
Content for  TS 22.261  Word version:  20.1.0

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7  Performance requirementsp. 90

7.1  High data rates and traffic densitiesp. 90

Several scenarios require the support of very high data rates or traffic densities of the 5G system. The scenarios address different service areas: urban and rural areas, office and home, and special deployments (e.g. massive gatherings, broadcast, residential, and high-speed vehicles). The scenarios and their performance requirements can be found in Table 7.1-1.
  • Urban macro: The general wide-area scenario in urban area
  • Rural macro: The general wide-area scenario in rural area
  • Indoor hotspot: The scenario for offices and homes, and residential deployments.
  • Broadband access in a crowd: The scenario for very dense crowds, for example, at stadiums or concerts. In addition to a very high connection density the users want to share what they see and hear, putting a higher requirement on the uplink than the downlink.
  • Dense urban: The scenario for pedestrian users, and users in urban vehicles, for example, in offices, city centres, shopping centres, and residential areas. The users in vehicles can be connected either directly or via an onboard base station to the network.
  • Broadcast-like services: The scenario for stationary users, pedestrian users, and users in vehicles, for example, in offices, city centres, shopping centres, residential areas, rural areas and in high speed trains. The passengers in vehicles can be connected either directly or via an onboard base station to the network.
  • High-speed train: The scenario for users in trains. The users can be connected either directly or via an onboard base station to the network.
  • High-speed vehicle: The scenario for users in road vehicles. The users can be connected either directly or via an onboard base station to the network.
  • Airplanes connectivity: The scenario for users in airplanes. The users can be connected either directly or via an onboard base station to the network.
Scena­rio Expe­rienced data rate (DL) Expe­rienced data rate (UL) Area traffic capa­city (DL) Area traffic capa­city (UL) Overall user density Acti­vity factor UE speed Cove­rage
1Urban macro 50 Mbit/s25 Mbit/s100 Gbit/s/km² (Note 4)50 Gbit/s/km² (Note 4)10,000/km²20 %Pedes­trians and users in vehicles (up to 120 km/h)Full network (Note 1)
2Rural macro 50 Mbit/s25 Mbit/s1 Gbit/s/km² (Note 4)500 Mbit/s/km² (Note 4)100/km²20 %Pedes­trians and users in vehicles (up to 120 km/h)Full network (Note 1)
3Indoor hotspot 1 Gbit/s500 Mbit/s15 Tbit/s/km²2 Tbit/s/km²250,000/km²Note 2Pedes­triansOffice and resi­dential (Note 2) (Note 3)
4Broad­band access in a crowd 25 Mbit/s50 Mbit/s[3.75] Tbit/s/km²[7.5] Tbit/s/km²[500,000]/km²30 %Pedes­triansConfined area
5Dense urban 300 Mbit/s50 Mbit/s750 Gbit/s/km² (Note 4)125 Gbit/s/km² (Note 4)25,000/km²10 %Pedes­trians and users in vehicles (up to 60 km/h)Downtown (Note 1)
6Broadcast-like services Maximum 200 Mbit/s (per TV channel)N/A or modest (e.g. 500 kbit/s per user)N/AN/A[15] TV channels of [20 Mbit/s] on one carrierN/AStatio­nary users, pedes­trians and users in vehicles (up to 500 km/h)Full network (Note 1)
7High-speed train 50 Mbit/s25 Mbit/s15 Gbit/s/train7.5 Gbit/s/train1,000/train30 %Users in trains (up to 500 km/h)Along railways (Note 1)
8High-speed vehicle 50 Mbit/s25 Mbit/s[100] Gbit/s/km²[50] Gbit/s/km²4,000/km²50 %Users in vehicles (up to 250 km/h)Along roads (Note 1)
9Airplanes connectivity 15 Mbit/s7.5 Mbit/s1.2 Gbit/s/plane600 Mbit/s/plane400/plane20 %Users in airplanes (up to 1,000 km/h)(Note 1)
For users in vehicles, the UE can be connected to the network directly, or via an on-board moving base station.
A certain traffic mix is assumed; only some users use services that require the highest data rates [2].
For interactive audio and video services, for example, virtual meetings, the required two-way end-to-end latency (UL and DL) is 2-4 ms while the corresponding experienced data rate needs to be up to 8K 3D video [300 Mbit/s] in uplink and downlink.
These values are derived based on overall user density. Detailed information can be found in [10].
All the values in this Table are targeted values and not strict requirements.

7.2  Low latency and high reliabilityp. 91

7.2.1  Overviewp. 91

Several scenarios require the support of very low latency and very high communications service availability. Note that this implies a very high reliability. The overall service latency depends on the delay on the radio interface, transmission within the 5G system, transmission to a server which can be outside the 5G system, and data processing. Some of these factors depend directly on the 5G system itself, whereas for others the impact can be reduced by suitable interconnections between the 5G system and services or servers outside of the 5G system, for example, to allow local hosting of the services.

