Allocation in NSaaS model
Step 1.
The VAL server makes a request to order the Network Slice. The VAL server specifies the Network Slice requirements for the VAL service. The Network Slice requirement at the VAL server may be specified with the attributes of GST (which results in NEST) as specified in GSMA NG.116.
Step 2.
The VAL server requests the Network Slice allocation with the Network Slice requirements. The Network Slice allocation request includes the VAL Service ID, VAL UE's ID List, and S-NSSAI. The VAL server may provide the prioritized slice identifier list for allocation. The VAL server also provides an endpoint to receive the notification. Optionally, the VAL server may include slice adjustment requirements in the request. e.g maximum and minimum requirement.
Step 3.
The NSCE server performs the Network Slice Allocation. If the NSCE server act as NSaaS provider, and the existing allocated network slice could satisfied the Network Slice requirements, the NSCE server allocates the existing network slice to the VAL. Otherwise, the NSCE server as network slice provisioning MnS consumer requests of 'AllocacatedNsi' operation as specified in TS 28.531. If the VAL server provides the Slice adjustment requirements in Network Slice allocation request, then the NSCE server uses the Slice adjustment requirements for slice allocation.
When the 'AllocatedNsi' operation is received, the network slice provisioning MnS Producer performs charging mechanism as specified in TS 28.202.
The NSCE server performs AF-driven guidance for URSP determination to 5GS per VAL UE.
Step 4a.
The NSCE server sends the result of Network Slice Allocation to the VAL server if notification endpoint is not provided by the VAL server.
Step 4b.
The NSCE server sends the result of Network Slice Allocation to the VAL server as a notification message if the endpoint is provided by the VAL server.
Step 5.
The NSCE server delivers the Network Slice Allocation Information to the NSCE Clients of VAL UEs based on the VAL UE's ID list from step 2, using the procedure defined in clause step 2 - step 4, in case the Network Slice Allocation is successful, if the NSCE server does not perform AF-driven guidance for URSP determination to 5GS in step 3. The Network Slice Allocation Information contains the VAL service ID, S-NSSAI, and DNN.

9.18.3  Information flowsp. 113  Generalp. 113

The following information flows are specified for Network Slice Allocation:
  • Network Slice Allocation request and response.  Network Slice Allocationp. 113

Table and Table describe information elements for Network Slice Allocation request and response between the VAL server and the NSCE server.
Information element Status Description
VAL server IDMThe identifier of the VAL server.
VAL service IDMIdentifier of the application service.
VAL UE's ID ListOThe list of VAL UE IDs for which the request applies.
Area of interestMThe service area for which the application service profile applies, which can be expressed as a geographical area (e.g. geographical coordinates), or a topological area (e.g. a list of TA).
Network slice related Identifier(s)OThe slice identifier(s) which can be in a prioritized order.
Network Slice requirementsO The properties of network slice related requirement. If Service Profile is known by the VAL server, it can be provided to the NSCE server. The GST defined by GSMA (see clause 2.2 in [5]) and the performance requirements defined in clause 7 of TS 22.261 are all considered as input for it.
Slice adjustment requirementsOIndicates the adjustment for slice requirements.
Notification endpointOIndicates the VAL server endpoint to receive notification.
Information element Status Description
VAL server IDMThe identifier of the VAL server.
VAL service IDMIdentifier of the application service to be supported by the created slice related communication service.
ResultMIndicates the success or failure of the slice related communication service creation.
Network slice info ListO
(see NOTE 1)
The list of the network slice info allocated by NSCE.
> Network slice infoO
(see NOTE 1)
The network slice info which includes the attributes and the corresponding values of network slice.
(see NOTE 1)
The identifier of network slice.
>> attributes of network sliceO
(see NOTE 1)
The list of attributes of the serviceProfile e.g, dLtThptPerSlice or latencies of network slice as defined in serviceProfile TS 28.541.
>> AttributeValuesO
(see NOTE 1)
The corresponding values of the attributes of the service profiles that determined by the NSCE server.
(see NOTE 2)
Indicates the cause of creation failure.
> Failed Network Slice Info ListO
(see NOTE 2)
Indicates the list of network slice info which cannot be allocated by NSCE server.
Shall be present if the result is success and shall not be present otherwise.
Shall be present if the result is failure and shall not be present otherwise.
Information element Status Description
VAL server IDMThe identifier of the VAL server.
VAL service IDMIdentifier of the application service to be supported by the created slice related communication service.
ResultMIndicates the success or failure of the slice related communication service creation.
Network slice info ListO
(see NOTE 1)
The list of the network slice info allocated by NSCE.
> Network slice infoO
(see NOTE 1)
The network slice info which includes the attributes and the corresponding values of network slice.
(see NOTE 1)
The identifier of network slice.
>> attributes of network sliceO
(see NOTE 1)
The list of attributes of the serviceProfile e.g, dLtThptPerSlice or latencies of network slice as defined in serviceProfile TS 28.541.
>> AttributeValuesO
(see NOTE 1)
The corresponding values of the attributes of the service profiles that determined by the NSCE server.
(see NOTE 2)
Indicates the cause of creation failure.
> Failed Network Slice Info ListO
(see NOTE 2)
Indicates the list of network slice info which cannot be allocated by NSCE server.
Shall be present if the result is success and shall not be present otherwise.
Shall be present if the result is failure and shall not be present otherwise.

9.18.4  APIsp. 114  Generalp. 114

Table illustrates the API for Network Slice Allocation.
API Name API Operations Operation Semantics Consumer(s)
SS_NSCE_NSAllocationNSAllocation_Request /ResponseRequest /ResponseVAL server
Up  SS_NSCE_NSAllocation_Request /Response operationp. 115

API operation name:
SS_NSCE_NSAllocation_Request /Response
The consumer requests the network slice allocation.
See clause for details of usage of this operation.

9.19  Authorization and authenticationp. 115

VAL server authorization and authentication are specified in clause of TS 33.434.

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