7.2.2  Scenarios and KPIsp. 91

Different deployments of URLLC capabilities will depend on the 3GPP system being able to meet specific sets of KPIs with different values and ranges applicable for each attribute. A common, yet flexible, 5G approach to URLLC will enable the 5G system to meet the specific sets of KPIs needed in a given implementation. To provide clear and precise requirements for specific types of services, the corresponding KPI requirements are included in other specifications as follows:
  • Cyber-physical control applications in vertical domains can be found in TS 22.104.
  • V2X can be found in TS 22.186.
  • Rail communications can be found in TS 22.289.
Some scenarios requiring very low latency and very high communication service availability are described below:
  • Motion control: Conventional motion control is characterised by high requirements on the communications system regarding latency, reliability, and availability. Systems supporting motion control are usually deployed in geographically limited areas but can also be deployed in wider areas (e.g. city- or country-wide networks), access to them can be limited to authorized users, and they can be isolated from networks or network resources used by other cellular customers.
  • Discrete automation: Discrete automation is characterised by high requirements on the communications system regarding reliability and availability. Systems supporting discrete automation are usually deployed in geographically limited areas, access to them can be limited to authorized users, and they can be isolated from networks or network resources used by other cellular customers.
  • Process automation: Automation for (reactive) flows, e.g. refineries and water distribution networks. Process automation is characterized by high requirements on the communications system regarding communication service availability. Systems supporting process automation are usually deployed in geographically limited areas, access to them is usually limited to authorized users, and it will usually be served by non-public networks.
  • Automation for electricity distribution and smart grid (mainly medium and high voltage): Electricity distribution and smart grid are is characterized by high requirements on the communications service availability and security, as well as low latency in some cases. In contrast to the above use cases, electricity distribution and smart grid are deeply immersed into the public space. Since electricity distribution is an essential infrastructure, it is well served by network slices to provide service isolation and security, or by non-public networks.
  • Wireless road-side infrastructure backhaul in intelligent transport systems: Automation solutions for the infrastructure supporting street-based traffic. This use case addresses the connection of the road-side infrastructure, e.g. roadside units, with other infrastructure, e.g. a traffic guidance system. As is the case for automation electricity, the nodes are deeply immersed into the public space.
  • Remote control: Remote control is characterised by a UE being operated remotely by a human or a computer. For example, Remote Driving enables a remote driver or a V2X application to operate a remote vehicle with no driver or a remote vehicle located in a dangerous environment.
  • Rail communications: (e.g. railway, rail-bound mass transit) have been using 3GPP based mobile communication (e.g. GSM-R) already for some time, while there is still a driver on-board of the train. The next step of the evolution will be providing fully automated train operation that requires highly reliable communication with moderate latencies but at very high speeds of up to 500 km/h.
For specific requirements, refer to the specifications noted above [21], [9], [23].

7.2.3  Other requirementsp. 92  Wireless road-side infrastructure backhaul |R16|p. 92

Intelligent Transport Systems embrace a wide variety of communications-related applications that are intended to increase travel safety, minimize environmental impact, improve traffic management, and maximize the benefits of transportation to both commercial users and the general public.
Road-side infrastructure such as traffic light controllers, roadside units, traffic monitoring in urban areas and along highways and streets is wirelessly connected to traffic control centres for management and control purposes. The backhaul communication between the road-side infrastructure and the traffic control centre requires low-latency, high communication service availability, and high-capacity connections for reliable distribution of data. Road-side infrastructure is deployed alongside streets in urban areas and alongside major roads and highways every 1-2 km.
For more information about infrastructure backhaul, see clause D.5.
To support wireless road-side infrastructure backhaul the 5G system shall support the performance requirements in Table
Scenario Max. allowed end-to-end latency (Note 1) Survival time Communi­cation service availa­bility (Note 2) Relia­bility (Note 2) User expe­rienced data rate Payload size (Note 3) Traffic density (Note 4) Connec­tion densi­ty (Note 5) Service area dimen­sion (Note 6)
wireless road-side infrastructure backhaul30 ms100 ms99.999.9 %99.999 %10 Mbit/sSmall to big10 Gbit/s/km²1,000/km²2 km along a road
This is the maximum end-to-end latency allowed for the 5G system to deliver the service in the case the end-to-end latency is completely allocated to the 5G system from the UE to the Interface to Data Network.
Communication service availability relates to the service interfaces, and reliability relates to a given system entity. One or more retransmissions of network layer packets can take place in order to satisfy the reliability requirement.
Small: payload typically ≤ 256 bytes
Based on the assumption that all connected applications within the service volume require the user experienced data rate.
Under the assumption of 100% 5G penetration.
Estimates of maximum dimensions; the last figure is the vertical dimension.
All the values in this Table are example values and not strict requirements. Deployment configurations should be taken into account when considering service offerings that meet the targets.

7.3  High-accuracy positioningp. 95

7.3.1  Descriptionp. 95

Adaptability and flexibility are among the key features of the 5G system to serve a wide diversity of verticals and services, in different environments (e.g. rural, urban, indoor). This applies to high-accuracy positioning and translates into the ability to satisfy different levels of services and requirements, for instance on performance (e.g. accuracy, positioning service availability, positioning service latency) and on functionality (e.g. security).

7.3.2  Requirementsp. 95  General |R16|p. 95

The 5G System shall provide different 5G positioning services with configurable performances working points (e.g. accuracy, positioning service availability, positioning service latency, energy consumption, update rate, TTFF) according to the needs of users, operators and third parties.
The 5G system shall support the combination of 3GPP and non-3GPP positioning technologies to achieve performances of the 5G positioning services better than those achieved using only 3GPP positioning technologies.
The corresponding positioning information shall be acquired in a timely fashion, be reliable, and be available (e.g. it is possible to determine the position).
UEs shall be able to share positioning information between each other e.g. to a controller if the location information cannot be processed or used locally.
Up  Requirements for horizontal and vertical positioning service levels |R16|p. 95

The 5G system shall be able to provide positioning services with the performances requirements reported in Table
Posi­tioning service level Abso­lute(A) or Rela­tive(R) posi­tioning Accuracy (95 % confi­dence level) Posi­tioning service availa­bility Posi­tioning service la­tency Coverage, envi­ronment of use and UE velo­city
Horizontal Accu­racy Vertical Accu­racy (Note 1) 5G posi­tioning service area 5G enhanced posi­tioning service area (Note 2)
Outdoor and tunnels Indoor
1A10 m3 m95 %1 sIndoor - up to 30 km/h
Outdoor (rural and urban) up to 250 km/h
NAIndoor - up to 30 km/h
2A3 m3 m99 %1 sOutdoor (rural and urban) up to 500 km/h for trains and up to 250 km/h for other vehiclesOutdoor (dense urban) up to 60 km/h
Along roads up to 250 km/h and along railways up to 500 km/h
Indoor - up to 30 km/h
3A1 m2 m99 %1 sOutdoor (rural and urban) up to 500 km/h for trains and up to 250 km/h for other vehiclesOutdoor (dense urban) up to 60 km/h
Along roads up to 250 km/h and along railways up to 500 km/h
Indoor - up to 30 km/h
4A1 m2 m99,9 %15 msNANAIndoor - up to 30 km/h
5A0.3 m2 m99 %1 sOutdoor (rural) up to 250 km/hOutdoor (dense urban) up to 60 km/h
Along roads and along railways up to 250 km/h
Indoor - up to 30 km/h
6A0.3 m2 m99,9 %10 msNAOutdoor (dense urban) up to 60 km/hIndoor - up to 30 km/h
7R0.2 m0.2 m99 %1 sIndoor and outdoor (rural, urban, dense urban) up to 30 km/h
Relative positioning is between two UEs within 10 m of each other or between one UE and 5G positioning nodes within 10 m of each other (Note 3)
The objective for the vertical positioning requirement is to determine the floor for indoor use cases and to distinguish between superposed tracks for road and rail use cases (e.g. bridges).
Indoor includes location inside buildings such as offices, hospital, industrial buildings.
5G positioning nodes are infrastructure equipment deployed in the service area to enhance positioning capabilities (e.g. beacons deployed on the perimeter of a rendezvous area or on the side of a warehouse).
Up  Other performance requirements |R16|p. 97

The 5G system shall be able to provide the 5G positioning services with a TTFF less than 30 s and, for some 5G positioning services, shall support mechanisms to provide a TTFF less than 10 s.
The 5G system shall support a mechanism to determine the UE's velocity with a positioning service availability of 99%, an accuracy better than 0,5 m/s for the speed and an accuracy better than 5 degree for the 3-Dimension direction of travel.
The 5G system shall support a mechanism to determine the UE's heading with an accuracy better than 30 degrees (0,54 rad) and a positioning service availability of 99,9 % for static users and with an accuracy better than 10 degrees (0,17 rad) and a positioning service availability of 99 % for users up to 10 km/h.
For power consumption aspects for various usage scenarios see TS 22.104.
Low power high accuary positioning use cases and example scenarios for Industrial IoT devices can be found in TS 22.104.

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